Tag: Health Goals

5 Common Mistakes When Looking After Teeth

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There are many obvious ways to mistreat our teeth such as eating the wrong foods and failing to brush enough. However, many of us could be neglecting our gnashers without even realising. Here are a few all too common – but not obvious – mistakes when looking after teeth.

Relying on tooth whitening products

Whitening chewing gums and special whitening toothpastes and whitening strips can help to brighten our teeth. In fact, some premium products as supplied by http://www.iwhiteinstant.com/en/iwhite-instant could help brighten your teeth in a matter of days. However, they won’t stop tooth decay caused by bad habits like eating too much sugar and smoking. To fully protect the health of our teeth, we ought to all cut down on these unhealthy habits first and then start using the tooth whitening products.

Rinsing your mouth after brushing teeth

This is something a lot of us are guilty of – especially those that don’t like the taste of toothpaste. However, rising your mouth out with water after brushing your teeth could be undoing all your tooth-brushing work. You should spit out any excess toothpaste, but keep some on your teeth, as it will allow the fluoride to sit on the enamel and break away at any plaque that was missed whilst brushing.

Brushing too hard

It’s possible to brush too hard and start stripping off the enamel from your teeth. If your bristles on your brush get easily damaged after only a few weeks, this is clear sign that you’re brushing too hard. Brush in light circles with the toothbrush tilted up towards the root, rather than scrubbing back and forward vigorously – this will have a much healthier impact.

Ignoring a tooth-ache

You should see a doctor or dentist as soon as a toothache sets in. If it’s an infection, it could spread to other teeth if left untreated causing more pain and causing more damage. Some people may be afraid to go to the dentist due to a bad experience or costs. However, treatments like root canal procedures have come a long way making them far more precise, whilst getting these treatments early can deter extra costs of having to get more work dental done. Sites such as https://www.southviewdentistrycharlotte.com/service/root-canal/ can offer more information on such procedures. It’s worth always booking an appointment for advice – you may find such treatment isn’t needed if you catch the problem early and anti-biotics may suffice.

Opening things with your teeth

If you often open packaging with your teeth, or worse have a party trick of opening bottles with your mouth, you may want to stop now. This could be causing your enamel to chip as your teeth aren’t supposed to be dealing with such tough materials. Start using scissors and bottle openers and save your teeth.


Healthy For Life: Medical Checks You Need To Be Having as You Age

It is inevitable that we are all going to age. But how well we age will be dependant on a number of things. Some things in our life we have inherited and may or may happen as a result. Other things can happen through incidents in our life, or how we treat our body. But there are some things that can occur as we get older than can be dealt with pretty quickly. We just need to be getting them checked in time. So has never been more important to have regular doctor’s appointments as we age. Throughout our life we should aim for at least a yearly physical unless we have any conditions that need to be seen to. But what are some checks we should be having as we get older? Here are a few suggestions. If you have yet to have one of these and are reaching a certain point in your life, then it might be time to schedule an appointment. I hope this helps!


Hearing Test

Hearing tests should be done from a young age. But unlike eyesight, it doesn’t need to be done too often. Once every five years or so should suffice, as long as you aren’t noticing any problems in the meantime, of course. But as we get older, our hearing can deteriorate quite quickly. So more often than not is recommended for hearing tests. But don’t worry, if there are any issues, it can be easily dealt with. Just take a look at a site like hearingaidbuyertoday.com, and you’ll see the variety of hearing aids that are available. There are many that look like you’re not even wearing one, so you don’t have to make it obvious, if that is something that you’re worried about.

Eye Tests

Throughout our lives, our eyes should be tested around every two years. Again, this should be done sooner if you are noticing problems with the quality of your vision. The number of people, especially women, that wear glasses later in their lives is quite high. So you might want to consider having eye tests annually, rather than every two years. Having good vision can impact your health and life in general greatly, so it is worth looking into.

Stepping on the Scales

Knowing how much we weigh is important for weight maintenance. As we get older, our metabolism can slow down; we tend to be a little less active than we have been before, so weight gain can be quite likely if we’re not careful. So keep an eye on how much you weigh. Being overweight can lead to many issues later in life, but being a reasonable weight can reduce your chances quite significantly.

