Tag: Best Lifestyle Blogger

Increase Your Chances In The Dating World

If you are keen to get back on dating again, you might well also find yourself a little overwhelmed by the whole prospect. If you have been single for a long time, it might be that you feel you have forgotten the rules or what you need to do, or just that you don’t feel sure as to what is going to happen. Regardless of how you feel, there are many things you can do to increase your chances when you get back into dating, and which can also ensure that you enjoy the process all the more as well. In this article, we are going to look at just some of the things you can do to make sure that you drastically increase your chances of success when you go dating.

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Be Real


One of the worst crimes you can commit here is to pretend to be something that you are not. Although we are all guilty of this sometimes, it is a good idea to try and keep it down to a minimum. If you fail to do this, it will only mean that you are going to struggle with dating, as people will generally sense when you are approaching them with anything other than absolute honesty and integrity. If you feel that it is hard or even frightening to be yourself and be real, you might want to look into why that should be. You should find that there is some underlying reason which has caused you to feel that way, and uprooting that in particular will help you to be more real when you are engaging with other people.



Use Networks


One of the best ways to ensure that you are going to have much more luck in dating is if you try and find and use networks designed for exactly that. Using these networks will ensure that you can find the kind of people you are likely to want to be with, and that is something which can be particularly useful if you worry about struggling with the dating scene. You might even want to consider using specialized services which match up with your own beliefs or lifestyle – whether that is Muslim dating, age-based dating, or whatever else might be relevant to you. This is a great way to use these networks more effectively.


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It’s a good idea to try and bring as much logic to the process of dating as possible if you are going to be able to succeed. The truth is that the majority of people do not match up with the majority of people, so it makes sense mathematically that you should find it a challenge to find someone right for you, or at least that it will take some time. It is important to allow yourself to persist, as it is only in your persistence that you will really be able to ensure you see the results you are looking for.


Date Night Ideas That Will Blow Everything Else Out Of The Park

When you’re busy with work, children and other commitments, it can be easy to neglect your spouse in the sense of not spending enough quality time together. Queue the idea of date nights. They’re a great way of spending some quality time together, a great reason to put your best frock on, and also gives you the chance to have time away from the kids to be yourself again. However, the same date night over and over can become monotonous quickly, so it’s important to try and switch up the plan for your date nights as often as possible. Here are some date night ideas that will blow everything else out of the park.

Photo by Annie Spratton Unsplash


While you might not get the chance to spend the night away from the children very often, you should make the most of the chances that you do get. Next time you’ve got the opportunity to be child free overnight, consider booking yourself a romantic hotel near the beach. This gives you the chance to take some long romantic walks on the beach, dine in seaside restaurants, and also get away from the full on routine that you have at home for a night. Sometimes simply spending the night away can do you both the world of good!


If you and your partner enjoy a good challenge, then why not book a date night in an escape roomso that you can challenge your minds and also work together to solve the puzzles that come with escape rooms? It encourages you to work together as a team, so if you’ve been finding yourself at loggerheads with your partner, it can really help you solve any issues you have and simply have fun together!


It’s understandable that sometimes you might not have the funds to take yourselves off for a plush date, but you don’t need money to have an awesome time together! Why not have a games night with your partner? Games like Wii sports encourage you to work together (or even challenge each other) and make for a fantastic night in. Have a few drinks and gather some nibbles and you can create a brilliant night without having to spend a penny!


If there’s one thing that’s needed in every relationship, it’s a good laugh as often as possible. With stresses of life it can be easy to forget about the lighthearted things in life, and that’s why you should take yourselves off to an open mic nightwhere you can volunteer yourselves to do five minutes or so of your favourite jokes (or even your own sketch). If you don’t fancy that, simply being around comedy for an evening will have you both laughing in no time. You never know, you might be better at stand up comedy than you think!


Try these amazing ideas so that you can shake up your next date night and fall in love with each other all over again! Remember that it’s not always where you are, it’s who you’re with!

