Tag: Health Blog

Male Matters: The Health Issues Every Man Should Know About

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Whether you’re a man reading this, or someone who has a man you care about, take the time to read about these common make health issues, so that you can spot the warning signs and get treatment early should you or your loved one become affected:

Heart Disease

Heart disease id the number one cause of men aged over 50. Usually, it is caused by obesity, smoking, high cholesterol or high blood pressure. Common signs of heart disease include breathlessness, palpitations and a heavy feeling in the chest. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medical attention straight away.

Testicular Cancer

Testicular cancer is the most prevalent cancer in the 20-25 age group, and that makes it one to look out for. Common symptoms of this cancer include lumps and heaviness in the testicles, but it is usually painless, so you need to check the area regularly just to be on the safe side.

Penile Cancer

Penile cancer is not as common or as well known as some of the other health issues in this post, but it is worth mentioning because, not only can it be very deadly, but because it is often an easy cancer to avoid by maintaining proper hygiene practices, and perhaps visiting a circumcision clinic. Common symptoms of penile cancer include thickening of the skin, ulcers and unpleasant discharge from under the foreskin.

Depression and Suicide

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Men in the United States are four times more likely to commit suicide than women, and approximately 30 percent of all men in the country have felt depressed at some point in their life. It is important then that you are able to recognize the symptoms so that you can seek professional help from a therapist immediately. Common symptoms of depression include lack of interest in things you once loved, fatigue, sadness, suicidal ideation, and inability to concentrate.

Bowel Cancer

Bowel or rectal cancer, as it is also known is extremely common in men over 60. The main symptom is blood in the stool, which if you see it, should prompt you to see your doctor immediately. Bowel cancer can be a silent killer, so as well as checking for blood, be aware of changes in bowel movements and discomfort in your lower abdomen if you want to catch it quickly.


Type 2 diabetes is becoming somewhat of an epidemic in men and women, but fewer men seek treatment for the illness before it develops and that can have devastating consequences, including the amputation of one or more limbs! Symptoms of Type 2 diabetes include excessive thirst, blurred vision, fatigue and dizziness. Luckily if caught soon enough it is possible to treat diabetes with diet and exercise alone. If you leave it too long, a life of medication may lie ahead.

If you notice any symptoms of any of these illnesses, don’t panic, but do act. Make an appointment with your doctor and make sure you keep it – your future health could depend on it.




Helpful Tips On How To Massage Feet With Oil

Your feet are extremely important because they help you in moving to places.

Isn’t it unfair if you didn’t bother about its well being?

Yes, it is! You must give a good feet massage to your lovely feet once in a while. It not only keeps your feet healthy and beautiful but also relieves you from pain and other feet related ailments.

It is important because your feet carry the entire body weight. They must get some refreshment for functioning properly. A massage is the best thing you can give to your feet after a long tiring day. But, the technique is equally important.

You must know what is best for your feet while massaging it with oil. Here, we will tell you about helpful tips related to feet massage with oil.

Benefits of Massaging Feet with Oil

There are innumerable Benefits of feet massage and here we are listing some of them for your knowledge. Have a look!

  • Sound Sleep: When you massage your feet for some time or at least 15 minutes, you get sound sleep like never before. It calms down all the stress and stabilizes your blood circulation. Because of proper blood circulation, your muscles and bones feel relaxed.
  • Good for Diabetic People: After functioning and bearing a load of your body for an entire day, your foot deserves a kind gesture from you. Give at least 10 minutes of oil massage, especially if you are diabetic. People with diabetes often feel numbness in their feet due to poor blood circulation in that area. A proper oil massage will relax the nerves and make your feet feel light.
  • Relieves a headache: This is an astonishing fact that feet oil massage relieves you from a headache or a migraine. The reason is simple. There are points in your feet which can stop the inflammation and stress in different parts of your body. When you thoroughly massage your feet, all these points are activated and they reduce a headache to a greater extent.
  • Helps in neurological issues: When you are depressed or when you have anxiety issues, the best and simplest thing to go for is feet oil massage. It stabilizes your mental chaos and ensures that your mind and body are relaxed. Your stress and anxiety settle down and you can have a sound sleep. Doing this on daily basis will definitely help you in getting rid of depression.
  • Multiple benefits at one time: A foot massage gives many benefits to you and your body in just 15 minutes. It lowers down your blood pressure, ensures proper supply of oxygen throughout your body, and makes sure that blood is circulated properly in all parts of the body. All these things altogether help in relaxing your muscles, mind, and whole body.

