Search Results for: recovery

You May Need Professional Help to Overcome Your Opiate Addiction

Opiate addiction has reached epidemic proportions in the United States and its deadly effects make this an especially tragic problem. Every day, there are 115 deaths attributed to opiate overdoses in this country and that number continues to rise. In 2016, Florida reported 2,798 deaths resulting from opiate-related overdoses. Put in other terms, there were 14.4 deaths per 100,000 people in Florida, while the rate for opiate overdose deaths across the country is at 13.3 deaths per 100,000. This indicates that opiate addiction is more widespread in Florida than in most other states in the U.S.

The reason that there are so many opiate-related deaths nationwide and in Florida is that these types of drugs are especially powerful. Even when addicts realize they need to get clean, they often find that they’re physically unable to quit by themselves. When they try, their cravings cause a severe relapse that puts the individual in danger of a fatal overdose. This is why addicts are urged to reach out to an opiate rehab center in Florida, when they’re ready to quit.

When you enter a rehab facility, your first step will be to get clean and you’ll receive the help you need through a medical detox. By using prescribed drugs to gradually wean you away from your opiate addiction, you’ll be better able to handle your cravings as well as the intense withdrawal symptoms you would otherwise experience. These symptoms can include any of the following:

  • Depression or anxiety
  • Muscle cramps
  • Nausea, which may be accompanied by vomiting
  • Agitation
  • Mood swings

Once you’re clean and no longer depend on medication to help you control your cravings, you can move forward. The next phase of your treatment will involve structured schedules designed to keep you occupied, while also helping you confront your addiction. You’ll attend one on one therapy sessions with a counselor to help you identify the triggers that led to your drug addiction. These sessions will give you an opportunity to discuss anything that’s troubling you, so you can identify areas of your life that need improvement.

You’ll also participate in group peer support meetings, which will cover a variety of topics. Together, you will discuss how to spot the signs of opiate addiction in others and how to help those in need. Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to mentor those who are newer to the program or you’ll be able to meet the mentor you may need. The goal of group support meetings is to help you build a supportive network of sober-minded people, so you won’t drift back into destructive practices.

Your family members may also be asked to participate in your recovery on their visits with you. This will give you an opportunity to mend relationships and build a strong support system outside of the treatment center. Once you leave the facility, you’ll be able to rely on your family for the support you’ll need to move forward with your recovery. Building a strong network inside and outside the facility will increase your chances of continuing your recovery over time.

An opiate addiction treatment program isn’t just about counseling, though that is a big part of any successful program. You’ll also be able to participate in activities that teach you new ways of living healthy. Your physical and mental health will be benefited by learning meditation, yoga, and other relaxation techniques. These activities work to reduce the stress that plays a big role in the relapses that derail some recovering addicts.

You’ll also have an opportunity to take up physical activities and learn about healthy eating habits. By taking a more holistic approach to your life, you’ll be more focused on healthy habits and that will reduce your risk of a relapse. While these practices aren’t required in your rehab program, they do help many recovering addicts in learning to better cope with stress.

By the time you graduate from your recovery program, you’ll be better equipped to deal with the triggers that caused your addiction. You’ll have learned useful coping skills that will help you resist the urge of using again and you’ll be ready to start a new chapter in your life. This is an opportunity to chase dreams that your addiction caused you to forget or you may find that you have new interests. Either way, this is an opportunity for you to start your life fresh, clean, and healthier.

Quick-Fire Questions: The Health Edition

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Health is the most important aspect of anybody’s life, which is why keeping yours in the best condition should be top of the agenda at all times. For many, however, the hardest challenge revolves around building a winning plan of action.

Here are the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions surrounding this field.  

What Is The Best Diet?

Anyone that says there is a one size fits all diet for everyone is either a liar or a fool. For starters, person A may be 6’1” and wanting to gain muscle, person B could be 5’2” and wanting to lose weight. This in itself should underline the need to focus on finding a strategy that works for you.  

In your case, this could mean getting tested for various food allergies or merely focusing on the foods that you love. It’s far better to discover nutritional habits that suit your needs as well as your lifestyle. When you do this, your chances of sticking to the plan become far greater too.  

There is one tip that should be embraced by all, however: stay hydrated!

