Tag: Best Beauty Blog

Common Problems with Skin and How to Solve Them

Image Credit: Pixabay

Your skin is the biggest organ of your whole body and it does a lot to keep you healthy and beautiful. Your skin is good at regulating your temperature and protecting itself from the sun. It covers you in order to keep all your guts in and yet it can stretch to be more accommodating (just think how big pregnant tummies can be!) But in spite of all these clear benefits, we are always complaining about the state of our skin and how it could be improved.

There are all sorts of small health issues that plague us from time to time that aren’t serious but just annoy you more than you need. Often there are simple treatments that can help us back to feeling normal again. Your skin is no different and there are lots of different solutions to each of those niggling issues, so you can have perfect skin after all.

Acne and spots

Spots are a natural, if very annoying, occurrence and everyone will have a spot or two every so often. They are caused by the overproduction of natural oils which fills the pores causing a small lump. This lump might turn into a whitehead, a blackhead, a tiny cyst or a red blemish but all of these are essentially just spots.Acne affects most people though it can have more severe impacts such as a rash like appearance and potential scarring. Acne is essentially the same as spots but is exacerbated by the acne bacteria which causes the skin to swell and become sore.

Try to avoid touching your face, especially when you have acne and spots so that you don’t spread any bacteria over your skin. Wash your face with mild soapy water and avoid scrubbing as that will just make you bleed and scab over. You could try face masks or other treatments to help clear acne and return your skin to its natural beauty.  

While squeezing spots is tempting, do your best to simply ignore them. A popped spot is likely to last longer than one left to its own devices because it is more likely to become infected or scab over. Similarly, using toothpaste or other products intended to dry spots out may cause further damage to your skin and leave pockmarks.

To avoid any potential scarring, be gentle and kind with your skin. Use oil-free products to make sure that your skin doesn’t become too oily leading to even more spots and as far as you can, let it be.

Image Credit: Max Pixel

Birthmarks and uneven pigmentation

The ideal airbrushed skin is even in tone, freckle-free and birthmark-free too. Most people don’t really have skin like this though and even celebrities need a bit of cosmetic assistance when they walk the red carpet. To achieve flawless skin, try using concealers and foundations to form the ideal base for your makeup. Use slightly different colours to counteract the pigments in your skin to achieve the perfect glow. So for example, if you have broken capillaries causing redness, use a camouflage cream with a yellow base it counteract the red.

Makeup doesn’t have to be restricted to your face, but if you have a birthmark in an awkward place and you just want to have an even skin tone, you could try Dore Aesthetics. They have a non-surgical treatment that will even out any pigmentation issues in your skin to create a perfect, even tone. It may take a few treatments to reach complete perfection but if you are truly self-conscious about it, this may well give you the confidence boost you need to feel good about your skin.

Dry Skin

There are few things so itchy and irritable as patches of dry, flaky skin. It might be caused by overexposure to the sun or it is possibly due to eczema making you feel raw and uncomfortable. Either way, dry skin is no fun and needs to be treated quickly to avoid it getting worse.

The best thing you can do for dry skin is to moisturize regularly. Dry skin doesn’t produce as many natural oils as normal skin so topping up with a moisturizer will help to plump your skin up for a healthy natural glow. Contrary to popular opinion, you may also find that exfoliation can help. By removing dead skin using a flannel and a toner a couple of times a week, you may actually find that your skin is more likely to take on the moisture from your other products and look all the healthier for it.

Image Credit: Max Pixel

Keeping Your Skin Healthy

Maintaining perfect skin is as much about luck as it is about understanding what your skin needs to stay healthy. However hard you try, you will always experience a spot or two every so often but if you know how to treat them, it shouldn’t be such a traumatic experience!

Being properly hydrated will ensure that your skin has the best chance of staying healthy. Like the rest of your body, the skin relies on water to get rid of toxins and stay in peak condition. Water will help you to ensure that your skin stays plump and beautiful and will reduce the instance of wrinkles.

If you spend lots of time outside in the sun, invest in a good sun hat to protect your face, neck and shoulders from overexposure. This will help to avoid getting sunburn as well as any unwanted freckling. You should also ensure that you apply sunscreen to any skin not covered by your clothes around 15 minutes before you go out. If you are out in the sun for a long period of time, use after sun body lotion to moisturize your skin and prevent it from drying out.  

