Tag: Healthy Lifestyle

Female Focus: The Health Issues Every Woman Should Be Aware Of

Health should be a priority for everyone, but there are certain issues that women can’t afford to ignore. If you don’t pay your health much attention, this guide will come in handy. Even if you’re young, fit and full of energy, there are important steps you can take to protect and improve your health.


Your diet and body weight

Females are much more likely to put weight on and find it difficult to lose it than males. Females tend to have a higher body fat percentage due to hormone levels and changes that take place in the body. Although it can be difficult to lose weight, it’s really beneficial to do this if you are overweight or obese. Obesity can lead to complications like type 2 diabetes, an increased risk of heart disease and infertility. If you don’t know if you’re overweight or not, you can use an online BMI calculator to determine which category you fall into. This measurement uses your height and weight to give you a figure, which will be placed on a chart. If you are overweight, try and get into that healthy zone by focusing on your diet and exercising more frequently. If you are changing your diet, choose meals and snacks that have nutritional value and keep track of your calorie intake each day. Often, losing weight is a matter of cutting down on treats, reducing portion sizes and paying more attention to what you’re eating. If you need advice or healthy eating tips, your doctor will be happy to help.

Image source: https://www.pexels.com/search/healthy%20diet/ 

Sexual health and contraception

Whether you have a long-term partner or you’re dating, it’s essential to give your sexual health a thought. If you’ve been with your partner for a long time, you may have been using the same contraceptive method for years. It’s easier than ever to get hold of contraception, and you can request your contraceptive pill online, which is great if you’re busy and you find it hard to get to the health center. If you’re happy with the contraceptive you’re using, that’s fine, but it’s also a good idea to discuss and consider alternatives, especially if you have side-effects. There are lots of methods, such as implants and injections available. If you’re dating, it’s wise to use condoms as well as any other form of contraception to protect you from sexually-transmitted infections. It’s also advisable to have regular sexual health tests, especially if you’ve noticed symptoms such as irritation or abnormal discharge.

Image sourced from https://www.flickr.com/photos/gnarlsmonkey/263019967

Heart disease

In the past, heart disease was a condition that was linked to men, especially those aged over 60. However, in the last decade, the number of women affected has increased significantly. Did you know that heart disease contributes to 1 in 4 female deaths in the US? If you’re a young woman, don’t think that you’re immune from heart disease. Around 90 percent of women have at least one risk factor for heart attacks and strokes. Start focusing on heart health now to reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular complications. Exercise on a regular basis, drink in moderation and eat a healthy, balanced diet. If you smoke, your doctor can help you to quit, and there are lots of support groups and resources available. It’s never too early to start looking after your heart.

Image via https://pixabay.com/en/love-heart-kiss-hearts-kissing-163690/

Breast cancer

Breast cancer will affect around 1 in 8 women in their lifetime. Although most cases are diagnosed in women aged over 55, breast cancer can affect much younger women. It’s really important to be aware of the symptoms of breast cancer and to seek advice if you do find any suspicious lumps or bumps in the breast tissue or underneath the arms. Other signs may include discharge from the nipples, discoloration, and skin irritation. If you do find a lump, try not to panic. The vast majority of lumps are benign, but the sooner you get checked out, the better.  


Women are almost twice as likely to be diagnosed with anxiety than men. Anxiety is a natural human emotion when faced with certain situations. If you’re waiting for test results, you’re about to go into an interview or you’re preparing for a first date, it’s perfectly normal to feel nervous and to have those butterflies fluttering around in your stomach. The trouble is that anxiety can affect you even in everyday situations when there’s nothing to worry about. An experience that would be a walk in the park for one person can turn into an incredibly daunting experience for somebody who suffers from anxiety. If you do have symptoms like a racing heartbeat, sweating and feeling on edge on a regular basis, see your doctor. There are treatments available, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, which can help you prepare for and process situations so that you feel more relaxed. You may also find techniques such as exercise and meditation helpful.