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How Much Exercise Should I Do?

The experts say that you should be getting at least 30-minutes of moderate activity at least 3-4 times per week. While this is a good starting point for beginners, most people will find that this isn’t enough to unlock optimum health or performance. Crucially, you need to exercise in a smart manner.

Exercise should be fun and rewarding. Team sports, gym workouts, and class sessions can all be used to significant effect. Meanwhile, you’ll want to focus on targeting your weak points as well as the strongest areas. Mixing up the intensity levels and workout types can keep you on your toes too.

Remember that rest and recovery is equally vital, though, especially when you suffer an injury.

Are Mistakes Final?

No. While you cannot turn back the hands of time, there’s no point in feeling sorry for yourself. After all, we are all guilty of making mistakes with our health. A proactive response is the only way to learn from those errors and develop into a better person. This should be a target for all.

Those errors can come in many aspects of our lives, not least with regards to sexual health. Getting checked for infections is vital after unprotected sex. Meanwhile, an abortion pill can stop the threat of bad decisions impacting your entire life. Be sure to follow this up with further education on the subject.  

Or if you’ve been guilty of habits that harm your health, it’s never too late to change.

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What Are The Best Ways To Stay On The Road To Recovery?

No two people are identical. Nonetheless, despite the fact that it has to be a personal journey back to the top, embracing helping hands is vital. With the right support, the journey ahead will feel less daunting. This should, in turn, ensure that the ride is less bumpy too.

Whether battling addictions or recovering from an illness or injury, outlets are vital. Having an activity that helps focus your mind elsewhere and stop dwelling on your problems is vital. Meanwhile, setting daily milestones will break down the process into bitesize chunks.

You can get back to your best, and the right plan of action will undoubtedly aid the cause.  

Is It OK To Self-Diagnose My Illnesses?

We all encounter minor health issues such as flu throughout the year. In those cases, buying over the counter medication is the fastest and most cost-effective solution. However, in a world where we can drag up information on any subject, it can be tempting to take things further. Resist the temptation.

While it is possible that you’ll find the right diagnosis, getting it wrong will prevent you from getting the best treatment. Given that fast, accurate responses are the only way to restore your health to its best, this is the only option. The experts boast that status for a reason.

If it’s anything other than common cold symptoms, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

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Oral Health – Cosmetic Vanity Or Genuine Necessity?

Do you need a Hollywood smile to enjoy great health? Absolutely not. In fact, many would argue that the clearly fake smiles look ridiculous.  One thing you cannot ignore, however, is the fact that the underlying oral health issues are of huge significance.

Good oral health should start with effective daily cleaning. Millions swear by electric toothbrushes, but it’s perhaps even more crucial to add mouthwash and flossing to the daily activities. Meanwhile, regular checkups, especially if you’ve experienced pain, are essential too.

So, to recap: Hollywood smile? No.Winning smile? Definitely.    

Just How Important Is The Right Frame Of Mind?

If nothing else, the answers to the questions above should highlight the fact that mental health is as crucial as physical health. Unfortunately, other people cannot notice the damage quite like they’ll spot physical issues. Only you can take responsibility, but that doesn’t mean you have to be alone.  

Vocalizing a problem to yourself can be the first step to accepting the need to treat it. Meanwhile, opening up to friends and family often leads to love, support, and advice. If the thought of discussing those issues with loved ones feels too much, online forums or local experts can help.  

When your mindset is in the right place, you can achieve anything. Do not underestimate it for a second.


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Any Other Tricks For Great Health?

It may not seem like a major issue, but establishing a routine is vital for your health. From sleeping at the same times to working out on the same days each week, plenty of evidence backs up the claims that this can be hugely beneficial.   

If nothing else, it’ll keep you on the right track and help train your mind. Having said that, the chance to take a break and recharge the batteries is something that everyone should want to grab. Otherwise, it can all get a bit too much.

Most importantly, though, you have to do what works for you.


Can Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Help Treat Anxiety Disorder

Have you ever undergone severe panic attacks, compulsive thoughts, or inescapable tensions? Though it isn’t yet proved that the listed symptoms are observed in the patients suffering from anxiety disorders, the risk to develop the same is high among the people suffering from intolerable phobia or worries.


