Tag: Wellness

Improving Well-Being, Not Temporarily Feeling Better About Yourself

It’s easy to think about how many things we have wrong with ourselves. Both due to our own insecurities or worries, as well as ones pushed onto us by the mass media. Not having the latest sports car, not having the latest iPhone or another flavour of the months smart device like a phablet or iWatch. Not earning enough money, not being able to afford fancy expensive hotels while on holidays, getting old, not being “sexy” anymore, not being able to follow the latest fads and trends. The list goes on and on, and while you could sit there and be stuck in a cycle of perpetual worry and self-doubt, you could take a step back, and think about things that actually matter in life. Not even in the sense of “get over yourself there are more important things at hand”, anyone can tell you that, and as valid as that may be it is not “advice” which works on everyone. So let’s look at how you should get back to basics, and look after yourself in ways in actually help your well being, rather than just helping you feel better about yourself for having the latest smartphone.

Image source: Pexels

Sleeping habits


Sleep is possibly one of the most important parts of your day, you may not feel like it sometimes, but your body certainly does feel like it. If you find yourself constantly weary and tired during everyday life, having problems with coordination, maybe you tend to get irritated quickly or lose your temper, these are all common symptoms of bad sleeping habits. The amount of things which get affected by poor sleeping, span from hair loss to even lack of appetite or sex drive. Now while ordering some mens hair thinning treatments and some viagra might be a good start or quick-fix solution, the ideal scenario would be to get yourself back on track to the point where you don’t need them.


Everyone is different, and while there are recommended sleeping hours for age groups, they do not always tend to fit everyone perfectly. Some people prefer less sleeping time, some a bit more, and some prefer to take naps every now and again rather than getting a “proper” night’s sleep. Of course, what is best for you is absolutely up to you to decide, but the guidelines for age groups are as follows:


Teenagers (14-17): 8-10 hours

Young adults (18-25): 7-9 hours

Adults (26-64): Once again, 7-9 hours

Older adults (65+): 7-8 hours


As you can see, the trend tends to be that the older you get, the less sleep you need, but as mentioned above, these are guidelines. Some people even adapt a whole new way of sleeping, called polyphasic sleep, which consists of sleeping very few hours at night, usually from around as little as 3 to sometimes 5 hours a night. After that, people have two 15 to 20-minute naps during the day to keep themselves fresh. It might seem like a strange concept, but it has shown to boost productivity amongst people as well as overall better wellbeing.


Painless Laser Treatment at ISAAC Wellness!

ISSAC was established in 2010 by Dr. Geetika Mittal Gupta, in New Delhi as international Skin and Anti-Ageing Centre providing services in the field of Cosmetic Dermatology, Anti-ageing, body Shaping and Hair Transplant. Their clinics are located in

**Chattarpur, Gurgaon ( Levo Spalon)

** Vasant Kunj

** Shanti Niketan

** Friends Colony (Hotel Manor)

** Mayur Vihar (Hotel Crown Plaza)

** And DLF Emprio (Worship Salon).

ISAAC provides world class non-invasive services in revealing the beauty concealed within them through advanced aesthetic methods with no down time. They customise the treatment to meet the specific skin care demands of each client and not compromising on their safety and comfort.

I recently indulged in a laser hair removal sitting, and I have to admit that the technology that ISAAC has brought in is really commendable. This laser hair removal experience was totally painless and my skin felt so smooth just after one session only.

Hair Removal is often a painful, time-consuming daily routine for many people. While traditional methods such as waxing, tweezing and shaving are effective for removing the hair, they do not provide long-term solutions for hair removal – never mind all those bumps, nicks and ingrown hairs.

Laser hair removal is a quick and cost-effective solution for preventing unwanted hair growth. It can be performed virtually anywhere on the body – face, legs, arms, underarms, chest, bikini line and works just as well on any skin type, colour and thickness of hair.

Just before the procedure, your hair, undergoing treatment, will be trimmed to a few millimeters above the skin surface. A numbing gel is applied on the surface and the laser beams work on the hair follicles that are in the active growth zone. There is no pain involved in the procedure and doesn’t cause any redness or irritation to the skin. Another attractive advantage to this treatment is that you don’t have to wait for hair to grow, you can shave between your appointments.

