Search Results for: recovery

How To Recover From Your Workout At Home

It’s all too easy to go a little too hard when you’re working out because when that adrenaline is rushing around your body, you tend to push yourself further than you intended, and then you’re left sore and aching, unable to workout or do anything of use for a few days. Luckily, there are ways that you can recover faster than normal so that you can get yourself back in the gym for another workout.

Why Sobriety Feels Better Than Anything

Becoming an addict can be much more of a slippery slope than we ever thought. If you enjoy an experience, your brain will be hooked on it from that first time and want to experience it again and again. Battling against this can feel like a hopeless cause, but recovery has so many more benefits than just improving your physical health. So with that in mind, why is choosing to stay or become sober a better idea than the alternative?



Being in rehab is supportive

When it comes to both having an addiction and coming out of one, it can be awfully lonely. By choosing recovery, we place ourselves back onto the path for support and friendliness. Going to a rehab center such as The Recovery Village is one of the best ways to stay sober and feel good about it as you’ll be surrounded by specialist care and like minded people who understand what you’re going through. You’ll never be alone in your suffering, and you’ll get out of it faster than you would without any aid.

There’s no chance of withdrawal symptoms

This is a huge benefit for both your physical and mental health. For example, if you’ve been on prescription drugs for the past 10 years, getting off them is a complete drain on your mental health for both your state of mind and chemical balancing. But if you’re sober, there’s no possibility of going through withdrawal symptoms for the first time again. Relapses can and will happen, but they’re often minor and can be gotten over quickly. The longer you stay sober the less likely you are to relapse and the years get easier and easier.

Your relationships will be deeper than ever before

Hanging around other people who have an addiction like yours, whether it be gambling, smoking, or taking drugs, makes it a lot harder for you to break the habit. Peer pressure affects us all and is a form of bullying. Learning how to say no is a big step in anyone’s life. This can be made easier if you take the time for yourself and make a conscious decision on your own terms to give up something. Becoming sober and going through recovery gives you a chance to cut these kind of toxic actions out of your life and build up the good ones from the people who truly love you. What someone thinks of us can be all we focus on, so by removing the nasty perceptions, we can increase our self esteem levels and allow ourselves to be loved again.

We all like to casually partake in substances, like a few drinks at a party and a couple of pills when we have a headache. But for some, it’s a huge part of their reality. Knowing this, becoming sober is a big decision for a lot of us. However there is more understanding and support out there than you realise, so let yourself enjoy life again on your own terms.


4 Awesome Tips About Enjoying Long Term Health And Happiness From Celebrities

Long-term health and happiness isn’t always something we automatically have. Taking care of your health is especially important as you age, and finding happiness outside of material things is so important. The amount of people suffering due to a poor diet, or trying to find happiness in buying ‘stuff’ or getting followers on social media is ridiculous. Even celebrities aren’t immune with all of their fans and money. Celebrities fall ill all the time, and even end up with depression. That being said, certain celebrities do have great advice for people who want it. Here are 10 tips from celebrities who know what they’re talking about!

Christie Brinkley – Start The Day Off Right

We all want to know Christie Brinkley’s health secrets. She looks absolutely incredible for her age. She says she always starts the day with hot water and the juice of a whole lemon, and sometimes adds cayenne pepper and honey. Rihanna is also a fan of hot water and lemon to start the day!


Rosie Huntington-Whiteley – Cut Out Red Meat

Jason Statham’s other half and baby-momma to be Rosie is a world renowned model. As well as being absolutely stunning, she’s also super healthy. She explains that she loves food, so she doesn’t restrict herself. However, she has cut out red meat. Since doing so, she says she feels so much lighter and healthier. Some studies suggest that red meat can have many negative health effects, so even if you don’t cut meat out altogether and go ‘plant based’, it’s a good move.

