Tag: Best Travel Blog

7 Tips and Tricks on How to Pack for a Warm Weather Vacation

Most travelers relish the thought of a vacation with sunny, warm weather, even if it’s to a destination without beaches or swimming. However, warm-weather travel can come with its own inconveniences. If you’re traveling outside of the summer months, the weather can change, and a sunny day can quickly become uncomfortable.

Fortunately, experienced travelers know how to mitigate problems and keep everyone in their group happy. It can be tempting to under-pack on warm-weather vacations, but don’t forget the essentials for staying safe in the sun. Check out these travel tips and hacks for ways to minimize problems and maximize fun adventures on your next getaway!

1. Pack a proper hat and sunglasses

Even springtime sun can be intense enough to cause sunburns, and squinting in the sun is sure to interfere with your enjoyment of world-famous sights. A lightweight hat or bandanna is a good choice for shielding your head. Bringing comfortable hats for your kids can also prevent whining and misery later on. If you aren’t fond of hats, a sun parasol can be a stylish and fun option for staying out of the sun.

The best sunglasses for your trip will depend on what you’re doing and where you’re going, but don’t overspend! Sunglasses are far too easy to lose or break while on vacation. Buy a neck cord and be careful to double-check for your sunglasses before leaving restrooms, hotels and restaurants.

2. Make smart fabric choices

Denim can be stylish, but is it really the best option for traveling to Key West in the middle of July? Try linen, white cotton t shirtsor performance fabrics for breathable, comfortable outfits. Lighter fabrics roll up easily, too, saving valuable luggage space.

Tank tops can be very comfortable, but remember that the more skin you expose, the more time you have to spend putting on sunscreen. Consider covering up with lighter fabrics to help manage your sun exposure.

Also, remember to pack for layers, like lightweight jackets or cardigans. Even tropical destinations can cool off in the evening, so keeping an extra layer around can make the difference between a fun adventure and an uncomfortable evening. Air conditioning can also vary widely between restaurants, hotels and public transit, so a lightweight jacket might even be useful during the day. Leggings are also a good option for fashion-conscious travelers heading out on nighttime adventures.

3. Plan your sunscreen, bug repellent and allergy medication usage

While some may find sunscreen a pain to keep safe in your suitcase, packing it may be better than buying it at your destination. Your sunscreen brand and selection options may be limited if you wait to buy it, and you may find yourself stuck with a product that’s inconvenient or insufficient for your needs. It may also be cheaper to pack sunscreen. For most U.S. destinations, you can probably access the same general types of sunscreen across the country, but do your research for overseas destinations.

The same rule applies to bug repellant and allergy medication. Some destinations have mosquitoes almost year-round, and you may need bug repellant even if you’re not going into the woods. Unfamiliar flowers and trees can trigger allergy symptoms that keep you from fully enjoying your trip. Research your destination carefully to determine your best options.

Remember that some airlines or countries may have restrictions on bug repellent ingredients, aerosol cans or medication ingredients.

4. Pick a bag that suits your needs

Lugging around multiple bags after a day of fun can put a damper on the rest of your evening. It can also be troublesome to forget a bag of souvenirs, food or a water bottle someplace because you had too many bags to keep track of.

If you’re traveling alone, a small carry-on suitcaseor cheap backpack may suffice, but running around with children makes a large backpack mandatory. Look for something with padded straps made of a material that is breathable. An ideal warm-weather backpack will also have easily accessible space for water bottles, as well as room for souvenirs and snacks. If you’re planning a day at the beach, pack plastic bags for storing wet swimsuits.

5. Print out your transit options and safety plans

Nothing is less fun than lugging around a giant suitcase in 90° F weather because you misunderstood how the bus system works and there are no taxis in sight. Triple-check your plan for getting from the airport to your hotel and have a written backup plan in case something goes wrong. Also, keep a phone number for a local taxi company saved to your phone in case you truly need it after a day in the sun, and make sure you know how to quickly get to the hospital in case of accidents.

In many warmer regions, sudden storms can mess up a dream vacation. Popular warm-weather tourist destinations can be prone to storms in certain seasons, so make sure to familiarize yourself with the area’s flood, tsunami or other natural disaster evacuation plans, and even pack a printed copy, if possible.

6. Bring a backup option for shoes

Tennis shoes can be great for hiking but can quickly become uncomfortable when they’re sweaty or muddy. Pack a pair of padded sandals for hot days when you’ve planned a lot of walking.