Cholesterol Testing

Do you know what levels of cholesterol are in your blood? It isn’t something that we tend to know. But having it checked every so often can be really important for our overall health. If you have high cholesterol, it can lead to problems with your heart, and even problems with your blood pressure. So having it checked regularly is important. This can be done with your doctor, especially if you are concerned about it or are overweight. Then you can adjust your lifestyle accordingly, to help improve the results.


Blood Pressure

Similar to cholesterol levels, our blood pressure can have a big impact on our health, but it isn’t something that we get checked all that often. Untreated high blood pressure can be a killer, as it can lead to things like heart attacks or stroke. So don’t let it sneak up on you. You could check out symptoms at webmd.com if you’re unsure. Get your blood pressure checked regularly and then you can make some changes, as well as take prescribed medication, to help with it.


For women over a certain age, and some men, a mammogram regularly is a great way to detect something like breast cancer before it happens. As well as an annual check, you should look for changes in your body, especially your breasts, and have any changes checked. Yes, it isn’t ideal and can be uncomfortable. But staying on top of it all will help you to deal with anything that might arise, prolonging your health and your life.

Checking Shots

Things like the flu vaccine are available for many of us, especially when the winter months roll around. So if you think you would like one or want to know about it, then speak to your doctor. It can be a lifesaver in winter months when the flu is doing the rounds!



Safeguarding Your Health The Smart Way

Safeguarding your health is absolutely crucial, especially for those who aren’t exactly getting younger! That being said, the younger you are when you start, the better. Here are some smart ways to look after your health for a great quality of life:

Live A More Balanced Lifestyle

Some people think to protect their health, that they need to eat clean, exercise every day, and do every little thing they can. While this level of commitment is admirable, it isn’t necessary. It’s much better to live a balanced lifestyle, with the odd glass of wine and food with friends. Make smart choices 90% of the time and have fun. When you have fun, studies say you will live longer!

Track Your Health

Fitness trackers are a brilliant way of measuring how fit you really are. There are plenty of brands around today, so it depends on the sort of look and features you think will be best for you. Just some of the features you can enjoy include sleep tracking, finding out your cardio fitness level, comparing yourself against similar people in your demographic, your heartrate, and more. You can really improve these way!

Invest In Lifesaving Equipment

Did you know that mature adults are more at risk of suffering from cardiac arrest than other people? Anybody can suffer at any time, but there are ways that it can be prevented. Equipment is becoming more advanced, and having some of it in the workplace or at home could really prevent the worst from taking place. The infographic below can give more information.

By Foremost Equipment

‘Ear, ‘Ear, What’s All This Then? Ear Problems And How To Sort Them!

Our ears are an essential and valuable part of the Body, and hearing is a useful ability that can have a huge impact on our day to day lives. That means our ears need to be looked after, and any health issues surrounding them needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. To do this, you will need to know what common ear issues you are likely to come across. So keep reading to find out.

Hearing Loss

A big problem for many people is a loss of hearing. It can start slowly with folks missing what others are saying, or needing the subtitles on the TV more, or come on more suddenly. Perhaps in relation to a specific trauma or infection.

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The causes of hearing loss are varied as well. In younger people, it may be a genetic condition, or for those with previously healthy hearing, an accident can be at the root of the matter. In particular, using headphones with electric instruments can shock the inner ear, if the volume is not carefully controlled. In older folks, these causes remain relevant. Although hearing loss may also be due to degradation of the different parts of the ear, such as the drum, canal, or cochlea.

When dealing with hearing loss, it is always best to identify what is causing the problem before going ahead with treatment. Such treatments may include medications, surgery, or devices that enhance sounds making them easier to pick up. In fact, many folks that suffer from hearing loss go to companies like Sonic Hearing Aids to get informed about their choices for sound enhancing devices. As they can be an effective, and inconspicuous way of solving the problem.

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Ear Wax

Ear wax is a common problem and can affect people of all ages, genders, and lifestyles. Ear wax is actually the Body’s natural defence against bacteria getting into the ear canal. It also helps to keep things lubricated and not dry and itchy in there too. However, if you have too much, or a build-up of this waxy substance you can run into problems. Ones that cause a decline in hearing, earaches, infections, and even vertigo. Where you feel dizzy and struggle to get you balance even when you are not high up.



To prevent this is important that you avoid having anything inside the ear. This includes cotton buds. Although most people see them as a good way to remove waxy build-up. However, what they are actually doing is just forcing most of the wax further down the canal, so it becomes impacted. In fact, it is much better to rid yourself of ear way by getting drops from the doctor, or in more serious cases getting your ears syringed. A process whereby they draw the way out.

