Month: November 2017

Keeping Your Elderly Relatives Feeling Young At Heart

Your parents and grandparents (and even great-grandparents for those lucky enough) will have contributed to who you are today, and will have sacrificed things throughout their life to ensure that you were looked after. Often, our elderly relatives are very special members of a family, and everyone gains a lot of knowledge, advice, and wisdom from them over the years. However, like everyone, the aging process can take it’s toll on people physically, even if they are still sharp and sound of mind. Nobody enjoys getting older, especially when they cannot do all the things that they used to, and end up missing what they enjoyed so much.

Therefore, it’s vital that you do all you can to keep the older family members feeling as young and free as possible. You can assist them in making them feel happy and ensuring their life is fulfilled whenever possible. Looking after the health and wellbeing of your loved ones will ensure that they’re able to remain active and as witty as always. The following are some ideas, tips, and inspiration for those who want to keep their elderly relatives feeling young at heart for the years ahead so that they continue spending enjoyable and quality time with them.

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Make Time

Making an effort to pick up the phone and calling your loved one could turn their day around from a lonely and boring one to a happy and cheery one in a matter of minutes. Just knowing that they’re worth your time and efforts will lift a person’s mood and give them the boost they need to get through the rest of the day or week ahead. It’s worth encouraging other family members to do the same, and better yet; go and visit your elderly loved ones in person, as a group or individually. You can reminisce together, and they’ll be able to laugh and enjoy the conversation and contact, keeping them feeling young and alert.

Get Help

When your elderly relatives are unable to do certain tasks due to health and mobility issues; it can be an upsetting time and make them feel low. Therefore, it’s worth looking into sites like and finding a service that can help your loved one do all they desire to, but with a little added help, care, and assistance. Ensuring that your family member’s lifestyle is still of high quality is a great way to keep them smiling and young at heart.

Always Include

You might have to make allowances and adjustments; however, it’s important to include your elderly relatives in family get-togethers and trips. Being included will ensure they feel worthwhile and will have something to look forward to; their week may not be as busy as yours, so it’s always good to have a focus to prepare for and enjoy. Sites like are a great source of ideas, so check them out and start spending more time with your parents and grandparents; you won’t regret it.











The Injury Prevention Guide Everyone Needs To Read

Injuries are a real pain, but they can easily be prevented. Follow the advice in this guide if you want to avoid all the silly injuries that can disrupt your health and fitness!



Improve Muscle Flexibility

A lot of injuries occur when you’re doing something, and you pull a muscle. More often than not, this happens as your muscles are too tight and shortened. They’re already too tight, then you undergo some form of physical activity, and the muscles are put under too much strain and give out.


This is why you should always warm up before doing any exercise, so you loosen your muscles. But, you should also work on improving general flexibility. This will mean your muscles are more stretched out and aren’t constantly tight. Flexible people are less likely to suffer muscle pulls or strains because they keep theirs in a healthier condition. The great thing is, you can easily improve your flexibility and mobility with a simple routine every day. Do it in the morning, in the evening, or even split up throughout the day. Keep doing this, and you’ll see massive improvements over the course of a few months.

Work On Strengthening Your Bones

As well as flexibility, you need to work on strengthening your bones too. This is because there are many moments where an impact can cause an injury. For example, you could be playing a sport and get knocked into by an opponent, or you might fall down the stairs or slip at home. Either way, the impact on your bones could cause fractures if they’re too weak.


So, try and strengthen your bones by switching up your nutrition and adding more calcium to your diet. As these AlgaeCal reviews show, a calcium supplement could help improve bone density. This means your bones become more dense, less brittle, and have less chance of fracturing under impact. You could also try and increase your dairy consumption slightly, as things like cheese and milk contain a high level of calcium. Of course, if you were to do this, you should talk with a medical professional beforehand as you might be intolerant to dairy. In which case, a supplement is probably better for you.

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Learn How To Do Things Properly

Finally, the number one way to prevent injuries is to learn how to do things properly. Never ever go into any form of exercise without knowing the proper way to do it. If you’ve decided to go to the gym and want to lift weights, you have to understand the proper form. Otherwise, you could put your body in compromised positions that cause injuries. Another great example of this is lifting heavy boxes at home or at work. Lift in the wrong way, and you’ll put your back out.

It’s simple; Google how to do something before you do it. Watch videos and read articles to ensure you know the safe way of doing things, which will reduce your risk of injuries.

