Month: January 2018

Improving Well-Being, Not Temporarily Feeling Better About Yourself

It’s easy to think about how many things we have wrong with ourselves. Both due to our own insecurities or worries, as well as ones pushed onto us by the mass media. Not having the latest sports car, not having the latest iPhone or another flavour of the months smart device like a phablet or iWatch. Not earning enough money, not being able to afford fancy expensive hotels while on holidays, getting old, not being “sexy” anymore, not being able to follow the latest fads and trends. The list goes on and on, and while you could sit there and be stuck in a cycle of perpetual worry and self-doubt, you could take a step back, and think about things that actually matter in life. Not even in the sense of “get over yourself there are more important things at hand”, anyone can tell you that, and as valid as that may be it is not “advice” which works on everyone. So let’s look at how you should get back to basics, and look after yourself in ways in actually help your well being, rather than just helping you feel better about yourself for having the latest smartphone.

Image source: Pexels

Sleeping habits


Sleep is possibly one of the most important parts of your day, you may not feel like it sometimes, but your body certainly does feel like it. If you find yourself constantly weary and tired during everyday life, having problems with coordination, maybe you tend to get irritated quickly or lose your temper, these are all common symptoms of bad sleeping habits. The amount of things which get affected by poor sleeping, span from hair loss to even lack of appetite or sex drive. Now while ordering some mens hair thinning treatments and some viagra might be a good start or quick-fix solution, the ideal scenario would be to get yourself back on track to the point where you don’t need them.


Everyone is different, and while there are recommended sleeping hours for age groups, they do not always tend to fit everyone perfectly. Some people prefer less sleeping time, some a bit more, and some prefer to take naps every now and again rather than getting a “proper” night’s sleep. Of course, what is best for you is absolutely up to you to decide, but the guidelines for age groups are as follows:


Teenagers (14-17): 8-10 hours

Young adults (18-25): 7-9 hours

Adults (26-64): Once again, 7-9 hours

Older adults (65+): 7-8 hours


As you can see, the trend tends to be that the older you get, the less sleep you need, but as mentioned above, these are guidelines. Some people even adapt a whole new way of sleeping, called polyphasic sleep, which consists of sleeping very few hours at night, usually from around as little as 3 to sometimes 5 hours a night. After that, people have two 15 to 20-minute naps during the day to keep themselves fresh. It might seem like a strange concept, but it has shown to boost productivity amongst people as well as overall better wellbeing.


What to Eat After You Work Out??

Everyone knows that athletes must plan and time their meals and snacks very carefully to reach their performance goals. But what about the rest of us? You try to squeeze in 30-60 minutes of exercise most days of the week. Do you have to be careful about what you eat before and after your workouts, too?

There are some advantages to knowing how your body works and what it needs to perform at its best. The bottom line for healthy weight loss and fitness sounds simple: You must eat fewer calories than you use up—but not fewer than your body needs to function at its best.

The size, timing and content of your pre and post-exercise meals and snacks can play an important role in your energy levels during your workout, how well your body recovers and rebuilds after exercise and whether the calories you eat will be used as fuel or stored as fat. Here’s what you need to eat and drink to get the results you want.

Your Post-Exercise Fluid Needs
Most moderate exercisers will lose about one quart (four cups) of fluid per hour of exercise, so try to drink about 400 ml of water shortly after your workout to aid the recovery process. If you sweat a lot or the weather is hot and/or humid, consider weighing yourself before and after exercise, and drinking 200ml of water for every ounce of weight you’ve lost. Because heavy sweating also causes loss of minerals and electrolytes, consider using a sports drink with electrolytes if you need to replace more than two or three cups of fluid.


We suggest you add ½ chopped any fruit you enjoy, along with few chia seeds and few mint leaves to enhance the taste of water and that also helps in boosting the Vitamin content in water.

Your Post-Exercise Meal or Snack
Many people are very hungry after a workout, making it easy to eat more than you really need or to choose foods that won’t really help your body. Eating too much of the wrong thing can cause your body to store that food as fat instead of using your post-workout meal to refuel and repair your muscles.

