Tag: Life Goals

New Years Resolutions That Are Actually Worth Making

A lot of people complain at those who make new year’s resolutions. And in some ways they have a point, you don’t have to wait until january the first to change your life for the better. Every day is an opportunity to improve and grow, that is certainly true. However there’s something about the promise of a brand new year stretching ahead that can give a whole lot of motivation and really push you to set and reach your goals. So if you do want to improve your life, now is a good time to start making plans since we’re nearing the end of the year. Here are some new year’s resolutions that are generally worthwhile making.



One of the things people can go wrong with when setting health goals is being unrealistic or too specific. They might set a target weight that’s too low or a dress size that’s unlikely to work with their body shape. They might aim to look like a certain celebrity or set another goal which simply isn’t achievable. When it comes to health, you should be aiming to live a better lifestyle. Create an eating plan which is focused on plenty of fresh produce, lean protein, low fat dairy and whole grains, but allow yourself the odd day where you can have whatever you fancy so that it’s sustainable long term. Work out what your BMI should be, and plan how much weight you would have to lose (or gain) to get there. With exercise, don’t set yourself the goal of running at 6am every morning if you hate getting up early and hate running. Find a sport, class or activity you enjoy and do this instead. Aim for three days a week, you can build from it if you want but you won’t overwhelm yourself right away. Diet and exercise is a big part of health, but look at the bigger picture too. You should aim to sleep more, drink more water and quit your dangerous vices. Companies like Serenity at Summit Rehab Center can deal with more serious addictions, otherwise speak to your GP regarding your drinking, drugs or smoking addiction. Take care of your mental health too- the body and mind are closely connected so to look after your overall wellbeing you need to be paying attention to the way you feel too. Meditation and relaxation techniques can help with anxiety, otherwise speak to your doctor if an issue like depression or anxiety is affecting your life.


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Being able to keep your finances in order is one of the best skills you can master in your adult life. Whether your budget is big or small, knowing exactly how much you can spend and when to pay your bills so that you’re not getting into trouble or falling behind is important. If you know you’re not the best with money, mak 2018 your year to get it right. If you’re in debt, speak to a debt management company who can negotiate with creditors on your behalf. They can often get you reduced payments and the interest frozen. Use a budgeting app or work out your money on a calendar so you know exactly what needs to be paid and when. Spend some time getting this right so that you’re not falling behind and can feel calm and confident when it comes to your bills. Another thing you could do to improve your financial situation is ask for a promotion, change careers or do some work from home. You could do this by setting up a home business, or



We all lead such busy lifestyles. Between working full time, taking care of children and running a house, you will often find that time completely escapes you. However it’s important to find time for loved ones, these are the people that matter so you will want to keep social bonds strong. You could arrange a monthly dinner together at the weekend, in the summer this could be a barbeque or a picnic. The rest of the year you could host dinner parties at home, or take it in turns to go to each other. You could arrange a day out or a mini break with them, whether it’s jetting off somewhere or going camping with a couple of other families. Even making the time for the occasional phone call is important. If you know you’ve been neglecting your loved ones and not attending social things recently, you could aim to sort this out in the new year. Having a support network is around you, so be sure to be there when your loved ones need you and in return you know they will be there for you. You will feel far more secure in life, and if things ever do go wrong you will have people who care about you close to you.



The planet is colossal, and if we only ever stay in one place we miss out on so much. Travel expands your mind, gives you a whole new perspective and it’s fun too. If your budget is smaller you could aim to go on road trips in the country where you live, visit different places where you’re from which you’ve never seen. If you’re able to spend more you could aim to visit new countries and destinations that have always appealed to you. If you go on a cruise, you will stop off at lots of different destinations along the way. Or you could go on a river cruise through cities, there are tonnes of these in Europe. You could go backpacking, or just aim to go on a couple of vacations. Either way, you’ll never regret travelling and seeing more of the world is a worthwhile resolution to make. It benefits both adults and kids and is something you can do if you’re a family or by yourself.

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What resolutions will you be making for 2018? Have you got any ideas yet?


Passionate About Business? 3 Ways To Give Yours A Boost

If you have a business of your own which you are keen to do as well as possible, there are many different approaches which you might find necessary. The truth is that running a business can be a surprisingly difficult venture, and it is always important to ensure that you know what you are doing. Something you will almost certainly always want to do is to be sure that you are finding ways to boost your business. This in itself can be tough, but it’s one of the most important things to try and do in any business, and as such it is worth remembering. Let’s look at three powerful ways to boost your business fast.

