Tag: Ikreatepassions

Sunday Brunch @ Life Beach Lounge, Morjim, Goa

Well, Sundays are actually meant to be spent in a leisurely manner and whoever came up with the idea of brunch was a really wise man.


Brunch is a combination of breakfast and lunch eaten usually during the late morning to early afternoon, generally served from 10 am up to 2 pm, and regularly has some form of alcoholic drink which mostly includes champagne or a cocktail. The word is a portmanteau of breakfast and lunch. Brunch originated in the late 19th century in England and became popular in the United States in the 1930s. From there on the trend started catching up with the rest of the world and each country twisted and turned around with their ideas of brunch. Sunday brunches started becoming extremely popular because of the leisurely feeling attached with a Sunday. Usually, people party late nights on a Saturday and a Sunday Brunch seemed just like a perfect meal. Slowly restaurants started picking up the idea and the brunches became even more popular. One the timings made a lot of sense to late risers, plus Sunday could be a no-cook day and it also gave an opportunity for the entire family or even friends to head out together and enjoy a relaxed meal.

My Sunday Brunch

Ok now after the brief history and increasing popularity details about the Sunday Brunch lets bring the focus back to the fact that why am I writing about a Sunday Brunch. Of course, because I recently enjoyed a great Sunday Brunch that I would want to share with all of you. Life Beach Lounge recently got launched in Goa and this happened to be their first Sunday Brunch and so I had to attend it anyhow. All thanks to my PR friend Sinead, I got the opportunity to review the Sunday Brunch and we a handful of foodies headed straight to Life Beach Resort in Morjim.

The Ambiance

Even though you head out for a food review, you cannot ignore the effect that the ambiance of the place creates on you. Right from the entrance, the place is a picturesque beauty. The pathway that leads to the main seating area in itself is an Instagram friendly point and yes we did stop there to click some pictures first.

As you walk in, the first look of the place mesmerizes you completely. The classy seating, the lounge area, the lavish bar and then the blue sky above, the beach and the sea view that you can’t take your eyes off. I mean I could just sit there and do nothing for hours. Lucky are those who can call such a place their workplace. I could actually urge the management to hire me and allow me to work from such a quaint and beautiful place and ahhh life would then be more a bliss!

Anyway, I won’t say much, just see the pictures and you will know exactly what I mean.

The Food and Drinks

The Sunday Brunch comprises of a specially curated menu that offers the best of Asian food possible. From Japanese Sushi to Thai Salads, Oriental Soups To Pizzas, there is more and enough for everyone to choose items as per their taste buds. Since we were a group of 6 people, we went on to try everything on the menu and there were following dishes that we tried


Som Tam, Fresh Ice Berg Salad, Japanese Beef Salad and Chicken Glass Noodles Salad


Gazpacho Soup and Hot & Sour Soup


Margarita, Peri-Peri and Pepperoni


Fusion Uramaki Roll, Veg Tempura Uramaki Roll, Prawn Tempura Uramaki Roll, Salmon Uramaki Roll and Spicy Tuna Roll


Thai Red Curry-Chicken with Steamed Jasmine Rice


Panna Cotta, Fruit Salad & Brownie


Champagne Cocktail and Rose Wine

Overall the food was very well done, my recommendations and favorites from all segments would include, The Japanese Beef Salad, The Som Tam Salad, The Chicken Glass Noodles Salad, The Gazpacho Soup, The Spicy Tuna Uramaki Roll, The Prawn Tempura Uramaki Roll, Margarita Pizza, Red Thai Curry with Rice and The Panna Cotta. And trust me on this, order minimum of two portions of the Panna Cotta, It was so so delicious that one would not be able to satiate the craving.