So what does the ideal meal or snack look like?

  • Roughly 60 percent of the calories you eat at this time should come from carbohydrates. Contrary to popular belief, your body needs more carbohydrates than protein after a workout, to replace depleted muscle fuel (glycogen) and to prepare for your next exercise session. Moderate exercisers need about 30-40 grams of carbohydrates after an hour of exercise, but high-intensity exercisers need around 50-60 grams for each hour they exercised..
  • While carbs are essential, it’s also important to include some high-quality protein in your post-workout meal or snack. This protein will stop your body from breaking down muscle tissue for energy and initiate the process of rebuilding and repairing your muscles. About 25 percent of the calories you eat after a workout should come from protein—that’s about 10-15 grams for most people.
  • Fat doesn’t play a big role in post-workout recovery, and eating too much fat after a workout won’t help your weight control or fitness endeavours. Only 15 percent (or less) of your post-workout calories should come from fat—that’s less than 10 grams.


The ideal time to eat after a workout is within 30 minutes to two hours, when your body is ready and waiting to top off its fuel tanks to prepare for your next session. 
But if your appetite or schedule doesn’t allow you to eat a meal right after exercise, don’t panic. Your body can still replace your muscle fuel over the next 24 hours, as long as you’re eating enough food to support your activity level. Try to have a smaller snack that contains carbs and protein as soon after exercise as possible. Liquids like smoothies, shakes or chocolate milk, and/or energy bars, can be especially effective post-workout snacks.


Here are some sample food combinations for your post exercise meal:

  1. Bread, a bagel or an English muffin with feta cheese or peanut butter
  2. Dried fruit and nuts
  3. Paneer Paratha
  4. Cottage cheese with fruit
  5. Fruit Smoothie with Seeds
  6. Yogurt with fruit
  7. Veggie Egg omelet with toast or  Egg roll
  8. Cottage Cheese Roll
  9. Chocolate Milk + ½ Scoop Protein Powder
  10.   Cereal with Milk
  11.   Eggs and toast
  12.  Chicken Sandwich
  13.  Vegetable stir-fry with Chicken/Fish/Tofu/Cottage Cheese
  14.  Crackers with low fat cheese
  15.  Rice or Oat cakes with nut butter
  16.  Smoothie (with milk, yogurt or added protein powder)
  17.  A protein or energy bar
  18.  A protein or energy shake
  19.  Pancakes and eggs
  20.   Any regular meal that contains lean protein, starch and vegetables

Article Contributed by nutritionist Kejal Shah, Nutritionist, Weight Management Expert and Founder of

Make Money From Your Craft



When you pick up a camera for the first time, one of the last things you’re probably thinking about is making money. Photography is an artistic passion that comes from within and is driven by beauty and attraction, not what kind of income you may be able to make.

Having said that, if your passion takes over your life and consumes you, then it may be wise to see how you can earn professionally from it so you can still get by, doing exactly what you love.


Do photo shoots for clients

When going in this direction, ideally you have your own studio as that adds to the profession of the job, because clients would expect to be shot there. Although a lot of the time, shoots can take place outdoors, but it’s always good to have the option. This does cost a bit of money for the necessary equipment as well as the space, so you may want to consider looking at some quick personal loans online so you can afford this, unless of course you already have some savings to tap into.

People will always be looking for a top photographer to capture special moments, whether that be a special time in someone’s life, or an event that needs remembering – so there is always work. All you need to do is build up a decent portfolio to show how capable you are, and then spread the word.


Start your own blog or vlog

If you think you have something to offer the world in terms of the kind of content you like to speak about, or show in the photos you take – you may want to start your own blog lead by skilled writing or even just your images that create a story in themselves. But if that’s not your thing, then try vlogging instead. Essentially this is the same thing, but in video form, so rather than writing, you can just talk on camera. YouTube is a great platform for this, and you may just find that your content is drawing in a lot of attention and you can start to build up a good following. This can open many doors for being sponsored to review products, as well as being taken on adventures to explore new things in the industry that you are now in.