If you’re planning a beach vacation, a pair of flip-flops may be worthwhile, but keep in mind that most flip-flops can hurt your feet after walking significant distances. Flip-flops also do little to protect your feet from the sun, and sunburnt feet can quickly put a damper on your dream vacation.

Children, in particular, can be quick to complain about sore, hot or blistered feet, so make sure to have backup options for them. It’s well worth the extra luggage space!

7. Carry a reusable water bottle

Reusable water bottles can save you money and help protect the environment. A well-designed reusable water bottle is lightweight, easy to clean and can be quickly opened and closed to protect the mouthpiece from the elements. It also reduces your need to find a trash can or recycling bin.

In some locales, though, clean drinking water is only readily accessible in bottled form. Do your research ahead of time and see if it’s wiser to pack vending machine change than a reusable plastic bottle. However, many international destinations have clean drinking water access at major tourist sites, so don’t waste your money on disposable water bottles unless you have to.

21 Travel Tips To Make You The World’s Smart Traveler

Traveling has always remained pervasive and perpetual throughout the ages. However the ways of traveling and traveling places have changed. People like to travel a lot. Different countries have become culturally closed and that thing has assisted in fostering this newfangled taste of traveling. Tourism industry has also developed a lot and these things help socially also as we people from different places of the globe travel far and wide and social stature remains stable because of all this. So we can say traveling is a famous activity these days and every person like to be called a traveler.



Top Travel Safety Tips for 2018

Traveling is definitely something we all look forward to in order to rejuvenate ourselves, but sometimes travel also comes with its set of anxiety and panics. Lot of people that I know panic over the safety issues involved while traveling, and in a way they are all relevant. Safety is one of the prime concerns while traveling especially to a different country. But all I wanna say is that if one is careful and the planning is perfect, one can overcome all anxiousness and travel safely throughout the world. I recently came across this comprehensive article on travel safety and I feel its a must read. Let me know your feedback and experiences in the comments below. Read the article here


An infographic showing all the common risks faced by travelers


Awesome Northern Lights Vacations All Over the World

To experience the mesmerizing colors of the Aurora Borealis is the dream of every traveler. It is a bold claim that Northern Norway is the best place to fulfill this very dream. Other than Norway, other places flaunting this beauty are various Scandinavian countries like Sweden, Greenland,andAlaska.

These magnificent Auroral displays occur in many colors, pale green and pink being the most common. There are many shades of red, green, yellow and blue emitting in the night sky around the poles. The light appears in many forms from scattered clouds of light to shimmering arcs and sometimes even shooting rays that light up the sky with a stunning glow.

What causes the Northern Lights?

The understanding of Northern Lights is no rocket science. It is a simple process that occurs when our planet earth revolves around the sun, there is a small fraction of solar wind that is intercepted by our planet.  Almost 98% of these solar particles are deflected by the earth’s magnetic field and are drifted downside towards the Northpole and the South pole.
The excitation of these atoms is caused when they hit the molecules present in the earth’s atmosphere. This collision creates many glowing rings of auroral nature around, known as auroral ovals. The distinctive color of light appears during the disintegration of these particles to their original state.

Best destinations to experience the Northern Lights

Experiencing the Northern Lights is a spiritually uplifting experience. Every form is different, displaying a multicolored shifting dance of nocturnal rainbows. This  ethereal sight can be witnessed from some of the most beautiful Scandinavian countries. To see the celestial moves in the night sky one has to travel north towards the Arctic.


Listed below are some of the top-notchdestinations-


The best-guaranteedexperience of the Northern lights is in Sweden. NorthernSweden is situated in a weather shadow surrounded by a mountain range providingan 80% chance of witnessing the auroral lights. The famous AbiskaNational Park situated in Swedish Lapland delivers the best experience of the Northern lights.

The stupendous mountain range prevents the orographic rains and keeps the sky almost clear and pollution free. It is no wonder that Lonely planet announced the Abiska, world’s most illuminating experiences in the world.


Being a native to Iceland has its own privileges. They are, without a doubt, most privileged ones. Northern lights here are clearly visible for eight months a year, starting from September to the end of April.

On the contrary,it is just a matter of luck to see any such aurora activity as it depends on the local weather conditions and solar activity. Iceland, therefore, is an optimal destination in order to tick seeing the Northern Lights off of your bucket list.