Image courtesy of https://pixabay.com/en/meditation-girl-nature-female-yoga-1724777/

Period problems

It’s very common to have heavy periods or experience unpleasant symptoms when you get your period. If you are struggling with pain or your periods make life a misery every month, there are treatment options that could help to alleviate symptoms and make you feel more comfortable. Periods are part and parcel of life as a woman, but they shouldn’t put you out of action for days on end.

Image by http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/hledej.php?hleda=happy

Health is a subject that should concern everyone, but there are certain issues that are more pressing for women than men. Whether you’re in your 20’s or your 60’s, it’s beneficial to be aware of potential health conditions that may affect you and to take steps to reduce your risk of developing diseases. It’s not always possible to prevent health problems, but making positive lifestyle changes can have such a powerful impact on your health. As well as adopting a healthy lifestyle, it’s also useful to keep in touch with your doctor. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re worried about symptoms, you need advice about treatment options, or you’ve not been feeling yourself lately. Always remember that your doctor is there to help you.





Beginning A Detox: Five Mistakes You Need To Avoid

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There are many benefits to a healthy detox, including an enhanced immune system, weight loss, and increased energy. In a society where it is so easy to fall prey to poor lifestyle choices, such as smoking, drinking, and eating the wrong foods, a good detox is an effective way of restoring the balance back into our bodies.

However, great care needs to be taken. Below are five of the detoxing mistakes you need to avoid.
Not seeking medical advice

You should always seek the advice of a medical professional before starting out on a detox. Beginning a crash diet or long-term fasting can be detrimental to your health, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions. Read the article at www.nbcnews.com to find out how a detox diet could cause more damage than good. There are a number of ways you can cleanse your system, and a doctor or dietician will help you find the right solution.

Only focussing on the short-term

A detox program is a short-term solution, but there are ways you can detox throughout the year. For example, yoga is perfect for stimulating the digestive system, as well as having other health benefits as we mentioned at www.ikreatepassions.com. Sleep is a natural way to detox as your body will begin to heal itself as you sleep. Exfoliating the skin will remove dead skin tissue. Certain foods, such as leafy green vegetables and citrus fruits are natural detoxifiers. Therefore, don’t assume you need only detoxify once a year as you can benefit your body all year round.

Not preparing for the cleanse

Don’t jump into a detox program without getting your body ready first. Ease into it slowly by focussing on your daily habits. For example, begin to eat a lot more fruit and vegetables, avoid drinking alcohol and ease off your junk food. You might also give up caffeine and switch to green tea, of which you can find more information at www.detoxteaguide.com. Jumping into a detox without preparation may make you suffer from side-effects, such as dizziness and fatigue. Prepare your body first, and you will more readily feel the benefits.

Missing food groups

A cleansing diet does not mean missing out on your meals. Read the article at www.drsaradetox.com to ensure you don’t miss out any of your food groups during your detox. Failure to eat will make you feel worse, so you don’t need to deprive yourself by only sticking to protein shakes and juices.

Going back to old habits

There is the temptation to fall back into old habits after a detox. For starters, remember that your body will be sensitive after cleansing, so you need to ease your way into eating certain foods again. However, what good is a detox if you are only going to pollute your body again with the wrong substances? Instead, consider it a reset, and have the resolve to begin a healthier eating plan as you move forward.

Tips For Prolonging Your 20s

For the majority of us, it feels like our health peaked in our 20s and 30s, but then time started to take its toll on our bodies. Wrinkles began appearing, our energy levels decreased, and it become harder to maintain our peak physical condition. Suddenly we all wished we could go back in time and undo all the hard partying we did in our younger years. You can’t delay the inevitable; we will all age, and we will no longer look like young 20 or 30-somethings. But that doesn’t mean you can’t prolong your youthful health and appearance until you are well past retirement.

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Defy ageing

People aren’t far off the mark when they say that younger people have glowing skin; smooth, plump skin reflects light more uniformly, granting the individual with a radiant shine. You can preserve your own youthful glow with a basic skincare routine that includes proper hydration and regular exfoliation. When you exfoliate your skin you are basically removing all the dead skin cells, oil, dirt, and germs to instantly reveal your younger looking face. Removing these dead cells also makes it easier for your skin to absorb any moisturizer and boosts collagen production, which gives your skin strength and elasticity.