Sell your prints

It could even be as simple as blowing up your images and trying to sell them. You can do this by making your own websites and advertising them on there, as well as social media like Instagram. Or you can even go into your local shops and ask if they’d be interested in selling some of your work there. If you have a lot of small prints, you could try and sell them to a shop for a set price, and then they can sell them individually – being a win-win for the both of you.


So there are many different options that you have, it just depends on the direction you’d like to go in. Get creative. At the end of the day it’s your passion, so take it wherever you want to.


Do Well By Doing Good: Perfect Careers For Those Who Want To Help People

There are few things worse than feeling like you’re stuck in a rut working a job that you simply don’t care about, and that doesn’t offer you any real satisfaction. Sadly this is the case for more people than it should be. Every single day people are getting up and going to work doing things that they simply aren’t interested in, feeling as though the work they do every day makes no real difference in the world. Well, what if you wanted to change that? What if you wanted to do something a little bit more impactful with your time? Well, if that’s the case for you, you’re in luck. There are plenty of career options out there for people who want to find a way to make the world a better place and help those around you. With that in mind, here are just a few career options for anyone who wants to do well by doing good.




When they think about helping people, most people’s minds jump pretty quickly to those working in the medical field. After all, what could be more worthwhile than saving lives every single day? And that’s absolutely true! However, a lot of people tend to make the mistake of assuming that becoming a doctor is the only way to make a difference in the medical professions and that simply isn’t the case. Sure, becoming a doctor is incredibly rewarding but it’s also something that requires a huge time investment and a pretty serious financial one too. If you’re prepared to go through the near decade’s worth of training involved, then that’s great! But it’s not the only option. There are careers in nursing that can be incredibly rewarding for those who want to work alongside patients. Or perhaps something in a more administrative capacity would be right for you? If that’s the case then getting a healthcare administration MBA and working that kind of role in a hospital can be incredibly fulfilling. No matter what role you take on in the medical field, you can be sure that you’re doing something worthwhile with your time.




Sometimes doing good involves saving lives, other times it involves helping young lives develop and thrive. There are few careers more satisfying and fulfilling than being able to help the next generation learn and prepare for what comes next. There are so many options for working in education that a lot of people tend to forget. Of course, the obvious one is working as a teacher, but that’s far from the only option available to you. There’s also working as a teaching assistant, administrative roles, even private tuition. No matter where your skills lie if you’re interested in helping to support and nurture the minds of the next generation, there’s something out there for you.




There are hundreds, maybe even thousands of non-profit organizations out there and most of them are seriously understaffed. Now, no-one is telling you that in order to be fulfilled in life you have to start volunteering and give up your income. However, there are plenty of paid roles within non-profit organizations that allow you do some incredible work helping people both locally and all over the world. The kind of charity organizations that you want to work with is going to be an incredibly personal decision, but you can be sure that no matter what kind of charity you work with, you’re going to be doing something that really helps people. Sure, the work can often be tough and thankless with long hours, but the fact that you’re doing something to really improve people’s lives can often be reward enough to make all of that worth it.


Home care


If there’s one thing that almost every western society could, and should, be doing better, it’s looking after older people. It’s a genuine tragedy that people who have dedicated their lives to working hard and serving society end up getting abandoned and forgotten about in their later years. That’s why home care assistants are so important. They help to provide the kind of care and support that many older people need without taking away their sense of independence. You can help older people stay in their home while making their lives much simpler and easier on a daily basis. Not only that but you often end up forming some incredibly strong bonds with the people that you care for since you’ll be spending a huge amount of time working one-on-one with them.


Social worker


There is a great deal of injustice in the world and if you’re the kind of person who simply cannot sit by and watch someone else suffer or be mistreated then social work might just be your calling. Being able to work with people and families to make sure that no one is treated unfairly and that people’s, particularly young people’s human rights are being respected at all times. In this kind of career, you’ll often see some truly shocking and upsetting things, but if that’s something that you think you can handle, it can be an incredibly satisfying and fulfilling career path for anyone who wants to be able to help others in a very direct way.