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Sometimes a business just becomes a little stagnant, for no particular reason. This can be the hardest of all, because it means that you are probably going to struggle to find a solution for the problem. However, you’re still open to being able to make other kinds of changes in business, the kind that are a good idea no matter what is going on. A great example is to simply relocate your business, either just across town or to another country altogether. Getting the help of Bekins Moving Solutions and relocating to another spot can be a surprisingly powerful way to give your business something of an immediate boost. However, be prepared to encounter a short period of upheaval, as moving your business can also take its toll.


Moving is not the only thing you can do to ensure your business remains in the limelight. Another hugely effective means of achieving the same ends is to rebrand your business in some way or another. The brand hugely affects the business, and it is necessary to find a brand image that really works. If you find yours is no longer that suitable, you might want to try and find a new way to display your business to the public and to the marketplace. With the right kind of branding, you can expect your business to suddenly improve hugely, so this is likely to be a highly important next step for you to take.

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Your business needs to have some kind of a mission if it is to succeed, and as it turns out restating that mission can be a great way to boost the company fast. If you are finding that your business is not quite achieving its aims, the problem might in part be that you need to look at those aims. Consider going back to the drawing board and figuring out how you can restate your mission. If you manage to do this in the right way, it can easily mean that you end up with a much more successful business on your hands in no time.

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The three above options are all useful if you need a sudden boost in business. But remember to also work on improving the way your business functions in the long term if you want to see real lasting success.


Self Love: How To Feel Good In The Skin You’re In


As women, it’s not always easy to feel good about yourself. In fact, more often than not, most of us feel quite bad. It’s just so much easier to be tough on yourself than it is to try and be kind to yourself. But sometimes, you have to be able to say enough is enough, and start being a bit nicer to yourself. However, if you’re not too happy in your body at the moment, this could be something that you actually find quite hard. So, you’re going to want to work on things that will help you to shake the negativity off.

And although this is easier said than done, being happy as you are doesn’t have to be a pipe dream. In fact, it doesn’t even have to be out of reach. You just need to know how to make it happen. Whether you’ve always felt self-conscious, or you’ve recently been through a rough patch, and you’re looking to move forward in a positive manner, each of these seven points should help you. So if you are ready to change the way you feel, let’s take a look at some of the things that could help you to feel great in the skin you were born into.

Think Positive

As hard as it can often seem, you’re going to want to make sure that you change your thought processes. When you’re so used to being negative about yourself, it’s not the easiest to suddenly be positive, but you should try to work on that if you want to feel good. By having a positive mindset, you should find that it’s easier for you to feel better about yourself. When you start to manage this, you should find everything that little bit better.

Compliment Yourself

As you start to get a little more positive about yourself, you’re going to want to start complimenting yourself. It might feel a bit strange at first, but you need to make sure that you’re happier in yourself. It might feel good to say to yourself that you look good in a certain dress, or that a lipstick color suits your skin tone. It might all seem a little strange at first, but before long you’ll definitely notice that you feel so much more confident in yourself.

Work Out

When you’re feeling down, you don’t always want to do this, but one thing’s for sure, working out is a great way to feel good in your skin. So think about getting in shape. Because when you start to work out a bit more, you will find that you get an endorphin rush, and it’s always hard not to feel amazing in your own skin when you’ve got endorphins rushing around your body.


Treat Yourself

You should also think about the things you can do to feel better about yourself too. When you’re wearing old clothes that no longer fit you, it’s going to affect your confidence. So, you need to think about investing in pieces that will make you feel good. Whether it’s something like dresses from Anthony’s, or an entire new outfit from one of your favorite local boutiques, go ahead. Because you need to feel good about yourself, and clothes can help with that.

Get Some Sleep

Another thing you should aim to do is to get enough sleep. Because when you’re not sleeping well, it will affect your frame of mind. However, when you’re able to sleep well, and get enough high quality of sleep at that, you should find that you can take on a more positive mindset so much more easily. And you should have more energy too – which will always make you feel good.

Don’t’ Make Comparisons

It’s so easy to compare yourself to others. But this isn’t always great for your self-esteem. Instead of making comparisons with celebrities or your friends, you need to feel good in yourself. So stop putting yourself down. Focus on the things you do like about yourself, and work on the things you don’t. Because comparisons don’t make changes, actions do!