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There are also some alternative and natural therapies that can help. Such as ear wax candles that cause pressure changes in the ear canal drawing the wax out. Although these should only ever be performed by qualified professionals.











Why Natural Medicine Demands More of Your Attention

Most of us take some form of medication at some point in our lives. Be it some painkillers to stave off a headache or some stomach medicine to deal with last night’s heavy dinner, medication is a normal part of our lives and we try our best to only take medication when needed. However, synthetic medication can come with some unwanted side effects especially if they’re much stronger and designed to be used in large doses. In addition, you may be allergic to some of the ingredients which can cause adverse reactions if you aren’t careful. Many drug manufacturers are usually oblivious to the dangers of having an adverse reaction, so they don’t exactly make it clear on labels.

Modern medicine is a wonder that everyone makes use of, but it doesn’t mean that there aren’t alternatives. Natural medicine has been practised for centuries before synthetic drugs were invented. Doctors had to rely on what mother nature provided in order to create effective drugs, and these techniques have mostly been lost to the surge of modern medicine. Fortunately, as more people are being made aware of the possible side effects of modern medication and the many benefits of going natural, more and more pharmaceutical companies are making use of natural ingredients in their medication. 

So to get you started, here are a couple of reasons why natural medicine demands more of your attention, and why you should slowly start making the switch over.

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Natural medicine comes with less harmful side effects

Natural medication isn’t free of side effects, but there are many herbs and naturally occurring ingredients that are far less likely to cause an adverse reaction in users. For instance, Shilajit is an incredibly powerful substance that is used to promote full body health. While it might seem strange to consume tar, the black, sticky material doesn’t come with negative side effects if used correctly. The one thing to note about natural medicine is that it often comes with lots of positive side effects, such as being high in iron. As a result, you may need to reduce your iron intake from other sources so you don’t go over your recommended daily limit.

Natural medicine strengthens your body

Natural medicine is a holistic approach to healing your body because it focuses on boosting your body’s natural functions. For instance, if you’re feeling pain, then painkillers will typically target the source of pain and try to reduce it so that you can continue your day. Natural medication, on the other hand, is much slower to act because it promotes healthy bodily functions, not just the pain itself. If you have a stomach ache, then most people reach straight for painkillers or stomach medication. Instead of targeting the pain, try to reduce the effects and promote healthy body functions by drinking peppermint tea, adding ginger to your tea or even chamomile. These are natural herbs and ingredients that can soothe stomach aches and reduce the inflammation instead of just targeting the pain.

Natural medicine is usually cheaper

Alternative medicines are typically far cheaper than synthetic medication that you would buy from a store. This is because the ingredients are mostly naturally occurring instead of being produced in a factory somewhere. This gives natural medication an edge over modern medicine and many natural remedies can be made from household ingredients and items. If you find that paying for medication is getting too pricey, then consider replacing your synthetic medication with affordable natural alternatives. It’s important to note that high-quality ingredients will always be more potent, so you may need to spend a little more money and stay clear from the cheaper imitations. It helps to do your research in this situation.

Synthetic medicine is made to copy natural medicine

When you consider the fact that most synthetic drugs are made to copy the effects of naturally occurring herbs and ingredients, it makes sense to invest the source of the medication instead of a copy. You wouldn’t buy copies or fake ingredients to make your meals, so why should you settle for anything but the best when it comes to your health? Natural medication is seen as a wonderful alternative to modern medicine, but the reality is that it should be the norm and synthetic medication should be seen as the ugly copy that is mass-produced to make pharmaceutical companies more money. Although convenient, it ultimately doesn’t come with the same benefits as natural medicine.

So the next time you’re feeling ill, think twice before swallowing pills and look at natural remedies instead.

Take Action on These Tummy Troubles

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The unfortunate thing about stomach pain is that it can often be difficult to work out exactly what is going on in there and whether it’s just an average stomach upset or something more serious. This can lead to many people ignoring their tummy troubles when they really shouldn’t

If you’ve been experiencing stomach pains recently, check out these stomach complaints and they’re symptoms, to ensure you get the help you need:

Acid Reflux

Acid reflux occurs when the stomach acid finds its way back up your digestive system to your throat. Symptoms of this very common stomach complaint include a burning just below the breastbone, which tends to rear its head after eating and is often worse when you’re in a reclined position.