Russell Brand – Stop Caring About What Others Think

Russell Brand has been through a lot. A recovered drug addict, he’s been married, divorced, said some pretty controversial things, and now has his first child with his girlfriend. Russell says that it’s imperative you don’t care what other people think of you. In his words, it’s ‘irrelevant’. This is definitely a key to long term happiness. Doing things for others and being kind is great, but caring too much about how you look, what others think of how you’re living and so on, will only cause problems in the future. If Russell cared what other people thought, he likely wouldn’t have gone to rehab for heroin and methadone treatment. He’s been clean and sober for 10 years now!

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson – Do Your Bit To Help Others In Need

Dwayne Johnson is famous first and foremost for being ‘The Rock’, one of the most well known wrestlers of all time. Then he turned to acting in films, and he can sing a bit too. While he may look a little scary, he’s actually really, really nice. Not only is he healthy and loves to work out (that much is obvious) he’s also a huge advocate of helping those in need. In 2006 he started a charity that works with terminally ill children. He just loves having pictures with his fans too!

Try these things for yourself and see how you feel. Do it one at a time so you don’t feel overwhelmed!

Happy Days, And How To Find Them Again

You are probably aware of the epidemic that is sweeping the world, that of depression and anxiety. You may know someone that struggles with one or both of these problems, or you may have to deal with them on a day today basis yourself? If so then you might what to check out the guide below that can suggest where you may be going wrong and what to do about it?

Are you trying to hard?

Firstly, a lot of anxiety and related depression relates from trying too hard. “But wait,” you say, “Good things come to those who work hard and go above and beyond the call of duty, right?” Well, is that really the case, even in your own experience?

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I’m not recommending being permanent lazy, but it’s good to be balanced in life, and if you are always trying so hard to control outer conditions then not only will this feed into your sense of anxiety, but also make you tired all the time.

Sometimes this great need to work so hard at being approved of by others suggest that there is an issue with ourselves that we need to turn inwards to address. So back off a little and see if that improve things for you.

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Are your expectations off?

Another thing that might be contributing to your anxiety or depression is your expectations. The way we want things to be isn’t often the way that they truly are. This can apply to our relationships, our work, our finances, pretty much everything really.

The problem is the higher your expectations are, the larger space you leave for disappointment when the reality of the world inevitability doesn’t match up to what you were expecting. Of course, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t expect good things for yourself or to be treated with respect and kindness. Instead, it points to the value of being more flexible with your expectations and achieving the clarity to live with things are they are, not as they might be.

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Is there an underlying condition?

Anxiety and depression are medical conditions, and if you have been expanding them for longer than two weeks, you will need to go and see your medical professional for some advice on treatment.

Also, it can really help to make an appointment with a qualified psychologist to get your condition investigated further. This is because there is more than one type of anxiety disorder and more than one type of depression, and the treatments are not all the same for each. So it can really pay off in terms of your recovery to know what you’re dealing with.

Are you kind to yourself?


Lastly, a contributing factor to anxiety and depressive disorders can be how we treat ourselves. Stop and listen to the thoughts parading around you mind for a second. Would you speak to anyone else that way? Probably not, and if you did they would likely leave. So why do we do it to ourselves?  

Well, it’s mostly because we aren’t taught how to differentiate between thoughts and the meaning of those thoughts. This is something that both meditation and CBT can help you do. Which makes them something worth exploring in your quest for recovery.








4 Unexpected Health Issues That Can Arise When Starting A New Fitness Plan


Starting a new fitness plan is one of the more exciting times of the year. Taking control over the direction your life is going is beneficial no matter who you are, and can help you feel on top of your destiny. A new fitness plan can be the bedrock of all of this, because a fitness regime is much more than a fitness regime.

Working to a schedule of improving your body sets you on a schedule, a routine, and allows you to keep disciplined within those parameters. A scary job interview feels like nothing when you have lifted weights in the morning, because you have already made the effort to combat adversity that day. Who could stop you from there? It’s important to understand just how powerful this can be, because realizing it will allow you to stay focused in the times you’d much rather quit.