Canada boastssimilar experiences as Iceland since it faces longhours of darkness in winter. However, the dense cloud cover prevalent in these areas decreases the chances of aurora activity. Places like Whitehorse, Yukon in Canada is illuminated by the northern lights as a shimmering cosmic dance across the night lit sky.

Yukon is no doubt the top-notchdestinations for travelers seeking spiritual upliftment in this natural wonder of nature. There are many prime lodging options in Yukon flauntingserene viewing locations at all times.

Source- https://pixabay.com/en/skywatch-couple-love-motorcycle-3384730/

Iqaluit, Nunavut is another superb destination for blending into the cultural perspectives and witnessing northern lights. This epic destination exhibits a unique life to this region.

Athabasca Country, Alberta

Want to get a glimpse of glory? Northern Alberta is the place for you. Alberta is home to Athabasca University’s Geophysical Observatory.

It is amongst the many stations in the whole of North America studying the detailed aspects of Northern Lights.


One of the most fantabulous sights of Northern lights in the world is in Norway. Here the lights only appear at high latitudes from September to March, where the lucky stargazerscan get an opportunity to experiencethe emerald green sky to the scarlet violet sky. Various companies, like Nordic Experience and Sunvil,organize amazing activities such as the Northern Lights and dogsledding.


If you are a resident of America, you are the luckiest as there is no need tohead toEurope to experience the Northern lights. You can actually experience it without leaving the United States.It is the inland Alaskan Arctic where skies are crystal clear and thus provides one of the best spotsto witness the Northern lights and enjoy the natural cosmic light show. Northern America is the most convenient place where Americans head for their chances to see the aurora borealis.

The Northern Lights near Coldfoot is a place in Alaska and is home to the rustic Coldfoot Camp in the Brooks Mountain range. It is the prime Northern Lights observing location in the Alaskan Arctic.

Source- https://pixabay.com/en/aurora-borealis-alaska-space-1181004/


Northern Lights near Barrow

This beautiful town is located on the extreme  northern edge of Alaska which organizes tours and outdoor adventures connected to the native culture providing a vast open area to drown in the feel of Northern lights.

Why do we see the blend of different colors?

The most common color observed in Northern Lights is green. It is due to the collision of the solar wind with millions of oxygen atoms which, when decay fall back to the original state, while emitting the green hue in the night sky.The reason for the red color seen in the northern lights is also caused by oxygen atoms.

The red color is always present, the reason for its intermittent appearance is that the human eyes are five times less sensitive to red light than green. The beautiful swirl of purple tinge is due tothe fact that the earth’s atmosphere is made up of nitrogen.

Source- https://pixabay.com/en/northern-lights-aurora-borealis-984120/Myths associated with Northern Lights


To witness the real beauty of our planet, we need to travel often and experience the richness of diversity in terms of culture, ecology, food and the natural events that occur on this planet.

Author’s Bio:

Yogi and Suchna believe in taking the road less travelled and stumbling upon some hidden gems along the way! For over a decade, they’ve mapped their way across various continents, sniffed out unusual routes, discovered new flavours and stayed at quirky hostels. TheVillaEscape is their expression of soul travel. To check Iceland Trip From Indiayou can catch up with them at TheVillaEscape.



How to Gain Muscle and Lose Fat While Travelling – Essential Travel Preparations

In the eyes of many dedicated fitness enthusiasts and sports figures, travelling is a challenging task, an arduous task. For them, the idea or thought of travelling itself is accompanied by a strong feeling of reluctance. This reluctance is not due to a fear or hatred for travelling. It’s due to a fear of compromising their fitness regime.



But yes, muscle building is a strict discipline. In order to be successful at it, your priorities have to change and you have to make certain compromises somewhere. Thankfully for you, there’s no need to compromise on forgoing travel for this cause because there are many ways in which you can keep in-tune with your regime even when on the move.

A fitness regime has a lot to it. One possible objective of the regime could be to gain muscle and lose fat. So this has a lot to do with one’s diet. And yes, it’s hard to control one’s diet while travelling because of the high calorie intake and low-exercise rate but all you need is some dedication.

Protein-rich diet


There are a couple of things that you can do to gain muscle and lose fat while traveling; these things are elaborated below:

Get your packing right

It all starts with the packing. You want to maintain a proper diet, pack right and according to it then. Carry all essentials like:

  1. Cutlery
  2. Portable grill (if possible; allows you to eat healthy-grilled food)
  3. Canned food (to meet your nutritional needs on the go)
  4. Dry foods (protein-rich, if possible)
  5. Basic, portable workout equipment (dumbbell, stretch rope, skipping rope etc.)