Take Action: To solve the acid reflux situation, simply take some antacids, such as tums when the pain hits. Even better, try to determine the foods that cause your issues and avoid them. If your reflux is really bad, it might even be worth seeing a Gastroenterologist to rule out GERD. The good think about acid reflux is that it is usually pretty easy to treat!


Appendicitis is a condition where the appendix becomes inflamed. If the area around your belly button starts to feel uncomfortable, and the pain spreads to the lower part of your right abdomen, and that pain is worse when you walk, there is a good chance you could be suffering from appendicitis.

Take Action: Should you experience these symptoms, you should get yourself to the emergency room right away. An inflamed appendix needs to be removed quickly, or you could risk it rupturing or introducing lots of life-threatening bacteria into your body.


Gallstones are one of the most painful tummy conditions of all, and all of the trouble is caused by small stones of hardened bile and cholesterol that form in the gallbladder and which are usually caused by a diet that is very high in fat. Symptoms of gallstones include a sharp, searing pain in the upper mid-abdomen area, which spreads to the right side. You may also suffer from diarrhea and sickness if you have gallstones.In serious cases, fever may also be present.
Take Action: When gallbladder pain hits, take an over the counter pain medication to relieve the symptoms. If it doesn’t work, or if the pain goes on for more than two hours, and definitely if you’re vomiting with a fever, you will should get yourself to a doctor. Chances are you will need to have your gallbladder removed.

Crohn’s Disease
Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that usually affects the colon and small intestine. Symptoms of crohn’s include persistent pain in the abdominal area, weight loss, and diarrhea.

Take Action: There is currently no treatment for this particular disease, but if you think you may have it, it is essential that you see a doctor who can prescribe things like steroids and anti-inflammatories to help manage the condition.

If you think you have any of the illnesses discussed here, it’s always a good idea to seek the further assistance of your doctor, who is the best person to help you.

4 Things Your Morning Routine Needs More Of

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Every day starts with a morning. There is no escaping that fact. That’s what makes or break moment that sets you up for a great day or one you’d rather forget in a flash. With that in mind, finding the perfect morning routine should be a priority on everyone’s list because the right routine can sprinkle positivity over the rest of your day. It is a magic formula that will probably require tweaking but, once you have perfected it, well it becomes a matter of wake up, smile, live, sleep, repeat. What’s more even the most morning-loathing people on the planet can learn to love dawn with the right routine in place.

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Save The Coffee For Later

What you drink first thing in the morning is so important when it comes to getting the rest of your day right. So while coffee may be the go to drink of choice, it isn’t a preferable option going, more just a habit you can’t kick. Instead, we recommend you try caffeinated water. If you want to get that shock-factor that coffee gives you, then store a bottle of this in the fridge overnight, otherwise just drink it warm. Not only will the caffeine work wonders, the infused fruit will get your digestive system working while your body will get the rehydration process underway; pretty important after eight hours of nothing.

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Always Eat Breakfast

Not only is this the most important and most tasty meal of the day, it is one of the most important ingredients in a healthy morning routine. This is the fuel that will kick start your day, the very substance that will urge positivity to build from your belly, jump starting your metabolism and giving you that energy you so desperately want. Of course, in order to get the most out of this, you’ll want to have something healthy but long-lasting, which is why you should mix fresh fruit with something like muesli, adding a splash of yoghurt and honey into the mix because, well, why wouldn’t you? It is delicious and a surefire way to stop you from always feeling hungry. Oh, and by eating brekky every day, your body won’t feel such a need to hang onto your fat deposits, which means your metabolism is way better too.

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Stretch It Out Now

If you are worried that a morning routine will mean you have to get up a ton of minutes (possibly even hours) earlier than you are used to, then you can safely eradicate that thought now. Even just the addition of a stretching routine can be done and dusted within five minutes. What this does, though, is wake up your muscles and prepare them for the big day you have ahead. Try not to just stick with one stretching routine and use that every morning, however. Instead, try and listen to what your body is saying and tweak your stretches to meet your body’s wants and needs. That will give it a much more beneficial role in your day.