Final Word

So be it the ambiance, the music, the drinks or the food, this place is a perfect hangout place to chill and relax with your family and friends. Go with leisure in mind and don’t look at the watch, I am sure you will enjoy more that way. Sit back, relax, enjoy the food, drinks, music, get some sun and sand, dip in the sea and come back home fully charged up to tackle the new week and to kick off the Monday blues. For me spending this Sunday afternoon with my friends, enjoying amazing food and drinks by the beach was just the kind of relaxation I dig. Kudos to the entire team at LIFE especially the chefs to pull out such a lovely menu and the ever smiling and hospitable staff.

Sunday Brunch Details

The Silver Brunch that includes all of the above mentioned items(except the spicy tuna roll) come priced at Rs 1800 ++

Other sushi variety can be ordered at an additional price of Rs 1000 and drinks also come in two packages priced at Rs 1200 and Rs 1800 respectively.

Follow them on Instagram and Facebook to get regular updates about their events @life.beach.goa

Life By The Living Room Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Questions to Ask Before You Select a Rehab Facility

12 Keys Rehabs have helped many people to permanently quit their destructive drug or alcohol habit. There are many rehab facilities. Choosing the right one for your particular needs is very important. That is why the selection process should not be rushed. Taking your time and carefully analyzing all of your options will definitely benefit you in the long run. You need to know the right questions to ask the representatives of each rehab facility you talk to. This will make it easier for you to ascertain if that particular facility will be able to provide you with the quality of treatment you are looking for. Here are some of the key questions that you should ask.

1. Can you provide me with a list of credentials for your entire staff?

The most important thing that you need to determine when you are selecting a rehab facility is the qualifications of the people who work there. Yo need to be absolutely certain that the people who are treating you have many years of experience and know what they are doing. You also need to verify that they are properly licensed and have passed all required tests for the state they are working in. Therefore, you should request a list of all the rehab facility employees and their credentials. All reputable rehab facilities will not hesitate to provide you with such a list if you request it. This info might even be found on the website of the rehab facility. Avoid any facility that refuses to give you this info.

2. What does your treatment program consist of?

Basically, you need to find out exactly how the treatment program at that particular rehab facility is set up. Do not wait until you check in to a facility to find this out. Any rehab facility you talk to should not have a problem explaining to you in great detail about every aspect of their treatment program. This will allow you to find out what to expect. It will also help you to compare the various types of addiction treatment programs offered by different rehab facilities.

3. How many staff members and patients does the rehab facility have at any given time?

This is very important for you to know because some rehab facilities are severely understaffed. Needless to say, you want to avoid checking yourself into a rehab facility that does not have enough staff members to adequately care for all of the patients. Some facilities will purposely check in more patients than they can handle simply to make more money. This is why you need to be sure you are not putting yourself in that type of situation. You are paying for a certain level of treatment. Be sure the rehab facility you go to will have enough staff members to provide the treatment you are expecting.

4. Will I be able to stay in my own room?

This is something that you should never assume. There are many rehab facilities that make it mandatory for all patients to have a roommate. However, there are also facilities that allow patients to have their own room. It is better to find out the policy of the facility on this matter long before you decide to get treatment there.

5. Will I be allowed to bring my phone, tablet or laptop into the facility with me?

Many rehab facilities want to keep all of their patients in complete isolation from the outside world. This means that no devices that can connect to the Internet are permitted in the facility. All phone calls are made on a phone that is monitored by the facility at specified times of the day.

6. Will you be able to serve me the foods that I want to eat?

You might have very specific dietary needs. If so, you should check with the rehab facility to be sure they will be able to meet them. This should not be a problem as long as you give the facility plenty of notice regarding the specific foods that you require. You must remember that you will not be allowed to leave the facility during treatment to buy your own food.

7. What are the details regarding your aftercare program?

You will still have treatment after you leave the facility and resume your normal activities. Find out what sort of aftercare program the rehab facility has set up for all of their patients. In most cases, it involves calling your counselor.

Body Spa Experience At Aroma Ceylon, Gurgaon

For me, spas are a great way of rejuvenating. In today’s fast-paced world, we don’t even realize how tired our bodies get. Without giving them proper rest, we keep racing towards life on a daily basis. On certain occasions, it becomes important for one to slow down, relax and rejuvenate yourself and your body.