Improving your fitness level is one of the most beneficial gifts you can give to yourself. Sometimes though, it’s not a cover-all solution. Sometimes, new health issues can arise due to focussing obsessively on working out and changing your lifestyle. Progressing in your health and fitness is always worth it, but it pays to be aware of the following unexpected issues that can arise – and how to deal with them.

Swimmer’s Ear

Swimmer’s ear is a nasty condition that is usually brought on by repeated wet/warm conditions in your ear. If you have bacteria entering your ear through some form, such as dirty showering facilities, dropping your headphones on the floor and then plugging them into your ear, or simply not tying your sweaty and greasy hair back during a hard cardio session, you might become a victim of swimmer’s ear.

Swimmer’s ear is similar to an ear infection, and should be checked out by your doctor immediately. The reason that achieved its moniker is that swimmers are the most likely to get it, thanks to the aquatic nature of their sport. It can be relatively painful and completely shut off your ability to hear in that ear as it swells. This can throw you off for a couple days. Not only will the ear itch from the inside, but you won’t be able to touch it without intense physical pain.

To counteract this, purchase (with your doctor’s recommendation,) some over-the-counter ear spray that helps neutralize the PH in your ear, and helps it stay conducive to fighting the bacteria there. Luckily, over the course of a few weeks, the medicine should work as intended and complete reverse the malady. You’ll surely be much more careful about your exercise hygiene in future.

Torn Callus

Weightlifters have enough to deal with. In a given session they have to adhere to many safety standards. Lifting the barbell over the mid foot, making sure that balance is achieved and that the weight is just heavy enough to make strength process, but just light enough to be safely handled are a few examples of this. Not only that, but the most insidious enemy of the weight room is torn calluses.

This isn’t to decry the importance of calluses in the first place. Calluses are natural skin developments that occur to counteract a form of stress. Lifting a heavy barbell is most definitely a form of stress, so calluses that develop are necessary for lifting those loads safely, and so the skin doesn’t get damaged. Sometimes though, this can work counter to what is intended.

A lifter who places the barbell in their hand in an incorrect place, which is common for novice and intermediate lifters alike, will eventually have the barbell scrape down their hand at heavy enough pull loads such as chin-ups or deadlifts. This creates a jamming ‘wedge’ in the hands as the bar travels. This can lead to the bar tearing the skin of the hand open. This is a nasty to witness, horrible to experience pain that will take you out of any exercise or hand usage for however long it takes to heal. Not only will this be absolutely terrible to experience, but it will completely make you lose all of your progress made in that last month.

To prevent this, make sure that you place the bar on the callus’ that have developed just on the line under your fingers. Aim to grip the bar from there, and it will prevent the barbell from traveling down your hand when unintended because it will already be in the ‘end position.’ If you grip the bar in the middle of your palm, it will drag down to the end position and create the problem if you’re unlucky.

To further guard against this, make sure you are using chalk during your heavy lifts. This will help your grip immensely during those massive lifts.

Foot Diseases

Runners, rowers and swimmers alike are all likely to gain a foot infection, a bunion or some form of painful foot malady over their time traversing their exercise duty in sweaty footwear, or walking on sweaty, dirty flooring. This is much more common than you might original assume. How often do you think about your foot health? How often do you maintain your feet past washing them in the shower and trimming the nails on occasion?

To help counteract these issues, make sure that you see the best foot doctors in your area, and also wear breathable, clean footwear. Remember, while it’s cost effective to keep wearing the same shoes for your exercise for years on end, you will be sweating into these often. Replace often, or at the very least wash your footwear every fortnight to a month. Look after your feet, and they will look after you.


Overtraining is a very real phenomenon that occurs when someone ignores the fact they are otherwise untrained, and fuelled by a desire to ‘be the best’ as many motivational and disciplinary popular slogans will tell them, they’ll throw themselves into a training regime vastly more difficult than that they can currently handle. This will eventually lead to overtraining, a very real phenomenon when the body physically cannot recover in the time between workouts. This will lead to exhaustion and maybe even depression. This exhaustion is different to general exhaustion. This will be a real, deep and pervasive feeling of lethargy that is difficult to combat unless you get plenty of rest.