Tips to Massage Feet with Oil

There are many things which are a part of feet massage and plenty of techniques involved. These are not too difficult or time-consuming. You can try these simple tips without struggling. So take a look.

  • Take a warm shower or just soak your feet for 10 minutes in warm water bath. For better results, you can add few drops of essential oil of your choice in a water bath.
  • You can combine two or more essential oils of your choice in a small container. Use this wonderful mixture to give your feet a relaxing massage.
  • It is always suggested to start massaging your feet and reach up to your ankles slowly. Use both the hands so that your nerves get relaxed symmetrically.
  • If you can massage on your own then it is well and good. You can move your hands in any direction as per the area which needs more massage. However, it is difficult for a diabetes patient to bend their body so they can always get someone who can readily massage their feet. The best option is spa and body massage salon.
  • Never strain yourself or keep your body stiff. If somebody else doing massage for you then always sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Only then you will be experiencing the results of massage.
  • Apply the oil all over your foot and always pull it upwards. This will circulate your blood towards your heart and will also open your blocked nerves if any.
  • Do not be too stiff with your feet. Start gently and increase the pressure slowly. If you start applying more pressure all at once, it will only result in more pain or uneasiness in your feet.
  • Give equal time to each of your feet. If you massage one foot for 10 minutes, do not leave the other one in 5 minutes. This will make the other foot feel sense heaviness and it will not feel relaxed. Also, it is advised to use the same technique for massaging both the feet.

Tips on Selecting the Oil for Massage

There are plenty of oils available in the market and each one of them provides different benefits to you. Do not simply pick random oil for your feet massage. Examine the requirements of your feet and choose the one which suits your skin as well as needs. In the below section, we have listed out properties of various essential oils which can be used for feet massage.

  • Myrrh is used in aromatherapy mostly. It helps in calming down your emotional imbalance and giving a sense of spiritual enlightenment.
  • For stress, depression, and anxiety disorders, you can use Frankincense. This helps in providing sound sleep.
  • To get rid of fungal infections like Athlete’s foot, you can thyme oil. It freshens up and deodorizes your skin. Peppermint oil can also be used for the same purpose.
  • Lemongrass oil is for those who get a lot of sweat in feet. This can also help in providing relief from swelling.
  • Rosemary oil is the best choice when you have pain or swelling in any part of your feet.
  • Tea tree oil is good for skin related ailments in feet. You can massage accordingly.
  • Grapefruit oil is used for boosting your immune system through feet oil massage.
  • Lavender and Geranium are best options for relaxation therapy because they help in maintaining proper blood circulation across your body as well as feet.

Follow the simple guidelines and keep them in mind while choosing the feet massage oil or technique next time.

The Only Way To Keep Illness At Bay

None of us want to become ill, but of course this is often just a part of life. At some point or another, everyone suffers some kind of illness, whether mild or severe, and it is worth remembering that. However, that doesn’t mean you should just sit back and wait for it to happen. If you want to keep yourself as healthy as possible, then you are probably keen on ensuring that you keep illness at bay as much as you can. But wanting to do this and really managing it are two quite different beasts. In this post, we are going to take a look at some of the major changes you might want to make, or attitudes which are helpful to adopt, if you are serious about keeping illness at bay as much as possible.

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Regular Check-Ups

You can only really expect to keep illness away if you pay close attention to your body on a regular basis. A huge part of this, of course, is making sure that you go for regular check-ups as much as you can. Whether you go to your local doctor, or Our Urgent Care specialists, you will want to make sure that you do not avoid this particular step. Regular check-ups are the only way to be absolutely sure that you are remaining at the peak of your health, so it is vital to bear that in mind. The most important thing is that you feel fully able to trust the medical professionals carrying out the test. If you don’t, there is always the possibility that you will come away from it feeling slightly unsure about your health.

