Tag: Travel Essentials

How to Gain Muscle and Lose Fat While Travelling – Essential Travel Preparations

In the eyes of many dedicated fitness enthusiasts and sports figures, travelling is a challenging task, an arduous task. For them, the idea or thought of travelling itself is accompanied by a strong feeling of reluctance. This reluctance is not due to a fear or hatred for travelling. It’s due to a fear of compromising their fitness regime.



But yes, muscle building is a strict discipline. In order to be successful at it, your priorities have to change and you have to make certain compromises somewhere. Thankfully for you, there’s no need to compromise on forgoing travel for this cause because there are many ways in which you can keep in-tune with your regime even when on the move.

A fitness regime has a lot to it. One possible objective of the regime could be to gain muscle and lose fat. So this has a lot to do with one’s diet. And yes, it’s hard to control one’s diet while travelling because of the high calorie intake and low-exercise rate but all you need is some dedication.

Protein-rich diet


There are a couple of things that you can do to gain muscle and lose fat while traveling; these things are elaborated below:

Get your packing right

It all starts with the packing. You want to maintain a proper diet, pack right and according to it then. Carry all essentials like:

  1. Cutlery
  2. Portable grill (if possible; allows you to eat healthy-grilled food)
  3. Canned food (to meet your nutritional needs on the go)
  4. Dry foods (protein-rich, if possible)
  5. Basic, portable workout equipment (dumbbell, stretch rope, skipping rope etc.)

Reduce Meal Frequency (if needed)

Generally, on a normal day if you are trying to gain muscle and lose fat, you may be eating around 6-7 meals a day. While travelling, it would be wise to reduce your meal frequency. Instead, focus on having a lesser number of meals but each meal that you take should have high-calorie content. Some people like to call this ‘flexible dieting’.

Keep track of your protein intake

Here’s where you cannot compromise on, especially if you are very serious about building muscle. Even while travelling, it’s super important for you to keep a track of your protein intake.

Ideally, you should be ingesting 1g of protein for every pound of body weight, per day. The best way to monitor your protein intake is by using mobile applications that allow you to do so. An example of one such mobile application is, MyFitnessPal.

Change your workout regime a little

It may seem annoying but if you are dedicated to your goals, it’s very important to be consistent in your efforts. Thus, even while travelling, it’s important for you to continue working out. Change your regime a little; adjust it to your travel.

If there’s a gym closeby to where you are staying, nothing can be better. If there’s a gym in your hotel, even better! But if these facilities aren’t available, just change your workout to something that you can do in any room without major equipment. Try working out before meals and try to fit in a high-intensity cardio workout into your regular workout.

If you love travelling and are a fitness freak, remember this:

“When the going gets tough, the tough get going”.

Authors Bio– Mitravinda is a Nutritionist at DietChart with a doctoral degree in Food Science and Nutrition. She is a teacher, researcher and an author. Her passion for the subject prompted her to start writing blogs on various nutrition-related topics such as diet chart for weight loss, diet chart for weight loss in 7 days, how to remove dark circles in 2 daysetc. Through her blogs, she wishes to help people gain a deeper understanding about the relationship between food, nutrition, lifestyle and health.


Use Solar Backpacks: Alternative Energy Source for Eco-friendly Living


Backpacks are one of the essential items for students, professionals or anyone who need carry multiple items at the same time. It is a great thing because it keeps all your things in one place and the chances that you miss out on something or lose something reduces immensely. What if these backpacks come with solar a little solar panel? The utility of these backpacks would increase substantially.

So, let us learn about these backpacks in detail!

What Are Solar Backpacks?

A solar backpack is essentially a backpack that consists of batteries and thin film solar cells. They are the energy efficient equivalent of power banks, and that converts sunlight energy into electricity that can be saved and stored in the batteries and then used to power several electronic devices like mp3 players and mobile phones, etc. They come with light bulbs, battery, plugs, solar panels, cords, charge controller, etc.




Uses of Solar Backpacks

A solar backpack can be used to charge devices like smartphones, power banks, digital cameras or any other small and useful devices. When a solar backpack is exposed to the sun, the solar panels that are fixed on the backpack starts charging the photovoltaic cells, and it starts storing the energy. With the help of a connector, you can charge your devices anywhere and everywhere.


Benefits of Using a Solar Backpack


There are several benefits of solar backpacks that prompt us to go the energy efficient route. Let’s dive right in and check what they are!


Energy Efficient

Solar backpacks consist of energy-efficient solar panels that are waterproof, portable and super light. They are perfect because they save all the energy that they receive from the sun that can be optimally utilized whenever needed.


Easy to Carry

Solar backpacks are lightweight in nature which is why they are extremely easy to carry. So, you don’t have to worry about extra weight on your back if a small solar panel is added to it.



They are a green energy source that is super energy saving for the environment. If you use solar energy, you will actually end up saving electricity as well. In fact, it is a great way to charge all your small devices.


Saves money

They help in saving up on the electricity bills. If you shift to solar energy instead of electricity, you would not even realize and save up a lot of money on the electricity bills.


Good for Emergencies

It is an excellent source of energy and power during emergencies. In case of power shortage or while you are traveling, these backpacks can be a lifesaver by charging your phones and other important devices.


Applications of Solar Backpacks

The applications of solar backpacks are plenty!


  • Laptops can be charged by solar backpacks with a life of up to 3 hours before they exhaust.
  • It has the capacity to power up a light for up to 14 hours after being exposed to light for about 6 hours.
  • You can even power any kinds of medical equipment with solar backpacks.
  • If you are in a remote region and wish to power your camera, that can also be easily done through solar backpacks.
  • They are super lightweight so they can be carried around easily without any hassle. This makes it ideal to use these solar backpacks as an energy efficient alternative to power banks or chargers so that no matter where you are, you can easily charge up any of your devices with the stored energy in the solar backpacks.

Bottom Line

Solar backpacks are the trendy eco-friendly alternative to saving up on those massive electricity bills and energy. If you want to make a difference in the world while at the same time, lower your electricity expenses, going green via these incredible solar backpacks are the best way to go!

Author Bio Section:

Yogi and Suchna believe in taking the road less travelled and stumbling upon some hidden gems along the way! For over a decade, they’ve mapped their way across various continents, sniffed out unusual routes, discovered new flavors and stayed at quirky hostels. TheBackpackerCo is their expression of soul travel. You can catch up with them at TheBackpackerCo – The Backpack Around Europe Trip Experts.

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Goa, India