Reduce Meal Frequency (if needed)

Generally, on a normal day if you are trying to gain muscle and lose fat, you may be eating around 6-7 meals a day. While travelling, it would be wise to reduce your meal frequency. Instead, focus on having a lesser number of meals but each meal that you take should have high-calorie content. Some people like to call this ‘flexible dieting’.

Keep track of your protein intake

Here’s where you cannot compromise on, especially if you are very serious about building muscle. Even while travelling, it’s super important for you to keep a track of your protein intake.

Ideally, you should be ingesting 1g of protein for every pound of body weight, per day. The best way to monitor your protein intake is by using mobile applications that allow you to do so. An example of one such mobile application is, MyFitnessPal.

Change your workout regime a little

It may seem annoying but if you are dedicated to your goals, it’s very important to be consistent in your efforts. Thus, even while travelling, it’s important for you to continue working out. Change your regime a little; adjust it to your travel.

If there’s a gym closeby to where you are staying, nothing can be better. If there’s a gym in your hotel, even better! But if these facilities aren’t available, just change your workout to something that you can do in any room without major equipment. Try working out before meals and try to fit in a high-intensity cardio workout into your regular workout.

If you love travelling and are a fitness freak, remember this:

“When the going gets tough, the tough get going”.

Authors Bio– Mitravinda is a Nutritionist at DietChart with a doctoral degree in Food Science and Nutrition. She is a teacher, researcher and an author. Her passion for the subject prompted her to start writing blogs on various nutrition-related topics such as diet chart for weight loss, diet chart for weight loss in 7 days, how to remove dark circles in 2 daysetc. Through her blogs, she wishes to help people gain a deeper understanding about the relationship between food, nutrition, lifestyle and health.


Holiday Nightmares: The Dangers Of Travelling Abroad

(image source)




Imagine the scene: you have saved up your money to go on holiday. Excitement is bubbling over, and you cannot wait to leave your home town and jet off abroad to whatever country you have chosen. Sun, sea, rest, and relaxation await. Oh, the fun you will have, the memories you will bring back with you, the stress you will feel slide away from your tired mind…unless you are caught up in one of the following holiday nightmares and those memories will be dark ones and the idea of fun will slip away, being replaced with the stress you thought you had left behind. Gulp!



Nightmare #1: You have an accident or injury


Your home may be a child-proofed fortress, but your health and safety know-how needs to be adapted for a holiday abroad. There are many dangers, from slipping over at the hotel poolside to hurting yourself on unsafe roads. Not every country adheres to the safety requirements you practice in your country, so you need to be prepared.


Tip: Pack a first-aid kit with you before you leave and carry it with you everywhere you go. From bee sting creams to a maritime tourniquet, carry something for every eventuality, keeping you and your travelling companions safe from added harm should an injury take place.


Nightmare #2: You have a stomach upset


We told you in a previous article that travelling is good for your health. It is, but when travelling in a foreign clime, you need to be careful. Stomach upsets are common, especially if you drink from contaminated water sources or eat foods that are unfamiliar to your delicate stomachs.


Tip: Bring plenty of bottled water with you, or buy store-bought water while abroad, rather than drinking from the tap or any other water source. Be careful what you eat too – while it’s good to be adventurous with your food options when abroad, be mindful of what your stomach can normally stand and only eat in reputable food eateries.


Nightmare #3: You get mugged


Tourists stand out like the proverbial sore thumb, taking snaps with their smartphones, and dressing in clothing that is clearly alien to local custom. The chances of a tourist getting pickpocketed (or worse) are high.


Tip: Stop looking like a tourist! Wear clothing that helps you blend into the country, and don’t do anything that gives your tourist credentials away – standing in the middle of the street with a giant map is a big no-no for starters. Try and travel in groups as well, and don’t go anywhere unpopulated alone at night. You need to keep yourself safe, as well as your precious belongings.


Nightmare #4: You end up in a war zone


This is the biggest nightmare of them all, and something we all need to be aware of. Every day we hear of terrorist attacks in foreign and neighbouring countries, and some countries are prone to political unrest. Your life could be on the line.


Tip: Keep an eye on the news. If you discover your holiday destination is potentially unsafe, don’t take the risk unless your holiday operator tells you otherwise. Check out this list of dangerous countries too – with the risk of terrorist attack and tourist kidnappings; these are definitely places to avoid, no matter how much of a risk taker you think you are.