Take care of your senses

Many years in your future, your eyes and your ears won’t be as effective as they used to be. If you’re genetically inclined towards partial deafness and short-sightedness, there might not be much you can do to prevent it, but you can keep your need for glasses and hearing aids at bay for a few years. It is good to remember that earwax is a natural protector of the ear and unless its amount is excessive, thickened and causing problems, it should not be removed, especially with the help of cotton buds that may damage the ear canal or eardrum. Make sure you get your hearing checked at least once a year, even if you’re not experiencing any problems.Your eyes should be checked every two years, and protected from harmful UV light. It’s also worth noting that regular exercise – such as walking – can reduce the risk of age-related eye degeneration by up to 70 percent.

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Regular workouts help to circulate more nutrients and oxygen to your skin to make you look more radiant, and it also boosts the essential production of collagen. Your muscle mass will be preserved, thanks to exercise, and your posture will improve. All these effects will make you look and feel younger for many years to come. Even if you don’t look exactly like you did at 20, you’ll still have the confidence of a much younger person.

Drink water

There is evidence that not drinking enough water may be associated with falls and fractures, heat stroke, heart disease, lung disorders, kidney disease, and decreased immune function. Water gives you energy, aids in digestion, keeps your organs working properly, keeps your mind sharp, and flushes out toxins. As a result, you also get clearer, younger-looking skin.

Regaining Your Self-Esteem And Confidence

Life can be tricky, no matter how hard we try life will always offer a dark cloud or opportunity for weakness. It is how we combat these issues that make us the person we are today!

Taking back your life and more importantly, your confidence is where the road to success begins.

Only you and you alone can combat the inner voices. Learning how to stop these voices from damaging your confidence is the first step. No matter who you are everyone has an inner critic, some are more vicious and louder than others. Sometimes this voice can spur you on to silence the doubt. However the majority of the time this isn’t the case. Do not let the self-doubt creep and destroy your confidence.

By learning techniques to silence the inner doubt with your own is helpful. Whenever the self-doubt begins to silently creep in, imagine a giant red traffic light or stop sign. Simply stay stop when thoughts pipe up. The more you address the issue and say stop it’s a powerful way to slowly get rid of the voices.

Image Source: Pexels

Admitting that you feel the cloud clouding your happiness or preventing you from being happy. Telling someone or even reading articles can start the path to healing. There is no shame in feeling the symptoms of anxiety or feeling blue.

Most people’s worst enemy is themselves. By raising and keeping your self-esteem up you’ll feel more deserving of good things in life. And so you’ll go after them more often and with more motivation. And when you get them then you’ll be a lot less likely to self-sabotage in subtle or not so subtle ways.

Image Source: Pexels

No matter what the issue, if it’s health related and stops you from being the best you can accept help. Rehabcom offers insightful advice on sensitive topics and is there to help. Do not be ashamed to read up and take the necessary steps.

Forgiving yourself for past mistakes makes room for changes. Start to focus on personal accomplishments regardless of how big or small. 

A powerful way is to remain motivated keep a journal or diary nearby or on you when out. Keeping thoughts down or writing daily goals such as getting fit or to start eating healthy. At the end of each day write down what made you happy, also compliment yourself. These things sound silly, but complementing little things will make you smile which released the important happy endorphins.

Image Source: Pexels

Post it notes are great for motivation quotes or little pick me ups. Keep these somewhere you can see them daily to keep your voice positive. The kitchen is great especially on the fridge or notice boards are great places.

Remember to build yourself back up, there is only one of you. Be the best you can be, combating the inner voice can be done, set the steps to regaining your life back.






The Health Checks You Can’t Afford To Miss Out On

Keeping tabs on our family’s health can feel like lot’s of appointments that span over the year. It can be easy to forget where you have been, and what needs to be booked. It’s understandable, after all, we only want to do the best by our family and to make sure everyone is healthy and happy. Keeping yourself organized is the key to success. So I thought I would share with you some of the family health checks that need to happen. If you aren’t on top of any of them, then get them booked in as soon as possible.