Novices are usually better at recovering than those who are well trained, but ONLY if the programming is correct. If you’re starting on a running program, consider starting Couch 2 5K – the popular running program designed to keep a novice able to complete each session, even if they have started as a couch potato. For weightlifting, consider a beginners program like Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5×5. These programs have been specifically designed for exercise utility and recovery time to squeeze the best ‘noob gains’ from a beginner, and this can result in some amazing progress that completely helps you avoid overtraining.

Over time, as your body adapts to stress, you can consider adding more volume or variety of exercises to your workouts. For example, a runner, once he has achieved 5k, might consider skipping rope or rowing before and after his workout. A weightlifter might consider adding barbell curls to encourage the coveted ‘strong arms.’ Find what works for you, and continually update your program as your stress adaption increases. You’ll find that you’ll have built the best foundations for the newly added exercises if you do.

Keeping on top of a positive health training regime is the most important thing you can do for your health, happiness, positivity and general life enjoyment. However, if you are affected with some of the previous maladies, enact the solutions suggested, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming that super-man or woman you originally intended.




Been Let Down By Your Medical Care? Here Are Your Options

We live in a very fortunate time, in 2017. The quality of medical care in most western countries is very high, and whether you have public healthcare or rely on your insurance, you can usually find the help you need fast. We put our trust in those working in the healthcare profession, simply because we have few reasons not to. After all, these people are trained professionals, so most of us have no qualms putting our health in their hands. But what do you do when something goes wrong? Of course, all medical procedures go exactly as they should 99.9% of the time – however, if you are one of the rare few who experiences a fault with your procedure or service, this can be little consolation. Receiving a botched treatment, or having your time wasted with the wrong type of treatment or medication can be incredibly infuriating, not to mention potentially dangerous to your health. If any of these scenarios happen to you, here are a few options you will want to take into consideration.

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Try not to lash out

When something has gone wrong with your medical treatment, it is fairly likely that it happened either because of human error or because of a data mix-up (i.e. the electronic system that processes patient information failed in some way). Neither is excusable, but they DO happen – some medical professionals have even expressed concern that longer working hours are resulting in more slip ups from staff. Either way, a mistake that affects you can quickly leave you feeling angry, let down, and distrustful of the system. You may find yourself shouting down the phone at your hospital receptionist and writing angry posts on local forums. While making formal complaints is advisable, try and remain calm for the most part. Your complaints will be taken much more seriously if you do, and you will also put your health under much less strain too.

Find an alternative doctor

If you have suffered a botched surgery, going in for further surgery may be the last thing on your mind. But usually, it takes a subsequent surgical procedure to fix the mess created by the previous one. A common example of this is breast implant revision surgery, which many women go through each year. Paying for cheap cosmetic surgery overseas might seem more friendly to your budget initially, but remember, these types of surgeries can easily come back to bite you.

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Claim compensation

As the saying goes, when there’s blame, there’s a claim; and you may be entitled to a payout to compensate for any mistakes made by your doctor/surgeon. Check your health insurance policy to see what you are covered for. Normally, you should be able to (at the very least) claim for things like missed wages while you are in recovery. Or, depending on the situation, you could even have a potential medical negligence case on your hands, meaning that you could be owed a huge sum of money for the inconvenience.

How To Live A Healthier And Happier Life

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There are many things that we can do to live a healthier and happier life. It’s your responsibility to make sure you’re doing them, because no one else will do them for you, unfortunately.

So here’s what you need to do.


Eat healthy foods.

A big part of why people don’t want to eat healthily is because of the effort that needs to be put in. Sure, fast food is simple and takes no time to prepare, and it’s fine for a one off, but if you’re eating junk food every single day, then your body isn’t going to be in the form that it should be. Not only will you be overweight, but you will be putting yourself at risk of high blood pressure and high cholesterol. – It’s not worth putting your body through that for a quick fix.