Sleep Is Your Best Friend

Some of the most powerful steps you can take towards better health are also the simplest, and sleep is the perfect example of this. Although it is something you do every night, are you certain that you are doing it properly? Knowing the true nature of the quality of your sleep is something which can be very hard to grasp, and it is vital that you do everything you can to improve your quality of sleep as much as possible. There are many things you can do to this end, fortunately. One of the most effective is to simply cut out caffeine after around midday every day. Caffeine is able to affect your ability to sleep well for up to twelve hours after consumption, so this is probably a vital change to make. You might also want to think seriously about reducing the amount of time you spend looking at screens. The light from screens can actively inhibit the production of melatonin in the brain, the chemical which informs your body clock that it is time to sleep. You should also go back to basics, and make sure that your bed is comfortable and that your bedroom is temperate and safe. Sleep affects every part of your biological functions, so make sure you are getting plenty of it, and that it is of decent quality.

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Knowing How To Manage Stress

If there is anything which causes your immune system particular trouble, it is stress. Any doctor in the world will tell you that stress makes pretty much any situation worse. It is therefore definitely in your interest to learn how to manage stress as well as possible. But to be able to do that, you first need to know how to properly recognise it. Most people are not actually all that skillful at noticing stress developing within them. This is really the whole problem. You lack awareness, so you allow small stresses to build and build without expression. This then ultimately culminates in a general background hum of anxiety, and before you know it stress is piling on you and negatively affecting everything you do. So the most important thing is to simply avoid allowing stress to develop at all. But how can you do this?

The answer lies in one of the oldest practices that human beings have: meditation. If you think you are not able to meditate, or you are unsure about what it really is, it is definitely worth reading up on if you are serious about your health. A regular meditation practice has been repeatedly proven to lower stress, reduce the build up of cortisol in your body, aid clear thinking, and even actively boost the immune system. Fortunately, it is such a simple practice, and it is relatively easy to pick up (although not necessarily to completely master). Mostly, it is just the simple practice of staying present with the breath, despite whatever distractions may occur. With time, you can develop this practice until you are keeping stress to a bare minimum. This will help your health hugely, and make illness a much less likely threat to your body or mind.

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The Goodness Of Whole Foods

It is clear to anyone who is serious about their health that diet is a hugely important aspect of it all. If you want to make illness a thing of the past, you will absolutely need to make sure that you are focusing on what you eat on a daily basis. In general, there is one change which most people can benefit from making, and it is quite simple: eat more whole foods. For those who don’t know, whole foods are essentially just unprocessed, real foods. If it came out of the ground or was an animal, then it is a whole food. The more you eat this kind of food, and the less you munch on artificial stuff, the more likely it is that your immune system will be able to help fight any potential diseases which come your way. This is simply because your body will have much more of the genuine vitamins and minerals which it needs to properly function.

If you want to eat more whole foods, then you should try introducing them gradually into your diet day by day. This way, you will not give your body too much of a shock from the sudden change.


Why Every Woman Needs A Gynecologist

Ladies, it’s time to tackle the issue you’ve been avoiding. That’s right; we’re talking gynecology. None of us like the idea of a doctor poking around below, and as such, we often avoid that dreaded visit to the gyno. Some women don’t even realize that regular visits are necessary. Instead, they wait until there’s a problem.

If a problem arises, it’s obviously important not to hesitate. Sure signs you need to book an appointment include:


  • Increase in discharge
  • Unexplained cramps
  • Abnormal bleeding
  • Unidentified lumps


But, you shouldn’t wait for symptoms like those mentioned above. ‘Having a gynecologist’ may seem like something from the movies, but it’s a step every woman should take. Even if you’re worried about the exposure of your private parts, you’ll soon overcome the fear. In no time, you’ll feel the same going to the gyno as you do visiting the dentist. It may not be pleasant, but it’s necessary. If you aren’t convinced, we’re going to look at the two main benefits regular gynecology visits offer.

Peace Of Mind

One significant benefit of regular appointments is the peace of mind that comes with them. Often, we’re unsure of our bodies, especially when it comes to down there. As such, the smallest symptoms send us into a panic. Instantly, we head online and diagnose ourselves with the worst option possible. But still, embarrassment stops us getting the issue checked. As a result, we live out each day convinced it might be our last. Who wants to live like that?

When you have a regular gynecologist, you can rest easy in the knowledge that you can book up at any. And, you won’t have to get embarrassed. You’ll have formed a trusting relationship with the gynecologist you see. They’ll know the ins and outs of your body, and will be in a much better position to spot an issue if there is one. So, there won’t be any need to head online. You can get a diagnosis, or a clean bill of health before you get the chance to worry.