Eat Well

Finally, you might also want to think about trying to eat a little better too. Again, this isn’t always something you feel like doing when you’re down. But it will make you feel better in the long run. There are certain foods that can help you feel better. And although you may be craving junk right now, it’s only going to make you feel worse about yourself. So try to avoid rubbish when you’re feeling rubbish and you should be okay.


Empty Nest Syndrome: 5 Ways To Live Your Life When The Kids Have Gone

Goodbye for now (source)

It’s the moment many parents dread: the day when the kids leave home and start a new life of their own elsewhere. They have flown the nest, and the poor parents are left behind to pick up the pieces. Either that or they finally breathe a sigh of relief and look forward to having the house to themselves again.

If you are suffering from empty nest syndrome, there is helpful advice online on how to deal with the grieving process. You may also benefit from speaking to a counsellor if you are particularly struggling with the loneliness you feel now that the kids have gone. Of course, life isn’t over for you, and you are more than just a parent. Rather than dwell in sorrow for too long, take the time to start living your life for yourself again.

Here are five ways to live your life after the kids have flown the nest.

1. Go back to work

You may have given up work to have children, so consider getting back into the career you started years ago. Alternatively, think about something where you can use your parenting skills, such as a career in nursing. Going back to school can be scary if you have been out of education, but courses such as the master’s in nursing education can be done online and at home.

2. Reconnect with your partner

Having kids takes its toll on any relationship, so now is the time to fall back in love with your partner all over again. You probably sat at home and stressed about the kids together when they were still at home, and you are likely to do this now they’ve left. Stop it! Spend time with your partner doing the things you both enjoy doing, and create new experiences together that are all about the two of you, and nothing to do with the children.

3. Meet new people

Whether you go it alone, or bring your partner with you, find ways to meet other people. Sites such as Meetup.com will direct you to groups and places where you can make new friends of any age. Not only that, but you can take part in some fantastic new hobbies that will distract you from any empty nest feelings you are suffering from.

4. Do something with the house

What you do with your house is up to you, but you may want to empty your kid’s room and use it for something new. You might want to convert it into a study, guest bedroom, or a den, as possible examples. Redecorate it as you want, and you may find the change of decor helps you to deal with your happy but grief-stricken memories of time at home with the kids. You will never forget your children, but constant reminders are bound to trigger your tear ducts for a while.

5. Look after yourself

You won’t feel good about yourself if you are stuck in empty nest syndrome. Sitting at home on the couch all day, with a box of chocolates in one hand and a handkerchief in the other, is not going to do much to help your mood. Instead, focus on a healthy lifestyle, such as joining a gym or a dance class to get your body into shape. Not only will you benefit your body, but the ‘feel good’ chemicals released during exercise will be good for your mind, as well.

Thanks for reading!






Keep Yourself Warm, Fit, And Happy This Winter


Winter is on its way, which means it’ll be getting colder and you’ll just want to hibernate away from everyone. It is also very easy to start eating a lot more – again, the hibernation stage. And then you end up wobbling through the new year wondering how you put on so much weight.

Well, here’s how you can avoid that from happening while having some fun.

Go on a treasure hunt.

Include the whole family in this one and go out on an adventure. Thanks to modern day technology, there are now things called geocaching, which is essentially a virtual treasure hunt in which you use a handheld GPS to find hidden caches of trinkets. It’s actually a lot harder than you would imagine, making it a fun activity for all the family – including you grown-ups. Going on a walk doesn’t sound that interesting, but going on an adventure does. An adventure that requires you to be in a pretty location in the outdoors, surrounded by the fresh air, the ones you love, and a whole bunch of fat burning and muscle toning fun. Just remember to wrap up warm, and look out for wonderful winter wildlife.

Put on your dancing shoes.

Who doesn’t like to dance? Even if you’re no good at it, it’s still a lot of fun to do. It’s a way of releasing all the built up stress and being totally and utterly free for a while. Let alone it being a brilliant way to keep fit. Whether you feel more comfortable doing it from the comfort of your own home with the curtains shut and the music turned up to the max, or maybe you like the idea of taking part in some Zumba fitness for weight loss – just find something you enjoy. As long as you’re having fun, it won’t even feel like a workout. So disconnect yourself from the world for a while, and work up a sweat to your favorite tunes. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

Make play your workout.

