Tag: Stress

3 Common Myths About Stress

Stress is one of the most common mental health concerns for people around the world. We’ve all been stressed at some point, and we all will be stressed again. Nevertheless, there is so much information about stress that you are bound to come across a few myths here and there. Today, we debunk three of the most common stress myths around:

When Work Makes You Sick: What Next?

The work you do is meant to enrich your life. It gives you a focus, and of course is the way you generate the income that you need to provide for your family. Work, on the whole, is something that can be a force for tremendous good in your life.

However, there is a potential downside; the threat of work-related illnesses. Below, you can explore some of the most common questions that relate to the idea of work causing harm to your health. If you suspect you — or someone you know — might have been affected, there’s also some valuable advice on next steps.

What Illnesses Are Caused By Working Environments?

  • Mental health conditions
  • Repetitive Strain Injury
  • Mesothelioma, due to asbestos exposure
  • Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

The above are the most common, but realistically, any work could have an impact on your health. If you suspect that work is involved in your misfortune, then you’ll need to look deeper into the matter. The four mentioned might be the most common, but they’re far from the only health issues a bad working environment can cause.

How Do I Know It’s Specifically Work That Caused My Problem?

Some conditions are easier to trace to work-related sources, as the conditions required for the illness are unlikely to exist outside of working environments. It’s easier to obtain Mesothelioma help or Noise-Induced Hearing Loss assistance than it is for RSI or mental health conditions. With Mesothelioma or hearing loss, the issues that cause these are very obviously related to employment; few people will have experienced asbestos or extensive volumes in their personal lives. The same cannot be said for RSI or mental health conditions.

So if you have worked with asbestos or around high volume without adequate ear protection, Occam’s Razor dictates that it will be your working environment that has caused the issue. For mental health problems or RSI, it’s worth thinking through your personal life and seeing if there are any obvious causes. That’s not to say work isn’t the cause of these issues, but just that the matter requires a little more inspection before you pursue the idea.

 Do I Have To Tell My Employer? 

Yes. It is only right to inform your employer if you suspect something you are doing at work is causing health issues.

Do I Have The Right To Time Off Work? 

If you have been made unwell for any reason then you should have time off work if needed. However, few companies have a specific dispensation for extra sickness leave solely due to work-related illness. You will need to talk to your employer about this.

Can I Sue?

It’s impossible to answer this without being sure of your individual situation. The best thing to do is to speak to a lawyer and see if they believe you have a case.

In Conclusion

If you think your work is making you unwell, then don’t ignore the matter. Speak to your employer and a doctor to see what they say. There might be changes or assistance that can be put in place, or you might have a legal case to help pay associated health costs. Don’t just ignore the problem; work is meant to be a method to earn money, and you don’t have to just accept ill health as a part of that deal.

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Technology Takes Another Leap.. Way Forward..An Emotional Wellness App To Fight Stress Makes Its Way In Our Lives

A really welcome launch of an emotional wellness app which I feel is the need of the hour.
The really hectic way of lifestyle and the ever increasing competition at work place is taking its toll on most of us. In India and I believe in certain other parts of the world too emotional distress is immediately linked to mental illness and hence a very big stigma is attached to it. Most people go in a denial mode that all is fine till a stage reaches where things worsen and then they reluctantly go for consultation.

This App allows you to seek help at a click.There are some basic self help measures by which you can monitor your stress levels.

Emotional distress covers a wide range like anxiety, work stress, work-life balance, conflicts or fights at work.
Then there is performance anxiety, public speaking, exam and interview anxiety.
Also very prevalent these days are marriage related problems, divorce and break up, family problems and issues related to children.

Very much on the rise are cases of depression and sadness, dealing with grief and loss, financial worries and sleep issues and many many more.
The app helps you deal with all of these with some simple do it yourself measures and also gives you the luxury to connect with eminent experts with whom you can connect 24×7 without having to actually go to them. They monitor your progress all along as they guide you with their expert advice. So the app helps you overcome your problems in complete secrecy.
The founder of WayForward is Dr Navya Singh, award winning clinical psychologist and researcher at Columbia University, New York.The other eminent experts on the panel are Prof.Lata McGinnis, Global CBT expert, past president of International association of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Chair Indian CBT Association, Dr A K Singh, Director,Reknowned Neurosurgeon, Max Health Care, Angeleena Kaur,Psychologist, Dr Lisa Napolitano,Clinical Psychologist, International mind fullness and CBT expert and Ms Devika Venkatachalam, Psychologist, speciality Children and Adolescents. They are ably assisted by a team of other experts who are with you 24×7.
I think it is a wonderful concept to be able to overcome your emotional problems without getting a stigma attached to it in the privacy of your own.

You can visit their website and download the app and I am sure you and your near ones will benefit from the same.


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Goa, India