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Our dental hygiene is important. We only get one set of adult teeth in our lifetime. So it’s important that we encourage good dental health in our children from an early age. Even though they dislike cleaning their teeth so much. Regular checks with the dentist will keep those teeth in check. It’s vital you book in with a dentist as soon as your child’s teeth come through so that you start the regular check ups going forward. While it may not be a pleasant experience for all when you attend, you will be happy you did as time goes on and you have good dental hygiene.

Eye Checks

Our sight is one of the greatest senses we will regret losing if we don’t take care of it. Some of us see better than others, but without having them checked, we wouldn’t know. We may struggle to read small print or see long distance. These things can affect our reaction times when it comes to playing sports and even driving a car. So it’s vital we keep tabs on their condition. However, it isn’t just about general eye care, but sometimes we can struggle with issues with our eyes. This is when Ophthalmologists could identify issues that you may not have known you were struggling with. Thankfully, there are locations all over that can ensure that you take better care of your eyes.

Hearing tests

Our hearing is another important part of the body that we need to keep track of. It can get affected mostly if, as adults, you work or have worked in a place with loud noises. Children can also be prone to problems if they have been around sharp noises and even ear infections. Keeping tabs on your ear and hearing health will make sure that you have perfect use of them as time goes on. Some adults and children won’t even realise they may have a problem until they get checked. Things like hearing aids can transform your lives without you even realising you needed them.

General health checks

Keeping on top of our general health is important. Attending a general health check will mean your weight and body mass index are checked. Alongside things like blood pressure. You could even have blood tests to make sure that cholesterol levels are normal, and you have good iron levels. All things that can cause you problems as time goes on. It’s still very important to make sure that they are not overweight. Obesity is a real problem in the world at the moment.

I hope this helps you get on track when it comes to your family’s health.

How To Get More Out Of Your Workouts, All The Time

(Pexels: http://bit.ly/2tweQpd)

Working out is a fantastic way to remain healthy and improve your fitness. However, many of us are left feeling a little shortchanged after each exercise session. We don’t see the desired results quick enough, and we feel like we’re not getting a lot out of each workout.

Today, these problems will be put to rest as I’ll show you how you can get more out of every workout from now on!

Up The Intensity

One of the main reasons you do not see great results is because you’re not working out intensely. You’re very lacklustre in your approach, and everything is very much chilled. This is why you don’t finish each workout on your back dripping with sweat.

If you improve the intensity with which you attack each workout, you’ll soon see better results. The easiest way to up your intensity is to re-energize yourself. A lot of us feel lethargic when we work out, so we can’t find that right level of intensity. There are loads of organic and natural supplements such as Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 that can give you a vitamin boost to increase your energy levels. You’ll feel more energetic and have the ability to hit your workouts harder and with added intensity to get more out of them.

Push Yourself To The Limit

As well as upping the intensity you should also start pushing yourself more and more. It’s amazing how many people seem to care more about sets and reps rather than actually pushing yourself. If you have a workout where it tells you to squat for 12 reps, and you get to that 12th rep, and you feel fine, then you’re not pushing yourself. You should crank out a few more reps until you start to struggle. Then, on the next set, you should increase the weight to make it harder.


Rep goals aren’t strict, they’re just there to help guide you and show you around about how many reps you should aim for. Ideally, you should be getting to your final rep of every set and almost fail. That shows you’ve pushed yourself to the limit, and your muscles will take a good beating. This is how you see better results, as you’re really testing your body and getting it to improve.

Switch Them Up

If your workouts become repetitive, then they’ll stop yielding proper results. Your body will start to adjust to what you’re doing, and you’ll plateau. Too many people do this as they get comfortable with their workouts and like doing them.

What you need to do is switch up your workouts and keep your body guessing. If you do one selection of workouts one week, do another the next week. Or, try training in one specific fashion for a month, then change it up and shock your system with a new style of training. No matter what, you don’t want to fall into the trap of doing the same workouts for years on end as it won’t show good results.

If you take this advice onboard, you’ll soon get a lot more from every workout. As a result, get ready to see the fittest you you’ve ever encountered!