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Always Talk To Someone

It doesn’t matter whether you talk to your gorgeous partner or your housemates, or whether you pick up the phone and call your mum or your best friend, talking is a great addition to anyone’s morning routine. This is because human contact can seriously alleviate any feelings of stress or anxiety, two things that are awesome at ruining your day. The reason this works is that, when we talk to people, serotonin gets released into our body’s and that whips stress’ butt while also boosting your creativity, positive energy and just plain awesomeness.




Common Back Injuries and How to Treat Them

In a world where sitting at a desk for countless hours is the norm for many, back pain is a common issue which many of us face in our day to day life. It is usually easily treatable; unless the situation is more severe.



What is Back Pain?

Back Pain is the broad term used for many injuries and conditions, from minor ailments to more serious underlying issues. Tense muscles can cause pain, along with sporting injuries and day to day accidents.

Why Not Ignore Back Injuries

Back injuries can be excruciating and debilitating, making it difficult to perform even the simplest tasks. Unfortunately, many people ignore their back pain, thinking it will disappear. This is not only a bad idea but can also worsen the condition.  A chiropractor is trained to treat back injuries and can help you find relief from your pain. Chiropractors use various techniques to treat back injuries, including spinal manipulation, massage, and physiotherapy. They can also advise how to prevent further damage and improve your overall health. If you’re dealing with back pain, here are four reasons why you should never ignore it:

It Could Be a Serious Condition

While many back aches and pains are nothing more than muscle strains that will heal on their own, some can be indicative of a more severe problem. For example, sharp pain in the lower back could signify a herniated disc or spinal stenosis. If you ignore these conditions, they will only worsen and could eventually lead to paralysis.

It Could Get Worse

Even if your back pain is not indicative of a severe condition, ignoring it will only make it worse. The longer you wait to seek treatment, the more damage will be done to your muscles, ligaments, and discs. This can lead to chronic pain that persists for months or even years.

It Will Affect Your Quality of Life

Back pain can make it difficult to perform everyday tasks, such as walking, sitting, standing, and lifting. This can interfere with your work, social life, and ability to take care of yourself. Ignoring your back pain will make it harder to live an everyday, active life.

It Could Lead to Depression

Chronic pain can affect your mental health, leading to depression and anxiety. If you’re already dealing with back pain, ignoring it will only worsen it. Seek treatment for your back pain to start living a happier, healthier life. 

Types of Back Pain

The most common two types of back injury are:


-Cervical Radiculopathy

Spondylolisthesis is when a vertebra slips in the spine; this can lead to aches, pains and some loss of feeling in the lower back as the vertebra slips backward causing strain on the spinal cord. This type of injury is one in which it is advisable to visit a spine surgeon, as they will be able to secure the vertebra back in place.

Cervical Radiculopathy occurs when a vertebra compresses in the cervical region of the spine, causing strain on the spinal cord and nerve damage to the lower back, neck, arms and even shoulders.


How To Treat Them

The treatment of back pain depends on the type and severity of the injury. If you seem to have pain in your lower back after a day of sitting at your desk, it may be worth looking into improving your posture. There are many different exercises you can do to loosen up the back and alleviate pain, and yoga is an excellent example of a natural way to cure back pain.

Of course, if the injury is a little more severe, you need to visit a back expert and get a full examination from them. After diagnosis, you may be prescribed painkillers such as Ibuprofen or Naproxen. These medicines will help alleviate symptoms and allow you to move around without too much discomfort as your back heals.

Physical therapy is another method of treatment which will include gentle hip and neck movements to free up tension in muscles and help to push vertebrae back into a comfortable position.

In extreme cases, patients may have to have an epidural, which is where a pain killer is injected directly into the spine. And of course, there are surgical procedures required for more severe injuries which put a strain on the spinal cord. A procedure called decompressive laminectomy can be carried out which widens the spinal canal to allow more room for the spinal cord and decrease chances of paralysis. If you are unlucky enough to suffer from a slipped disc, you will have to undergo minor surgery where a doctor will remove part of the disc in question to take pressure away from the spinal cord and restore nerve function.

Prevent Back Pain

You can avoid back problems by living an active, healthy lifestyle and exercising it regularly. If you work in a job which requires heavy lifting, always remember to follow the health and safety instructions and bend from the knee, not the hip. This will take the strain away from your back and allow for the safe lifting of objects.