At ISAAC, they first analyse your hair growth pattern and devise a plan to eliminate the hair from its root. There is absolutely no down time or side-effect for this procedure, and you can resume daily activities as soon as the treatment is over.

Dr. Geetika Mittal Gupta, DPD-Cardiff University, Board Certified by American Academy of Aesthetics, is a well experienced celebrity cosmetic dermatologist and one of the pioneers of Cosmetic Dermatology in Delhi-NCR. With over 10 years of experience in the field of Cosmetic Dermatology, she is the Medical Director of ISAAC ( International Skin and Anti-Ageing Centre), a centre which amalgamates the three tier approach to long term beauty with treatments for treatment, prevention and maintenance. The flagship centre is located at Chattarpur and other boutique centre are located in Gurgaon, Vasant Kunj, Shanti Niketan and Mayur Vihar. At ISAAC along with her team she routinely consults, counsels and performs Lasers, Botox, Fillers, Non-surgical face lift, Body Contouring and other aesthetic procedures.

Over the years she has actively promoted the specialty of Cosmetic Dermatology in the medical community. Dr. Geetika is known to be a prolific orator and has delivered many lectures and chaired numerous session at National Cosmetology and Aesthetic Dermatology Conferences and CME programs. She has been a Cosmetology Consultant to many premier events.


Dr. Geetika believes in the concept of low impact cosmetic procedures which cause minimal pain and discomfort to the person. These procedures now have globally proven efficacy in helping people to look their best and confident by non-invasive and non-surgical treatments. In the past she has been associated with Adiva and Nova hospitals as a consultant dermatologist.

ISAAC aims to deliver the best results in the most relaxed and professional environment possible, ensuring you have peace of mind every step of the way. That’s what makes them the best of what they do. For them, confidentiality is key and they always provide a flexible, personal service. Most importantly, their clients know their treatments are highly effective and that they always do what is right for customers. They recognise that every individual is unique and requires a personalised treatment plan. They strive to combine the best of the art of medicine with the latest advances in research and technology in formulating individualised treatment plans to achieve an exclusive, desired and aesthetically-pleasing result.

They set the bar in exemplary client care as all of their expert doctors are qualified in a specialist field and they train their aestheticians in-house with the latest procedures and techniques. Their customer services is unrivalled, and they’re proud to provide only the best in order to be the best. They are committed to ensuring that we receive the highest quality, in the most beautiful setting, at the lowest possible price.

Mission of ISAAC –

“Providing the most suitable treatments to our clients with our experienced doctors and increasing the life quality of them with professional procedures”

For me the entire session was not just interesting, but also very informative. There are a lot of treatments available with ISAAC which I would personally like to go in for.

Back Up Your Back!

Your back is such an important body part, and yet the amount of people that neglect it is ridiculous. Taking the time to strengthen your back and keep it as healthy as possible is absolutely crucial to your long-term health and mobility. Are you doing what it takes to back up your back, or are you neglecting it like the majority of people out there? Read on to get a good idea…


Exercise Your Back

Exercising your back will keep it strong in the long run, and help you to stay healthy and mobile. You don’t need to do anything too drastic either; walking, swimming, and weightlifting are all great exercises for the back. Doing these things regularly will help to reduce pain. Even if you currently have back pain, exercising your back is a very good move.

Never Lift With Your Back

Make sure you always use the correct lifting technique; you should never hunch over and lift with your back if you’re picking something up. You should hinge at the hips and use your legs to take the majority of the weight.

Maintain A Good Posture At All Times

Keeping a good posture at all times is a must for your back. Whether you’re sitting or standing, you should aim to have your shoulders pulled back and chest up. It can take some getting used to, but there are even harnesses you can wear if you struggle with this. If you don’t ensure this sooner rather than later, you could end up with huge problems later on down the line.

Visit A Back Care Professional

If you already have back problems, visiting a back care professional like Family Chiropractic Plus could be the way to go. Sometimes, a little professional advice and direction will help you to understand what’s going on and what you can do about it.