Aroma Ceylon

I heard about this place just recently and when I scrolled through their site, I could not hold myself. I had to get a spa done anyhow. So one evening, I set myself away to Gurgaon. The moment I entered Aroma Ceylon, the subtle fragrance of aroma oils caught on me. I felt half refreshed merely sitting at the reception and looking at the ambiance.

The Process

Before I could indulge in any of the services, I was given a form to be filled. The form asked me for my basic details and also some medical history. This form helps them evaluate what therapy is best suited to us. Basis my form, I was suggested to go for a Revitalizing Deep Tissue Therapy.

Revitalizing Deep Tissue Therapy

The revitalizing Deep-tissue massage is a specific type of massage therapy that concentrates on the deep layers of muscle and fascia in the body and recommended by many doctors as a treatment option too. By using deep finger pressure and slow, firm strokes with a warm calming revitalizing oil.

It is highly beneficial and ideal for all adults to release the stress, muscle cramp and heal chronic muscle pain. The focus is on the deeper layers of muscle tissue, tendons, and fascia (the protective layer surrounding muscles, bones and joints). It restores the circulatory system, improving blood flow throughout the body.


I thoroughly enjoyed my deep tissue therapy. My masseur was extremely attentive, knowledgeable and caring. She knew exactly what was to be done and took utmost care to make me feel comfortable. I have to specially mention the hygiene and cleanliness of the place, along with a very polite and hospitable staff. If you are looking at indulging in spa or body massage or spa based treatments, this is the place for you. Even my son indulged in a foot reflexology and was extremely happy with the service.

About Aroma Ceylon

Aroma Ceylon brings the spa experience to India from the country where people wear charming smile, Sri Lanka: A pearl of the Indian Ocean (British Ceylon), sign of the Buddhist legendary Ceylonese heritage enriched with the fragrance of tropical herbs and spices and complemented with the touch of the secret ancient healing recipes, Aroma Ceylon, also presents contemporary arts, crafts, and products into your lifestyle collection.

  • Therapeutic Massage Treatments

  • Body Therapy

  • Body Care Treatments

  • Foot Care Therapy

  • Skin Care

  • Natural Beauty Services

Aroma Ceylon brings out the true sense of Spa, pampering, rejuvenating and creating a harmony and balance of the senses. This is a place where families can visit including children. A place to relax, revitalize and release all stress and tensions and come out with a new spirit and positive physical and mental energy. Aroma Ceylon is a pure family-oriented wellness spa that promises services by well-trained and mannered therapists.


Everyone’s mostly seen obsessing over the bride in an Indian Wedding, what she’s wearing, what she’s buying, how she’s entering and so on. But what’s really interesting these days is what the groom and his gang are up to! Baraat is the highest point of a wedding, one can say. You can gauge the levels of excitement and craziness at a wedding from its Baraat. Hence, you got to make it loud, notice-worthy and resonating with the personality of the groom. It’s the groom’s army after all.
Here are a few unique entries we captured this season:

1) The Vintage Car

This could be the real regal entry. Imagine a royal palace wedding in the midst of all the vintage charm, how could you give the vintage ride a miss?

2) Bride under the umbrella

A bride’s entry is a visual treat for all. Everyone from the guests to the groom looks forward to this moment and it’s really special. So, the bride enters under a beautiful floral decorated umbrella.

3) Bride entry in a beautiful trolley

This one is especially for the bride, entering the venue in a beautiful trolley can be your Cinderella moment.

4) Bride with brother

Imagine the moment when brothers bring their sister under the stunning fireworks and sparkles lighten the bride path. A moment of happiness for a brother!

5)  Phoolon ki chadar

Dreamy, colorful flowers in phoolon ki chadar which is perfect for an entry, it’s all the more fun, when done by your family, brothers, and friends!