There exist a plethora of medication and treatment that can help you tackle anxiety, however, counseling and therapy are often considered to be the best possible measure to begin your treatment with. Some specific kind of therapies such as exposure therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy direct the patient on how to diminish your anxiety disorder, get rid of troublesome thoughts, and overcome your phobia. Here’s how you can treat anxiety disorders with effective therapy:


Get rid of Anxiety disorders with appropriate therapy


As per the recent studies, therapy is termed to be the best possible technique and alternative to medication to treat even extreme anxiety disorder. Not only does it evaluate the reasons behind this disorder but it helps you to create an effective coping ability.


It is worth noting that there are diverse sorts of anxiety disorders, hence, an appropriate therapy is executed taking into the account your symptoms and problems. For instance, a patient experiencing compulsive thought related problems would be provided with a completely different therapy than the one who suffers from regular panic attacks. Though the span of counseling is more or less short-term, the duration of the procedure mainly relies on the symptoms and severity of the disease and can take up to 7-10 sessions to get full recovery. Let’s learn the major therapies for an anxiety disorder:


Cognitive behavioral therapy


Apart from aiding the patient to recover from panic attacks, CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) has proven to be effective enough in eliminating phobias, obsessive thoughts, depression, and worries, social as well as comprehensive anxiety disorder, and the list goes on. The therapy is categorized into two major parts i.e., cognitive therapy and Behavioral therapy.

While the contribution of off-putting thoughts to your disorder is determined in the former case, the later identifies how the sufferer response to the worrisome situations. As said ‘improving the way you take on the situations would help you feel better while encountering them’, the foremost measure the therapy focuses on is to change your thinking. Here’s how it happens:


  • Determining the negative thoughts: One of the major challenges faced by the patient suffering from an anxiety disorder is that they tend to consider the situation more hazardous than they actually are. For instance, for a person dealing with germ phobia, touching another person would be as dangerous as killing themselves. Though it might appear a ridiculous fear, determining your very own illogical fears isn’t an easy task. And that’s when a therapist comes into the play. He/she helps you identify your phobia, fear, worries, and negativities that have made you suffer from anxiety disorder.


  • Getting rid of negative mindset: While finding out the issues seems quite effortless, overcoming the same can turn out to be the major challenge of your life. In this phase, your counselor would instruct you on how to analyze the harmful thoughts. This stage includes: evaluating useless thinking, checking out the accurateness of the anticipated negative concerns, performing multiple experiments, guiding you on how to avoid the things you’re scared of, and analyzing the probability that what the patient is worrying would in reality happen.


  • Changing negative concerns into practical thoughts: Once you’ve got an idea of the concerns that are affecting your lifestyle, you could change the same with more sensible and rational thoughts. In this phase, your counselor would assist you to be more practical. He/she will also make necessary statements that work as an evidence of virtual reality.


Apart from the mentioned phases, cognitive behavioral therapy helps you ascertain the causes behind your intense anxiety disorder, learn problem-solving skills, and challenge your phobia.


Final Verdict


Is anxiety disorder negatively affecting your daily life? Get cognitive behavioral therapy and get the positive results within a few sessions. Furthermore, you should aim to boost your relation with your friends, colleagues, family, and other beloved people, adopt a healthy lifestyle and opt for regular exercise to get rid of the issue with ease. Good Luck!


Author Bio

Hello Readers !! Natalie and Caitlyn Bell are the founders of Healtholine, They started Healtholine to provide a platform where they could share informative articles related to health, fitness, beauty, weight loss etc Natalie is a featured author at various authoritative blogs in the health and fitness industry. Connect with both sisters to know more.


4 Good Habits for Fostering Creativity

If you’re one of those people who make a living or get their enjoyment from being creative, then you’ll know that it’s an attribute that can feel all too fleeting. One day, our output seems extraordinary; at others, it seems like inspiration is a million miles away. But what if you could control your creative levels, wouldn’t that be something special? While you’ll never be able to have a tight grip on this elusive attribute, there are things you can do to make sure you have more of it. We take a look at a few methods below.