Think back to when you were a child. What kind of activities would you do before your parents spoiled the fun by calling you in for dinner? Riding your bike. Rollerblading. Jumping rope. – These are all things that we enjoyed doing so much when we were younger, so why stop doing them now we’re grown? Rediscover that joy that you used to have all those years ago.

Go and explore on your bike and pedal as fast as you can until your legs turn to jelly. You’ll feel invisible, like no one can touch you, not even the biggest sports professionals in the world. And not only that, but think about all the calories that you’ll be burning as you go!

Now you see that there are a number of different ways to get active and keep yourself warm in the winter, you have no more excuses. Don’t let the idea of ‘working out’ put you off. It doesn’t have to be a chore at all – it can be a reward.

Why Fall Is The Perfect Time To Try Something New

It can be all too easy to start feeling blue around this time of year. The skies are getting a little darker, the days are getting a little colder and everywhere you look people seem just a little grumpier and more ill tempered. This is a shame because there’s a lot to love about the autumnal season. The reddish brown leaves of the trees, the slight mist that pervades in the air, the slightly smoky scent carried on the breeze. It’s a beautiful time of year! The trouble is that when the sun starts to retreat behind the clouds and the nights grow longer most of us find ourselves starting to feel down through no fault of our own. Fear not, however, you can mitigate the effects of these seasonal blues by shaking things up and trying new things.

Going back to school

It’s this time of year when kids and college students are going back to school which lends the season a certain frisson of excitement and opportunity. Just because your school or college days are behind you, doesn’t mean that you can’t energize yourself by trying something new. As we get older we tend to fall into the same habits and behavioral patterns and our brains go on autopilot as it’s not required to make new neural pathways. That’s why the days seem to last forever when we’re young and months go by in the blink of an eye when we get older, it’s because back then our brains were making new pathways all the time and we felt stimulated and excited. No matter how old we get, fall always seems like the start of the new year so now’s the time to reignite those feelings again.

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Change your eating and drinking habits

Even if you enjoy a healthy, balanced diet now is the perfect time to open yourself up to new culinary experiences. If you only ever drink white wine, try red. If you only ever drink vodka try whiskey, which can be an intimidating drink but there are plenty of more accessible starter whiskeys. Check out this Kikori review for a great example. The food we eat is a great way of understanding the various cultures of the world so trying a new cuisine is a great way of broadening your cultural horizons (without having to read subtitles). If you’ve always likes your food on the bland side, open yourself up to trying Indian, Thai or Malaysian foods. While these richly flavored foods utilize a broad palettes of spices to create dynamic and interesting flavors there are often plenty of accessible dishes to ease new diners into the flavors.

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Take a class

If you were a drama queen at school, join a local amateur dramatics society or (better yet) get yourself an agent and try and get some paid acting work in your free time. Or, why not learn a new craft. Most community centres and colleges offer classes in all kinds of arts, music and dance as well as sports. These are great ways of keeping in shape (why wait till new year?) while teaching new new skills and introducing you to a whole new circle of friends.





Are These Unhealthy Habits Ruling Your Life?

Everyone has unhealthy habits. Some of us eat a bit too much junk food, while others aren’t so good at keeping their home clean. While it’s important to try and kick bad habits, most of them don’t have too big of an impact on your life. But there are some unhealthy habits that can take over your life, and you might end up planning everything around them. Sometimes, it’s not even possible to make plans, because your unhealthy habit rules over all your time. It’s important to be aware of when something unhealthy has become more than that, and how you can get your life back.

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Smoking is a pretty common habit, and it can be difficult to stop. It’s important to remember that it’s addictive, and kicking any addiction is tough. Many smokers probably think smoking doesn’t rule their life, but from an outside perspective, things can look a little different. If you smoke so much that you need to plan a journey with smoke breaks or you have to remove yourself from situations so you can go and smoke, it could be affecting your life more than you think. It’s also very bad for your body. If you want to quit, it’s always useful to access resources and support. You can speak to your doctor and find plenty of help online.

Drinking Too Much

Drinking alcohol is another thing that many people do but, unlike smoking, most people don’t get addicted. However, even those who might not technically be described as an alcoholic can still have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. There are responsible ways to drink and less responsible ways, and there is a danger of it affecting your life. If your drinking habits are having a negative impact on your life, you might need to reassess them. A resource like alcoholrehab.me can help with anyone who thinks they might have an addiction or drinking problem. In some situations, you can take control of the problem yourself and change your habits.