Now, there’s no reason why you need to work a career that is built around helping people. After all, many of these career options are seriously challenging and aren’t necessarily the kinds of things that anyone or everyone can do. However, there really is nothing like the satisfaction of going home at the end of the day knowing that the work you did that day has genuinely helped to make the world a slightly better place. If you spend your life feeling as though the time that you spend at work is little more than wasted hours you could be doing something else with, one of these career options might well be perfect for you. Remember that it’s never too late to decide to do something just a little bit more meaningful with your life.


Value Shopping with Shop Clues!

How many times do we see those fashionable clothes, those trendy watches, and fashion jewellery across the ads running on social media, we click the links and often shut them back because when we look at the prices, our dreams to own those things start shattering. Most of things are so highly priced, that though we want to make a style statement, but investing huge amounts for a trendy watch or a funky necklace doesn’t seem too wise.

But I as a fashion blogger truly believe that accessories like these help making a fashion statement and one should collect slightly different and unique items. Team one chunky necklace with a plain shirt or top and you are done. One stylish watch, and people turn their heads to look at you. Choosing these things is often assumed very costly but there are some brands that help you own statement watches and jewellery for women in a decent budget.

To our rescue, offers amazing stuff at the best possible prices. Just randomly surfing through the site, I stumbled upon their collection of watches for women and women’s jewellery and trust me its mind blowing.

Value Shopping is surely an upcoming trend which all fashion savvy people should be aware of. It allows you to follow the latest fashion trends, own trendy watches and jewellery without burning a hole in your pocket. College going students or young working women often go through the chaos of looking good everyday, but when it comes to buying new things, it takes a backseat, but like I mentioned brands like now offer such great range of products that you can easily choose from so many options and fit your regular shopping in your routine budget.

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Also who minds when fashionable and trendy things don’t cost much, at least I love shopping this way, where I am able to choose many things and may be in comparison pay price of just one big branded item. I personally love changing watches and jewellery according to the clothes I am wearing on a daily basis. The different coloured straps and dials make me swoon over watches and wearing jewellery as per occasion and dresses is a basic necessity for me. When I shopped for myself from shopclues and picked up some amazing stuff, I was able to add a lot of value to my regular look and also make my colleagues and friends a bit jealous. Everyday they would look at me wearing a different watch or a different earring and neckpiece and ask me how can I buy so many things. Then I thought I shouldn’t keep this as a secret anymore and hence I am writing this blog post to make both my friends and readers aware of my value shopping spree.


So I am sure now you wont refrain yourself from looking trendy and fashionable on a daily basis and make most of this value shopping from shopclues.

First Made in India bottled sugarcane juice OMG! (Oh My Ganna) partners with Haryana Hammers to promote Kushti

The truly made in India drink OMG! (Oh My Ganna) partners with Indian wrestling heroes of Haryana Hammers at Pro Wrestling League (PWL) to promote Kushti in the country. In its endeavor to take India’s pride factors to the world stage this indigenously developed Sugarcane juice brand is energizing Indian and International pehlwans. OMG! is the next best thing to fresh sugarcane juice and is trusted by the Haryana Hammers team to refresh their players after the tough matches.

Wrestling requires top notch fitness and stamina and a wrestler cannot go with anything but the best diet, routine and lifestyle to stay fit and healthy. Considered as the King of juices, Sugarcane Juice is blessed with extremely high nutritional properties. We Indians love our traditional beverages and are crazy for freshly extracted sugarcane juice. But the availability at street vendor shops under extreme unhygienic conditions is the biggest concern. Due to its highly perishable nature, it cannot be preserved beyond a few hours, which has also restricted the availability of canned sugarcane juice in India.

Taking up the challenge, Nutricane Beverages Pvt. Ltd., created its first bottled Sugarcane Juice OMG! (Oh My Ganna) with a non-refrigerated shelf life, same great taste and nutritional values as fresh sugarcane juice without adding any chemical preservatives.