Your skin is an amazing organ that does so much for you, you really shouldn’t complain about such small imperfections. But, if you are a perfectionist and you want flawless skin, these tips should help you to achieve that laudable goal! Remember that your general health will probably be reflected in how your skin looks so get plenty of sleep, drink lots of water and maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle for the best results.


Prepare Your Skin For The Winter Season

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You should always take the time out to look after your skin, but now so more than ever because temperatures are changing. It’s been hot and humid which your body has adapted to, but now the cooler days are introducing themselves, so your skin is going to need some time to readapt to the change, so it’s extra important – now more than ever – to look after yourself properly.

Here’s how you can do that.

Change the moisturiser

As winter is coming, the products that you are using now just aren’t going to cut it. In the summer months, your skincare routine will include lightweight lotions, but the colder it gets, the dryer your skin becomes, so it needs more moisture otherwise it will start the crack. So it’s important to stay on top of the task at hand by investing in the right creams to coat your skin and protect it from the cool weather.

Reduce your shower time

It’s clear that hot showers are greatly welcomed in the winter, but believe it or not, they can actually do more harm than good to your skin. The hot water from the showers will cause your skin to dry out even more which can leave you feeling very irritated and sore. So although you don’t need to suffer by taking a cold water shower, it’d be wise to just shorten the length of time you bathe.

Focus on sensitive areas

It’s very ordinary to have some areas that are affected more than others. A common place is the lips and around the nose, and in that case, they will require a little more attention. In order to solve this problem, you will want to apply a moisturising lip balm on your lips to prevent them from cracking, and keep reapplying your usual moisturising lotion on any other areas to keep them soft.


Exfoliating is a way of removing any dead skin that you have that is clogging your pores and clinging to you when it doesn’t need to be. It removes the dead cells while leaving your skin feeling silky smooth. There are many other techniques out there which claim to do this in a different way – you can find more ideas on sites like Exfoliate.com, along with personal advice and reviews on the various approaches.

Keep yourself healthy

Although you’re paying attention to the outside of your body, you should also make a conscious effort to take care of the inside, as it’s all connected and will make a big difference in your results if everything works together. This means maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle to keep your appearance looking good, all while feeling great.

Stay hydrated

Water, water, water. You can never have enough of it. It’s what keeps the fluids pumping and your skin glowing – even in the winter. When you hear people complimenting one another on how radiant they’re looking, you’ll find that that is down to how well hydrated they keep themselves – look on homemadeforelle.com to find out more. So always keep a bottle of water on you so you can top it up throughout the day.



Say Goodbye to your Hair Woes with REGEN HAIR VITALIZER!

Loosing Hair..Premature Greying..Dandruff..all these problems have become a part and parcel of our life given several factors like pollution, stress, unhealthy diet and others. At some stage or the other we all face these issues and yet we remain ignorant about them. We either blindly buy hair care products and start using them without realising their adverse affects, or sometimes we assume that there are no permanent solutions to these problems and hence give up on them completely.

I was personally facing this problem since a couple of years, I was loosing hair like hell, premature greying too started to happen. My hair had become so thin and almost stopped growing. Regular trimming, head massages, hair spas, oils, I tied everything but nothing really helped. I started keeping my hair short, though had always been fond of long hair, but like I said somehow my hair never reached the desired length and also they were too thin and didn’t have any volume. My hair most of the times felt limpy and dull.

But not anymore, finally I found a product that helped me overcome all my hair issues and there was been a remarkable change in the length and volume of my hair. I am sure you all would want to know more about the product, so here it is.

Yes REGEN HAIR VITALIZER, a 100% herbal product that stimulates hair growth and also helps fighting other hair related problems. A unique blend of rare, exotic herbs discovered in the Himalayan mountain ranges of India. It arrests hair-fall and helps to promote hair growth. It is 100% herbal, with no side effects, non-oily and is for external application only. Simple to use (Just spray onto hair and scalp and massage!), it restores the strength and natural beauty of the hair and gives it a healthy shine, volume and bounce. It also controls dandruff and prevents pre-mature graying of hair.