4 Unexpected Health Issues That Can Arise When Starting A New Fitness Plan


Starting a new fitness plan is one of the more exciting times of the year. Taking control over the direction your life is going is beneficial no matter who you are, and can help you feel on top of your destiny. A new fitness plan can be the bedrock of all of this, because a fitness regime is much more than a fitness regime.

Working to a schedule of improving your body sets you on a schedule, a routine, and allows you to keep disciplined within those parameters. A scary job interview feels like nothing when you have lifted weights in the morning, because you have already made the effort to combat adversity that day. Who could stop you from there? It’s important to understand just how powerful this can be, because realizing it will allow you to stay focused in the times you’d much rather quit.

Improving your fitness level is one of the most beneficial gifts you can give to yourself. Sometimes though, it’s not a cover-all solution. Sometimes, new health issues can arise due to focussing obsessively on working out and changing your lifestyle. Progressing in your health and fitness is always worth it, but it pays to be aware of the following unexpected issues that can arise – and how to deal with them.

Swimmer’s Ear

Swimmer’s ear is a nasty condition that is usually brought on by repeated wet/warm conditions in your ear. If you have bacteria entering your ear through some form, such as dirty showering facilities, dropping your headphones on the floor and then plugging them into your ear, or simply not tying your sweaty and greasy hair back during a hard cardio session, you might become a victim of swimmer’s ear.

Swimmer’s ear is similar to an ear infection, and should be checked out by your doctor immediately. The reason that achieved its moniker is that swimmers are the most likely to get it, thanks to the aquatic nature of their sport. It can be relatively painful and completely shut off your ability to hear in that ear as it swells. This can throw you off for a couple days. Not only will the ear itch from the inside, but you won’t be able to touch it without intense physical pain.

To counteract this, purchase (with your doctor’s recommendation,) some over-the-counter ear spray that helps neutralize the PH in your ear, and helps it stay conducive to fighting the bacteria there. Luckily, over the course of a few weeks, the medicine should work as intended and complete reverse the malady. You’ll surely be much more careful about your exercise hygiene in future.

Torn Callus

Weightlifters have enough to deal with. In a given session they have to adhere to many safety standards. Lifting the barbell over the mid foot, making sure that balance is achieved and that the weight is just heavy enough to make strength process, but just light enough to be safely handled are a few examples of this. Not only that, but the most insidious enemy of the weight room is torn calluses.

This isn’t to decry the importance of calluses in the first place. Calluses are natural skin developments that occur to counteract a form of stress. Lifting a heavy barbell is most definitely a form of stress, so calluses that develop are necessary for lifting those loads safely, and so the skin doesn’t get damaged. Sometimes though, this can work counter to what is intended.

A lifter who places the barbell in their hand in an incorrect place, which is common for novice and intermediate lifters alike, will eventually have the barbell scrape down their hand at heavy enough pull loads such as chin-ups or deadlifts. This creates a jamming ‘wedge’ in the hands as the bar travels. This can lead to the bar tearing the skin of the hand open. This is a nasty to witness, horrible to experience pain that will take you out of any exercise or hand usage for however long it takes to heal. Not only will this be absolutely terrible to experience, but it will completely make you lose all of your progress made in that last month.

To prevent this, make sure that you place the bar on the callus’ that have developed just on the line under your fingers. Aim to grip the bar from there, and it will prevent the barbell from traveling down your hand when unintended because it will already be in the ‘end position.’ If you grip the bar in the middle of your palm, it will drag down to the end position and create the problem if you’re unlucky.

To further guard against this, make sure you are using chalk during your heavy lifts. This will help your grip immensely during those massive lifts.

Foot Diseases

Runners, rowers and swimmers alike are all likely to gain a foot infection, a bunion or some form of painful foot malady over their time traversing their exercise duty in sweaty footwear, or walking on sweaty, dirty flooring. This is much more common than you might original assume. How often do you think about your foot health? How often do you maintain your feet past washing them in the shower and trimming the nails on occasion?

To help counteract these issues, make sure that you see the best foot doctors in your area, and also wear breathable, clean footwear. Remember, while it’s cost effective to keep wearing the same shoes for your exercise for years on end, you will be sweating into these often. Replace often, or at the very least wash your footwear every fortnight to a month. Look after your feet, and they will look after you.