Get Up From Your Chair

If you work sitting down, aim to get up from your chair at least once every hour and stretch. Maybe even go for a short walk. This will not only help your back, but your mind and eyes too! Staring at a screen or sitting down all day is no good for anybody.  

Lose Excess Weight

The more excess weight you carry, the more strain you put on your back. Making an effort to lose those excess pounds will help you to keep a healthy back, and other joints overall.

Manage Stress

Managing stress is so important – it can affect every area of your life, from your career to your relationships. It’s also usually a big factor in a person with back issues. How people manage their stress varies, but finding a way that suits you will no doubt make a huge difference.

Start backing up your back today and you’ll ensure you stay healthy and mobile in the long run. You’ll regret it later on down the line, so eat well, avoid bad habits, reduce stress and exercise! Do what you can to be the best version of yourself. It will pay off!

Health & Fitness Have To Be Holistic: Here’s Why


The quest for perfect health and fitness is not a simple one. If it was, there wouldn’t be a huge industry worth billions worldwide trying to bring solutions to the variety of concerns we have about our bodies.

One of the major reasons that overall wellness is such a problem is because we don’t treat it as overall wellness. Instead, we break down our issues into separate groups, usually along the lines of:

  • Weight concerns, primarily wanting to lose weight. Surveys have shown that at any one time, over 50% of women want to lose weight. Whether or not they are actively trying to do so is another story, but that’s still an overwhelming number of people who are fixated on weight loss.
  • We know that we should be fit due to the way it can control our health not just in the now, but in the future too. Sometimes weight concerns and fitness are grouped together, but not always.
  • Whether it’s for weight loss or just because you’re focused on consuming the right nutrients, diet is an important consideration for many of us.
  • Mental health. Depression and anxiety disorders are commonly diagnosed these days, with around one in three people having a direct experience of mental illness. In an ever-busier world, taking care of our mental health needs has become a priority.
  • Emotional health. This tends to encompass things like the need for meditation, self-care, and ensuring we’re thriving in life rather than just surviving.

Compartmentalizing Health Is A Problem 

A big problem.

Our bodies are a living organism; our very own ecosystem. Like any ecosystem, how one part of the system is doing has a direct impact on how everything else is able to function.

This is why looking at health and fitness as an overwhelming singular entity – rather than splitting it down into groups – is an essential.

An Example 

If you suffer from depression, then you have a chemical imbalance in your brain. That’s what medication and therapies try to correct. For you, your focus would be on mental health – and that’s fine.

However, the other areas influence your depression too. For example, exercise has been shown to be able to alleviate the symptoms of depression. There are also foods you can eat that can help ease depressive symptoms.

If you were just focusing on mental health, you’d never know about the exercise and food changes you could make that would also help your mental health. This is a fundamental reason why health and fitness should be approached as an overall, holistic concern. You don’t know what you could be missing out on if you choose to focus on one area selectively.

What Happens With Single Focus

If you do just choose to focus on one area, then the chances of success are slim. Let’s investigate another example to learn how focusing on a single area can be ineffective, and potentially even harm your progress.

If you make the decision to lose weight, you can throw yourself into a diet plan, count calories, and all those other activities. However, when you have a bad day at work, you forget all your good motivations and head right for the chocolate. Emotional eating is a real problem – but you wouldn’t know it, because you have only been focusing on losing weight. By not examining issues regarding how your emotions impact your appetite, you’re always going to be at risk of stymying your own progress.

So when you just drill down into a single area, it’s actually an inherently bad thing. The only way you can ever fix or improve your mind and body is by treating them as part of the same system – which, of course, they are: they’re all you.

How To Do It

There are numerous programs such as Thrive by Le-Vel that focus on bringing together all aspects of health. This can be extremely useful if you’re entirely new to holistic methods and need some guidance.

You can also self-manage holistic treatments. Start by taking an issue that you have and then looking for a solution in every one of the categories listed above. You can then tackle whatever your concern is from a multi-pronged stance, giving you far more chance of success.

