Tag: Pain Relief

How To Stop Those Bad Morning Headaches


Lots of people wake up with a headache in the morning, and that can often ruin their day. Most folks have no idea why it happens, and so this article will try to shed some light on the matter. Today, readers are going to discover some of the leading causes of the discomfort they feel when sliding out of bed and getting ready for work. With a bit of luck, this information will help more people to deal with the issue and solve their ailment. Sure, people can go to their doctor and get some painkillers. However, that doesn’t address the underlying cause of the problem. So, read this information carefully!

What causes people to wake up with headaches?

Firstly, it’s important to note that people can get pain in their heads in the morning for more reasons than it’s possible to mention in this post. For that reason, the information will focus on the most common causes according to Medical Point and other expert resources. Just take a read through and try to apply the advice.

Lack of sleep

Many people feel unwell in the mornings because they fail to get enough sleep during the night. Doctors recommend that all humans should aim to sleep for around eight hours to recharge their bodies. People who never get enough shut-eye will eventually cause their bodies to feel tired and worn out. The first warning sign is often a morning headache.

Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition that obstructs the airway when a person is asleep. In some instances, the individual can stop breathing a few times throughout the night. According to the Alaska Sleep Clinic, anyone who thinks they might suffer from that condition should get in touch with their doctor as soon as possible. Some medications and devices can help to combat the problem.


High blood pressure

Lots of patients with high blood pressure will wake up with head pain in the mornings. However, experts suggest there are thousands of folks out there who don’t realize they have the condition. So, anyone who can’t find the cause of their headaches should ask a doctor to check for that issue.

Drug addictions

When most people think about drug addictions, they picture cocaine, heroin, and lots of other illegal substances. Still, more people are addicted to prescription medications than anything else. So, if the individual wakes up with a headache all the time, it might make sense to reduce their reliance on painkillers. Just ensure there are no medical reasons why that isn’t possible.

How can people stop waking up with headaches?

There are many different techniques people can try to stop morning headaches. The important thing to remember is that painkillers are not the answer. They will reduce the discomfort, but they won’t halt the pain from coming back every morning. People who want to get rid of their headaches could try the following steps.

Behavioral sleep therapy

Most doctors can give information about specialists who focus their efforts on sleep treatments. In some instances, booking an appointment to see someone with that expertise is a wise move. People in that field will often give their patients exercises to perform before climbing under the sheets. They tend to work well in around 40-50% of cases.


Improved diet and physical exercise

Sometimes eating a healthy meal in the evenings and spending an hour at the gym can do sufferers a world of good. So, consider making a diet plan and sticking with it for at least a couple of weeks. If the individual notices a significant difference in the frequency of their headaches, it makes sense to keep to the program.

Anti-inflammatory medication

Many medical professionals prescribe anti-inflammatory medication to people who wake up with headaches. The drugs tend to work well with those who suffer migraines on a regular basis. So, it makes sense that they should stop other problems too. Just remember that medication only deals with the symptoms.

Now readers know a little more about the causes of their bad morning headaches, it should become easier to deal with the issue. When all’s said and done, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. People just have to try different methods until they find something that works for them. Success lies in avoiding drugs unless there is no alternative on the table. In many instances, it’s the medication people take that causes their discomfort in the first place. With that in mind, feel free to share this article with any friends who suffer from the condition. Headaches are not the best way to start any day. So, deal with them!

Pain – Its A Pain In The A**!

Pain, we have all felt it at one time or another in varying degrees. In fact, it’s our bodies very sophisticated way of keeping us away from things that could damage it. However, some people are in a situation where the pain isn’t caused by threats in their outer environment but come from problems inside their own body. When this happens, and there is no let-up, pain can be hugely problematic causing a massive amount of suffering in the individual that is experiencing it. Luckily, there are some things that can be done in this sort of situation. Read on to find out more.

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One of the first things everyone thinks of when they have pain to deal with are medications. Now everyone has a different opinion as to whether these are the best option or not. Some folks dislike putting chemically synthesised compounds in their body and prefer more natural methods.

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Others are concerned about the addictive quality of some medicines, especially those designed for pain relief. Of course, it is a personal decision, and you have to choose what is right for your specific circumstances.

To do this is always a good idea to speak to your doctor before you engage in a new medication regime. As well as doing some of your own research as to the possible side effects that any of the prescribed medications may have.


Now, some folks have the opportunity to try and fix the issue that is causing them pain. Unfortunately, this is rarely a simple issue. As the body is a holistic entity and working on one part can often affect it elsewhere.

Also, many pain problems are complicated, and even the doctors don’t know the exact reason why a person is suffering in the way that they do. This can be problematic because it means you may have surgery but still encounter the same difficulties.

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Physical therapy techniques

Another way of dealing with pain is to seek help from one of the many professionals that offer rehabilitation services and deal specifically with pain management. By going to them, you can learn how to relate better to your pain in a psychological way, as well as how to relieve pain through physical activity and exercise.

In fact, for some folks that have tried everything to rid themselves of pain they can make a huge difference in the quality of life. Primarily because they focus on doing the things that are valuable to you and providing a constructive way to deal with the discomfort while you are doing so.

TENS machines

Lastly, don’t forget that there is something less invasive than surgery that a lot of people believe is helpful in dealing with pain, a TENS machine. This is a small mobile machine that emits tiny electric shocks, which confuses the nerve endings making it harder for the body to interpret their signals as pain.

They are available from medical suppliers as well as general retailers online in many cases, and as an added bonus they are a fairly inexpensive way of dealing with pain issues too.









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