Being a proud partner of Haryana Hammers, OMG! Sugarcane juice is offering every sip of nostalgia at this energetic and adventurous platform with the earthy taste notes of the fresh cane juice, completing the experience with the glass bottle.

Pro Wrestling League (PWL) is an initiative to revive all the adventure, all the fun that Kushti was once associated with – and Haryana Hammers is one of the top teams that is part of this League along with 5 other teams. Geared up to register the win, the bandwagon of Haryana Hammers is being led by players who have a history of accolades and wins alongside their names both nationally and internationally. This year, the team has three Rio Olympic Medalists Helen Maroulis (57 Kg), Sun Yanan (50 Kg) and Hassan Rahimi Sabzali (57 Kg) and four National Champions Sumit (125 Kg), Roublejit Singh Rangi (92 Kg), Sarita Mor (62 Kg) and Rajneesh (67 Kg). The team also has Khetik Tsabolov (74Kg), who is a two time winner of World Wrestling Championship and Pooja Sihag (76Kg) who has consistently won the Asian Championship for four years. Behind the team is the vision of Olive Sports – a venture that aims to revive the stature of Kushti in this country so as to bring the real heroes into the limelight.

About Nutricane Beverages Pvt. Ltd:

Nutricane Beverages Pvt. Ltd was founded with the idea of offering Natural beverages that can truly provide the sip of goodness, taste of freshness, a healthy mix & a natural fix to the beverage consumers especially the rising millennial of India and other markets. Taking start-up innovation to next level, the company worked hard to craft the real flavor of the country by developing world class patented technology as a big beverage revolution. The company dares to create niche categories in the beverage domain by picking real flavors of the country which will be crafted naturally in their purest form for consumers. OMG is the next big innovation in the F&B space, crafted naturally in India for the world.


About OMG! (Oh My Ganna):

OMG! comes in a 250 ml recyclable glass bottle at an attractive price of INR 40/-.The super fluid has hit the market in two avatars –OMG! Cumin Crush – Sugarcane juice with cumin flavor and OMG! Ginger Groove –Sugarcane juice with ginger flavor.

OMG! is high in nutrients such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus and vitamin C and low in calories with a low glycemic index. Sugarcane Juice is blessed with some amazingly cool nutritional benefits. It is a natural thirst quencher that best hydrates the body, gives instant energy, enhances immunity, helps in fighting cold, flu and sore throat, improves digestion, helps in weight loss. It is also low in calories, treats Jaundice, works as a deterrent to fight diseases like cancer and is good for glowing skin.

OMG! is crafted to deliver our nostalgic memories of sugarcane juice in an innovative form while keeping the essence intact. OMG! Sugarcane juice is all natural, containing over 80% juice content, and is not made from any concentrate or pulp unlike most juices available in the market today. The product does not contain any chemical preservatives as the company is using Class 1 Natural Preservatives and a few food additives which are found in common household kitchens.

Whisky blends to booze up your January Party Plans

Ain’t no party complete without the perfect booze, these cocktails are sure to ‘sleigh’ your party this holiday season!



GRANT’S BLOOD AND SAND WHISKY COCKTAIL – So we all know the best thing about winters, Orange and Whiskey. This cocktail is surely going to be your favourite party pooper.


50ml Grant’s Family Reserve

50ml Orange Juice

45ml Sweet Vermouth


  1. Add Whisky, Orange Juice and sweet vermouth to a shaker.
  2. Add in a spoon of juice from the Maraschino cherry jar.
  3. Strain and garnish with a Maraschino cherry.

Key to your drink:

GRANT’S AND GINGER WHISKY COCKTAIL – Don’t chase anything but Cocktails and Dreams. Woo your taste buds with the relishing flavour of your favourite whiskey and ginger ale.


50ml Grant’s Family Reserve

150ml Ginger Ale

1/2 Lime


Add the whisky into an ice filled glass.

Top with ginger ale, and squeeze half a lime.

Garnish with lime wedge.

