Tag: Fitness First

Quick-Fire Questions: The Health Edition

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Health is the most important aspect of anybody’s life, which is why keeping yours in the best condition should be top of the agenda at all times. For many, however, the hardest challenge revolves around building a winning plan of action.

Here are the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions surrounding this field.  

What Is The Best Diet?

Anyone that says there is a one size fits all diet for everyone is either a liar or a fool. For starters, person A may be 6’1” and wanting to gain muscle, person B could be 5’2” and wanting to lose weight. This in itself should underline the need to focus on finding a strategy that works for you.  

In your case, this could mean getting tested for various food allergies or merely focusing on the foods that you love. It’s far better to discover nutritional habits that suit your needs as well as your lifestyle. When you do this, your chances of sticking to the plan become far greater too.  

There is one tip that should be embraced by all, however: stay hydrated!

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How Much Exercise Should I Do?

The experts say that you should be getting at least 30-minutes of moderate activity at least 3-4 times per week. While this is a good starting point for beginners, most people will find that this isn’t enough to unlock optimum health or performance. Crucially, you need to exercise in a smart manner.

Exercise should be fun and rewarding. Team sports, gym workouts, and class sessions can all be used to significant effect. Meanwhile, you’ll want to focus on targeting your weak points as well as the strongest areas. Mixing up the intensity levels and workout types can keep you on your toes too.

Remember that rest and recovery is equally vital, though, especially when you suffer an injury.

Are Mistakes Final?

No. While you cannot turn back the hands of time, there’s no point in feeling sorry for yourself. After all, we are all guilty of making mistakes with our health. A proactive response is the only way to learn from those errors and develop into a better person. This should be a target for all.

Those errors can come in many aspects of our lives, not least with regards to sexual health. Getting checked for infections is vital after unprotected sex. Meanwhile, an abortion pill can stop the threat of bad decisions impacting your entire life. Be sure to follow this up with further education on the subject.  

Or if you’ve been guilty of habits that harm your health, it’s never too late to change.

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What Are The Best Ways To Stay On The Road To Recovery?

No two people are identical. Nonetheless, despite the fact that it has to be a personal journey back to the top, embracing helping hands is vital. With the right support, the journey ahead will feel less daunting. This should, in turn, ensure that the ride is less bumpy too.

Whether battling addictions or recovering from an illness or injury, outlets are vital. Having an activity that helps focus your mind elsewhere and stop dwelling on your problems is vital. Meanwhile, setting daily milestones will break down the process into bitesize chunks.

You can get back to your best, and the right plan of action will undoubtedly aid the cause.  

Is It OK To Self-Diagnose My Illnesses?

We all encounter minor health issues such as flu throughout the year. In those cases, buying over the counter medication is the fastest and most cost-effective solution. However, in a world where we can drag up information on any subject, it can be tempting to take things further. Resist the temptation.

While it is possible that you’ll find the right diagnosis, getting it wrong will prevent you from getting the best treatment. Given that fast, accurate responses are the only way to restore your health to its best, this is the only option. The experts boast that status for a reason.

If it’s anything other than common cold symptoms, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

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Oral Health – Cosmetic Vanity Or Genuine Necessity?

Do you need a Hollywood smile to enjoy great health? Absolutely not. In fact, many would argue that the clearly fake smiles look ridiculous.  One thing you cannot ignore, however, is the fact that the underlying oral health issues are of huge significance.

Good oral health should start with effective daily cleaning. Millions swear by electric toothbrushes, but it’s perhaps even more crucial to add mouthwash and flossing to the daily activities. Meanwhile, regular checkups, especially if you’ve experienced pain, are essential too.

So, to recap: Hollywood smile? No.Winning smile? Definitely.    

Just How Important Is The Right Frame Of Mind?

If nothing else, the answers to the questions above should highlight the fact that mental health is as crucial as physical health. Unfortunately, other people cannot notice the damage quite like they’ll spot physical issues. Only you can take responsibility, but that doesn’t mean you have to be alone.  

Vocalizing a problem to yourself can be the first step to accepting the need to treat it. Meanwhile, opening up to friends and family often leads to love, support, and advice. If the thought of discussing those issues with loved ones feels too much, online forums or local experts can help.  