Generally speaking, it’s so much easier to prevent an injury than it is to recover from one. Save all that recovery time by ensuring you take better care of yourself in the first place.



His Holiness the Dalai Lama inaugurates Smile Foundation’s initiative, ‘The World of Children’

It is said that a child’s smile can brighten up anyone’s day – imagine what would happen when 550 innocent smiles light up a place. This was the view that greeted attendees at NCUI Auditorium, August Kranti Marg, on November 19, 2017 on the launch of Smile Foundation’s ‘The World of Children’ initiative. Approximately 550 children from privileged and underprivileged background were present for the landmark event, which was graced by the Guest of Honour, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, amongst other prominent dignitaries.

The event witnessed the launch of the initiative – ‘The World of Children’. Conceptualised as a one-of-its-kind platform that brought together children from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, ‘The World of Children’ is aimed at enabling children to discuss their issues challenges, and ideas with each other, as well as youth icons and inspirational leaders from the world over. The initiative is aimed at helping children and adults understand the problems that plague today’s youth and to find the right outlet for their energy and enthusiasm through meaningful, thought-provoking discussions, relevant advice, and guidance.

The event kicked off with the introduction and formal welcome of His Holiness onto the stage, followed by an address by His Holiness to the children in attendance. It was followed by another address and Q&A session between His Holiness and the students. Children from Gramin Vikas Samiti, Nai Disha, Ina Raja Memorial Education Trust, Neev – Mission Education centres of Smile Foundation and from the privileged schools – Bharti Public School (Swasthya Vihar), Bharti Public School (Mayur Vihar), Mount Carmel School, Queen Mary School, Kothari International, Victoria Public School, Mother Global Public School, and Ahlcon International School were the schools participating at the event.

Reciting anecdotes from his life and experience and laying emphasis on self-creation, His Holiness The Dalai Lama said, ”I see much development in the field of education in the recent years. One can change the way of thinking in order to reduce the gap of rich and poor, both of them have the responsibility to bring in education. I always stress, you should develop self confidence. I would like to contribute to the task taken up by the Smile Foundation and take the mission of equal education and infrastructure to all and bridge this gap. Self creation is very important and you can become a great person through will-power, hardwork and dedication.”

Citing India, His Holiness The Dalai Lama said, ”India is my home, both physically and mentally, since last fifty years and I am a student of the Nalanda tradition. In this tradition there is a lot of emphasis on reasoning, logic, and experiment and not faith. Ancient knowledge of India is more meaningful today, today the world is going through a crisis; it is highly developed but there is no inner peace. Inner peace comes from training of mind and not temporary shortcuts.”

His Holiness in his message to the children concluded, ”It is your responsibility to build this 21st century into a better, compassionate and peaceful generation. In order to build a better world you need determination, strictly secular education, universal responsibility.”

Speaking on the launch, Mr. Santanu Mishra, Co-founder & Executive Trustee, Smile Foundation, said, “The children today – whether privileged or underprivileged, need support, advice and guidance to help them realize their true potential, make the right choices, and discover a meaningful purpose in life. The lessons that are learnt in childhood tend to stay with us throughout our lives. We believe that the wise words, advice and guidance of real-life achievers such as His Holiness – the Dalai Lama will positively influence the thought-process and decision-making of the children and will be cherished by them all their lives. We are extremely thankful to His Holiness to grace us with his presence and enrich us with his thoughts. The only objective of “The World of Children” is to ensure that the young minds of our country grow up as good human beings and responsible change-makers committed to build a better world for all.”

In today’s world, depression amongst children the world over is on the rise, as are other critical issues such as loneliness, insecurity, and anxiety etc. This has resulted in a rapid increase in drug abuse, violence, and suicide amongst school-going children of all ages. What’s worse is that these issues often either get swept under the rug because of the fear of social rejection, mistaken for a lack of will, or ignored.

“Ignoring this problem will not make it go away, which is why we are looking to address it with our latest initiative, ‘The World of Children’. Through this unique, one-of-its-kind outreach programme, we are looking to encourage children from various socioeconomic backgrounds to openly discuss their problems with their peers and elders, and to find solutions to those problems through their own experiences, learning, and observations. This will not only help in raising greater awareness about the various issues that plague children today, but also in creating a supportive and nurturing environment that can help them in overcoming challenges, making the right life choices, and realising their true potential,” added Santanu.