Key to your drink:


GRANT’S OLD FASHIONED WHISKY COCKTAIL – Here we are for all our old school pals with there would be favourite cocktail drink for the season. Give your tongue a twist and introduce it to the cocktail world.


50ml Grant’s Family Reserve

One sugar cube soaked in bitters

Orange peel for garnish


Soak sugar cube with bitters, add to a mixing glass and muddle.

Add ice followed by half of the whisky & stir.

Repeat and strain into glass over a single ice cube.

Key to your drink



Top 5 luxurious and unique wedding venues in Mumbai!

The day you decide on finally getting married, your family starts swooning on the planning, and the first and most important thing that needs attention is the wedding venue. Whether it’s a five star hotel, a banquet or a courtyard lawn, wedding venue options are vast, but at the same time the most crucial of all. When the dates are heavy, wedding venues get booked the fastest and often because of this reason, people start searching for and booking wedding venues as early as a year in advance.


The wedding venue you choose gives a reflection of your over all style, some people like the hassle-free service that a five star hotel offers, some like the freedom to decorate the place as per their choice and hence opt for open grounds and lawns, while some take their venue way too seriously and indulge in extreme luxury by getting married in a fort, palace, cruise and even an airplane. You can find beautiful wedding venues in Mumbai on Wedmegood and filter them by your budget and ratings to choose the best for you.


Well whatever be your choice, here we are listing some luxurious venues that you can keep in mind if getting married in the glamour city of India, Mumbai. You can also find their contact details, pricing, reviews and more info on the Wedmegood site and app.


The Turf Club- This is one of the most sought after and prestigious wedding venues in Mumbai and often looked upon as an option by the people who believe in class. The very respected Derby races are held here, and its one of the grandest venue available in the city. Try booking it at least a year in advance and you still might find it already booked. The place can easily accommodate up to 3000 guests and you may require a member’s recommendation to book the place.


NSCI Indoor Stadium– Imagine getting married in the grandeur of a stadium, and this thought alone makes NSCI indoor stadium one of the grandest venues and also an off beat choice as a wedding venue. More and more wedding planners are suggesting it as a preferred choice to their clients who are ready to indulge in something different and unique as an overall experience. It already boasts of holding many prestigious concerts and gala events, and now it is being looked upon as a great choice for being a wedding venue. It can accommodate up to 3000 pax easily and also allows you the freedom to choose your own vendors.


The Pier, Bombay Presidency Radio Club– Over looking the backwaters of Arabian Sea, this venue offers one of its kind look and feel. Though it’s not as expensive as the Turf Club or the NSCI, but the location and ambience of the place, makes it really classy in its appeal. It can accommodate up to 1000 people and requires a membership to book. Finding someone in the family to help you book the place will be totally worth the effort.

The Cooperage Lawns– These lawns boast of some of the biggest weddings in Mumbai including that of Anil and Tina Ambani. The vast expanse of lush green lawns surrounded by big trees allows you to invite up to 5000 guests. The venue rental may cost you arounf 2.5 lakhs but its always advisable to book the place at least 6 months in advance, as its one of very popular venues. It has 3 lawns in all which can individually cater up to 1000 people and 5000 collectively.


Taj Lands End– When you talk about wedding venues in Mumbai, you simply cannot ignore the luxuriousness and oomph factor that Taj Lands End has to offer. A favourite with all Bollywood celebrities, its often considered as Quintessentially Indian. Its central location alo makes it worth the consideration and Taj Hotels as a group as redefined hospitality standards in India and very proudly continues to do so.

So whats your pick…?

Family Matters: Ways To Care For Older Family Members

Image Source


When you’re young, it seems impossible to imagine your parents or any other older relatives reaching the stage where they’re not able to do everything for themselves. Which means that when that time does come, it can be incredibly upsetting to come to terms with. However, just because it’s upsetting doesn’t mean that it’s something that you should ignore. The truth is that when your older relatives start to struggle with day-to-day tasks, their need for support is likely to fall onto you. Most people are more than happy to be there for older relatives when they need them, but they aren’t sure what they can actually do to help. With that in mind, here are some ways that you can more effectively care for your parents or any other older family members.