Overtraining is a very real phenomenon that occurs when someone ignores the fact they are otherwise untrained, and fuelled by a desire to ‘be the best’ as many motivational and disciplinary popular slogans will tell them, they’ll throw themselves into a training regime vastly more difficult than that they can currently handle. This will eventually lead to overtraining, a very real phenomenon when the body physically cannot recover in the time between workouts. This will lead to exhaustion and maybe even depression. This exhaustion is different to general exhaustion. This will be a real, deep and pervasive feeling of lethargy that is difficult to combat unless you get plenty of rest.

Novices are usually better at recovering than those who are well trained, but ONLY if the programming is correct. If you’re starting on a running program, consider starting Couch 2 5K – the popular running program designed to keep a novice able to complete each session, even if they have started as a couch potato. For weightlifting, consider a beginners program like Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5×5. These programs have been specifically designed for exercise utility and recovery time to squeeze the best ‘noob gains’ from a beginner, and this can result in some amazing progress that completely helps you avoid overtraining.

Over time, as your body adapts to stress, you can consider adding more volume or variety of exercises to your workouts. For example, a runner, once he has achieved 5k, might consider skipping rope or rowing before and after his workout. A weightlifter might consider adding barbell curls to encourage the coveted ‘strong arms.’ Find what works for you, and continually update your program as your stress adaption increases. You’ll find that you’ll have built the best foundations for the newly added exercises if you do.

Keeping on top of a positive health training regime is the most important thing you can do for your health, happiness, positivity and general life enjoyment. However, if you are affected with some of the previous maladies, enact the solutions suggested, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming that super-man or woman you originally intended.




3 Unexpected Health Benefits Of Yoga

A lot of people don’t consider yoga as a sport. In fact, if they are hoping to shift the pounds or tone up they opt for a cardio workout instead. Therefore, yoga doesn’t spring to mind as the most ideal form of exercise. But when it comes to your health, there are actually a wide range of benefits yoga can bring you. In fact, you might be left surprised when you read about three unexpected health benefits of yoga.

It’s ideal to help you beat anxiety and depression

When someone is suffering from anxiety or depression, they wish they could free their mind. In fact, they struggle to release the stress which can make things like sleeping and relaxing difficult. But if you are suffering from one of these mental health conditions, you should give yoga a try. After all, yoga is all about releasing the stress in your mind and body. As well as doing poses which can help you to tone up and improve your posture, a lot of the session focuses on breathing and relaxing. And a lot of people leave the practice feeling a lot more relaxed. In fact, they come home and feel a lot better in their mind. A lot of doctors will recommend you try yoga if you are suffering from these conditions. After all, it helps people to control it in their life.


It’s ideal for managing chronic pain

It’s a sad fact that a lot of individuals have to live with chronic pain. And for a lot of them, there is no easy solution to ease it from their life. In fact, aside from making some lifestyle changes, there might not be much you can do to treat the pain. However, yoga is often being recommended if you are living with chronic pain. In fact, as we said before, there has been some evidence which has revealed it can actually reduce the pain. Therefore, you should go along and do stretches which can ease f the pain. And it can also help to relax the brain so that you stop thinking about it as much. Of course, when you go to the yoga classes, make sure you tell them about the pain. That way, they can give you guidance on what you need to avoid, so you don’t make it worse!

It can protect you from injury

When you go to yoga, you will spend a lot of the time working on strengthening your muscles. In fact, the poses can help to ensure you grow stronger and more flexible over time. But you might not realize that as well as being ideal for strength, it’s also good for protecting you from injury. After all, it will ensure your muscles are in good nick so if you are doing any other form of exercise, you will keep strong and away from injury. And as it releases any tension in your limbs, it can stop you from walking away hurt. A lot of older people are encouraged to do yoga in their life. That way, they can avoid injuries like hip fractures which can affect their health.

Image from Pixabay

And it’s also good if you have any digestive problems like IBS. After all, it gets your body moving so everything will flow properly!