Established in 2002 to effect a positive change at the grassroots level, Smile Foundation has been ceaselessly working towards alleviating the problems and challenges faced by underprivileged children, their families, and their communities. Smile Foundation has won widespread recognition and accolades for its pioneering work in the field of child empowerment over the years, engaging and empowering underprivileged children, youth and women through relevant education, innovative healthcare, and market-focussed livelihood programmes.

About Smile Foundation:

Smile Foundation is a national level development organization benefitting over 400,000 underprivileged children, their families and the community directly through 158 welfare projects on subjects such as education, healthcare, livelihood, and women empowerment across 25 states of India. Adopting a life cycle approach of development, Smile Foundation focuses its interventions on children, their families and the community.







Dragons, Volcanoes, and More: 7 Reasons Indonesia Should Be Your Next Holiday Destination

Indonesia is home to over 18,000 islands, 6,000 of them inhabited, making it the largest archipelago (group of islands) in the entire world. Indonesia also inhabits around 240 million people, making it the fourth most populated country, and the largest country in Southeast Asia by a mile. While Bali is usually what comes to mind when people think of travelling to Indonesia (and why wouldn’t it? Bali is amazing), there is so much more to see and do. Indonesia has so much to offer, as well as it’s amazing beaches, so here are seven reasons why you should consider Indonesia for your next trip.


Beautiful Bali

It’s already been mentioned, so why not start with Bali? With its beautiful beaches and stunning mountain scenery, it’s absolutely no surprise that Bali is so popular with tourists and travellers. However, like with the rest of Indonesia, there is so much more to Bali than a stretch of beach. There are also some amazing temples to explore, practically one on every corner to be exact, all of which are great photo opportunities. There is also a range of waterfalls for you to explore. While some may require a hike or even swim to reach them, some are fairly close to footpaths and car parks, but most are visited by only a few people each day, so the further you go out, the high the chance you have of getting a waterfall all to yourself.


Active Volcanoes

If you consider yourself somewhat of an explorer, then Indonesia, being home to some of the most active volcanoes in the world, maybe the perfect place for you. While Kelud and Mount Sinabung were the most recent volcanoes to erupt in Indonesia, Mount Merapi is usually the volcano that comes to mind when you think of Indonesia. However, consider how naturally beautiful the volcano is, it’s no surprise at all. Luckily, as long as you’re with a qualified guide, it is possible to scale the 5,600 ft mountain, which might just be the perfect adventure for your trip. Visit if you’re considering the climb.


Wild Wildlife

You will be surprised at just how diverse the wildlife in Indonesia really is. You can find anything there from elephants, to orangutans, to tigers. However, one of the most famous creatures to inhabit the islands is the family of Komodo dragons. If you’ve ever seen one, you’ll know that Komodo dragons are no typical species of lizard. They can easily grow to around three metres in length and weigh more than one hundred kilograms each, so it’s no surprise that Komodo dragons are pretty dangerous creatures, even to humans. However, despite their ferocious and dinosaur-like appearance, attacks on humans are rare, and the won’t try to eat you like your typical T-Rex, so there’s no reason not to visit Komodo National Park, and see the magnificent creatures with your own eyes.


Jakarta Capital

When visiting the archipelago of Indonesia, most people choose to give Jakarta, the capital city, a miss. It does make some sense, as, being one of the greatest megalopolises in the world, Jakarta does appear to be a confusing and incredibly crowded city. However, Jakarta has just as much to offer as the rest of the country, so if you’re visiting Indonesia, it would be a mistake not to at least consider visiting the capital. Shopping centres in Jakarta aren’t the same as the rest of the world, in fact, Jakarta offers some of the best options for shopping in all of Southeast Asia. The malls are large and extravagant, with a range of different stores for you to peruse. There is also plenty of restaurants and cafes for you to enjoy, all of which are sure to serve delicious foods (more on that later). There are plenty of hotels for you to stay at, but if you wanted to save a little money, then you can find apartments, like the ones here, on websites like Airbnb.


Fantastic Foods

One of the best ways to experience local culture (and treat yourself) on holiday, is to enjoy the local foods on offer. Luckily, in Indonesia, there is so much variety and diversity that you shouldn’t have to eat the same dish twice during your entire stay. If you’re visiting more than one region, you’ll be even more surprised at just how much the cuisine can differ, so be sure to enjoy as much local food as you can during your trip. One of the most famous dishes reining in Indonesia is a meatball noodle soup named Bakso. The dish is popular among students, but also presidents, as Barack Obama once mentioned how delicious the soup is after a visit to Indonesia.