There are many easy meals out there that you don’t need to be a chef to make, and the benefits that they will have on your body and mind will pay off. You won’t just be healthier, but you’ll look so much better too.


Drink plenty of water.

It was once suggested to drink eight glasses of water every day, but experts now say ten to twelve. Water is so important for our bodies; it’s amazing for our skin, fights off old age, gets everything flowing through our body how it should and so much more!

If you ever have a headache that just randomly starts nagging at you during the day, a reason for this could be dehydration, and you may not even be aware. So carry a water bottle around with you so there’s no way you can just ‘forget.’


Exercise regularly.

Even thirty minutes are enough exercise if you do something every day, so there’s no excuse for not having the time. You don’t need to do anything too intense, just listen to your body and do as much as you can. Whether you like to swim, run, box or dance, as long as it’s getting your heart beating and the blood pumping – you’re doing what needs to be done.


Get enough sleep.

If you have ever gone a night without sleeping, you’ll know all about the effect lack of sleep has on your body and mind. It can make you feel so weak, and physically and emotionally exhausted too, so try to get as much sleep as you can to avoid this.

Eight hours is a good number – you should feel great in the morning, full of energy and ready to take on the day ahead of you.


Quit the bad habits.

Whether that be nail biting, smoking or alcohol, if you know it’s not good for you, cut it out of your life. Of course, that’s a lot easier said than done, but there are plenty of resources out there that help battle addiction. So open yourself up to the idea of getting assistance if you aren’t able to do it alone.


Treat yourself.

This doesn’t mean going overboard and spending all your savings on that car, house or boat you had your eye on. But if there’s something that you’ve wanted for a while now, and you can afford it – treat yourself. It’s a great little pick-me-up that will leave you feeling very pleased with yourself.


Get some real friends.

‘Real’ is the key word here. There are two different types of friends that you will have in your life, the ones that seem really fun to hang around with, but that just end up using you for what you’ve got, and there are the people that would sit with you in silence for hours on end, just to let you know they’re there for you.

Stick to the second option…


Find a hobby.

If you haven’t already found something that you enjoy – try a whole bunch of things until you find one that makes you happy. Explore music, art, dance, and sport. Join clubs and groups; you may even meet some like-minded people that turn into great friendships.


Get out of the house.

Don’t be confined to four walls every day; it’s so important to get out and be social; otherwise you will just get depressed. Human beings need to be stimulated or we will just end up getting stuck in a rut and having no way to climb out.

So take a walk in the park or meet some friends for a game of soccer. Whatever appeals to you – go ahead and do it.

Stay Fit Fridays- How to get rid of thunder thighs in 5 simple ways by Dr. Anjali Hooda

Ever wondered about the stubborn cheesy bulky thighs.

Not fair, most men don’t have it why should we women suffer?

My own story is that I kept aside a sum of money and decided to get some surgery to get rid of those thighs but then I found this solution after researching and trying everything available about this topic on internet/books/journals (not much out there)/blogs/videos, machines also using help of friends who struggled like me and achieved success.

Most of the times I also blamed hormones but then worked on them religiously diet wise and workout wise. I never became skinny but I found a way to manage to satisfy myself with even tone and got rid of side bags. As a result my thighs are way smaller now than few years ago. Here are 5 simple ways that you can add to your daily regime and become fat to fab..

  1. Walk at least 30 minutes using whole foot and thighs (no running) not just feet.
  2. One should increase vegetable intake (raw mainly) 1-2 quarter plate of salad daily, with added fruits.
  3. Drink a gallon of water daily and never sat for longer than 30 minutes, move after every half hour
  4. Do squats/lunges (get the technique right please) in pluses when in shower, restroom, kitchen, 10, 10, 10.  While watching TV, just sit 1 inch above the chair/sofa for a few minutes. Trampoline is awesome too for weaker knees.
  5. Stretch and squeeze those long muscles of legs whenever you can.