6)  Your Fantastic Force

Your gang will always be the one to make you feel like the ultimate king on your wedding day and they can’t be ignored. They are the ones who’ll put you on the pedestal, literally.

7)  Bride and groom with angels

Let the bride and groom enter in the wedding with beautiful angels.
About Portfolio Studio 
Portfolio Studio which was established in Delhi, in the year 1978. It is a well-known name in the field of Wedding Photography and Wedding cinematography. They are passionate about Cinematography & Photography.
Portfolio Studio believes in hard work and giving the best results to the clients. They pay personal attention to every client and try to understand their requirement and desire and provide graphics solutions accordingly so as to suit the given layout and end use. The team has its clear focus in delivering results and products that help to radiate their positive energy across the entire visual-communications space. The experienced team at Portfolio studio thinks with their customer hats on, delivering customized solutions tailored to every client’s need.
Chirag Khattar, Director, Portfolio Studio
Chirag Khattar, Director, Portfolio Studio is passionate for his work. He completed his post graduation from Shri Ram College of Commerce in 2013.  He looks after marketing and weddings at Portfolio Studio and handles cinematography.


What to Do If You’re Facing Unemployment as an Expat: 4 Important Tips

There’s no two ways about it: losing your job is tough.

And for expats, facing unemployment can be particularly devastating.


While you shouldn’t have to needlessly stress out over “what-if” situations, expats should have some sort of plan in case their job suddenly falls through.

But what happens if you don’t have a padded emergency fund? What if your gig that you thought was a “sure thing” has suddenly fallen through?

If you suspect that you might soon lose your job or know that the clock is ticking on your current situation, you can’t afford to take such news lightly. Instead, you need to get your mind right and start plotting your next move ASAP.

Consider the following four tips first and foremost if unemployment appears to be looming and you don’t want your expat journey to come to a sudden end.

Cut Down on Discretionary Spending


Adopting frugal habits and staying thrifty when you’re jobless or on the chopping block flat out makes sense.

Whether it’s selling odds and ends online or cutting back on entertainment, anything you can do to keep more money in your pocket is fair game. Likewise, consider how you can spend less on essential expenditures such as remittance with the help of services such as Remitly. In your current situation, adopting an “every penny counts” mentality is a brilliant move.


Don’t Panic


Your gut reaction to losing your job might be to go into a full-blown panic mode, but that doesn’t do you any favors. Neither does assuming you need to pack your things and catch the next plane back home. Instead, take a step back.

Take a look at your savings account and overall financial situation, assessing how long you have before you’re in a legitimate financial crunch. If you have a few weeks of time in the proverbial bank, you may very well be able to nail something down in the nick of time or seek some quick financial relief from friends and family. In short, you might need little more than a hold-over.


Begin Your Job Search Under the Radar


For those who suspect their current role is coming to an end but aren’t 100%, it never hurts to start looking at opportunities now so you’re not kicking yourself when your paychecks stop coming. There are plenty of reputable international job boards in addition to sites like LinkedIn where you can jumpstart your job search.


As a side note, be wary of speaking too much to coworkers about your desire for a new job. You could put yourself in needless hot water by announcing that you’re looking for a new gig prematurely. That said, talking to people outside of your office is fair game as in-person networking still remains such an effective way to find a new job.


Make Sure You’re Not in Legal Trouble


Of course, if you have an employment-based immigrant visa, your employment status may have instant implications on your ability to stay in the country. In this case, you may have no choice but to depart. Don’t assume you’re in this situation and, as always, speaking to a lawyer is probably your best bet for peace of mind.


Simply put, locking down steady employment should be your top priority as an expat. If you suspect that yours might be coming to an end soon, make sure you keep these pointers in mind as you focus your energy on getting back to work.



Mother Sparsh Baby Wipes, the next best thing to a mother’s touch!