Women’s Health: What You Need To Know


Health, it’s a minefield, right? Well, as women, not only do we have all of the general areas of health to be concerned about, we also have a few specialist areas that we need to learn to master over the years. Sometimes, when you think of it all from the start, it can all feel like a bit much. How are you meant to be able to get a grip with it all? It may seem impossible, but you can not only understand your health as a woman but also master it. There is a lot to learn, that’s for sure, but it will all start to come easy to you.

If you want to be able to enjoy good levels of health, feel good in your body, and benefit from a long and happy life, you need to start taking action. But before you can take control of your own health, you have to know a bit more about what that really means. Women’s health is made up of so many different areas; it’s not always easy to understand them all. But, by getting a bit more information on each, you should start to find it easier to look after your body, be sure that you are healthy, and know what to do if you’re worried that you’re not.

General Health



Women are human, meaning that a huge part of our women’s health is focused on everyday health. This takes into consideration things like diet and exercise, but also your mental health, stress, and also your lifestyle choices too. Read on for tips and ideas on how to get better levels of general health.

Fitness & Nutrition

For your body to be able to function properly, you need to be fueling it right and exercising. But this isn’t only good for your physical health, but your energy levels and happiness too. If you’re suffering from any kind of ailment, a good diet and plenty of exercise may not cure it, but it will make a significant improvement on how you feel.

Mental Health

But nailing your physical health isn’t all. You need to be able to ensure that your mind is in a good place too. Because mental health makes a huge contribution to your overall health levels and can affect how you feel physically. Be sure to be aware of how you feel mentally, listen to your mind and do what you can to de-stress on a regular basis to stay healthy.

Lifestyle Choices

Every single choice we make with regards to our lifestyles will also have some kind of impact on our health. So choose wisely. This concerns the alcohol your drink, whether you smoke, and even drugs. All of which can negatively impact your health. But that’s not all. You also have the places you live and the amount of stress and toxins you expose yourself to on a regular basis.



From our teenage years until menopause, every woman goes through menstruation. It’s not something that we all like to talk about, but it’s a huge part of female health. Sometimes, you may have questions or fears, or even worries that you may want to work through. And to make sure that you’re healthy, you’re going to need to do that.


What constitutes a normal period to you will be completely different to someone else. So, it’s important that you only use the information you find as a rough guide. You should get to know your body and your own flow. You need to know what is normal and regular for you, so that you can look out for any changes should there be any.


Most women will have some form of pain when they menstruate. It can be frustrating, but it’s often completely normal. Again, this will be personal to you, but you may suffer from cramping around your abdomen or lower back. Pain relief and even a hot compress may help. But if your pain is strong or persistent, be sure to speak to your doctor about prescribed solutions to ease the pain.


Then comes those dreaded hormones. Most of us are far too familiar with PMT and the joys it can bring us. During our menstrual cycle, our bodies are filled with different hormones at different times, meaning that we can feel a range of different emotions at any given time. They’re not always easy to handle, but the first step is recognizing when you’re hormonal and accepting it, then learning to distinguish between real emotions and hormone-induced ones.



Firstly, pregnancy is not always something that some of us will experience, or even want to. But, it does make up a huge part of a woman’s health naturally. So whether you’re looking to get pregnant and want to make sure that you have a healthy pregnancy, or you want to avoid that, here’s the lowdown on what to do.


Whether you do plan to have children at some point in the future or not, contraception is something you may want to consider. Not only will it keep you safe from getting pregnant, but some forms can also protect you from STIs. There are lots of forms to consider, from birth control pills to reversible contraception and even permanent forms. Be sure to discuss your options and which may suit you best with your doctor.


Then there are your fertility levels to consider. If you are trying to get pregnant or thinking about it, speak to your doctor. There are things that you can do to boost your fertility, as well as different tests and checks that can be carried out if you find it hard to conceive naturally after a set period.

Healthy Pregnancy

When you get pregnant, or when you’re trying to conceive, you’re going to want to do everything you can to have a healthy pregnancy. Not only does this mean feeling comfortable and content, but you should look to eat a balanced diet that can fuel your body and help the baby grow, take your vitamins, try to stay active and even take care of your emotional health.