Gynecologists also deal with birth control and can put your mind at ease there, too. Together, you can work on finding a contraceptive which suits your lifestyle. Regular visits also ensure your gyno can spot changes, and adjust contraception accordingly.

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Gynecologists, like Max Izbicki, also specialize in pregnancy planning. So, they can help when the time comes to start a family. Having a plan in place, devised by someone who knows your lifestyle, is sure to help you relax.

Catch It Instead Of Cure It

The second benefit is the opportunity to spot issues before they escalate. Here, it’s worth returning to the dental comparison. We visit dentists to get on top of small holes and problems. Well, the same can be said for your gynecologist. Through breast and pelvic examinations, they’ll spot lumps, bumps, and worries as soon as they arise. Health checks like these will put your mind at ease, and could even save your life.


Are You Doing Everything For Your Teeth?

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The teeth are among the most important parts of the body, and yet so many people fail to really look after them properly. The truth is that many people don’t understand fully what is involved in proper teeth care, and there are also a number of useful and little-known dental solutions which you might want to try. In this post, we are going to take a look at some of the most effective remedies and preventative treatments for your teeth, so that you can have the healthiest mouth possible in no time at all. Let’s have a look at some of the things you should be doing for your own mouth.

Oil Pulling

This first one is an old (ancient, even) method for improving your overall oral health. It helps to keep infection and bacteria away, keeps your teeth white and clean and also removes plaque. It can even reverse the damage caused by gum disease, which is the leading cause of tooth loss amongst adults. If you have never oil pulled before, it is incredibly simple to do – and yet surprisingly effective. You simply take around a tablespoon of oil (sesame or vegetable are best) and swill it around your mouth for twenty minutes. The timing is important here – this is enough time to remove the bacteria that you are trying to get rid of, but not enough that the harmful substances start being absorbed back into the body. After twenty minutes, simply spit away (don’t swallow!) and brush your teeth afterwards. This is incredibly effective – give it a go today.

Aloe Vera

One of the most common reasons that people need to go to the emergency dentist is because of sudden loose or lost teeth. By using aloe vera, however, you might be able to stop that from happening at all. Aloe vera is known for its many healing qualities, and this is true if you use it for your oral health as well. All you need to do here is take some aloe vera, ideally fresh, and rub it on your gums. Then you should wash it away with warm water. Doing this once a day for a fortnight will effectively reduce any gum swelling you might have, as well as keep diseases away more effectively. It is well worth the two minutes it takes to do.

Baking Soda

If you have any spare baking soda in the kitchen cupboard, you might want to grab hold of it for this next one. Although this doesn’t taste all that nice, it is incredibly effective, so it’s worth a go. Simply take a teaspoon of the soda, mix it with a little water into a paste, and rub it on your gums. Leave it for a couple of minutes, and then wash away. Doing this frequently will help to keep your entire mouth much cleaner, and you will be less likely to develop any serious dental problems. Give it a go and see what a difference it can make

Boosting Your Health – What More Can You Do?

You’re working out more, you’re indulging less. Your health and wellbeing have become more of a priority, and you’re already seeing results. So what more can you do? It’s true that fitness and good health go hand-in-hand. But to really reap the benefits of all that exercise, you need to make sure your diet is working just as hard. There are plenty of tweaks you can make, and there are plenty of other tricks and tips to give your health a boost too.

Teas And Other Hot Drinks

There are plenty of herbal teas available on the market now. Many are available on your supermarket shelves or your regular grocery store. Why drink herbal or fruit teas? Not only will the extra fluids help you to maintain good hydration, but they can provide a range of other benefits too. Some can boost your immune system, and others can help you to relax. You can find teas with infusions of lemon or honey to help with a sore throat. Did you know that a hot lemon water can help your body start the day?

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Most of us know to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables to ensure our bodies receive all the nutrients they need. But many of us still fall short on portion sizes when it comes to vegetables. And it’s quite difficult to eat quite the variety necessary for everything a healthy body might need. This is where supplements come in. According to this blog, you can find supportive nutrition to help with a range of problems like low energy or weakened immune system. As this kind of supplement is naturally sourced, it can help your body without the nasty side effects of chemicals.