When I say this that the mother’s touch is something that can never be replaced with anything, I truly mean it. A mother’s touch is an incomparable gesture for both the mother and the child and the mother always wants the best for her child. Whatever a mother chooses for her child, she wants that particular thing to take care of her child the way she personally would. Its a feeling that cannot be explained in words and only a mum can understand. Hence when buying baby care products, a mother is so cautious that, she would never take a chance. This is one reason that I always believe in a product which a mother recommends when I come across reviews, I know that if a mother has raved about a product it has to be genuinely good. I am a mother myself, and I would never mislead my readers about any product unless I believe in it completely and can confidently recommend it.

One such product that I recently came across was the Mother Sparsh Baby Wipes and as the name suggests, it truly feels like a mother’s sparsh. Sparsh in Hindi means ‘touch’ and yes these wipes are as gentle on the baby’s skin as a mother’s touch.

Highlights of the product:

  • 98% Water Wipes- mostly wipes have more lotion content, which has preservatives and chemicals and can leave the baby’s skin prone to rashes or other allergies. These contain 98% water and hence are completely safe.
  • Alcohol-Free
  • Parabens Free
  • pH Balanced
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Extra Moisture
  • Non-Woven Spunlace Fabric and Biodegradable- Made up of 100% plant fabric which makes it totally nature-friendly
  • Proven for Mildness
  • Suitable to be used right from birth.
  • Natural Care with Aloe Vera
  • Enriched with Vitamin E
  • Cost Effective- pick up on discounted price from First Cry and it works up to just Rs. 1.53 per wipe

I have tried and tested this product and that gives me a reason to recommend it to all mothers. Be rest assured of the quality and go ahead with it.

Time Out: Why A Getaway Could Be Just What The Doctor Ordered

If you’ve got a busy career and family life, it can be a challenge to find the time to switch off and enjoy what you’ve worked so hard to achieve. However, more people are having to take leave from their jobs due to stress and fatigue, because they weren’t making themselves a priority. Therefore, it’s crucial to the success of your future lifestyle, to know when it’s time for a breather and to get some much-needed, healthy headspace. Whether it’s a couple of days and nights away or a regular vacation with your loved ones; a getaway and break are just what you’ll need to recharge, refocus, and give yourself a boost for whatever comes next.

Image source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/women-view-looking-thinking-50630/


Prepare And Plan


Your calendar and diary might be heaving, but there’s no time like the present to schedule in some you time and work around the moments you’ll be spending away alone, with your partner, or with your family. Now is the time to think about those place where you feel most at ease, and know that you’ll be able to benefit from some fresh air and relaxation time to read a book or partake in your favorite activities. It’s not necessarily about lying back for the whole of your getaway and doing nothing, but more about a change of scenery, and taking your mind away from the craziness of everyday life. Ensure that you have all you need before traveling anywhere, and head to sites like https://www.saveritemedical.com/ so that you’re fully stocked up on essentials, and won’t need to worry about getting to a pharmacy when you’re meant to be enjoying your log cabin.



Eat Well And Feel Better


It’s likely that you’ve probably got yourself into a routine of a quick coffee for breakfast, whatever fast food you can grab for lunch, and late dinners. Therefore, you should be making the most of fresh local produce during your time away; cooking from scratch with quality ingredients is another way to concentrate on something simple, and your body will reap the rewards when it’s time to serve up. Book somewhere with a BBQ, and take some simple recipe ideas along to fuel your time away. You’ll return feeling refreshed and keen to book your next mindful getaway.


Enjoy The Fresh Air And Water


Jobs in business and offices don’t tend to leave much time or room to spend some quality moments enjoying the open water and the open air. Therefore, it’s worth thinking about booking a getaway somewhere you can enjoy an open expanse of H20. Check out a lakeside retreat, and think about booking in some water sports sessions for yourself, or you and a loved one. You can look forward to hours of mindful activities and relax on the water ahead. Or, hire a boat on arrival for some sailing or fishing; whatever you decide to do, maker the most of the environment around you, breathe in and out, and blow out those cobwebs for clarity and a clear head.