Working Too Much

You might not see yourself as a workaholic, but it might be a different story if you ask anyone you know. Working can be addictive for a few reasons, ranging from money to feeling like you have a purpose or ignoring other things in your life. But if you work all the time, you could exhaust yourself and have no time to do anything else. There’s no point working if you don’t have the time or energy to use the money you make. It could be time to start reorganizing your priorities and your schedule.

Running Away from Problems

Avoiding your problems can be an easier habit to fall into than you might think. Even though it doesn’t make your problem go away, it can make you feel like they have. But the longer you ignore a problem, the bigger it could become. If you’re always running away from your problems, only you can make a change. It might be helpful, however, to get support from friends and family or from a therapist.

The unhealthy habits could be ruling your life, and you shouldn’t let them. Maybe it’s time to make a change.

How to Talk to Elderly About Handing Over The Car Keys

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Driving is a sensitive topic when we’re young as well as old. To a teenager, being able to get their license and own their own car means independence and freedom – two of the keywords that most people appreciate today. To an older person, keeping their driver’s license and continuing to transport themselves around means exactly the same.


So how do we approach a relative or neighbor tactfully when we suspect it’s time for them to hand over the keys? Realizing how difficult it can be to give this up is just the first step; here is how you can address the issue and eliminate your worries without sparking resentment.


Understanding their situation


Empathy is the way to success in this case, and the more you have of it, the easier it will be to understand why a relative or friend will be reluctant to give up on driving. The older we get, the more losses we tend to experience in life, and many elderly will rigidly hold onto whatever they can to avoid losing even more control of their lives.


When so much has been taken away already, how can one give up on the only thing that enables us in seeing who we want, going where we’d like to go, and pursuing the same activities? In the eyes of many seniors, this is just not going to happen.


This is why it’s so important that you plan ahead and approach the topic tactfully. Take some time to consider your own role in all of this – is it really up to you to decide if they can drive or not, and do you even have any recent experience with not being able to drive?


Talking by listening


While you’re still in the process of planning the talk, it’s a good idea to challenge yourself. By not driving for a week or two, you can approach the conversation with some first-hand experience and a fresh layer of empathy.


Whatever you choose, make sure you find a quiet time of the day to mention your concerns. Remember that this is a gradual process and you’re not going to triumphantly end the conversation with their keys in your hand.


The truth is that if you’ve noticed that their driving is a bit more reckless than it was, they’ve probably noticed it themselves. We all need a nudge in the right direction, especially with regards to our health, and asking them about a recent parking ticket can be an effective way of starting the conversation.


Just like the presence of medicalert.systems is a way to keep them safe and your own worries at bay, a conversation like this should be built around ensuring their health. How do they feel about driving lately? Try to listen rather than finding solutions to their problems with being unable to drive – sure, somebody may be happy to drive them around, but it’s not what they need to hear right now.


Reflective listening is a term in psychology and especially helpful with such a sensitive topic. It should be a long talk, encouraged by a type of listening where you reflect some of his worries by repeating them. Read more about it at caring.com for a detailed guide on how to approach the talk.


No matter how much you dread it, you’re not doing anyone any favors by procrastinating. Spend some time on thinking about your own role and try to understand their feelings before attempting to talk about it; although it may not be resolved by the end of the day, you’ll be well on your way.

It’s Time to Start Feeling Comfortable in Your Own Skin!

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We live in a world that thrives on perfection. Everyone wants the perfect hair, the perfect skin, the perfect smile and the perfect wardrobe to top it all off. It’s easy to get drawn into this culture that idealises the flawless. Sometimes, it makes us overly self-critical. We begin to doubt our own beauty and start to feel blue. It’s about time that we free ourselves from these stresses and start feeling comfortable in our own skin. Remember, nobody is really perfect, and our imperfections are what make us unique and who we are. So, if you’re feeling a little down about your appearance, here are a few tips and tricks that can help you along on your journey to self-acceptance.