This might take a little work, especially if you have previously been only focusing in one area. However, it might just be the key you need to finally solve issues that have plagued you for a number of years. So why not do something different, and give the holistic approach a try?


Medication :The Only Thing That Brings Relief For The Agony Back Pain?

Back pain is a common problem, with at least 10% of the world’s population experiencing it at any one time, and really can be agony. You can’t sit, or lie in any one position for long. Meaning it’s hard to get comfortable during the day or get a good sleep at night. Something that can serve to further intensify the pain. It is understandable then, why so many people turn to medication prescribed by their doctors to relieve this type of pain but does that mean it is the only thing that truly works? Read on to find out.

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There are a lot of different drugs that are prescribed for back pain. These include acetaminophen, NSAIDs and even epidural injections to numb the area. Many of these are quite helpful, and it is not the aim of this post is not to say that medication doesn’t work. As when you are in considerable pain, you get to the point when you are pretty much happy to try anything that has a chance of relieving your suffering.


When dealing with medications, remember too that some need to tapered off gently and not stopped all in one go, and other cannot be used in conjunction with alternative therapies as it could be dangerous. So, do check with your medical team before making any changes to your medication regime. Even if you do think they are changes that should affect your back pain in a positive way.


Something else that it is possible to try if you are suffering from back pain is a visit to a chiropractor. A chiropractor is a trained professional that use their knowledge of anatomy and physiology to manipulate the body. Working on areas of pressure and stress that can help to relieve back pain.

The really good ones also have access to acupuncture and new technological advances such as Solve™. A Noninvasive Targeted Neurostimulation (NTN), something that can also help to provide relief from the agony of back pain. As well as providing a less invasive alternative for back pain issue than the surgery options discussed below.


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Lastly, an option that many people with back pain go for is surgery. Of course, this is only suitable in some cases. Such as where problems like a herniated disks and sciatica respond to surgery that well. It’s also something that folks may try to avoid wherever possible because of the time off work they have to take and the risk associated with the procedures.

Additionally, it’s also worth bearing in mind that you can go through the difficulties of a surgical procedure but still not be guaranteed that your pain will be eradicated. So it’s vital you weigh up your options and the probability of success before you consider surgery as a solution to your back pain








Containing The Threat: Controlling Sickness In The Home

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Modern homes can make the perfect breeding grounds for disease. You share a lot of the different parts of your home with your family, from the toilet to the tools you use to eat with. Along with this, being in close quarters with ill people will often result in the sickness spreading. But, with school and work being so important, most households can’t afford an epidemic. To help you in solving this issue, this post will be going through some of the ways you can work to protect your loved ones and yourself from getting poorly. It all starts within the home.

To begin, you first have to understand what you’re dealing with. Thankfully, there is a wealth of information surrounding the subject of sickness on the Internet. When someone in the house is sick, you just have to look up their symptoms on a website like www.webmd.com. Once you find something which matches all of the issues being had, you can rest assured that you have a good answer. Of course, nothing beats the diagnosis of a proper doctor. Using the resources online will simply give you an idea of how the illness your fighting will spread. Along with this, it can also help you to find good methods to accelerate the healing process making the illness go faster.

Once you have a clear idea of what the illness is, you can start to look into ways of containing it. To start, the person suffering should have limited contact with others. Most diseases are airborne, waterborne, or passed by touch. This means that even close proximity can be dangerous. Of course, though, if you have kids, you can’t exactly leave them on their own when they’re ill. Instead, you need to find ways to protect yourself. Facemasks can provide you with an excellent defense against a lot of illnesses. By covering your mouth and nose, you limit the chances of breathing or swallowing anything dangerous, making it much harder to get sick. Along with this, you could also consider investing in some well-known remedies for common diseases, like flues and tummy bugs.

Finally, if the illness takes too long to clear or you feel worried about your ill family member, it might be worth taking them to the doctor. There are a lot of medical issues we can be solved easily, like head lice. But, you will still need an expert like liceclinicsbellevue.com to take care of it for you. Without immediate treatment, a condition like this one could easily get out of hand, spreading to different members of the household. A lot of diseases share this quality, the ability to spread with ease. Unfortunately, this means only a doctor will have access to the knowledge and resources to cure what ails you. So, it’s worth looking for the best option in your area.