When your mindset is in the right place, you can achieve anything. Do not underestimate it for a second.


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Any Other Tricks For Great Health?

It may not seem like a major issue, but establishing a routine is vital for your health. From sleeping at the same times to working out on the same days each week, plenty of evidence backs up the claims that this can be hugely beneficial.   

If nothing else, it’ll keep you on the right track and help train your mind. Having said that, the chance to take a break and recharge the batteries is something that everyone should want to grab. Otherwise, it can all get a bit too much.

Most importantly, though, you have to do what works for you.


3 Natural Health Resets That Might Change Your Life


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A lot gets said about the best tactics for enhancing your overall health, ranging from all kinds of dramatic dietary recommendations, to adverts for particular exercise routines whose advocates are convinced can solve all the problems experienced by mankind, in short order.

But for all the fine-tuning you can do to try and get your body and mind performing to their optimal standards, there are also a wide range of more straightforward, holistic, and big-picture changes you can make, which can have a disproportionately large impact on your health and well-being as a whole.

Author Charles Duhigg writes in his book, “The Power of Habit”, about “keystone habits” — habits which set off a cascade of positive change, and lead to numerous positive habits, in and of themselves.

Here are some “keystone” approaches, strategies, and techniques, for improving your health.

Go camping

There are many benefits to camping, from getting more fresh air, to spending a larger proportion of your day being physically active, and even just benefiting from the apparently innate healing benefit of trees.

Researchers have, in the past, found evidence that patients in hospital rooms with windows facing trees, experience better health in a shorter timeframe than others.

Other research has suggested that people who live in more rural environments and spend more time in nature tend to be happier and healthier than those who don’t.

Researchers have also suggested that continuous bouts of low-level physical activity throughout the day — such as walking — have a profound impact on health; considerably more than a daily hour in the gym.

Research has also found that chronic insomniacs, when taken camping, quickly have their circadian rhythms rebalanced and are able to fall asleep, probably due to the natural cycles of light and dark. If you need to optimize your circadian rhythm, a few days spent in the great outdoors, without digital devices, may be the key.

Quit caffeine

Caffeine is a ubiquitous substance in today’s world — it’s pretty much everywhere, and it’s in virtually everything. Chocolate bars contain caffeine due to their cocoa content, coffee and energy drinks obviously contain it, but even other soft-drinks you wouldn’t expect — such as Lucozade — contain added caffeine.

Over time, however, constant caffeine use can lead to burnout and adrenal fatigue, as stress hormones are kept constantly high.

Quit caffeine and deal with the withdrawals (which can take a few months) and you’ll likely find that you have much more consistent energy levels as a result. 

Eat as much as you need to feel satisfied

Many dieters who think they’re being healthy end up causing themselves severe health problems due to being restrictive eating patterns.

Eating at a caloric deficit — even one deemed “moderate” by modern diet gurus — can lead to major hormonal issues, including the shut-down of the thyroid — as evidenced by the Minnesota Starvation Experiment and similar studies.

There’s also evidence that yo-yo dieting causes the body to gain fat more easily in future.

To avoid these catastrophic outcomes, eat as much as you need, as often as you need it, in order to feel satisfied. Just stick to whole foods and whole-cooked meals, and limit processed food intake to every once in a while for special occasions.

Wellness Matters 101: Simple Solutions And Suggestions That Promote Health

People who have decided that they’re no longer comfortable with signs of poor health like mood instability and weight gain should know that they don’t have to tolerate a substandard physical or mental state of being any longer. If you’re ready to begin cultivating a lifestyle that is conducive to health, now is the perfect time to get started. Below you’ll find just three of many simple solutions and suggestions that you can implement to begin promoting health right now:

1. Eat Mindfully.

One of the most effective and important mindfulness strategies under the sun is mindful eating. This technique is powerful because it enables the individual to take conscious control over their eating habits so that they are continually consuming foods that promote clear thinking and physical vitality. Although defined broadly, eating mindfully basically involves thinking critically about the food you consume rather than simply consuming a product because it is available or to quell the rise of a negative emotion like anger or sadness. There are many ways that you can make mindful eating your new normal, and one is by recording what you eat in a food journal.