We have given you a whistle-stop tour of some of the holiday nightmares that await you. Still, we aren’t trying to put you off travelling abroad. Most of you will have a fantastic time. However, it pays to take precautions, so whatever you do this year, take care of yourself and those around you when making your holiday plans.







Travel And Maintain The Balance

Don’t you feel bored working every day and living the same life, greeting the same faces, eating the same food and all that to earn money and pile it all up and use it when you are finally forty? I am bored with this kind of lifestyle. I skipped jobs more frequently than the day changes. I see people working hard to earn and do their savings and use them later in life. I mean, how can anyone dream of that? Indian mentality is like that, they earn, they save and eventually run out of years to live like they were ever 25 or 30. And what happens to that money? It passes on to others effortlessly. So, I have planned to visit places, travel the world, go there with my unknown face and meet people with an unknown face.


What I Did?

I finally took solace from working in a mundane environment of the four wall offices of the corporate world. They bounded me to its subtle color, that never changed, and greed for money. It was hard for me to break free from the well-mastered plan of working FOR someone and making their life easier and crushing my free spirit. It was when those four walls begin to crawl upon me and tried to suffocate me that I finally decided to bid adieu to such a life.


Why I Did It?

I wanted to see more colors, so I took my soul to travel and it has been a while now. My eyes have seen what you people only could have imagined, my heart has captured those sceneries that only hang ignored on your walls, I did not capture any images -I did not feel like it, because I was travelling for my satisfaction, I did not want to share it with people in paper because what I have seen have been far more beautiful than those limited views.


Expedia & MakeMyTrip

After leaving corporate life, I began traveling and I consumed a majority of the money I had. Then soon enough I understood about the brands or the online travel aggregators which can help you travel at a much lower price. Amongst all of these numerous brands, I have had the best experience with Expedia and MakeMyTrip.


Making bookings on MakeMyTrip and Expedia is just the easiest thing to do and the most amazing part is that Expedia and MakeMyTrip offers the cheapest prices for flights and hotels. So, if you have a limited budget you can travel happily with that too.


Expedia Coupons & MakeMyTrip Flight Coupons

There have been moments when I was utterly confused about the unknown land which I was deciding to travel to, but MakeMyTrip and Expedia solved it all for me. They planned a whole vacation for me and even gave me such exclusive Expedia coupons and MakeMyTrip flight coupons which can help me buy tickets at affordable rates, make hotels bookings at reasonable prices and even book holiday packages at no extra cost.


Maintain The Balance

I wish that money wasn’t an essential thing in this world because eventually, I had to return back to work to earn money and spend it again on traveling. I understood the need for it when I was sick and I finally had to ask for money from home to get myself treated. Anyway, I am way past that. Now, I do not save money and pile it up, I earn for a month or two and then pack my bags and just lock the doors to this now not-so-boring life and open it again after I have lived and treasured moments. I understood one simple thing that everything in life is essential but all you have to do is maintain a balance.


Money was essential and traveling was too but to achieve such ecstatic bliss, I had to make a sacrifice. It is true that you cannot live your life the way you want, no matter how much you try there are things you do not have control on; you can run for one thing but the more you run for it the far you are from the other thing. You have to maintain a BALANCE.



Why Travelling Is Good For Health

Though it might look a bit unique and even new, we are sharing few reasons as to why travelling could be a great way by which we could keep our body in the best of health and condition. These reasons are proven and scientifically researched and therefore it is quite obvious that they have stood the test of time. They help in invigorating different parts of the body including our brains, our metabolism, our vital organs like liver, heart, kidney and lungs. Therefore it would be worth trying to take a break from your mundane routine because it could help in overcoming many body and mind related ailments.




When Health Changes The Travel Game

When people think of health in the context of travel, they tend to focus on mental health and the benefits of travelling. Indeed, in the Victorian times and until the glorious 1930s, most wealthy families tend to consider travel as a cure to common health complaints. If you were feeling tired, you just needed to spend a few weeks by the sea to feel re-invigorated again. You’ve been struggling with the flu? Plan a trip to the mountains and make the most of the fresh air available. Travel was perceived as a cure for a lot of health issues, including some more serious ones such as cancer – which, before it was properly diagnosed, was thought to be cured in the marine breeze. But, the health discoveries of the previous century have forever created a divide between travelling and healing. However, if travel doesn’t change anymore our approach to health, new health requirements are transforming our approach to travel every day.the game is risky without having knowledge of results. if you don’t know teer result quiet well then it would be not healthy.