Hopefully, this post will give you the help you need next time a member of your family is putting everyone in jeopardy with their illness. It may seem harsh to take measures like this. But, stopping a disease in its tracks is the very best way to handle it.

Why Every Woman Needs A Gynecologist

Ladies, it’s time to tackle the issue you’ve been avoiding. That’s right; we’re talking gynecology. None of us like the idea of a doctor poking around below, and as such, we often avoid that dreaded visit to the gyno. Some women don’t even realize that regular visits are necessary. Instead, they wait until there’s a problem.

If a problem arises, it’s obviously important not to hesitate. Sure signs you need to book an appointment include:


  • Increase in discharge
  • Unexplained cramps
  • Abnormal bleeding
  • Unidentified lumps


But, you shouldn’t wait for symptoms like those mentioned above. ‘Having a gynecologist’ may seem like something from the movies, but it’s a step every woman should take. Even if you’re worried about the exposure of your private parts, you’ll soon overcome the fear. In no time, you’ll feel the same going to the gyno as you do visiting the dentist. It may not be pleasant, but it’s necessary. If you aren’t convinced, we’re going to look at the two main benefits regular gynecology visits offer.

Peace Of Mind

One significant benefit of regular appointments is the peace of mind that comes with them. Often, we’re unsure of our bodies, especially when it comes to down there. As such, the smallest symptoms send us into a panic. Instantly, we head online and diagnose ourselves with the worst option possible. But still, embarrassment stops us getting the issue checked. As a result, we live out each day convinced it might be our last. Who wants to live like that?

When you have a regular gynecologist, you can rest easy in the knowledge that you can book up at any. And, you won’t have to get embarrassed. You’ll have formed a trusting relationship with the gynecologist you see. They’ll know the ins and outs of your body, and will be in a much better position to spot an issue if there is one. So, there won’t be any need to head online. You can get a diagnosis, or a clean bill of health before you get the chance to worry.

Gynecologists also deal with birth control and can put your mind at ease there, too. Together, you can work on finding a contraceptive which suits your lifestyle. Regular visits also ensure your gyno can spot changes, and adjust contraception accordingly.

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Gynecologists, like Max Izbicki, also specialize in pregnancy planning. So, they can help when the time comes to start a family. Having a plan in place, devised by someone who knows your lifestyle, is sure to help you relax.

Catch It Instead Of Cure It

The second benefit is the opportunity to spot issues before they escalate. Here, it’s worth returning to the dental comparison. We visit dentists to get on top of small holes and problems. Well, the same can be said for your gynecologist. Through breast and pelvic examinations, they’ll spot lumps, bumps, and worries as soon as they arise. Health checks like these will put your mind at ease, and could even save your life.


Boosting Your Health – What More Can You Do?

You’re working out more, you’re indulging less. Your health and wellbeing have become more of a priority, and you’re already seeing results. So what more can you do? It’s true that fitness and good health go hand-in-hand. But to really reap the benefits of all that exercise, you need to make sure your diet is working just as hard. There are plenty of tweaks you can make, and there are plenty of other tricks and tips to give your health a boost too.

Teas And Other Hot Drinks

There are plenty of herbal teas available on the market now. Many are available on your supermarket shelves or your regular grocery store. Why drink herbal or fruit teas? Not only will the extra fluids help you to maintain good hydration, but they can provide a range of other benefits too. Some can boost your immune system, and others can help you to relax. You can find teas with infusions of lemon or honey to help with a sore throat. Did you know that a hot lemon water can help your body start the day?

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Most of us know to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables to ensure our bodies receive all the nutrients they need. But many of us still fall short on portion sizes when it comes to vegetables. And it’s quite difficult to eat quite the variety necessary for everything a healthy body might need. This is where supplements come in. According to this blog, you can find supportive nutrition to help with a range of problems like low energy or weakened immune system. As this kind of supplement is naturally sourced, it can help your body without the nasty side effects of chemicals.