Spend Some Time Alone

There are some advantages to working with others, but if that’s all you’re doing, then you’ll be doing your creative side a disservice. Contrary to popular belief, collaboration doesn’t always result in a more creative output. If you spend time alone, then you’ll be narrowing in on your own thoughts and feelings, and that’s what you should be channelling into your artistic projects. It’s easy to get caught up in whatever’s popular, but this will only show that you have a sense of what’s trendy – and that’s a very different thing to creativity.

Kick the Vices

Another myth about creativity is that it is given a boost by alcohol and other illicit substances. This is not the case; there is a long list of artists who have had their promising career destroyed by drug and alcohol abuse. If you’re currently relying on mind-altering substances to open up your creative pathways and can’t seem to stop, then click here. Once you’re in a healthier position, you’ll find that your creative mind is much more productive.

Escape Your Echo Chamber

We’re all guilty of falling into a routine, walking the same way to and from work, listening to the same type of music and so on. While there are benefits to this way of living for normal types, if you’re creative, then you might be cutting off a good source of inspiration: diversity. If you can momentarily escape your echo chamber, then you might discover a new way of thinking or doing that propels your artistic side to the next level. It can be as simple as selecting a new way to get from A to B, visiting a city you’ve never been to before (and would ordinarily not visit), trying yoga, or tuning into a different radio station every now and again. Also, don’t underestimate the value of striking up a conversation with a person who you would not normally talk with!


Some creatives think that waiting for inspiration to strike is the worst sin of all. Because this feeling is so elusive, you could be waiting for a long time, and then when it does arrive, find that it only lasts for a few moments. Instead, foster your perseverance side. It’ll be the tool that allows you to sit down and get to work even when you don’t want to. Sometimes, just doing it is what it takes to get your project up and running.

Your Creative Life After An Accident

If you are naturally a creative spirit, the idea of being forced to stay at home to recover from an injury can be terrifying. For a lot of people, an accident can be traumatising and depressing. Many find themselves reliving the moment of the accident continuously in their minds, which can create a fertile ground for anxiety disorders and stress. Additionally, the fear of not being able to get back to full health can also affect your professional career and even your social future. An accident remains you of your vulnerability. It brings only negative emotions as you recover. But, if you exercise your creative mindset, you can find a way to turn the negative into positive.

Use creativity against pain

Take the stress out of your recovery at home

If you’ve left the hospital and have chosen to recover at home instead, it can be stressful to find yourself struggling with mobility issues in your own home. A lot of people hope to get back to normal as soon as they leave the hospital. So, brace yourself for a long recovery time and invest in creative mobility-friendly kits – you can read about them here. Using the right items and changing your furniture to match your needs can take a lot of stress of your mind. Don’t make it extra difficult for yourself to stay at home!

 Be creative about developing healthy habits

Recovering is about helping your body to heal. It doesn’t happen overnight, unfortunately. But you can use the time to develop healthy habits by learning how to cook, for instance. Healthy and delicious recipes can help you to fuel your body with the vitamins and nutrients it needs to heal. Additionally, you’ll find that you’re less likely to indulge in junk food if you can be creative with your cooking. It’s fair to say that getting your 5 a day can seem dull if you are not an enthusiastic cook. But when you can whip a yummy meal in an instant, no vegetable will ever be boring again! 

Use art to relieve your anxiety

You can use drawing or painting as a way to alleviate your anxiety. Emotionally, it is a rewarding journey. As Picasso once said ‘Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life.’ Creatively expressing your worries and pains about healing can help you deal with the recovery time positively. You can put all your joy, sadness, tears and smiles into each piece. It doesn’t matter if nobody else sees it. What matters is that it’s a piece of darkness that doesn’t get to live inside your mind any longer.

When life gives you lemons, find a creative solution!

Use your experience to find new creative paths

An accident is ultimately a negative life experience. If you look back in the story of most successful entrepreneurs, their past was inhabited by failures. Nevertheless, the lesson successful business people learned from it was to keep looking for the light at the other end of the tunnel, the solution that will fix it all. Failure is part of the journey, but it doesn’t hold you back. It helps you to grow. Embrace your accident in the same way to make the most of it.

Creativity can help you recover faster after an accident. From using creative solutions to being creative yourself, healing is the final step of your inventive path.







