Understanding Facial Serum, Its Demand & Advantages!

Facial Serum can be a moisturizer or your skin tonner; it can be your sun-screen too. There is no particular logic behind what it is because facial serum does not only work for one task. It prevents you from sun burn, wrinkles and many other signs of aging that actually you don’t want to see.

How it moisturizes your skin?

Chock-full of moisturizing ingredients of Facial serum helps to maintain the moisture of the skin, but it does not work in traditional manner. It does not create a barrier in deep skin and upper facial skin as other products do.
Doesn’t use face oil instead of facial serums?

Most of us are not having proper information about the difference between facial serums and face oils, we may use face oil instead serum due to improper knowledge. Serums are actually water based and facial oils are for sure being formulated on oil basis. Due to big molecules of face oils, it just rest on first layer of skin but, facial serums are having very small molecules which go under upper layer for complete care of it. So, don’t be confuse get the right product for your face.

Check If Facial Serum Is Right for you!

Only serum with right ingredients will work for you, you can get it according to skin type:

• Acne-prone: Get vitamin C enriched face serum along with presence of retinol which is an antioxidant for reducing inflammation, zinc to sooth the irritation, salicylic acid

• Dry: Vitamin E facial serum is good for you; it should also contain niacinamide for improving skin elasticity, glycolic acid for lightening the skin color, and hyaluronic acid which retains the moisture.

• Dull skin: In this case, always look for antioxidants as green tea extract, ferulic acid, resveratrol etc for cellular recovery and prevention from sunlight.

Caution: before start using of facial serums always consult to doctor. Serum is super potent so, piling it on can damage sensitive skin. Only way to understand more is patch-test.

A great range of facial serums are available online these days, after proper understanding of the product you can get one of best facial serums in India. Properly check the ingredient list within it so that you can judge if the facial serum will actually help you to get back the glowing and charming skin. Best of luck to take a step to the glowing screen!

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