Benefits of using Regen Hair Vitalizer:
·      Stops Hair Loss
·      Helps in promoting hair growth
·      Treats dandruff
·      Prevents pre-mature graying of hair
·      Significantly improves hair quality and volume
·      Clinically Proven
·      100% herbal
·      No side-effects
·      Non-greasy
·      Easy to use
·      Works for both men & women

I have been personally using it and my hair feels much better than before. I have been able to add some length to my hair, they feel lustrous and have a much better volume. My head really feels full of hair, which are healthy and it reflects in the shine and vitality of my hair. And here is the proof, I am sure if you compare my earlier picture, you would know exactly what I mean

Its very reasonably priced and available in two variants,  REGEN HAIR VITALIZER (250 ml & 100ml) MRP RS. 875/- & RS. 430/- respectively. So what are you waiting for, order today and say goodbye to all your hair woes. Its available on Amazon and Flipkart and more information you can log on to their site as well https://www.regenherbal.com



Tips For Prolonging Your 20s

For the majority of us, it feels like our health peaked in our 20s and 30s, but then time started to take its toll on our bodies. Wrinkles began appearing, our energy levels decreased, and it become harder to maintain our peak physical condition. Suddenly we all wished we could go back in time and undo all the hard partying we did in our younger years. You can’t delay the inevitable; we will all age, and we will no longer look like young 20 or 30-somethings. But that doesn’t mean you can’t prolong your youthful health and appearance until you are well past retirement.

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Defy ageing

People aren’t far off the mark when they say that younger people have glowing skin; smooth, plump skin reflects light more uniformly, granting the individual with a radiant shine. You can preserve your own youthful glow with a basic skincare routine that includes proper hydration and regular exfoliation. When you exfoliate your skin you are basically removing all the dead skin cells, oil, dirt, and germs to instantly reveal your younger looking face. Removing these dead cells also makes it easier for your skin to absorb any moisturizer and boosts collagen production, which gives your skin strength and elasticity.

Take care of your senses

Many years in your future, your eyes and your ears won’t be as effective as they used to be. If you’re genetically inclined towards partial deafness and short-sightedness, there might not be much you can do to prevent it, but you can keep your need for glasses and hearing aids at bay for a few years. It is good to remember that earwax is a natural protector of the ear and unless its amount is excessive, thickened and causing problems, it should not be removed, especially with the help of cotton buds that may damage the ear canal or eardrum. Make sure you get your hearing checked at least once a year, even if you’re not experiencing any problems.Your eyes should be checked every two years, and protected from harmful UV light. It’s also worth noting that regular exercise – such as walking – can reduce the risk of age-related eye degeneration by up to 70 percent.

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Regular workouts help to circulate more nutrients and oxygen to your skin to make you look more radiant, and it also boosts the essential production of collagen. Your muscle mass will be preserved, thanks to exercise, and your posture will improve. All these effects will make you look and feel younger for many years to come. Even if you don’t look exactly like you did at 20, you’ll still have the confidence of a much younger person.

Drink water

There is evidence that not drinking enough water may be associated with falls and fractures, heat stroke, heart disease, lung disorders, kidney disease, and decreased immune function. Water gives you energy, aids in digestion, keeps your organs working properly, keeps your mind sharp, and flushes out toxins. As a result, you also get clearer, younger-looking skin.

Don’t Put on Makeup Without Doing These Things

There are some things in life that you’re sure you have down. You’ve been doing them for a long time, and nothing seems to have gone wrong so far, so you must be doing something right. Right? Occasionally, however, you discover that you should have been doing something differently. Perhaps you’ve never been able to figure out why something always goes wrong, but it turns out it’s to do with your technique. For example, maybe you’ve been wearing makeup for a long time. Sometimes your skin suffers breakouts and your makeup routine is to blame, but you don’t even realize it. Your pre-makeup routine is just as important as when you put on your makeup, so make sure you get it right.


Clean Your Face

It might seem like an obvious one, but making sure your face is clean before you put makeup on is vital. You don’t want to put makeup on top of dirt and oil. Cleaning your face should involve both long-term skin care and daily care. At getprettyface.com, you can find a guide to facial steamers, which provide a great occasional option for gently cleansing your skin. You should also wash your face each day with products suitable for your skin type. And don’t forget rule number one – remove your last lot of makeup before applying it again!

Use Toner

A good toner can go a long way to keeping your skin in good condition and helping your makeup look better. Toner helps to clean any dirt and impurities that washing your face might not have taken care of. It’s also a good first step to moisturize your skin, especially if you don’t want to use a heavy moisturizer. Toner also helps to reduce the appearance of pores, which can mean you need to use less foundation and concealer. Plus, it can prevent dirt from getting into your pores, which is essential if you’re about to put makeup on.



