Tag: Healthy Habits

Increase Your Alertness With This Morning Routine

llows you to kickstart your daily routine, establish your energy, and supercharge your mood. If you often feel tired in the morning, even after a long sleep, then you might want to consider changing your morning routine. Use these tips to supercharge your morning routine and increase your alertness.

How To Start The Day Right

Waking up in the morning is hard enough. No one likes to get out of bed, and when you have a busy day ahead, it can be even more difficult. But with these six tips for starting your day right, you’ll find yourself energized and ready to take on whatever life throws at you!

Improving Well-Being, Not Temporarily Feeling Better About Yourself

It’s easy to think about how many things we have wrong with ourselves. Both due to our own insecurities or worries, as well as ones pushed onto us by the mass media. Not having the latest sports car, not having the latest iPhone or another flavour of the months smart device like a phablet or iWatch. Not earning enough money, not being able to afford fancy expensive hotels while on holidays, getting old, not being “sexy” anymore, not being able to follow the latest fads and trends. The list goes on and on, and while you could sit there and be stuck in a cycle of perpetual worry and self-doubt, you could take a step back, and think about things that actually matter in life. Not even in the sense of “get over yourself there are more important things at hand”, anyone can tell you that, and as valid as that may be it is not “advice” which works on everyone. So let’s look at how you should get back to basics, and look after yourself in ways in actually help your well being, rather than just helping you feel better about yourself for having the latest smartphone.

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Sleeping habits


Sleep is possibly one of the most important parts of your day, you may not feel like it sometimes, but your body certainly does feel like it. If you find yourself constantly weary and tired during everyday life, having problems with coordination, maybe you tend to get irritated quickly or lose your temper, these are all common symptoms of bad sleeping habits. The amount of things which get affected by poor sleeping, span from hair loss to even lack of appetite or sex drive. Now while ordering some mens hair thinning treatments and some viagra might be a good start or quick-fix solution, the ideal scenario would be to get yourself back on track to the point where you don’t need them.


Everyone is different, and while there are recommended sleeping hours for age groups, they do not always tend to fit everyone perfectly. Some people prefer less sleeping time, some a bit more, and some prefer to take naps every now and again rather than getting a “proper” night’s sleep. Of course, what is best for you is absolutely up to you to decide, but the guidelines for age groups are as follows:


Teenagers (14-17): 8-10 hours

Young adults (18-25): 7-9 hours

Adults (26-64): Once again, 7-9 hours

Older adults (65+): 7-8 hours


As you can see, the trend tends to be that the older you get, the less sleep you need, but as mentioned above, these are guidelines. Some people even adapt a whole new way of sleeping, called polyphasic sleep, which consists of sleeping very few hours at night, usually from around as little as 3 to sometimes 5 hours a night. After that, people have two 15 to 20-minute naps during the day to keep themselves fresh. It might seem like a strange concept, but it has shown to boost productivity amongst people as well as overall better wellbeing.


Don’t Wait Until The New Year to Break Those Bad Habits

If there’s one phrase guaranteed to make eyes roll the world over it’s New Year’s Resolution. This ancient custom has been with us since the days of ancient Rome and while we’ll never know for sure, it’s a good bet that those ancient Romans sucked at keeping them as much as we do. And they didn’t have nearly as many temptations as we face in the modern age. Let’s face it, we all have habits we’d prefer to kick and it can be all too easy to mollify ourselves into indulging our bad habits as we embrace fall and face the coming prospect of winter. After all, ‘tis the season to be jolly (and for jolly read gluttonous). As the skies darken and our hibernation instinct kicks in it’s tempting to spend every available moment huddled under a duvet quietly stuffing our faces, vaguely assuring ourselves that we’ll kick our bad habits utterly and completely (and this time we really mean it). There is, of course, one problem with that logic…

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If it’s difficult now, it’ll be even worse in January

Sure, it’s getting darker, colder and drearier outside. The thing is, come January, it’ll be really dark, cold and dreary outside. As hard as it is to stay motivated to develop healthy habits in the fall, it’s much, much harder at the height of winter. Instead of deferring your self-improvement for a few months, this is a better time than ever to work towards a happier healthier you.

Now is the time to get in shape

It’s around this time of year when many of us begin to experience the onset of Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. While this can lead to a sharp decline in motivation and energy, the natural endorphin spike that exercise provides is a great antidote to this affliction. Start your day with a trip to the gym or even a brisk jog and you’ll start to feel brighter and more positive as you go about your day.

Now is the time to admit you may have a problem

The upcoming festive period brings certain temptations with it, and these are often accompanied by a spike in alcohol related crime and illness. If you (or those close to you) are worried about your current alcohol consumption then you may need support over the coming months or risk lapsing into problem drinking. If you admit that you may have a problem now, you stand a much better chance of staying strong when the temptation is at its greatest. Check out https://broadwaytreatmentcenter.com/treatment/detox-program/ for examples of treatment that may be beneficial to you. Even if you don’t feel that formal help is appropriate to you, now is the perfect time to open up to someone you love. There’s no reason why you should face your troubles alone.