Stress-Free Parenting Isn’t a Myth–You’re Just Doing It Wrong

We’ve heard it all before. Parenting is stressful and it takes the life out of you. It makes you feel tired at the end of a long day and it makes you struggle to manage your own personal goals. You think about your kids all day and it becomes difficult when they start causing trouble for you. It’s understandable and completely believable that you sometimes just want to dump your children with a babysitterand have a fun night out.

Although it’s completely acceptable to do that once in a while, there are actually other ways to help lower your stress when dealing with children. In this article, we’ll be talking about stress-free parenting and why it’s not a myth, but a completely achievable reality.

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1. Get plenty of sleep

Sleep is underrated. Quality sleepis essential for helping you boost your confidence, keep your energy levels high and also help you recharge after a long day. Sleep can help regulate your mood, it can improve your focus, it can bolster your memory and it can help you fight back against illnesses. Taking afternoon naps is fine, but you’ll want to make sure that you get at least 7 hours of sleep per night. If you’re being woken up by a noisy child then learn to accept it. You can make up for lost sleep in the afternoon. If your job is affecting your ability to get quality sleep, then it may be time to take a day or two off just to give yourself a break. 

2. Get rid of stress triggers

Stress can cause a number of different problems such as mental health issues, physical health issues, developing addictions and even becoming easily irritable. The last thing you want is to start shouting at your kids or even your partner, so it’s important to get rid of stress triggers. This article titled “Tips To Reduce Daily Life Stress Triggers In Addiction Recovery” will be a great guide to help you reduce your stress if you’re personally recovering from an addiction and find that having children has caused you to slump back into old depressive habits. 

3. Simplify things

Keep things simple when you’re with your kids. Don’t take on more than you can handle and always streamline things. Using food preparation to help you cut down on long cooking times, stick to a schedule so that you know where you are in your day and always try to reduce the number of responsibilities you have. It’s completely normal to split your obligations with your partner and you might even find it helpful to ask your kids to learn to do simple house chores such as making the bed.

Source: Pexels 

4. Stop focusing on perfection 

The “perfect” parenting voice in your head is only making things harder for you. You might feel like you’re not good enough for your children, you might get frustrated that other parents are doing better than you and it can easily spiral out of control. Don’t aim to become the perfect parent that does everything in the best way possible–someone like that doesn’t exist. What’s actually important is that you love your children and that you’re doing everything in your power to make their life comfortable as well as taking care of your own health.

5. Keep yourself active

Exercise is actually one of the best ways to keep yourself fit, focused and motivated. It’s also one of the best ways to fight against stress. Not everyone loves to go to the gym every morning, so it’s important to just add bits of physical activityhere and there to help you cope with your responsibilities. This can include walking to work instead of taking public transport, it could involve cycling with your kids or even going out to a park to play with your children.

6. Remember to have fun 

You should also remember to have more fun. Far too many parents think of their daily tasks as some must-do list and they forget that they can have fun with their tasks. If you’re cleaning the kitchen, then put the radio on or some music and enjoy yourself. You can also learn to have more fun on a regular basis with your kids. If they’re playing video games, try and get interested in the same games and play with them. This can help you connect with your children and even create some friendly competition that will tighten your bond. 

7. Ask for help

Remember that you’re not alone in parenting. Whether it’s calling for a local babysitter to help you look after the kids or visiting a support group for single parents, there’s plenty of help out there if you’re willing to accept it. Trying to do everything yourself will only lead to disaster, so be more mindful of how you approach parenting and realize that you’re not alone. 

8. Stop multitasking

Far too many people focus on multitasking to helpthem complete more tasks in a single day. This is sadly counterproductive and it’s much better to focus on completing single tasks. Think of it this way; trying to do five things at once will only increase the time it takes to finish each task. If you just do each thing individually, then you’ll complete them faster and with less stress on your mind because you’re only focusing on a single thing. 

If you live a fast-paced life and find it difficult to keep up with parenting, then it’s a good idea to take a step back and look at these eight points that we’ve just described. If you find yourself failing to do one or the other, then it’s worth taking a good look at your life and realizing where you’ve gone wrong and what you can do to improve yourself. As frustrating as parenting can be at times, it’s important to deal with all of the problems one by one so that you can live a stress-free life and raising wonderful children.