The breathing techniques promoted in the different styles of Yoga can offer many health benefits. Some are described as cleansing breaths. These are thought to boost your immunity to colds and other common viruses. Other breathing techniques can boost your energy levels or provide deep relaxation. You don’t have to join a Yoga group to benefit. Many of these techniques can be found on YouTube or other websites so you can practice them at home.

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Sleep may be more important to your overall health than you think. It is especially important for your mental health. All of the experiences of the day are carefully sorted and filed away when we sleep well. Without that quality sleep, you might find you become more confused and forgetful. Sleep is also thought to play a part in resetting hormonal cycles. No wonder we become emotional when we’re tired from a lack of sleep!


It is thought that socialising is essential for good mental health. It is also considered to be essential for boosting your immune system. Frequent interactions (in person, not online) trigger different chemical reactions in the brain that in turn provide happy feelings, and better physical responses. So don’t stay in watching TV alone. Get out there and reap the health benefits of a fun night out with friends.


Sanghvi Brands Launches The Luxurious Rossano Ferretti Hairspa At The Manor, New Delhi

Sanghvi Brands announced the launch of the Rossano Ferretti Hair Spa at Zehen at the Manor, New Delhi. Having founded more than 20 salons around the world, Italian born Rossano Ferretti has revolutionized the beauty and hairdressing industry with his novel inclination towards his customers’ individual and natural beauty. Ferretti believes in highlighting and enhancing the inherent beauty in each of his customers, and finds his inspiration in the natural fall of the hair and its individual characteristics. In having stripped down beauty and hairdressing to its most natural, organic elements, Rossano Ferretti has done away with the staged perceptions and norms of beauty in his Hair Spas, and has thus transformed the way people perceive hairdressing and hair salons. This fresh, yet luxurious approach to hairdressing has been termed as “Metodo Rossano Ferretti”, or “The Method.” The Duchess of Cambridge, Jennifer Lawrence, Reese Witherspoon, Dakota Fanning, Monica Bellucci, Vanessa Paradis, Uma Thurman, Kylie Minogue and Elizabeth Hurley, among many others have visited the salons globally.

“The Method”, combined with some of the most beautiful locations in the world including in Hotel de Paris in Monte-Carlo, Four Seasons in Milan and other exclusive hotels in Rome, Madrid, Los Angeles, New York and Paris are two of the principal essentials required for a Rossano Ferretti Hair Spa. This combination gives Rossano Ferretti customers the ultimate, luxuriously customized experience.

Making up the rest of Ferretti’s team are international stylists, Michele Finessi & Laurent Visco, both of whom will be available at The Manor.

Michele Finessi has worked at the Ferretti Hair Spas in Venice, Parma & Beverly Hills. Deriving from Ferretti’s approach, Finessi too, incorporates his client’s personality, personal style, & their facial structure into his ideal look specifically tailored to compliment each person’s unique identity, making them feel and look their most beautiful. Finessi has styled many renowned personalities and has also been a stylist at the Oscars. He is now at The Zehen at The Manor, New Delhi to work his magic in India. Laurent Visco too has worked with many French and International renowned personalities. At the age of 23, Laurent Visco came to India to pursue his passion for hairdressing and has been creating magic with his personal style for the past 10 years.

Commenting on the launch Mr. Darpan Sanghvi, Managing Director, Sanghvi Brands says, “We are truly excited to bring Rossano Ferretti at The Zehen at the Manor. As one of the world’s most exclusive and expensive HairDressers, the launch of Rossano Ferretti Hairspa truly brings the best of international hairdressing for the discerning residents of New Delhi.”

Commenting on the launch Mr. Rossano Ferretti, Founder & Chairman, Rossano Ferretti says:Our locations are carefully chosen to ensure clients receive a five-star experience from the very moment they enter. We strive to position our salons in buildings that are beautiful, have strong historical ties, and perpetuate our appreciation for art, architecture, design, fashion, and the culinary arts, as well as for the overall notion of refinement that we value within our brand. We’ve waited a long time to find the perfect location in New Delhi and in Zehen at The Manor, the epitome of well-being, we’ve found an exceptional match.”