Now is the time to treat your body to some real nutrition

Of course your brain’s telling you to load up on fatty, sugary, salty convenience foods, but these will only feed the cycle of lethargy and unhappiness. Treat your body to fresh, natural whole foods which are scientifically proven to beat the winter blues and give your metabolism the boost that will help mitigate the wobbly effects of the inevitable indulgence of Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Are These Unhealthy Habits Ruling Your Life?

Everyone has unhealthy habits. Some of us eat a bit too much junk food, while others aren’t so good at keeping their home clean. While it’s important to try and kick bad habits, most of them don’t have too big of an impact on your life. But there are some unhealthy habits that can take over your life, and you might end up planning everything around them. Sometimes, it’s not even possible to make plans, because your unhealthy habit rules over all your time. It’s important to be aware of when something unhealthy has become more than that, and how you can get your life back.

By Pixabay


Smoking is a pretty common habit, and it can be difficult to stop. It’s important to remember that it’s addictive, and kicking any addiction is tough. Many smokers probably think smoking doesn’t rule their life, but from an outside perspective, things can look a little different. If you smoke so much that you need to plan a journey with smoke breaks or you have to remove yourself from situations so you can go and smoke, it could be affecting your life more than you think. It’s also very bad for your body. If you want to quit, it’s always useful to access resources and support. You can speak to your doctor and find plenty of help online.

Drinking Too Much

Drinking alcohol is another thing that many people do but, unlike smoking, most people don’t get addicted. However, even those who might not technically be described as an alcoholic can still have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. There are responsible ways to drink and less responsible ways, and there is a danger of it affecting your life. If your drinking habits are having a negative impact on your life, you might need to reassess them. A resource like alcoholrehab.me can help with anyone who thinks they might have an addiction or drinking problem. In some situations, you can take control of the problem yourself and change your habits.

Working Too Much

You might not see yourself as a workaholic, but it might be a different story if you ask anyone you know. Working can be addictive for a few reasons, ranging from money to feeling like you have a purpose or ignoring other things in your life. But if you work all the time, you could exhaust yourself and have no time to do anything else. There’s no point working if you don’t have the time or energy to use the money you make. It could be time to start reorganizing your priorities and your schedule.

Running Away from Problems

Avoiding your problems can be an easier habit to fall into than you might think. Even though it doesn’t make your problem go away, it can make you feel like they have. But the longer you ignore a problem, the bigger it could become. If you’re always running away from your problems, only you can make a change. It might be helpful, however, to get support from friends and family or from a therapist.

The unhealthy habits could be ruling your life, and you shouldn’t let them. Maybe it’s time to make a change.

Getting Yourself Healthy In Time For July

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If you are anything like us, then you have been saying you’ll get healthy in time for summer since Boxing Day. Yet here you are, at the dawn of summer and you still haven’t done a quarter of what you had intended (read: haven’t done anything whatsoever). Don’t worry, it’s hard, we know that. Time flies like a jet plane and healthy habits are hard to get into. We know this as much as the next couch potato. It’s not too late, though.

It’s only the start of June and that means you have about a month to get super-duper healthy, which is totally doable. All you need to do is follow these simple strategies. It’s not one-size fits all, so pick and choose the ones that will suit your life and go from there.

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Ba-Bye Junk Food

Junk food is the antichrist of a healthy body because it is the polar opposite of healthy food. So if you have junk food in your diet, toss it out. Get rid of that and you’ll get rid of your belly fat. Anything that is fatty, sugary, salty or greasy needs to be gone. Set yourself a challenge of one month whereby you have no junk food in your home – or at work – whatsoever.

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Find Yourself A Diet

What you want is a diet that will use the body’s natural processes of burning and storing fat; something like the HCG diet will get you ready for summer. The reason for getting into a diet plan is that it will give you something tangible to follow and that will act as motivation alongside the ticking clock of summer.

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Cook In Bulk

The best way to stick to a healthy eating plan is to cook in bulk. Get ahead of the game by cooking in big beautiful batches of healthy meals and then store it in the freezer. Not only will this mean you have something healthy to take to work or have at your fingertips, it will also mean less time in the kitchen and more time on the treadmill. That’s two birds with one stone.

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Change Up Your Snacking

When we think snacks we think about crisps, chocolate and that sort of thing (thank you very much, food industry). However, a quick mentality alteration and your snacking can become that much healthier. Things like fruit, raw nuts, and chopped vegetables are a way healthier alternative and will see you summer ready in no time.

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No More Naughty Drinks

Just take a moment to think about what you drink on a normal day. Sugary drinks and coffee with sugar in it (or even coffee without sugar in it!). These are empty calories that are so detrimental to a healthy body. So get into the habit of drinking water or some gorgeously healthy tea, like green tea or jasmine tea or any kind of fruit tea really. Healthy body and mind here we come.

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Bring On A Partner

The hardest thing about getting healthy, as you’ll probably agree, is motivating yourself. At first, it isn’t too bad, but then you miss one gym session and it spirals out of control. That’s where having a partner on board can be so helpful. Your spouse or a friend or someone you work with, anyone that will stop you making up excuses like you just have to watch the next episode of Big Little Lies and then you’re good to go. Having someone with you makes it more fun too, and in one month’s time, you can thank them for the way you look at feel.

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