More Than The Bells: Music To Fit Your Wedding’s Theme

Over the last few years, there has been a huge spike in the popularity of themed and stylised weddings. From those throwing themselves back in time with classical dos, to those pushing the boat out and choosing a theme which has never been applied to a wedding before, there are loads of ways to make your event unique. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring a single part of a themed celebration; the music. This should give you a good idea of what to look for when you’re trying to match music to your style.


Indie: In modern music, indie rock has become one of the most popular genres around the world. With bands like Arctic Monkeys, The Killers, and loads more in the charts, a lot of people will want this sort of sound for their big day. This music will best fit in weddings with modern themes, hosting in venues like hotels and conference centers, inspiring the feel of being a concert or festival. Most people won’t be able to get one of the big players, unfortunately, and you may have to look for a band like The Kicks to take their place.


Hip Hop: Throughout the 90’s and early 2000’s, hip hop was taking the world by storm. A new wave of music came out of places which people never would have expected, breaking the mould and creating loads of subgenres in their path. Having this sort of music at your wedding can be great for all sorts of themes, ranging from the quirky and whimsical, to those which may be taking themselves too seriously. The best way to enjoy the sort of music is by having fun with it, with everyone knowing at least one or two popular tracks.


Jazz: In recent years, jazz has been making somewhat of a resurgence amongst young people. Inspiring a classy feel, this sort of music is great for weddings with a luxurious theme, taking people back to the 40’s and 50’s. With this side of music taking off, there are loads of bands ready to take on events like your wedding. Websites like https://www.alivenetwork.com/hirelivemusic/bands-for-weddings-in?region=North%20East can help you to get your hands on acts which you won’t be able to find anywhere else. Of course, though, it will be worth shopping around.


Swing: For some people, jazz won’t strike quite the right chord, and you might want something a little more lively on your big day. Swing is sure to put a smile on anyone’s face, especially any elderly guests who have attended your wedding. Taking the place of retro dance music, an option like this is great for an event with similar themes to jazz, only with a lighthearted feel. Websites like https://www.ranker.com/list/swing-bands-and-musicians/referencecan be used to get an idea of the options in the world. There are loads of groups to choose from if this sort of music appeals to your theme.


Dance: Coming back into the modern world, dance music can also be used to set the stage for a unique theme at your wedding. This sort of option will appeal to young people most of all, enabling you to create a scene similar to the parties you’ve shared with friends as you’ve grown up, while also giving you the chance to open the doors to some fun. Dance musicians have the power to be incredibly creative with their work, with the tools they use being very flexible. This makes it possible to create timeless songs which haven’t been heard yet.

Record Your Own or Perform LiveAnother idea is to showcase your own music at your wedding if you’re an aspiring artist and musician yourself. This will truly add a personal and unique touch to your big day and your guests are sure to be impressed. You can either pre-record your own music or choose to perform live if you’re up for the challenge. In either case, you might want to consider getting an Aeros Loop Studio to help you make one-of-a-kind songs and beats and then share your best loops with your guests. The device gives you options such as quantizing your tracks in any time signature or playing in freeform mode. This is an idea that’s sure to create a memorable experience for you and everyone in attendance!


When you’re choosing music to fit a theme, you have to keep a few different things in mind. To begin, time and era are very important, as these will tie into both your theme and your music. For example, a classical wedding could be best paired with classical music, as they reflect the same period. Along with this, though, you also have to consider what you like. It’s not worth choosing a band which you won’t enjoy just to fit it to the style of your wedding. Instead, as long as it makes you happy, you can be as creative as you like with this part of your big day.


Hopefully, this post will inspire you to start working on this side of your wedding day. A lot of people find it hard to choose the music they want for their wedding, with all of the options on the market creating chaos and confusion. It doesn’t have to be this way, though, as long as you’re willing to do some research and find a theme which your wedding will follow.

Bo-Tai, Not Just Food, But An Experience!