Alternative Methods of Managing Chronic Pain

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If you are suffering from chronic pain and you haven’t been able to find much relief from medication, or if the medication has helped, but you don’t like the side effects, why not try out some alternative pain management techniques?

They don’t work for everyone, and you might have to try a few different methods before you see any results, but there is nothing to lose by at least trying some of the following alternative treatments for back pain, so what are you waiting for?


Opinion is still divided on acupuncture’s ability to manage chronic pain, but many people who suffered from conditions like chronic back pain, fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis swear by the ancient Chinese practice of having needles inserted under the skin, and if something works, you don’t really question the how’s and the whys, you just get on with it. So, give it a try and see how you feel.


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I understand completely that exercising is often the last thing that you want to do when you’re suffering from intense pain, but there is good evidence to suggest that physical activity can have a positive impact on chronic pain levels. This is thought to be because to the endorphins that are released when we exercise, but it could also, in some cases, be that exercising the affected area (carefully) can help to minimize pain.

Chiropractic Treatment

Many people with chronic pain swear by their chiropractors and see them regularly, despite the fact that some quarters have expressed skepticism over chiropractic manipulation. People suffering from lower back pain, in particular, have found great relief from the simple adjustments made by their chiropractors. So, if you’re suffering from back pain, it has to be worth a try.


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Numerous studies have found evidence that adding fish oil to the diet can reduce the pain that is caused by swelling and many more have found that capsaicin – an ingredient found in hot chilies – when applied to the chronic pain caused by back issues, arthritis and other chronic pains can reduce symptoms. However, you should never take a supplement without first okaying it with your doctor.


Most people think that therapy is only useful for mental illnesses and emotional problems, but there is some evidence to suggest that it can be beneficial to people who are living with chronic pain. You see, it’s natural for people who have chronic pain to develop depression and depression can reduce one’s tolerance for pain, so by dealing with the depression, you can also reduce pain symptoms, at least a little.


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There is an increasing amount of evidence to suggest, that when practiced correctly and in a suitable way for your particular illness, yoga can and does help to reduce chronic pain. The gentles stretching of the body and the relaxation of the mind is a boon to people who are in pain, and it can be practiced any time anywhere with a little instruction from an expert.

Do you suffer from chronic pain? Have you found any unusual ways of managing your symptoms?

How To Live A Healthier And Happier Life

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There are many things that we can do to live a healthier and happier life. It’s your responsibility to make sure you’re doing them, because no one else will do them for you, unfortunately.

So here’s what you need to do.


Eat healthy foods.

A big part of why people don’t want to eat healthily is because of the effort that needs to be put in. Sure, fast food is simple and takes no time to prepare, and it’s fine for a one off, but if you’re eating junk food every single day, then your body isn’t going to be in the form that it should be. Not only will you be overweight, but you will be putting yourself at risk of high blood pressure and high cholesterol. – It’s not worth putting your body through that for a quick fix.

There are many easy meals out there that you don’t need to be a chef to make, and the benefits that they will have on your body and mind will pay off. You won’t just be healthier, but you’ll look so much better too.


Drink plenty of water.

It was once suggested to drink eight glasses of water every day, but experts now say ten to twelve. Water is so important for our bodies; it’s amazing for our skin, fights off old age, gets everything flowing through our body how it should and so much more!

If you ever have a headache that just randomly starts nagging at you during the day, a reason for this could be dehydration, and you may not even be aware. So carry a water bottle around with you so there’s no way you can just ‘forget.’


Exercise regularly.

Even thirty minutes are enough exercise if you do something every day, so there’s no excuse for not having the time. You don’t need to do anything too intense, just listen to your body and do as much as you can. Whether you like to swim, run, box or dance, as long as it’s getting your heart beating and the blood pumping – you’re doing what needs to be done.


Get enough sleep.

If you have ever gone a night without sleeping, you’ll know all about the effect lack of sleep has on your body and mind. It can make you feel so weak, and physically and emotionally exhausted too, so try to get as much sleep as you can to avoid this.