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Note Down Your Insecurities

Take a few moments to sit down and make a note of all of the things that make you feel insecure. Once you’ve gathered a list and have identified the root causes of your worries, you’ll realise that most of them are easy to change. All it takes is a little dedication and hard work. If your self-confidence issues are weight orientated, start to make a plan. A healthy balanced diet and the correct amount of exercise can help you to reach a healthier BMI, whether that involves losing a few pounds or putting a little weight on. If you are concerned about blemished skin, visit your doctor. They will be able to recommend creams and lotions that can help to reduce spots and they will also be able to give you an idea of the correct skin care routine for your type of skin. If you don’t like your hair, it can be easily cut, dyed or grown. Alternatively, there are endless types of weave, extensions and wigs out there too! If your hair is constantly getting in the way, you might like to shave it or have a shorter, cropped cut. If there are issues on the list that are a little more stubborn, don’t worry. There is always an expert plastic surgeon on hand who may be able to help. Remember, your body is your own! You can do what you want with its appearance.

Don’t Believe Everything You See

First things first, let’s tackle the media and social media. Every day we are exposed to seemingly endless images of models and celebrities looking the image of perfection. But prevent yourself from comparing your own looks to theirs. After all, these images are highly edited using airbrushing software. Many celebrities will admit themselves that the photographs of them plastered over posters and advertisements don’t actually look anything like them in real life. Now, your friends and colleagues’ social media feeds. Remember that people only post images of themselves when they’re looking good. It’s unlikely that you’ll find anyone who will post a picture of themselves as they wake up in the morning without a filter applied. It’s important that you recognise the power of angles, lighting and filters in other people’s projections of themselves and essential that you don’t compare yourself in real life to others’ altered pictures.

Self-confidence is massively important, as your confidence can greatly affect your lifestyle and composure. So, it’s time to start building it today. Don’t wait around. It’s time to start feeling comfortable in your own skin!

4 Things Your Morning Routine Needs More Of

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Every day starts with a morning. There is no escaping that fact. That’s what makes or break moment that sets you up for a great day or one you’d rather forget in a flash. With that in mind, finding the perfect morning routine should be a priority on everyone’s list because the right routine can sprinkle positivity over the rest of your day. It is a magic formula that will probably require tweaking but, once you have perfected it, well it becomes a matter of wake up, smile, live, sleep, repeat. What’s more even the most morning-loathing people on the planet can learn to love dawn with the right routine in place.

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Save The Coffee For Later

What you drink first thing in the morning is so important when it comes to getting the rest of your day right. So while coffee may be the go to drink of choice, it isn’t a preferable option going, more just a habit you can’t kick. Instead, we recommend you try caffeinated water. If you want to get that shock-factor that coffee gives you, then store a bottle of this in the fridge overnight, otherwise just drink it warm. Not only will the caffeine work wonders, the infused fruit will get your digestive system working while your body will get the rehydration process underway; pretty important after eight hours of nothing.

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Always Eat Breakfast

Not only is this the most important and most tasty meal of the day, it is one of the most important ingredients in a healthy morning routine. This is the fuel that will kick start your day, the very substance that will urge positivity to build from your belly, jump starting your metabolism and giving you that energy you so desperately want. Of course, in order to get the most out of this, you’ll want to have something healthy but long-lasting, which is why you should mix fresh fruit with something like muesli, adding a splash of yoghurt and honey into the mix because, well, why wouldn’t you? It is delicious and a surefire way to stop you from always feeling hungry. Oh, and by eating brekky every day, your body won’t feel such a need to hang onto your fat deposits, which means your metabolism is way better too.

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Stretch It Out Now

If you are worried that a morning routine will mean you have to get up a ton of minutes (possibly even hours) earlier than you are used to, then you can safely eradicate that thought now. Even just the addition of a stretching routine can be done and dusted within five minutes. What this does, though, is wake up your muscles and prepare them for the big day you have ahead. Try not to just stick with one stretching routine and use that every morning, however. Instead, try and listen to what your body is saying and tweak your stretches to meet your body’s wants and needs. That will give it a much more beneficial role in your day.

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Always Talk To Someone

It doesn’t matter whether you talk to your gorgeous partner or your housemates, or whether you pick up the phone and call your mum or your best friend, talking is a great addition to anyone’s morning routine. This is because human contact can seriously alleviate any feelings of stress or anxiety, two things that are awesome at ruining your day. The reason this works is that, when we talk to people, serotonin gets released into our body’s and that whips stress’ butt while also boosting your creativity, positive energy and just plain awesomeness.




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