Dr. Anjali Hooda Sangwan, MBBS, MD (INTERNAL MEDICINE) (USA) is a veteran Obesity, Metabolic Medicine and Clinical Nutrition Consultant. She has an experience of, Hypertension, Cardiovascular Heart disease & PCOD. She is trained in Pre and Post Bariatric Management of Obese patients with and without complex Medical Issues like Thyroid Disorders, Diabetes Mellitus Surgery Care. She provides an advice on nutrition and offers people an opportunity to improve their health.  She helps her patients achieving healthy weight loss goals with alteration of life style and pharmacotherapy and micronutrient usage.


Apart from designing the food plans, Dr. Anjali Hooda also teaches the residents about obesity and nutrition and its application in assessing the nutritional status of a patient and how to manage it. She also indulge herself into the development and teaching of medical students and house staff on the hospital consult service, reviewing common and uncommon diseases affecting nutrition and their effect on patient recovery in postoperative period and treatment of malnutrition including pharmacology.

She has developed an App for Preventive Health and Weight Loss – She did her MD in Internal Medicine, Lincoln Medical Center an affiliate of Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, USA and also trained in Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT). She is a member of The Obesity Society, American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) and American Society of Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN), American College of Physician (ACP).

Despite designing food plans for several celebrities and other eminent personalities, Dr. Anjali Hooda Sangwan ensures she is accessible to all her patients and provides the best course of action to each one of them.


  • Medical Weight Loss
  • Age Management
  • Clinical Nutrition Support
  • Childhood Obesity Management
  • Metabolic Syndrome Treatment
  • Bariatric Surgery Services

Stay Fit Fridays..SUGAR ADDICTION IS REAL. FIND WAYS TO QUIT by Dr. Anjali Hooda Sangwan

I come across so many people who always ask me doc can I eat some sweet post my meal every day? Or I have a sweet tooth and I can’t live without some sweet every day.

That sounds familiar?

Sugar is a standard term we use for table sugar, the white sugar. Simple sugar is made up of a monosaccharide example fructose, glucose; galactose. Table sugar is a disaccharide and is converted to glucose and fructose in the body. Our bodies cannot make fructose but can produce glucose from the stored glycogen.


Consuming too much fructose will lead to conversion to fat and since the process takes place in liver, one can have a fatty liver. Sources of fructose include fruits, table sugar, added sugars to processed foods. Fruits usually can never be overeaten but you will be surprised when people will do that on all fruit fad diets, which includes fruit juices without any fiber.


Every living cell has glucose without which survival is impossible.

Sugar is addictive and numerous studies have shown it to be very addictive.

Lot of people argue: but shouldn’t we eat sugar for energy, what do you mean give up sugar, how will we live? Almost all foods contain sugar in some quantity more or less. In addition to weight gain, excess sugar can also cause inflammation, have adverse effects on your heart, increase your risk for diabetes and possibly cause kidney damage. Giving up sugar now or never that’s how it works. One should learn the difference between natural and artificial sugar.

So if we consume lots of fructose then we can get numerous diseases like Insulin resistance, Diabetes, Cancers, Obesity, Heart disease. Addiction to sugar is real; sugar causes release of dopamine in brain (happy hormone) therefore more we eat more we want to eat. Although sugar per se doesn’t have a high glycemic index (Food effect on blood glucose) But addition of sugar to foods can cause the calorie intake to go high for the body.


There has been conflicting studies regarding sugar intake but as far as data for obesity is concerned it’s a red alert and directly related to high sugary beverages.

I am of the opinion that moderation is the key, consuming high sugar foods and then adding an artificial sweetener to beverages is totally incorrect.

  • If you consume large quantities of sugar, try to give it up now. More you consume more you crave for it. It’s a condensed calorie so it will not fill up the stomach but will give a lot of positive energy balance.
  • Go easy in a party don’t let one night of fun ruin your sugar quitting, as party will end but cravings will not.
  • While buying, read food labels carefully, choose foods with less amount of sugar approximately 10 mg or less per serving.
  • Alcohol also contains sugar. It is called empty calories. Try to reduce or quit it.
  • Artificial sweeteners as low-calorie replacements have a variety of side effects.