The breathing techniques promoted in the different styles of Yoga can offer many health benefits. Some are described as cleansing breaths. These are thought to boost your immunity to colds and other common viruses. Other breathing techniques can boost your energy levels or provide deep relaxation. You don’t have to join a Yoga group to benefit. Many of these techniques can be found on YouTube or other websites so you can practice them at home.

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Sleep may be more important to your overall health than you think. It is especially important for your mental health. All of the experiences of the day are carefully sorted and filed away when we sleep well. Without that quality sleep, you might find you become more confused and forgetful. Sleep is also thought to play a part in resetting hormonal cycles. No wonder we become emotional when we’re tired from a lack of sleep!


It is thought that socialising is essential for good mental health. It is also considered to be essential for boosting your immune system. Frequent interactions (in person, not online) trigger different chemical reactions in the brain that in turn provide happy feelings, and better physical responses. So don’t stay in watching TV alone. Get out there and reap the health benefits of a fun night out with friends.


Female Focus: The Health Issues Every Woman Should Be Aware Of

Health should be a priority for everyone, but there are certain issues that women can’t afford to ignore. If you don’t pay your health much attention, this guide will come in handy. Even if you’re young, fit and full of energy, there are important steps you can take to protect and improve your health.


Your diet and body weight

Females are much more likely to put weight on and find it difficult to lose it than males. Females tend to have a higher body fat percentage due to hormone levels and changes that take place in the body. Although it can be difficult to lose weight, it’s really beneficial to do this if you are overweight or obese. Obesity can lead to complications like type 2 diabetes, an increased risk of heart disease and infertility. If you don’t know if you’re overweight or not, you can use an online BMI calculator to determine which category you fall into. This measurement uses your height and weight to give you a figure, which will be placed on a chart. If you are overweight, try and get into that healthy zone by focusing on your diet and exercising more frequently. If you are changing your diet, choose meals and snacks that have nutritional value and keep track of your calorie intake each day. Often, losing weight is a matter of cutting down on treats, reducing portion sizes and paying more attention to what you’re eating. If you need advice or healthy eating tips, your doctor will be happy to help.

Image source: https://www.pexels.com/search/healthy%20diet/ 

Sexual health and contraception

Whether you have a long-term partner or you’re dating, it’s essential to give your sexual health a thought. If you’ve been with your partner for a long time, you may have been using the same contraceptive method for years. It’s easier than ever to get hold of contraception, and you can request your contraceptive pill online, which is great if you’re busy and you find it hard to get to the health center. If you’re happy with the contraceptive you’re using, that’s fine, but it’s also a good idea to discuss and consider alternatives, especially if you have side-effects. There are lots of methods, such as implants and injections available. If you’re dating, it’s wise to use condoms as well as any other form of contraception to protect you from sexually-transmitted infections. It’s also advisable to have regular sexual health tests, especially if you’ve noticed symptoms such as irritation or abnormal discharge.

Image sourced from https://www.flickr.com/photos/gnarlsmonkey/263019967

Heart disease

In the past, heart disease was a condition that was linked to men, especially those aged over 60. However, in the last decade, the number of women affected has increased significantly. Did you know that heart disease contributes to 1 in 4 female deaths in the US? If you’re a young woman, don’t think that you’re immune from heart disease. Around 90 percent of women have at least one risk factor for heart attacks and strokes. Start focusing on heart health now to reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular complications. Exercise on a regular basis, drink in moderation and eat a healthy, balanced diet. If you smoke, your doctor can help you to quit, and there are lots of support groups and resources available. It’s never too early to start looking after your heart.

Image via https://pixabay.com/en/love-heart-kiss-hearts-kissing-163690/

Breast cancer

Breast cancer will affect around 1 in 8 women in their lifetime. Although most cases are diagnosed in women aged over 55, breast cancer can affect much younger women. It’s really important to be aware of the symptoms of breast cancer and to seek advice if you do find any suspicious lumps or bumps in the breast tissue or underneath the arms. Other signs may include discharge from the nipples, discoloration, and skin irritation. If you do find a lump, try not to panic. The vast majority of lumps are benign, but the sooner you get checked out, the better.  