Health Benefits and Good Reasons to Stopping Smoking

Scary warnings about the risks of smoking all over every pack you buy clearly warn of the dangers involved in lighting up, and every year more and more people try to quit. Breaking an addiction can be a challenge of course, but the many health benefits stopping smoking brings can be enough to provide the incentive needed to finally stub out the habit for good.


This article was provided by Smoke Guru, they offer a wide range of content on smoking and e-cigarettes within the UK.

Healing kicks in after just one hour!

There are both short and long term improvements to health after stopping smoking, but the human body actually begins the recovery and repair process immediately; as within just 20 minutes blood pressure and heart rate drop back into normal ranges.


Better breathing

The lungs start to heal quickly too, reducing the typical gasping, wheezing and coughing smokers experience. Within a year lung capacity improves and exercise becomes easier now, improving general health. The chance of lung cancer is slashed in half after ten years of not smoking, and after 20 it falls to the same as a lifelong non-smoker. It goes without saying that conditions like asthma are easier to manage when smoking isn’t an issue anymore.


More energy

Within a day of quitting the body’s carbon monoxide levels drop to normal, restoring the oxygen levels to normal and boosting blood flow around the body. [This also improves sexual health as more blood means stronger erections for the guys, and more sensation where it matters for the gals.]


Boosted fertility

Male smokers have weaker and less healthy sperm, so quitting will definitely make starting or adding to a family easier. Women benefit too, as the positions in cigarettes affect the lining of their womb, making pregnancies less stable.


Less sniffles

Smoking stops the immune system working properly, so once you quit it’s easier to avoid colds and the flu. More importantly, serious life threatening conditions like pneumonia are also less likely.


Nicer teeth

Smokers generally suffer higher levels of gum disease, tooth decay and bad breath. Further damage can be avoided by taking cigarettes are off the menu. As a bonus, expensive dental procedures like implants are more successful for non smokers.

A healthier heart

The risk of a heart attack is much higher for smokers, and this starts to drop from the first day without tobacco, however the most amazing benefits take a little time to show themselves. In a pretty amazing feat, once the 5 year smoke free mark is passed important arteries and blood vessels are able to reverse the narrowing smoking caused. Get to 15 years off the tabs and your chance of heart problems is level with those who have never smoked.


There have been many indications that drugs such as marijuana can also affect your heart rate. There are many reasons to quit weed or cigarettes. Many doctors and sources advise to keep away from any types of smoking as they artificially control organs such as the heart within the body.


Giving up smoking is not always easy, but the health related rewards for kicking cigarettes into touch make it worth it. From the almost instant benefits, through to the longer term pay offs, it’s never too late to make the decision to live a smoke free life.



What to Eat After You Work Out??

Everyone knows that athletes must plan and time their meals and snacks very carefully to reach their performance goals. But what about the rest of us? You try to squeeze in 30-60 minutes of exercise most days of the week. Do you have to be careful about what you eat before and after your workouts, too?

There are some advantages to knowing how your body works and what it needs to perform at its best. The bottom line for healthy weight loss and fitness sounds simple: You must eat fewer calories than you use up—but not fewer than your body needs to function at its best.

The size, timing and content of your pre and post-exercise meals and snacks can play an important role in your energy levels during your workout, how well your body recovers and rebuilds after exercise and whether the calories you eat will be used as fuel or stored as fat. Here’s what you need to eat and drink to get the results you want.

Your Post-Exercise Fluid Needs
Most moderate exercisers will lose about one quart (four cups) of fluid per hour of exercise, so try to drink about 400 ml of water shortly after your workout to aid the recovery process. If you sweat a lot or the weather is hot and/or humid, consider weighing yourself before and after exercise, and drinking 200ml of water for every ounce of weight you’ve lost. Because heavy sweating also causes loss of minerals and electrolytes, consider using a sports drink with electrolytes if you need to replace more than two or three cups of fluid.


We suggest you add ½ chopped any fruit you enjoy, along with few chia seeds and few mint leaves to enhance the taste of water and that also helps in boosting the Vitamin content in water.

Your Post-Exercise Meal or Snack
Many people are very hungry after a workout, making it easy to eat more than you really need or to choose foods that won’t really help your body. Eating too much of the wrong thing can cause your body to store that food as fat instead of using your post-workout meal to refuel and repair your muscles.