Set time aside for them


One of the hardest things for older people is the feeling that they no longer matter to those around them. As though, now that they’re older, they’re no longer as important as they might have been once upon a time. However, that’s obviously not true, and a great way to support them is to let them know how important they are to you by spending time with them. Sure, most of us have pretty busy lives, but the fact of the matter is, no one is too busy to take a little time out of their week to spend with someone important to them.


Get them professional help


Of course, the help that your older relative needs might be a little more specialised than just a sympathetic ear. If they need some kind of specialised care, then a service like Spectrum healthcare might just be perfect. Organisations like Spectrum offer some of the best home health care available meaning that they can get all of the help they need without having to go into a home and leave the place where they’re most comfortable.


Help them keep their independence


If there’s one thing that a lot of people say is harder than anything else when it comes to getting older, it’s the fact that they begin to feel as though they have no independence. If you’re looking after an older relative, then make sure that you’re not smothering or patronising them. Make sure that you can help them in ways that won’t make them feel useless or lacking in independence. If they can do things by themselves, don’t hover over them. Just because they need a little extra help doesn’t mean that they’ve suddenly turned into children who can’t do anything.


Of course, it’s important to remember that you shouldn’t put your life on hold in order to look after your relatives. Sure, you may be willing to make changes and sacrifices in order to help, but if you’re giving everything up, then you’re just going to end up missing out on time that you could spend on your own life. If you can’t take care of yourself, then you’re never going to be able to take care of anyone else.



How to get a perfect travel look..

While travelling, we bloggers are often very conscious about our looks, because we all want to travel in a comfortable manner and yet at the same time, we want to look our best and coolest possible for all those travel selfies, groupies and videos. The best way to achieve this look is to make your travel essentials stand out, from the backpack you carry, to the cargos you wear, or the shoes and even your everyday eye glasses. If all these elements reflect your quirkiness or style, you are sorted. Lets take a look at some of the essentials that can bring style statement to your regular travel look

Shoes– These days men aren’t behind when it comes to wearing shoes in different styles and colours, but when it comes to traveling, most people opt for the regular sports shoes. But here is how you can make the difference, opt for colourful and comfortable loafers instead and add the element of funk to your look. You can choose from bold colours like red and orange or stick to the basics like tan and brown too, but whatever the colour may be, they will surely help you look more stylish and yet remain comfortable.

Women too can easily opt for nice and comfortable looking lighter sports shoes, which are these days available in lot of colourful options as well, and keep that one statement piece of shoe or sandal for a night out during your travel. A pair of boots or comfortable bellies are also good for traveling keeping in mind both comfort and style.

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Bag– Whether you are fond of backpacks while traveling, or carry light with just a sling bag, the bag can bring about your personality and make a style statement like anything. Quirkiness or classiness, the choice could be yours, but while choosing your bag, keep your personality trait in mind and settle for one statement bag than to carry too many of them.

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Eye Glasses– Those who wear eye glasses, often resort to lenses while traveling, thinking that their glasses make them look boring, and yet wearing lesses all the time could be cumbersome. But now all thanks to brands like Titan, choosing a right kind of frame from your glasses is just a click away. With the Titan Eye Plus Wayfarer Eyeglasses range, there are lot of options available for everyone. Wayfarer typically means a person who is on foot, nomadic in nature, a traveller or gypsy and hence its one of the best suited eye wear range for travellers. With so many designs to choose from and that too in a decent budget, now dont shy away from flaunting your glasses and create a statement look. Whether you talk about different shapes or colours, they have plenty to offer and you will surely find glasses reflecting your true style. In fact placing an online order is very simple through their user friendly website and you can avoid going all the way to an optician and all those hassles.

With these accessories, you can surely bring about a considerable change to your routine look, remain comfortable and yet be stylish even while traveling. So what are you waiting for, start adding them to your collection now!

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Copyright @ikreatepassions 2024
Goa, India