Women are almost twice as likely to be diagnosed with anxiety than men. Anxiety is a natural human emotion when faced with certain situations. If you’re waiting for test results, you’re about to go into an interview or you’re preparing for a first date, it’s perfectly normal to feel nervous and to have those butterflies fluttering around in your stomach. The trouble is that anxiety can affect you even in everyday situations when there’s nothing to worry about. An experience that would be a walk in the park for one person can turn into an incredibly daunting experience for somebody who suffers from anxiety. If you do have symptoms like a racing heartbeat, sweating and feeling on edge on a regular basis, see your doctor. There are treatments available, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, which can help you prepare for and process situations so that you feel more relaxed. You may also find techniques such as exercise and meditation helpful.

Image courtesy of https://pixabay.com/en/meditation-girl-nature-female-yoga-1724777/

Period problems

It’s very common to have heavy periods or experience unpleasant symptoms when you get your period. If you are struggling with pain or your periods make life a misery every month, there are treatment options that could help to alleviate symptoms and make you feel more comfortable. Periods are part and parcel of life as a woman, but they shouldn’t put you out of action for days on end.

Image by http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/hledej.php?hleda=happy

Health is a subject that should concern everyone, but there are certain issues that are more pressing for women than men. Whether you’re in your 20’s or your 60’s, it’s beneficial to be aware of potential health conditions that may affect you and to take steps to reduce your risk of developing diseases. It’s not always possible to prevent health problems, but making positive lifestyle changes can have such a powerful impact on your health. As well as adopting a healthy lifestyle, it’s also useful to keep in touch with your doctor. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re worried about symptoms, you need advice about treatment options, or you’ve not been feeling yourself lately. Always remember that your doctor is there to help you.





Pain – Its A Pain In The A**!

Pain, we have all felt it at one time or another in varying degrees. In fact, it’s our bodies very sophisticated way of keeping us away from things that could damage it. However, some people are in a situation where the pain isn’t caused by threats in their outer environment but come from problems inside their own body. When this happens, and there is no let-up, pain can be hugely problematic causing a massive amount of suffering in the individual that is experiencing it. Luckily, there are some things that can be done in this sort of situation. Read on to find out more.

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One of the first things everyone thinks of when they have pain to deal with are medications. Now everyone has a different opinion as to whether these are the best option or not. Some folks dislike putting chemically synthesised compounds in their body and prefer more natural methods.

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Others are concerned about the addictive quality of some medicines, especially those designed for pain relief. Of course, it is a personal decision, and you have to choose what is right for your specific circumstances.

To do this is always a good idea to speak to your doctor before you engage in a new medication regime. As well as doing some of your own research as to the possible side effects that any of the prescribed medications may have.


Now, some folks have the opportunity to try and fix the issue that is causing them pain. Unfortunately, this is rarely a simple issue. As the body is a holistic entity and working on one part can often affect it elsewhere.

Also, many pain problems are complicated, and even the doctors don’t know the exact reason why a person is suffering in the way that they do. This can be problematic because it means you may have surgery but still encounter the same difficulties.

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Physical therapy techniques

Another way of dealing with pain is to seek help from one of the many professionals that offer rehabilitation services and deal specifically with pain management. By going to them, you can learn how to relate better to your pain in a psychological way, as well as how to relieve pain through physical activity and exercise.

In fact, for some folks that have tried everything to rid themselves of pain they can make a huge difference in the quality of life. Primarily because they focus on doing the things that are valuable to you and providing a constructive way to deal with the discomfort while you are doing so.

TENS machines

Lastly, don’t forget that there is something less invasive than surgery that a lot of people believe is helpful in dealing with pain, a TENS machine. This is a small mobile machine that emits tiny electric shocks, which confuses the nerve endings making it harder for the body to interpret their signals as pain.

They are available from medical suppliers as well as general retailers online in many cases, and as an added bonus they are a fairly inexpensive way of dealing with pain issues too.









4 Awesome Tips About Enjoying Long Term Health And Happiness From Celebrities

Long-term health and happiness isn’t always something we automatically have. Taking care of your health is especially important as you age, and finding happiness outside of material things is so important. The amount of people suffering due to a poor diet, or trying to find happiness in buying ‘stuff’ or getting followers on social media is ridiculous. Even celebrities aren’t immune with all of their fans and money. Celebrities fall ill all the time, and even end up with depression. That being said, certain celebrities do have great advice for people who want it. Here are 10 tips from celebrities who know what they’re talking about!