Beautifully soft skin will look better, so you need less makeup. It’s better to moisturize to make your skin look better than to immediately go in with the makeup. However, be cautious when you moisturize because you don’t want to go overboard. Too much moisturizer could sit heavily on your skin and make it feel and look greasy. Start with only a small amount and focus on any dry areas of your skin. It’s also worth taking the time to find the right moisturizer for you. You might find some too heavy or perhaps too fragrant.


Apply Primer 

A primer is a great product to use before you begin putting your makeup on. It’s useful to help cover up blemishes and smooth your skin, and it can also help your makeup to last longer. You can get primers in creams, gels, and powders, so you might want to try a few different types to find the right product for you. Look at totalbeauty.com to compare some of the best.

Before you put on your makeup, make sure you’ve done everything else you need to do. Your makeup will look better if you follow a good pre-makeup routine first.




Setting Up A Beauty Guru Business From Home

One of the most potentially lucrative businesses that have sprung up in the era of the blogger is the distribution from home type of venture. The beauty industry is now fully working in tandem with independent bloggers who review various brands and products. They have found this method of marketing to be incredibly powerful, because essentially their best case for buying their product is made by a consumer, to other consumers. It’s a really personable approach to their customers and the cooperation between bloggers and companies as hit new heights. Only the best of the best can make their livelihood purely based on their blog and together with a YouTube channel, on reviews and style tips. However, beginners and semi-pros are able to use their platform, fanbase, and expertise to sell items of their sponsors and startup a small business right from home.

Image by – Karolina Mis 

How to get on the right path

Setting up a dedicated blog to reviewing beauty products is by far the best way to start. With the clever insights you’re able to give, tips on how to use products and how to incorporate them into stylish outfits is what most women who care about looking their best care about. With consistency, you will build up a fanbase who love and trust you. Make sure you mention your personal favorite products and why to make your blog not just like any other; throw a little personality in there. Always strive to write the most descriptive blogs, with a step by step advice style. Post tutorials on how to use something, especially if it is in the category of medicine, such as acne cream. It’s a good idea to also start up a social media video sharing account such as YouTube.

Using growth of viewers to expand

It’s very important to analyze and research the market and especially you key demographics that analytics reports on your website and YouTube channel report. Study the best blog posts and products that are most popular that you have reviewed and see why they were so popular. With a careful approach, you’ll see a trend which may point you in the direction that will unveil your niche. Even without one, you can see go ahead with expanding. Contact your sponsors and see if you can broker a deal that will see them giving you a bulk of products, perhaps a discount price, with the sole intention of you to be able to sell them using the exposure of your platform. Armstrong Steel Buildings have mini-storage building products which are perfect for a small, independent business that needs to store items in one place, safely, ready to be packaged, and delivered to customers. With great project management, the company can engineer a durable steel single storage unit where you can keep your products, neatly stacked, in optimum temperature, and ready to be distributed.

Credit – Hankwang

Be trustworthy throughout

Make the transition from, reviewer and blogger to an independent business owner, publicly. Remain in full and transparent contact with your fans, for they are your loyal consumer base; without them, you wouldn’t even be in this position in the first place. It must be your ethos to be completely impartial and unbiased. Only sell the products that you personally believe in, fans and first-time viewers want authenticity because that builds trust both financially and mentally. This means you will have to carefully plan how much stock you’re willing to buy and store.







Giving Yourself The Summer Glow

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Now that we’re officially in summer, the time has come to up our makeup game. Say goodbye to the dark lipsticks that have taken up the the past six months, and embrace the neutrals that are coming out.The best thing about the summer sun beating down on us is that the majority of us get a nice, healthy glow to boot – but doing a little extra to our faces to keep us looking dazzlingly beautiful doesn’t hurt, and only adds to the seasonal magic.


The one product that has been up-and-coming over the past couple of years has been highlighters. Whether it’s strobe, shimmer, glow or any one of the other host of different types that you can go for, it’s there to do a job – and that job is to make you look as brilliant as you can. The great thing about highlighter is that you can use it to pinpoint features on your face that you really want to stand out; it’s one of the best beauty supplies that you can invest in at the moment for giving yourself a unique glow. The different shades that you can purchase mean that no matter what skin tone you have, you will be able to really rock a sun kissed look without having to put much effort into looking specifically for what you need. 