2. Meditate.

In addition to eating mindfully, make sure that you tap into the efficacy of other mindfulness strategies such as regular meditation. Meditating regularly is a wonderful way to promote health because it helps individuals think clearly, decrease their stress levels, and sleep more soundly. Because there are literally hundreds of meditation modalities under the sun, it shouldn’t be difficult for individuals to locate at least one that they will enjoy and attain excellent results from. Whether you recite words of affirmation within silently or concentrate on inhaling and exhaling rhythmically, you’ll likely start to feel that your mind and body begin operating at a higher level of efficacy so that you can maintain your mental and physical equilibrium!

3. Start Engaging In More Physical Activity.

One final technique that can take your level of wellness to an all-time high is working physical activity into your life. Doing so will empower you to gain strength, build muscle, enhance your metabolism, lose weight or maintain your ideal weight, and attain more mental clarity. There are many ways that you can get started with the process of exercising regularly, and one is by purchasing home gym equipment from a company such as Smart Squat.


Once a person realizes that they’re no longer willing to settle for less than the best in terms of health, it’s time to put the strategic planning process in full swing. You can use some or all of the wellness strategies outlined above to keep yourself on track to attaining the high level of health you deserve to have!


Top 5 Benefits of Yoga

On this World Yoga Day, lets talk about some top benefits that Yoga has to offer


Agility, Strength and Flexibility– Some form of exercises and sports give us agility, while others give us strength, but yoga is one of the only forms that not only helps in gaining agility and strength but also is the best form of activity for increasing overall body flexibility.


Reduces Pain Naturally– Yoga has proven to reduce pains naturally, if practiced properly. Ailments like migraine, arthritis and backaches can be treated effectively with yoga.


Normalizes Blood Pressure– Yoga has proven to be more effective in keeping the blood pressure under control as compared to dietary modifications and medications.


Weight Management– Unlike extensive workouts, yoga may not help you burn too many calories or bring your weight considerably down, but if practiced regularly, it benefits the overall weight management. It regulates the body hormones and nervous system, which in turn keep the body weight in check; panic modes and stress normally lead to weight gain, which yoga keeps in control.


Improves the Respiratory System– Given the current times, we all live in a polluted atmosphere and respiratory diseases are on a rise. Yoga helps regulating our respiratory system, which further helps in increasing lung capacity, and altering the pace of breathing, which naturally results in a longer life span.

In my fitness goals for this year, yoga is playing an important role, how about you?


Building Muscle The Right Way

Whether you want to build up your muscles to become built up, or you’re just looking to improve your general health and wellbeing you should take a look at this article before planning out your workout routines. Today I’m going to be giving you some advice on how you can build up muscle more easily than you thought.

I’m not saying that it’s going to be a walk in the park, you will obviously have to put a lot of work into your body to get the results you desire. If it’s done correctly, it can save you time, energy and money.

The gym is an obvious road to go down because there is access to the latest equipment and you could even hire yourself a personal trainer. If you’re a newbie to the gym this is a good idea. You can tell your trainer what your ultimate goals are and then they can talk through with you what the plan of action is. If you’ve got some experience within the gym and you know how to use all of the equipment, then do some research on how to best achieve the results you want. You might be looking on improving your arm muscle definition and be happy with how your legs and torso look, so you’d want to look for exercises to build up your arms.

Most avid gym goers like to increase their performance by taking in the right nutrients and supplements that their bodies need to endure through the workout. Aretheyonsteroids.com blog has loads of information that you could apply to your routine to increase your workout results.

If the gym isn’t really your scene, or you’d rather do it alone without spending lots of money on a gym membership, then there are other alternative ways of working out. Doing this will also save you becoming bored of the same routine, especially if you change your activities up regularly.

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What you’re putting into your body is important too. You can’t expect to become ripped with a six pack if you’re still bingeing on greasy, calorific foods. Change your diet to one with plenty of protein, as this is good for building muscle. Eating smaller but more regular meals will keep your energy levels up and give your body a chance to burn off the energy between meals.

Ensuring that you’re getting plenty of water is important too. When you’re working out, you sweat out a lot of the moisture in your body and it’s easy to become dehydrated. Being dehydrated while you’re working out is dangerous and can lead to you becoming overly exhausted, passing out and many other terrible ailments, so make sure you’re getting enough water.