So what does the ideal meal or snack look like?

  • Roughly 60 percent of the calories you eat at this time should come from carbohydrates. Contrary to popular belief, your body needs more carbohydrates than protein after a workout, to replace depleted muscle fuel (glycogen) and to prepare for your next exercise session. Moderate exercisers need about 30-40 grams of carbohydrates after an hour of exercise, but high-intensity exercisers need around 50-60 grams for each hour they exercised..
  • While carbs are essential, it’s also important to include some high-quality protein in your post-workout meal or snack. This protein will stop your body from breaking down muscle tissue for energy and initiate the process of rebuilding and repairing your muscles. About 25 percent of the calories you eat after a workout should come from protein—that’s about 10-15 grams for most people.
  • Fat doesn’t play a big role in post-workout recovery, and eating too much fat after a workout won’t help your weight control or fitness endeavours. Only 15 percent (or less) of your post-workout calories should come from fat—that’s less than 10 grams.


The ideal time to eat after a workout is within 30 minutes to two hours, when your body is ready and waiting to top off its fuel tanks to prepare for your next session. 
But if your appetite or schedule doesn’t allow you to eat a meal right after exercise, don’t panic. Your body can still replace your muscle fuel over the next 24 hours, as long as you’re eating enough food to support your activity level. Try to have a smaller snack that contains carbs and protein as soon after exercise as possible. Liquids like smoothies, shakes or chocolate milk, and/or energy bars, can be especially effective post-workout snacks.


Here are some sample food combinations for your post exercise meal:

  1. Bread, a bagel or an English muffin with feta cheese or peanut butter
  2. Dried fruit and nuts
  3. Paneer Paratha
  4. Cottage cheese with fruit
  5. Fruit Smoothie with Seeds
  6. Yogurt with fruit
  7. Veggie Egg omelet with toast or  Egg roll
  8. Cottage Cheese Roll
  9. Chocolate Milk + ½ Scoop Protein Powder
  10.   Cereal with Milk
  11.   Eggs and toast
  12.  Chicken Sandwich
  13.  Vegetable stir-fry with Chicken/Fish/Tofu/Cottage Cheese
  14.  Crackers with low fat cheese
  15.  Rice or Oat cakes with nut butter
  16.  Smoothie (with milk, yogurt or added protein powder)
  17.  A protein or energy bar
  18.  A protein or energy shake
  19.  Pancakes and eggs
  20.   Any regular meal that contains lean protein, starch and vegetables

Article Contributed by nutritionist Kejal Shah, Nutritionist, Weight Management Expert and Founder of

The Injury Prevention Guide Everyone Needs To Read

Injuries are a real pain, but they can easily be prevented. Follow the advice in this guide if you want to avoid all the silly injuries that can disrupt your health and fitness!



Improve Muscle Flexibility

A lot of injuries occur when you’re doing something, and you pull a muscle. More often than not, this happens as your muscles are too tight and shortened. They’re already too tight, then you undergo some form of physical activity, and the muscles are put under too much strain and give out.


This is why you should always warm up before doing any exercise, so you loosen your muscles. But, you should also work on improving general flexibility. This will mean your muscles are more stretched out and aren’t constantly tight. Flexible people are less likely to suffer muscle pulls or strains because they keep theirs in a healthier condition. The great thing is, you can easily improve your flexibility and mobility with a simple routine every day. Do it in the morning, in the evening, or even split up throughout the day. Keep doing this, and you’ll see massive improvements over the course of a few months.

Work On Strengthening Your Bones

As well as flexibility, you need to work on strengthening your bones too. This is because there are many moments where an impact can cause an injury. For example, you could be playing a sport and get knocked into by an opponent, or you might fall down the stairs or slip at home. Either way, the impact on your bones could cause fractures if they’re too weak.


So, try and strengthen your bones by switching up your nutrition and adding more calcium to your diet. As these AlgaeCal reviews show, a calcium supplement could help improve bone density. This means your bones become more dense, less brittle, and have less chance of fracturing under impact. You could also try and increase your dairy consumption slightly, as things like cheese and milk contain a high level of calcium. Of course, if you were to do this, you should talk with a medical professional beforehand as you might be intolerant to dairy. In which case, a supplement is probably better for you.