A lot of people nowadays are getting this confused with highlight, but it’s not the same at all. Bronzers tone whilst highlighters, well, highlight. There is a lot of depth that you can get from using a bronzer, but you need to be careful not to overdo it – or else you risk looking like you are going for a completely different look than the one that you were originally aiming for. There are different brushes and applicators that you can use to apply this handy makeup tool, and it’s not just your face that you need to stick to with it, either; it can be used on your arms, chest, anywhere that you can think of that needs a bit of warmth adding to the skin.

Gradual Tan

Rather than going straight in for a darker shade, which can look unnatural if you have never fake-tanned before, it is best to get a moisturising gradual tan from your local drugstore. That way you can build up on just how tanned you want to be, as well as keeping a dewy, moisturised and glowing look to your skin. There are many different companies that have their gradual tans on the market, but you need to be looking for one will suit your skin tone well.

The Sun  

Let’s not forget that the best way of getting that summer glow is to go out and bask under the sun’s warm rays itself – but safely. You can still give yourself a sun kissed look by using a sunscreen that’s SPF15+; it’s your safety that is of the utmost importance here rather than your looks, so don’t compromise it.

How To Completely Change Your Look In 4 Steps

Whilst the thought of improving your appearance drastically always sounds like a pipe dream, that’s just the negative voice in your head getting you down. We’re programmed to criticize ourselves; don’t ask me why, but it’s the way things are. Still, you don’t need to put up with that. You don’t need to look in the mirror and sigh as you dream of the way in which you wish you’d look.

Healthiness and happiness should be the motivator to change your appearance and your life in general, so you need to push away vain thoughts. Wanting to look good for shallow reasons is never a good motivator because the negative voice in your head will always find something to say to put you down. You need to change your look for you, and it needs to be for the right reasons. Here are 4 steps to get you on the right track.

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Your body.

Your body is probably your worst enemy, as it is for most women. Our heads are filled with so many conflicting ideas as to what constitutes the perfect body. Some people say we should be as skinny as a rake, but other people say we should have voluptuous curves. It’s an absolute headache, and it’s all rubbish.

You don’t “have to” look any particular way when it comes to your body other than the way you want to look. In fact, to be more exact, you should look the way that makes you feel comfortable. Don’t starve yourself, and don’t over-eat. A healthy body should be your priority because there is no ideal size. If you eat a consistent diet and keep active on a daily basis then you’re doing everything right.

Your face.

Another aspect of your appearance that you want to keep healthy in a practical sense as well as in terms of its appearance on the surface is your face. Frequent moisturizing is crucial to avoid dry, cracked skin, and a clean face is absolutely essential when it comes to avoiding acne and other blemishes. There’s nothing wrong with a little make-up, of course, but try not to let your face become too oily during the day.

Mental health also affects appearance, so through practicing positive thoughts about your appearance you’ll reduce your stress and, in turn, your acne; it’s a positive cycle. You should also be looking after your dental health; your teeth shouldn’t just look white but actually be healthy. Look after your gums, in particular, by flossing and ensure that you brush your teeth two or perhaps even three times a day.

Your fashion.

Ah, fashion. It’s a love-hate relationship. We love pretty clothes, but we hate it when they don’t fit us or we think they don’t look quite right on us. If you’re lacking in confidence with regards to the fashion department then you could go on a shopping spree with your pals so as to have a team of advisors on what looks good or bad. You could also browse through online sites offering sleek and modern dresses for women because you might be selling yourself a bit short with your current wardrobe.

Again, don’t put yourself down; a good fashion sense isn’t some elusive concept that you can’t quite grasp. What’s most likely is that you never had the confidence to wear the pretty dresses or outfits you saw in shops or on other people; you need to rid yourself of these doubts and take a risk. Self-esteem is absolutely the key to changing your overall appearance, as we’ll discuss in the final step…

Your confidence.

This is the final step to looking good. Whether you want to try parting your hair on the other side or completely changing the color of your hair altogether, everything will come together if you just work it. People pick up on positive energy and confidence. You look more attractive when you feel more attractive, so you should be making yourself look the way you want to look; that way, you’ll be happier about your appearance, and this will make you look more attractive to others.

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