Eight hours is a good number – you should feel great in the morning, full of energy and ready to take on the day ahead of you.


Quit the bad habits.

Whether that be nail biting, smoking or alcohol, if you know it’s not good for you, cut it out of your life. Of course, that’s a lot easier said than done, but there are plenty of resources out there that help battle addiction. So open yourself up to the idea of getting assistance if you aren’t able to do it alone.


Treat yourself.

This doesn’t mean going overboard and spending all your savings on that car, house or boat you had your eye on. But if there’s something that you’ve wanted for a while now, and you can afford it – treat yourself. It’s a great little pick-me-up that will leave you feeling very pleased with yourself.


Get some real friends.

‘Real’ is the key word here. There are two different types of friends that you will have in your life, the ones that seem really fun to hang around with, but that just end up using you for what you’ve got, and there are the people that would sit with you in silence for hours on end, just to let you know they’re there for you.

Stick to the second option…


Find a hobby.

If you haven’t already found something that you enjoy – try a whole bunch of things until you find one that makes you happy. Explore music, art, dance, and sport. Join clubs and groups; you may even meet some like-minded people that turn into great friendships.


Get out of the house.

Don’t be confined to four walls every day; it’s so important to get out and be social; otherwise you will just get depressed. Human beings need to be stimulated or we will just end up getting stuck in a rut and having no way to climb out.

So take a walk in the park or meet some friends for a game of soccer. Whatever appeals to you – go ahead and do it.

Need-To-Know Wedding Planning Tips

So, he’s finally popped the question, you’ve told everyone you know the good news, and the reality of it all is finally setting in. You may have had countless ideas about what you want your dream wedding to look like ever since you were a little girl. Now, you’re finally going to be able to make these daydreams a reality! When planning your big day, there are a number of things you should know, and others that you have to know. If you’re about to get stuck in with the planning, here are some essential tips to bear in mind…

Your Guests Come First

Well, obviously, you come first. However, when you sit down to start planning, your guests are the first thing you should worry about. First and foremost, get a firm handle on the number of guests you’re going to invite. This will make it easier to settle on details such as the wedding invitations and the venue. As a general rule of thumb, you should make sure you have around 25 square feet of space per wedding guest. That might sound like a lot, but remember you need to account for the tables, the catering staff, the band and of course the dancefloor.

Figure Out No-Go Dates

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There’s nothing worse than marking a date on your calendar, beginning to count down the days to your wedding, and then finding out that you’ll need to postpone it. Start investigating a rough time when you’d like to have your wedding, and find out if there are any no-go dates around the same time. Trade conferences, charity walks, and other local events, can all have a dramatic effect on both traffic and the availability of hotel rooms. Rule these out, and you’ll ensure your big day goes as smoothly as possible.

Think About the Weather

To make sure your big day is enjoyable and memorable for all of your guests, you need to start thinking about any potential annoyances that mother nature might throw at you. It’s fairly common for wedding guests to leave early from events held in blistering summer days, and winter receptions with inadequate heating. Bugs such as gnats and mosquitoes will swarm around some areas in certain times of the year, so take precautions against these pests if the wedding or reception is going to be largely outdoors. If a sunset is essential to your perfect ceremony, make sure you check what time you’ll need to say your vows. You don’t want the reception to start too late in the day!

Leverage Plastic

Weddings are among the most expensive private events anyone will have to pay for. However, you can take advantage of the high cost of your big day, by applying for a good rewards credit card. Whether it pays off in air miles or excellent shopping deals, trying to consolidate all of your wedding purchases with the right card will help you acquire countless reward points. These can be an absolute godsend when you two are on your honeymoon!