As you can see, building muscle isn’t all about the workout, it’s about what you’re putting into your body too. Remember to eat well, drink plenty of water and get enough rest and your workouts will be easier. You will soon start to see results and you can begin enjoying your new and improved body.


Foods All MS Sufferers Need To Avoid

Following a healthy and nutritious diet is important for all of us as it can help us live long and happy lives. However, there are some people who suffer from certain illnesses and health conditions that need to keep a closer eye on the foods they eat. And one of those health conditions that requires a finely tuned diet is multiple sclerosis (MS).  

Those who suffer from MS suffer from fatigue, numbness in the limbs, trouble with movement, and bladder problems. There is no cure for this, but patients can take medication to make life with these symptoms easier. However, some sufferers believe that changing their diet has made a world of difference as well. Here are some of the foods they avoid to help improve their symptoms.



Some MS patients find that drastically reducing their daily sodium intake can help to improve things for them. In fact, there have been some studies that show MS patients that have a high level of salt and sodium in their diet are more likely to relapse. Don’t worry about cutting salt out of your food, there are better ways to season your meals and make them taste great. For instance, you could add hemp seeds to your salads and cooked vegetables. In fact, some MS patients find that hemp can help to ease their pain. Sticking your kitchen with plenty of herbs and spices can also help you improve your food’s flavor! 

Full-Fat Dairy

There have been a few studies carried out on the link between dairy and MS. These studies haven’t shown any definite links between the two, but it is believed that cutting down on full-fat dairy is better for an all-round healthy lifestyle. And the healthier you are, the better your body will be able to deal with MS symptoms and relapses.


Saturated Fats

A low-fat diet has been popular amongst MS sufferers since the 1940s. This is because some experts claim that all of the saturated fats found in protein sources, like red meat, tend to make the symptoms of MS worse. However, you should still endeavor to keep good fats in your diet as these are important sources of vitamin D. 


Sugar is bad news for all of our health, especially when it comes to our oral hygiene. But those with MS need to pay particular attention to their daily intake of sugar. That’s because too much sugar in the diet will lead to a lot of weight gain. And if you are carrying a few extra pounds, you will find it difficult to be mobile, especially if you suffer from MS. It is also thought that reducing sugar intake can help the body fight the flu-like symptoms that sometimes come after taking interferon, which is a common medication in the fight against MS.

As you can see, diet can make all the difference to your MS symptoms. And changing your diet in these ways can help you lead a much healthier and happier lifestyle overall!

How To Get More Out Of Your Workouts, All The Time

(Pexels: http://bit.ly/2tweQpd)

Working out is a fantastic way to remain healthy and improve your fitness. However, many of us are left feeling a little shortchanged after each exercise session. We don’t see the desired results quick enough, and we feel like we’re not getting a lot out of each workout.

Today, these problems will be put to rest as I’ll show you how you can get more out of every workout from now on!

Up The Intensity

One of the main reasons you do not see great results is because you’re not working out intensely. You’re very lacklustre in your approach, and everything is very much chilled. This is why you don’t finish each workout on your back dripping with sweat.

If you improve the intensity with which you attack each workout, you’ll soon see better results. The easiest way to up your intensity is to re-energize yourself. A lot of us feel lethargic when we work out, so we can’t find that right level of intensity. There are loads of organic and natural supplements such as Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 that can give you a vitamin boost to increase your energy levels. You’ll feel more energetic and have the ability to hit your workouts harder and with added intensity to get more out of them.

Push Yourself To The Limit

As well as upping the intensity you should also start pushing yourself more and more. It’s amazing how many people seem to care more about sets and reps rather than actually pushing yourself. If you have a workout where it tells you to squat for 12 reps, and you get to that 12th rep, and you feel fine, then you’re not pushing yourself. You should crank out a few more reps until you start to struggle. Then, on the next set, you should increase the weight to make it harder.


Rep goals aren’t strict, they’re just there to help guide you and show you around about how many reps you should aim for. Ideally, you should be getting to your final rep of every set and almost fail. That shows you’ve pushed yourself to the limit, and your muscles will take a good beating. This is how you see better results, as you’re really testing your body and getting it to improve.