Some places offer great food, while some offer experience, very rarely we come across places that offer food which not just food, but a wholesome experience. Coincidently, I have felt this at two places and its no surprise that both these places come from the same group. Masala Library by Jiggs Kalara was my first such experience where in I felt that its not just about food, but everything put together, and now my second experience came when I recently visited Bo-Tai. Conceptualised by Zorawar Kalra, this restaurant offers all the ingredients be ranked amongst the top. The ambience is perfect, very classy and refined, the hospitality is top notch, from the moment you enter, you are entire experience is personalised. The staff attends to you with utmost care, attention and knowledge of food and drinks.


The presentation of food is commendable and the most important thing, the taste is unmatched. Bo-Tai is a Thai speciality restaurant and it truly serves the best Thai food in the city.

Here are some of the highly recommended dishes

Scallop Carpaccio- A mouth melting experience, the scallops were just so delicious.

Crispy Caramelised Raw Mango Prawns- These are definitely a must try, super scrumptious prawns and that tangy taste of raw mango was just perfect.

Chicken Florets- True to their name, these blue coloured chicken dimsums in chilly oil were delectable.

Duck Sausages- The best dish I had, the sausages were simply mind blowing and the duck meat was so soft and juicy. The pumpkin dip and baked mashed potatoes as accompaniments enhance the taste greatly.

Lamb Satay- One of the finest satays that I had in recent times, you cannot afford to miss this dish, and the peanut dip too wasn’t the regular type and was really delicious.

Lamb Chops- Utterly delicious and succulent lamb chops, totally worth a try.

Masamman Curry- So when we talk of Thai curries, this curry usually sets the benchmark and I have to say that this was perfect. Served with Steamed Rice, they completed my meal.

Dessert- You have to try to believe how delicious it was.

Also for dessert you can try the Caramelised Banana Cocktail, it was just too good.

Me and my son had a great time enjoying this scrumptious food and overall experience at Bo-Tai. Highly recommended. Do share your feedback if you happen to visit.


Bo Tai Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Spinach Soup with Mixed Veggies

So now as I am on a health roll, soups and salads make a very important part of my diet. I keep experimenting with different favours of soups and keep trying mixing and matching the ingredients.

Here is a recipe I tried over the weekend and turned out really good, simple, flavourful and full of goodness.

Spinach Soup with Mixed Vegetables

Ingredients that you will need:

  • Spinach- 250 gms
  • Garlic Cloves- 3-4
  • Olive Oil- 2 Table Spoons
  • Chopped Mix Veggetables- 150 gms( cabbage, carrots, beans, capsicum, corn, peas, cauliflower florets, mushrooms)
  • Vegetable Stalk- 1 litre
  • Corn Starch- 1 Table Spoon
  • Mixed Herbs- 1 Tea Spoon
  • Paprika- 1/2 Tea Spoon
  • Salt to Taste
  • Grated Cheese to Garnish

These ingredients are good enough for 2 large serves


  • Heat 1 table spoon olive oil in a pan and add chopped garlic to it.
  • Saute the garlic for about 2 minutes.
  • Roughly chop the spinach, wash it and then add to the pan.
  • Saute, garlic and spinach, for about 8 minutes, the spinach would be more or less cooked by now. Turn off the gas, and empty the spinach in a bowl and let it cool down.
  • Put the gas again on heat and add 1 table spoon olive oil, take all chopped vegetables and cook them for about 10 minutes on low heat. Cover the pan, and cook for another five minutes.
  • Once the spinach cools down a bit, blend it to a smooth paste with the help of a blender/mixer.
  • Add this spinach paste to the cooked vegetables and stir it for about 2 minutes.
  • Add vegetable stalk, or incase you dont have a stalk ready, add normal water. Bring the soup to a boil.
  • Add spices, and then mix the cornstarch in 2 spoons of water and add to the soup. This will get the soup to a thicker consistency.
  • Let it simmer for another couple of minutes and serve hot garnished with grated cheese.

Do share your feedback in the comments 🙂

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Copyright @ikreatepassions 2024
Goa, India