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Learn How To Do Things Properly

Finally, the number one way to prevent injuries is to learn how to do things properly. Never ever go into any form of exercise without knowing the proper way to do it. If you’ve decided to go to the gym and want to lift weights, you have to understand the proper form. Otherwise, you could put your body in compromised positions that cause injuries. Another great example of this is lifting heavy boxes at home or at work. Lift in the wrong way, and you’ll put your back out.

It’s simple; Google how to do something before you do it. Watch videos and read articles to ensure you know the safe way of doing things, which will reduce your risk of injuries.

Generally speaking, it’s so much easier to prevent an injury than it is to recover from one. Save all that recovery time by ensuring you take better care of yourself in the first place.



Reacting To The Body While Recovering From Injury

Receiving an injury to your body is one of the most unpleasant experiences that any human being can go through. Whether you have received this injury from your workplace or simply while playing sport in your own time, for the near future, your life is going to change. Once you have gone through the proper care or what may be perceived as the right kind of care, the next step is to heal up. This stage is all too often overlooked by ourselves as we think that once we’ve been given the all clear to go home from the nurses and or doctors, we forget about the little things. However, this is the crucial time when we should be listening to our bodies and reacting to how we feel and how the body is reacting. Recovering from an injury back to health isn’t a done deal. It takes consistency and an understanding of what your body is demanding to make sure, no damage from the injury is permanent.

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Routine rest boosts repair

When it comes to making sure injuries don’t persist once you’re away from the surgery table, getting the maximum amount of rest out of the day, is the key. You have to start making a routine whereby you will stick to like glue and operate under like clockwork. Set yourself a bedtime and stick to it. The more often and the longer your body is in REM sleep, your body is able to release chemicals that will help to boost your repair. Keep in mind that the more you sleep, the more relaxed your muscles will be and the less stress your mind will also be. You should also make a routine of rest during the day. No matter what you’re doing, assign yourself a certain amount of time to either take a nap, lean back and simply focus on breathing or just stop what you’re doing and read a book. The more you’re able to implement a routine of slow, calm periods of rest in your day, and the longer you can sleep during your recovery, the more you’ll be able to boost the body’s natural repair systems.

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Prolonged pain and malpractice

The unfortunate truth is, that even though they are highly trained and incredibly smart, doctors, surgeons, nurses and all another manner of healthcare staff do make mistakes. It’s even more unfortunate when you realise that this is more often than you might think. If you are suffering from prolonged pain, and despite your doctor setting you an amount of time that describes the chronic pain period, you have gone over it and still feel abnormal amounts of pain, it may be wise to contact a trustworthy malpractice attorney. They can help you deal with any medical malpractice that has or is having a detrimental effect on your life and mental health. If you have been misdiagnosed, received negligent nursing care, medication errors, and other forms of hospital malpractice, you may be entitled to compensation. For the ongoing pain you are feeling that should have dissipated a long time ago if so according to your medical examinations, you should be seeking the proper correction owed to you.

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Eat well to feel well

Say you broke your arm, or perhaps had a form of cancer and have since had treatment, the body is craving good nutritious food at the point of recovery. Chowing down on fatty foods with high contents of salt and sugar, will in no way help your body to repair itself quicker. You need to eat well to cleanse your body from the inside because after going through a traumatic experience, there are many chemicals left to float around our system. Not only will the chemicals injected by the hospital have a slowing effect on our everyday lives, but the vast amounts of endorphins and other natural chemicals our bodies secrete in this kind of situation, make us feel heavy and slow. Rich oxygenated foods, such as green leafy vegetables and dense fruits, as well as healthy portions of lean meat, supply the nutrition needed to help recover from injury. You should also be consuming nuts because this type of food is rich in good healthy oils and fats the body actually uses to function.

Reacting to what your body is telling you to do is sometimes met with a degree of suspicion. When you’re trying to recover and repair after an injury, you don’t feel the same for more than a day at a time. However getting the right amount of rest every day without fail, and eating healthy to aid the repair of tissue and bone, can boost your chances of a full recovery. Make sure that you have been properly taken care of and if not, try to pursue the correct action to remedy this situation.





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