Switch Them Up

If your workouts become repetitive, then they’ll stop yielding proper results. Your body will start to adjust to what you’re doing, and you’ll plateau. Too many people do this as they get comfortable with their workouts and like doing them.

What you need to do is switch up your workouts and keep your body guessing. If you do one selection of workouts one week, do another the next week. Or, try training in one specific fashion for a month, then change it up and shock your system with a new style of training. No matter what, you don’t want to fall into the trap of doing the same workouts for years on end as it won’t show good results.

If you take this advice onboard, you’ll soon get a lot more from every workout. As a result, get ready to see the fittest you you’ve ever encountered!



The Nuisance Of Having Flat Feet & What You Can Do About It


Pes planus, otherwise known as flat foot syndrome, is a difficult condition that can be difficult to cope with among those afflicted. When the ligaments and tendons in a foot collapse and unfortunately are unable to contribute to their share of the load-bearing function of the foot, flat footed syndrome can be defined and diagnosed. This can be a real nuisance on the part of those afflicted, to say the least.

Usually, young children have flat feet, but as the foot grows and develops, a natural arch will arise. In those with flat feet, either these arches haven’t developed as it should have or they’ve failed due to an injury, obesity problem or other consideration that is unfortunate to experience. For some people, having flat feet doesn’t pose any other problem than strange stance and gait issues, but for some, it can lead to recurring pain that is difficult to contend with, and can be annoying to experience. It can also affect how comfortably these people are able to walk and maneuver around their environment.

If this is you, or you know someone afflicted with flat feet, consider utilizing or suggesting the following ways to mitigate the negative effects. If you believe that your child is experiencing flat footed syndrome, you might not have reason to worry. See your healthcare professional first and foremost before you take any affirmative action to fix an issue that might not exist.


If you have flat feet, you need footwear that contributes to the normal way your foot arch is supposed to work. Normal is supportive, and this means that you might need to wear shoes with a more pronounced heel raise than other people, or maybe even asymmetrical shoes that allow for the nuance of your foot positioning to be best catered for. To understand what shoes work the best, you should check this article here, which can also help you understand and gain some insight into this condition.

Lose Weight

Losing weight has an innumerable amount of benefits, but if you are flat footed, it can be of massive benefit. Losing weight helps take off the load on your feet when moving, and this can help reduce the feelings of pain to a tenfold degree. It can also help your body provide much better blood flow to the affected areas, and this is a benefit in itself. Many obese people tend to mitigate the effects of their weight by walking with ankles turned out too far in front, and this can wreak havoc on your foot arches.

To lose the weight effectively, consider using a simple diet such as intermittent fasting, as well as getting at least 3 hours of exercise a week, at whatever challenging pace is normal for you. Remember, it doesn’t matter how slow you go, what matters is how consistent you are with the practice and diet considerations.

Of course, if you have flat feet as a result of your weight, it’s not advisable to begin a running routine. Search for the exercise that you’d feel most comfortable with performing multiple times a week, and switch it up if possible. Exercises like swimming, ground yoga, and some bodyweight exercises require very little stress be placed on your feet. Tailor your exercise regime around these necessities, and you’re sure to find yourself feeling better about your situation in no time at all.

However, before you begin any form of new stress-adaptive training or nutrition plan when obese, you must ALWAYS consult your medical professional. This is a great guiding principle no matter how many articles like this you read and want to take advice from.


A podiatrist is a specialist foot doctor that can help you overcome all manner of foot difficulties relating to stress, exercise, and most importantly, overcoming the issues of flat foot syndrome. Here they can provide you with X-Rays, potential physical therapy as well as simply care techniques such as ice baths or recommending foot sports massages.

In the worst possible case, they may even suggest you undergo surgery via an orthopedic surgeon and will be able to refer you with their medical authority to the best places in which to undergo this. This can help sort out any underlying issues that might have caused the foot issues, but you shouldn’t expect the surgery to completely reconstruct your foot arches.

Be sure to take care of all of these considerations, and you’re likely to overcome the issue of flat-foot syndrome, or at least mitigate its effects.



3 Unexpected Health Benefits Of Yoga

A lot of people don’t consider yoga as a sport. In fact, if they are hoping to shift the pounds or tone up they opt for a cardio workout instead. Therefore, yoga doesn’t spring to mind as the most ideal form of exercise. But when it comes to your health, there are actually a wide range of benefits yoga can bring you. In fact, you might be left surprised when you read about three unexpected health benefits of yoga.