Christie Brinkley – Start The Day Off Right

We all want to know Christie Brinkley’s health secrets. She looks absolutely incredible for her age. She says she always starts the day with hot water and the juice of a whole lemon, and sometimes adds cayenne pepper and honey. Rihanna is also a fan of hot water and lemon to start the day!


Rosie Huntington-Whiteley – Cut Out Red Meat

Jason Statham’s other half and baby-momma to be Rosie is a world renowned model. As well as being absolutely stunning, she’s also super healthy. She explains that she loves food, so she doesn’t restrict herself. However, she has cut out red meat. Since doing so, she says she feels so much lighter and healthier. Some studies suggest that red meat can have many negative health effects, so even if you don’t cut meat out altogether and go ‘plant based’, it’s a good move.

Russell Brand – Stop Caring About What Others Think

Russell Brand has been through a lot. A recovered drug addict, he’s been married, divorced, said some pretty controversial things, and now has his first child with his girlfriend. Russell says that it’s imperative you don’t care what other people think of you. In his words, it’s ‘irrelevant’. This is definitely a key to long term happiness. Doing things for others and being kind is great, but caring too much about how you look, what others think of how you’re living and so on, will only cause problems in the future. If Russell cared what other people thought, he likely wouldn’t have gone to rehab for heroin and methadone treatment. He’s been clean and sober for 10 years now!

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson – Do Your Bit To Help Others In Need

Dwayne Johnson is famous first and foremost for being ‘The Rock’, one of the most well known wrestlers of all time. Then he turned to acting in films, and he can sing a bit too. While he may look a little scary, he’s actually really, really nice. Not only is he healthy and loves to work out (that much is obvious) he’s also a huge advocate of helping those in need. In 2006 he started a charity that works with terminally ill children. He just loves having pictures with his fans too!

Try these things for yourself and see how you feel. Do it one at a time so you don’t feel overwhelmed!

Beginning A Detox: Five Mistakes You Need To Avoid

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There are many benefits to a healthy detox, including an enhanced immune system, weight loss, and increased energy. In a society where it is so easy to fall prey to poor lifestyle choices, such as smoking, drinking, and eating the wrong foods, a good detox is an effective way of restoring the balance back into our bodies.

However, great care needs to be taken. Below are five of the detoxing mistakes you need to avoid.
Not seeking medical advice

You should always seek the advice of a medical professional before starting out on a detox. Beginning a crash diet or long-term fasting can be detrimental to your health, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions. Read the article at www.nbcnews.com to find out how a detox diet could cause more damage than good. There are a number of ways you can cleanse your system, and a doctor or dietician will help you find the right solution.

Only focussing on the short-term

A detox program is a short-term solution, but there are ways you can detox throughout the year. For example, yoga is perfect for stimulating the digestive system, as well as having other health benefits as we mentioned at www.ikreatepassions.com. Sleep is a natural way to detox as your body will begin to heal itself as you sleep. Exfoliating the skin will remove dead skin tissue. Certain foods, such as leafy green vegetables and citrus fruits are natural detoxifiers. Therefore, don’t assume you need only detoxify once a year as you can benefit your body all year round.

Not preparing for the cleanse

Don’t jump into a detox program without getting your body ready first. Ease into it slowly by focussing on your daily habits. For example, begin to eat a lot more fruit and vegetables, avoid drinking alcohol and ease off your junk food. You might also give up caffeine and switch to green tea, of which you can find more information at www.detoxteaguide.com. Jumping into a detox without preparation may make you suffer from side-effects, such as dizziness and fatigue. Prepare your body first, and you will more readily feel the benefits.

Missing food groups

A cleansing diet does not mean missing out on your meals. Read the article at www.drsaradetox.com to ensure you don’t miss out any of your food groups during your detox. Failure to eat will make you feel worse, so you don’t need to deprive yourself by only sticking to protein shakes and juices.

Going back to old habits

There is the temptation to fall back into old habits after a detox. For starters, remember that your body will be sensitive after cleansing, so you need to ease your way into eating certain foods again. However, what good is a detox if you are only going to pollute your body again with the wrong substances? Instead, consider it a reset, and have the resolve to begin a healthier eating plan as you move forward.

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