About Sanghvi Brands

The Sanghvi Group is a global leader in providing lifestyle wellness & beauty services with over 700 employees worldwide. It has created one of South Asia’s largest portfolios of international lifestyle wellness brands with exclusive rights to operate Spa by L’OCCITANE, Spa by Clarins and ELLE Spa in India along with exclusive distribution rights to ELEMIS products in India. The Sanghvi Group has also expanded to the US, Middle East and Indian Ocean with over 60 locations globally. Embracing the advent of technology, The Sanghvi Group has created MyGlamm, which is one of the World’s largest tech enabled doorstep Salon & Spa service provider.

Health, Fitness, Wellness, Beauty, All Under One Roof at A+ Medi Art

“Health is Wealth” an old saying with a deep meaning. In today’s stressful and fast world, sometimes caring about our health takes a backseat, and this is the reason we see diseases like diabetes, obesity and heart attacks on the rise. Also health has a wide meaning, it means both looking good on the outside and being fit on the inside. Most of the times we end up juggling between health centers and beauty salons trying to meet both the needs but eventually one or the other is left out. But now you can breathe a sigh of relief as A+ Medi Art, a state of the art centre for your health, fitness, wellness and beauty needs opens at Vasant Vihar. At A+Medi Art all your wellness and beauty needs like cosmetic medicine, cosmetic surgery, fitness training, weight management, yoga, ayurveda and beauty therapies are catered to under expert guidance.

Dr. Anup Dhir, a highly trained plastic and cosmetic surgeon with more than 30 years of experience in his field, leads the team at Medi Art with other panel of dedicated doctors and trained beauty and wellness experts.


Dr. Dhir has a special interest in cosmetic medicine and surgery. He is one of the pioneers in the world for ADRC (adipose-derived regenerative cell) enriched fat grafting for facial rejuvenation, scars and breast augmentation. Dr. Dhir believes that the foundation of beauty and wellness is a healthy body and mind. He works passionately to help you to achieve your beauty, fitness and health goals by creating an environment of expertise and excellence.

I visited the center recently and had a very detailed chat with Dr. Dhir, where he went on to explain me different cosmetic procedures and their effects. It truly was like an eye opener. He comfortably shared what procedures work better and why. I felt far more updated about cosmetic surgeries, liposuction etc. after my meeting with Dr. Dhir. Also the centre spread across floors promises high standards of quality with their state of the art equipments, be it for the gym, or for the cosmetic surgeries and other beauty treatments.




I also experienced two of their services, a hydra facial and an ayurvedic back spa. After experiencing both I can really vouch for all the services that Medi Art has to offer. Their standards of quality, attentiveness and knowledge of the attendants speaks volume about their commitment level. The staff is so hospitable, caring and well informed, that they impressed me beyond my expectations.

Hydra Facial, is one of the world’s finest medical facial procedures, this treatment is a red-carpet favorite abroad and was brought to India from the US for the first time by Three Graces. A non-invasive and immediately effective anti-aging procedure, the HydraFacial cleanses, exfoliates, hydrates, renews, and does all round-care of your skin. Each session is customized using the original US HydraFacial serums and creams topped with light therapy to improve the suppleness of the skin, diminishes hyperpigmentation, brown spots, and improves acne. I could not believe my eyes when I saw myself after the facial, the blackheads were all gone, the face looked so radiant and glowed like anything, and especially my t-zone which because of being oily attracts most dirt, grime and acne, looked as was polished. I have never been so instantly impressed with a beauty service as I was with this facial, and you really have to experience it to believe it.


The next was the ayurvedic spa, which is basically a heat therapy with back massage and OMG; it was so relaxing and therapeutic that I wished it never end. But as they say all good things come to an end, and so did my experiences at A+ Medi Art. But I am going back there very soon and indulge myself in some of the wellness and beauty treatments, what are you waiting for.. Check their site now and book yourself a session!


The contact details are as mentioned under:

Vasant ViharPlot No A, Basant Lok Community Centre, Vasant Vihar New Delhi – 110057 (India)
Phone – +91 11 4607 5757
Email – [email protected]

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