Why Sobriety Feels Better Than Anything

Becoming an addict can be much more of a slippery slope than we ever thought. If you enjoy an experience, your brain will be hooked on it from that first time and want to experience it again and again. Battling against this can feel like a hopeless cause, but recovery has so many more benefits than just improving your physical health. So with that in mind, why is choosing to stay or become sober a better idea than the alternative?



Being in rehab is supportive

When it comes to both having an addiction and coming out of one, it can be awfully lonely. By choosing recovery, we place ourselves back onto the path for support and friendliness. Going to a rehab center such as The Recovery Village is one of the best ways to stay sober and feel good about it as you’ll be surrounded by specialist care and like minded people who understand what you’re going through. You’ll never be alone in your suffering, and you’ll get out of it faster than you would without any aid.

There’s no chance of withdrawal symptoms

This is a huge benefit for both your physical and mental health. For example, if you’ve been on prescription drugs for the past 10 years, getting off them is a complete drain on your mental health for both your state of mind and chemical balancing. But if you’re sober, there’s no possibility of going through withdrawal symptoms for the first time again. Relapses can and will happen, but they’re often minor and can be gotten over quickly. The longer you stay sober the less likely you are to relapse and the years get easier and easier.

Your relationships will be deeper than ever before

Hanging around other people who have an addiction like yours, whether it be gambling, smoking, or taking drugs, makes it a lot harder for you to break the habit. Peer pressure affects us all and is a form of bullying. Learning how to say no is a big step in anyone’s life. This can be made easier if you take the time for yourself and make a conscious decision on your own terms to give up something. Becoming sober and going through recovery gives you a chance to cut these kind of toxic actions out of your life and build up the good ones from the people who truly love you. What someone thinks of us can be all we focus on, so by removing the nasty perceptions, we can increase our self esteem levels and allow ourselves to be loved again.

We all like to casually partake in substances, like a few drinks at a party and a couple of pills when we have a headache. But for some, it’s a huge part of their reality. Knowing this, becoming sober is a big decision for a lot of us. However there is more understanding and support out there than you realise, so let yourself enjoy life again on your own terms.


Preparing Yourself For The Fight Against Time

Time can be a very negative thing for anything organic. When a plant or animal is first created, it has loads of fresh cells and hardly any problems to deal with, making it easy to function and carry out its jobs. Of course, though, as it gets older, parts of its construct start to become weaker and will fall apart. For humans, this means discomfort, pain, and difficulty living, with a lot of people experiencing problems in their later life.

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Of course, though, problems like this only have to exist if you allow them to. Modern technology and science have reached the point where age doesn’t have to matter, as long as you’re willing to do some work. Along with eating well and doing plenty of exercise, it’s important to monitor certain areas of your body. This will help you to avoid future issues, while also keeping yourself healthy. Below, you can find some examples of these areas, as well as the work you can do to preserve them.

  • Areas To Think About

Compared to other primates, humans have some of the weakest joints out there. Unlike our close ancestors, like Neanderthals, humans have very small joints which are prone to damage over time. Along with this, your bones are also very sensitive. So, it’s important to make sure you look after these parts correctly, making sure to avoid impact-based exercises and the wrong sorts of food. If you ever experience extreme or irregular joint pain, you should see a doctor as soon as you can.

Like a car losing horsepower, your body will become less efficient when it comes to creating the different hormones and chemicals it needs to work as it gets older. The impact of this can be huge, from a little bit of weight gain to mental issues like depression. Thankfully, this sort of issue can be solved with some simple hormone replacement therapy, but you’ll have to keep your eyes open to figure out when it’s right to go. This sort of treatment is perfect for women going through menopause.

Without your eyes, it would be very hard to live, as you wouldn’t be able to rely on your vision to get you around. Along with this, living without your teeth could also be a huge problem. Issues with these parts of your body will be very common but can be solved as quickly as they come. If you notice pain in your mouth, going to a dentist will help to solve the issue. Problems with eyes, though, will have to be dealt with by an optician.

Finally, going back to your body’s similarities to a car, you’re going to need some regular servicing to make sure everything is working into the future. Doctor’s appointments are very important, and you should be having them done regularly to make sure you’re at your peak level of health. Most clinics will allow you to book appointments going into the future, enabling you to make this part of your bi-monthly routine.

Hopefully, this post will inspire you to start thinking about the future of your body. It’s easy to ignore this part of life, putting it off until you’re just a little bit older. Doing this will only result in difficulty later on, though. So, it’s worth starting as early as you can.

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