Have a Meal Plan

From Pixnio

Feeding everyone who’s coming to your wedding is another major expense that you’ll have to account for. Before you sign any contracts with your vendors, just make sure you’re not expected to serve the same meal to them as you’ve got planned for your guests. You don’t want to have to pay for twenty extra lobster tails at short notice! Start looking for affordable, but equally satisfying wedding meals to serve them instead. You’re going to have to call your caterer in advanceand let them know precisely how many vendors are going to need feeding. Don’t forget the people who often slip through the net, such as roadies and photography assistants.

Leave Some Emergency Cash

We know, your big day may be completely wrecking your bank account as it is. Flowers, attire, music and entertainment, food, transport… the list goes on and on! However, if you want to be 110% sure that the event’s going to go off without a single hiccup, you also need to leave yourself an emergency cash cushion. As a general rule, this should be around ten percent of the necessary, non-negotiable expenses. This will be for surprise costs, such as getting extra invitations made up due to mistakes, supplying umbrellas for a rainy day, or even little décor frills. Hopefully, everything will go according to plan, and you won’t need to touch this emergency reserve. Still, it’s better to have this money and not need it, then to need it and not have it.

Set a Kids Policy

When children and weddings mix, it can make a large and complex event even more hard to manage. You have a few options for dealing with this. You can tell everyone that kids are welcome, make it an adults only event, allow immediate family only, or organise some kind of childcare solution for your guests. There are many childcare services that will accommodate for weddings, basing themselves either in the reception area, a function room, or at a family member’s home. Obviously, you don’t want to avoid hurt feelings, so try to avoid letting some guests bring their kids and then disallowing others.

Take Things a Step at a Time

Planning your perfect wedding is a massive project, and even though you’re excited for the day itself, all the different aspects of planning can quickly turn it into a long and difficult stress-fest! To keep yourself from pulling your hair out, break down all the work ahead of you into several manageable steps, sorted into a logical schedule. Figure out the tasks you need to complete, and tackle them one by one, preventing it all from snowballing out of control and casting a gloom over the happiest day of your life. Don’t hire any vendors or services before a date is set in stone. Don’t design your cake until you’re certain on the flower arrangements. Don’t choose entertainment before you know how much space you’ll have. Move things along in a logical, manageable order, and you’ll take a lot of potential stress out of the situation!



Even when the temperature is soaring high in Delhi, nothing can stop the enthusiasm and energy of fashion lovers from visiting the summer edition of Rubaru. Rubaru, which is a brain child of 3 friends, Durgesh Goel, Minal Aggarwal and Vandana Aggarwal is a collaborative effort to curate brands for a unique and stylized experience. It gives both the brands and customers their value for time and money. As a customer one gets to experience so many brands under one roof and the brands also benefit by getting a greater exposure. Such exhibitions are always a win win situation for everyone. In its 15th edition, Rubaru, yet again proved to be a fashion and lifestyle extravaganza.

Over 50 brands, specializing in summer-wear, organic materials, summer chic and wedding bling jewellery, home décor, juttis and footwear, and even interesting food products, it was a packed house at Lalit Hotel. Tarot reading on the side, bling footwear bang in the centre of the hall and noted FDCI designers Rahul Singh, Abhi Singh and Gaurav Jagtiani coming together to form the perfect ensemble for a fashionable day out. Out-of-town travellers included brands who’d come from Jaipur, Lucknow, Punjab, Himachal and even Goa.

“No two brands at our exhibition have overlapping products or styles, and I only pick brands that I enjoy or would love to shop from, to give people a quality shopping experience,” says Durgesh Goel, founder of Rubaru.

The collection showcased by the designers was really chic and classy, and some of the pieces were truly mind-blowing. It seemed like a shoppers paradise. Me and my friend and my mom, enjoyed walking through the entire exhibition, picking up our choices and even posing with some of the designer pieces.

Given a chance, would have picked up a lot more stuff from the exhibition, but holding on for the next edition to indulge and splurge.  Exquisite pieces of jewellery and some inso-western outfits really grabbed my attention and loved them.

A great evening spent splurging and having fun with friends..Rubaru was truly a delightful experience!




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