As women, we also have the menopause to look forwards to. Now, some people handle this better than others, but it all comes down to your body and how it deals with the menopause process individually.

Noticing The Signs

Whether you’re still young or approaching middle-age, it’s important to know what to look out for when it comes to the menopause. There are a lot of common symptoms that can identify the onset, such as hot flushes, so be sure to know what is normal for your body, so that you can get an indication of what’s changing.

Getting Treatment

When you do hit menopause, and you find that you’re struggling, you don’t have to suffer in silence. There are treatment options to ease the symptoms and make the process easier to live with. Types of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) are often quite common, so speak to your doctor about options.

Helping Your Body

You should also aim to help your body as much as you can during this process. It’s always important to stay healthy as you age, but if you look after your body during the menopause, you may find that you can relieve some of the symptoms. In particular, you could find that a good diet and plenty of exercise helps your body through it.



It’s important for us all to get check ups every now and again. The screening process is often something that is vital to keep you safe and protected. But you’re going to want to make sure that you do your own research and know how to make sure that you’re covered too.

The Tests Available

So, first of all, you should speak to your doctor about the screening tests that are available to you. As women, we need to make sure that we get screened for two important female cancers as a minimum – cervical cancer and breast cancer. But some of these have age limits, so be sure to discuss your options with your doctor.

Your Medical Rights

Now, at this point, you may also find that you need to find out what you are entitled to receive as a part of your medical care. Different providers will have different options, and it may also depend on the policy you have. Screening isn’t always covered. So, if you want to make sure that you can get the screening you need, you need to check out cancer screening coverage and either upgrade your policy if it’s not included, or switch if you can.

Knowing Your Own Body

As with many other areas, for screening, it’s so important that you know your own body. If you know what is normal to you, you will be more aware should anything change. When it comes to breast cancer, there are checks that you can carry out. You should also know what to look out for with regards to both breast and cervical cancer symptoms to hope to catch anything early should you be affected.



Grow Old Healthily, Not Just Gracefully


When it comes to aging, we all want to make sure that we handle it well. Not only do we want to make sure that we feel as good as we can, but we often want to look it too. And hey, there’s nothing wrong with that. You’ve got to look after the skin you’re in if you want it to stand the test of time. And that means starting now. In order to age well, and that means healthily and not just gracefully, you’ve got to start doing things that are going to help you as you age – both inside and out.

Stay Active

Firstly, you’re going to want to make sure that you stay active. Even if you’re young now, be sure to keep up your exercise and stay that way until you physically can’t. When you start to get lax, your body knows. A lot of older people find that they’re unable to do things because they’ve stopped being as active. Therefore, their muscles find it hard to start again. But, if you keep your body agile, it should serve you well.

Stay Out Of The Sun

If you’re worried about the visible signs of aging, you’re going to want to avoid the sun as much as possible. Of course, you’re going to want to get a healthy dose of vitamin D, but be sure to wear sunscreen and avoid midday sun. That way, you can avoid drastic procedures, or opt for just an upper face lift if you do need it later in life, rather than having to undone too much damage. The sun is a huge cause of premature aging, so remember that prevention is better than cure.

Get Your Omegas In

You should also make sure that you’re caring for your joints. We all know that they can cause you problems later on in life, so you should do what you can to care for them now. These tips on healthy joints should help you, but also remember to get your Omegas in. Whether you eat more oily fish or choose to take supplements, it’s just one way that you can keep your joints supple and healthy for longer.

Keep Your Mind Calm

But aging is also about your mind and not just your body. Although some things can’t be avoided, you should aim to keep yourself as calm and as stress-free as possible throughout your life. It’s not always something you can start to implement yourself, so be sure to look into ways that you can calm an anxious mind. Exercises will often help you to gain better mental clarity and enjoy a happier and healthier life because of it.

Avoid Toxins

And finally, you should try to make a conscious effort to avoid toxins is you want to age healthily and gracefully. You may not realize it, but the chemicals caused by stress, found in some foods, and even in your beauty products can be bad for your health and even bring on early signs of aging. But, by doing what you can to avoid them, you’ll be helping your easy aging process.



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