It’s ideal to help you beat anxiety and depression

When someone is suffering from anxiety or depression, they wish they could free their mind. In fact, they struggle to release the stress which can make things like sleeping and relaxing difficult. But if you are suffering from one of these mental health conditions, you should give yoga a try. After all, yoga is all about releasing the stress in your mind and body. As well as doing poses which can help you to tone up and improve your posture, a lot of the session focuses on breathing and relaxing. And a lot of people leave the practice feeling a lot more relaxed. In fact, they come home and feel a lot better in their mind. A lot of doctors will recommend you try yoga if you are suffering from these conditions. After all, it helps people to control it in their life.


It’s ideal for managing chronic pain

It’s a sad fact that a lot of individuals have to live with chronic pain. And for a lot of them, there is no easy solution to ease it from their life. In fact, aside from making some lifestyle changes, there might not be much you can do to treat the pain. However, yoga is often being recommended if you are living with chronic pain. In fact, as we said before, there has been some evidence which has revealed it can actually reduce the pain. Therefore, you should go along and do stretches which can ease f the pain. And it can also help to relax the brain so that you stop thinking about it as much. Of course, when you go to the yoga classes, make sure you tell them about the pain. That way, they can give you guidance on what you need to avoid, so you don’t make it worse!

It can protect you from injury

When you go to yoga, you will spend a lot of the time working on strengthening your muscles. In fact, the poses can help to ensure you grow stronger and more flexible over time. But you might not realize that as well as being ideal for strength, it’s also good for protecting you from injury. After all, it will ensure your muscles are in good nick so if you are doing any other form of exercise, you will keep strong and away from injury. And as it releases any tension in your limbs, it can stop you from walking away hurt. A lot of older people are encouraged to do yoga in their life. That way, they can avoid injuries like hip fractures which can affect their health.

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And it’s also good if you have any digestive problems like IBS. After all, it gets your body moving so everything will flow properly!



Cheap and Fun Workout Ideas

Working out at the gym isn’t for everybody. While some people love the atmosphere in there, it can get a bit boring doing the same workout day after day but that doesn’t mean you have to give up on exercising completely. There are all sorts of brilliant ways to keep in shape and improve your health without having to brave the gym every time you want to do a bit of exercise. If you find that the gym is getting dull, try out some these alternatives.



Going for a swim is one of the best workouts that you can do. It works every single part of your body at the same time and it’s also very relaxing. It should be easy to find a local pool where you can swim regularly and it’ll also be cheaper than the gym most likely. Swimming is the perfect exercise for anybody that is just getting into exercise or recovering from an injury because it is very low-impact while still giving your muscles an intense workout. If you hate the gym because it’s too busy then swimming at a public pool might not be the best place for you.



Gardening isn’t something that you would normally think of when it comes to exercise but it’s actually far more intensive than you realize. You’ll strengthen your legs and abs from all of the constant bending down and standing up and heavy digging is great cardio. By gardening regularly, you can workout without even realizing it. It won’t be difficult to get motivated anymore because you’ll be doing something fun while you burn those calories.

Dance Classes


Dance classes are one of the most fun ways to get some exercise and they’re probably as intensive as most other cardio like spinning or running on a treadmill. In the last few years,           Zumba exercise and workout classes have become very popular because they are heavy-duty workouts that have also been designed to be great fun. Going to these classes is a brilliant way to get a fun workout and meet lots of new people.

Hula Hooping


The hula hoop isn’t just a popular kids toy of the nineties, it’s a great workout tool as well. It doesn’t matter if you’re no good at keeping the hoop going, you’ll get better with time. You can burn over two hundred calories in just half an hour of hula hooping. Start off with the basic spin and when you get better you can start learning some cool tricks that will impress.




Cleaning is always a bit of a pain so why not make it a bit more exciting, and burn some calories at the same time by turning it into a workout. Set a timer and put some upbeat music on and then see how quickly you can clean the entire house. Running around and cleaning like mad will burn lots of calories and you can try to beat your record every time.


Hopefully, these suggestions will help you to keep up your workout routine without having to go to the gym.

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