Moderation is where the answers lie.

If you work on decreasing sugar in your diet you will develop a taste for low sugar intake. It’s a habit, which we have to work on. Choose your sugars wisely and decrease portion if you are going to have that scoop of ice-cream.

About Dr.Anjali Hooda Sangwan


Dr. Anjali Hooda Sangwan, MBBS, MD (INTERNAL MEDICINE) (USA) is a veteran Obesity, Metabolic Medicine and Clinical Nutrition Consultant. She has an experience of, Hypertension, Cardiovascular Heart disease & PCOD. She is trained in Pre and Post Bariatric Management of Obese patients with and without complex Medical Issues like Thyroid Disorders, Diabetes Mellitus . She provides an advice on nutrition and offers people an opportunity to improve their health.  She helps her patients achieving healthy weight loss goals with alteration of life style and pharmacotherapy and micronutrient usage.

Apart from designing the food plans, Dr. Anjali Hooda also teaches the residents about obesity and nutrition and its application in assessing the nutritional status of a patient and how to manage it. She also indulge herself into the development and teaching of medical students and house staff on the hospital consult service, reviewing common and uncommon diseases affecting nutrition and their effect on patient recovery in postoperative period and treatment of malnutrition including pharmacology.

She has developed an App for Preventive Health and Weight Loss – She did her MD in Internal Medicine, Lincoln Medical Center an affiliate of Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, USA and also trained in Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT). She is a member of The Obesity Society, American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) and American Society of Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN), American College of Physician (ACP).

Despite designing food plans for several celebrities and other eminent personalities, Dr. Anjali Hooda Sangwan ensures she is accessible to all her patients and provides the best course of action to each one of them.


  • Medical Weight Loss
  • Age Management
  • Clinical Nutrition Support
  • Childhood Obesity Management
  • Metabolic Syndrome Treatment
  • Bariatric Surgery Services


Understanding Facial Serum, Its Demand & Advantages!

Facial Serum can be a moisturizer or your skin tonner; it can be your sun-screen too. There is no particular logic behind what it is because facial serum does not only work for one task. It prevents you from sun burn, wrinkles and many other signs of aging that actually you don’t want to see.

How it moisturizes your skin?

Chock-full of moisturizing ingredients of Facial serum helps to maintain the moisture of the skin, but it does not work in traditional manner. It does not create a barrier in deep skin and upper facial skin as other products do.
Doesn’t use face oil instead of facial serums?

Most of us are not having proper information about the difference between facial serums and face oils, we may use face oil instead serum due to improper knowledge. Serums are actually water based and facial oils are for sure being formulated on oil basis. Due to big molecules of face oils, it just rest on first layer of skin but, facial serums are having very small molecules which go under upper layer for complete care of it. So, don’t be confuse get the right product for your face.

Check If Facial Serum Is Right for you!

Only serum with right ingredients will work for you, you can get it according to skin type:

• Acne-prone: Get vitamin C enriched face serum along with presence of retinol which is an antioxidant for reducing inflammation, zinc to sooth the irritation, salicylic acid

• Dry: Vitamin E facial serum is good for you; it should also contain niacinamide for improving skin elasticity, glycolic acid for lightening the skin color, and hyaluronic acid which retains the moisture.

• Dull skin: In this case, always look for antioxidants as green tea extract, ferulic acid, resveratrol etc for cellular recovery and prevention from sunlight.

Caution: before start using of facial serums always consult to doctor. Serum is super potent so, piling it on can damage sensitive skin. Only way to understand more is patch-test.

A great range of facial serums are available online these days, after proper understanding of the product you can get one of best facial serums in India. Properly check the ingredient list within it so that you can judge if the facial serum will actually help you to get back the glowing and charming skin. Best of luck to take a step to the glowing screen!

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Goa, India