Security check in Munich airport

Travel comfortably and within the baggage regulations

When you are sitting in a plane for hours, you need to make sure that you can travel comfortably. Unfortunately, for a lot of airline companies, comfort isn’t a priority, and you might find yourself cramped into a seat with barely any room for your legs. You can’t easily demand to be upgraded to a more comfortable seat, but you can certainly consider bringing some comfort items on board, such as a blanket and a pillow for long flights. There isn’t currently any restriction on pillows. However, you need to be careful as more and more small airline companies are trying to limit passenger to one hand luggage in the cabin. As regulations evolve rapidly, you might be forced to leave your pillow behind, unless health organisations include comfort as a primary factor.

No, you can’t take your pet, but you can keep your ESA

Unless exceptional circumstances – such as a crisis situation – you can’t take your pet with you in the cabin. Pets need to be put in the hold, and they need to be transported by freight if they are over a certain weight. However, if you have an ESA certification for your pet, aka if it’s an emotional support animal, airlines have to let you travel with your pet in cabin. However, there are certain restrictions that rely on common sense. For instance, if your ESA pet is a horse, it’s likely that the airline will refuse to take you on board as the animal will not fit the cabin space.

The 100ml rule – what does it apply to?

If you’re a frequent flyer, you know about the 100ml regulation for liquid in cabin luggage. However, there are health-related circumstances in which the rule can be broken. Indeed, baby milk can be taken on board with more than 100ml as it’s indispensable to the health and survival of your baby. Similarly, you can transport medicines of more than 100ml with a prescription from your doctor. However, you will need in both cases to present all elements to the security check station.

You can take more than 100ml baby milk

The health challenges that people face are changing the way the travel industry functions. Hopefully, in the long term, requirements such as personal space and mindful seating will also be part of new people-centred travel regulations.


Explore Texas Hill Country’s Beautiful Teravista Golf Course

If you are traveling and hoping to visit one of the beautiful golf courses near Austin TX, you might want to discover Teravista, in the heart of the Texas Hill Country in Round Rock. Views from the course cover a span of 50 miles, adding to the enjoyment of the game.

Designed by Clifton-Ezell-Clifton, the course has been awarded the distinction of ‘Beginner Friendly Course’ by the National Golf Course Owners Association; it is a great course for playing with the whole family as you travel Texas. Avid golfers as well as newcomers are all welcome here.

Water hazards, sand traps and unique fairways will be challenging and make your game exciting and memorable. There is the proximity to water on 14 holes, and 60 to 70 bunkers are in the layout. Hole #17 is the no. 1 handicap, with its 443 yards. Greens and fairways are composed of Bermuda Grass. Because there is often a long walk between holes, golf carts are recommended at this course. Tournaments are held here, and wedding and events take place at special times.

As an 18-hole championship course, Teravista offers rolling terrain and challenges for all levels and ages of golfers. It has a 7,200-yard layout with five different tee sets. With its location in the Austin area, this course is known for its great conditions.


Two greenside and fairway bunkers, chipping green and double-sided range are part of the experience. A 22,000 sq ft practice green is the largest in the Austin area. Visitors can get ready for their game, while hoping to achieve a great score.

Additionally, lessons are available at the J.L. Lewis Golf Academy on the premises. Seasoned players as well as newbies are taught by J.L., an author and two-time champion of the PGA Tour, winning the 1999 John Deere Classic and the 2004 84 Lumber Classic of Pennsyvannia. He offers world-class instruction for golfers of all abilities and ages and enjoys teaching amateurs to strive for their best.

Pro Shop

One can find the popular brands, such as Nike, Titleist, Under Amour, Foot-Joy and more in the well stocked shop. They have an large assortment of products, from balls to gloves.


You can enjoy breakfast and lunch right on the premises from 9:30 to 3 p.m. at the Caldwell Cafe. It is open to the public, seven days a week.


Travelers can book an online tee-time and can receive a discount if booked the same day at the right time. Advance booking is also possible with a choice of number of holes, players and price range.

With a four-star rating on Golf Advisor, players have commented on how well the greens were kept as well as the fairways. Its well-maintained conditions and course layout make it an excellent choice for those looking for 18-hole games at the best courses near Austin TX.

Teravista Golf Course has a facebook presence with Teravista Golf Club, so visitors can learn of special events or family activities.


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