Lovely Locals

If you’ve visited France or Russia, then it’s likely that you’ve come across at least one rude local. After all, these countries have been named by Forbes as being the rudest nations for travellers. Indonesia on the other hand is home to some of the most friendly and welcoming locals on the entire planet. They are always there to offer a smile or a helping hand if you need one. They are also incredibly proud of their culture, history, cuisine, wildlife, and everything else, and are happy to share it with others, unlike many others.


Sensational Spas

Holidays are all about getting away from the stresses of everyday life and relaxing, so Indonesia is the perfect place for this. Any spa treatment that you could possibly imagine can be found in the spas of Indonesia, from seaweed wraps to glorious massages. If you choose to stay at a hotel, then you are likely to find most of these treatments are offered there, but if not, then you are sure to find plenty of spas while exploring the islands, and will usually be offered treatments on the beach too.

Indonesia is a beautiful country, filled with delicious foods, amazing beaches, and lovely people. For all of these reasons and so many more, Indonesia would be a perfect place to visit on your next holiday.




Look Your Best This Party Season: Your Nine Step Plan

The holiday season is upon us, so it is natural to want to look our best. From an office party to family reunions, there will be a lot of people that we will be seeing, some not for a while. So it is only natural to want to look our best and wow them as much as we can. Being able to dance the night away in your little black dress and feel comfortable is what it is all about. So what and you do to prepare and make sure that you’re looking good? Here are a few tips and tricks to help you, as well as the areas that you should be focusing on.

One of the first things to look at is your skin. Winter can cause problems for your skin, as it can really dry it out. When you’re constantly exposing your skin to vary temperatures (the cold from outside and the warmth from indoors), it can sap some of the natural oils from your skin. So focusing on your skin first and foremost is a good way to go. Here are some of the things you can do to make sure skin is looking its best.


  • Prepare

Skin peels have been around for a long time, and they are still here. Why? Because they have been able to stand the test of time and show just how good they are, as well as how versatile. So it could be worth looking at getting having one done. It can peel away the dead skin to reveal glowing and fresh lovely skin. This can make your look instantly better, as well as reduce the number of spots that you get.

  • Reduce Blemishes

Speaking of which, blemishes can be on the rise when you aren’t taking good enough care of yourself and your skin. But it is important to not get confused as to what is a spot or a blackhead and what isn’t. If you start to squeeze a sebaceous filament, for example, it can lead to swelling, which is never a good look before a party. They aren’t spots, but can often get confused as blackheads. So sebaceous filaments vs blackheads: what is the difference? To make sure that you’re not trying to squeeze the wrong thing on your face, you need to know what they look like.

A sebaceous filament is typically light grey or a hue of tan in color. They feel smooth to the touch and are naturally on our faces. Blackheads, however, are the result of a clogged pore from things like dead skin cells, dirt or impurities. They are slightly raised and are darker in color. So before you squeeze, double check what you’re looking at; don’t end up with a lumpy face from putting pressure on the wrong thing!

  • Protect

Winter is a time when your skin needs a lot of protection. If you think that sunscreen, for example, is only needed when it is sunny, then it is time to think again. Use a sunscreen all year round to reduce sun damage to your skin. Many brands are upping their game when it comes to sunscreen too. There are brands out there that help to fight against free-radicals, and ones that can give your skin an antioxidant boost.

  • Hydrate

For your skin and your body, you need to stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water, and avoiding too much caffeine is a great way to make sure that your body is taken care of. Drinking plenty of water can help to flush toxins out of your body, which will help to rejuvenate you, as well a reduce things like dark circles under your eyes. Our bodies are made up of a lot of water, so when they have enough, it helps them to work as they should.

  • Reduce Salt Intake

There is no getting away from some salt in our diets. But if you’re wanting to get into your little party dress and want to reduce the bloated feeling, then reducing your salt intake is a good idea. Don’t get me wrong, some salt on a steak can go a long way and transform the flavor. So just avoid a big bag of salty chips or fries the day before an event, for example. Stick to whole foods, rather than processed foods as a rule, and you’ll be able to control your salt intake much more easily as you will know what you’re adding, rather than what is hidden.


  • Exercise and Move More

We are getting into the full swing of party season. But there is no time like the present to move more and exercise more. Even if you’re not looking to lose weight, it can be a good way to help you to feel happier over winter, as well as firm and tone up your body. If you have a gym to get to, then great. If not, there are many apps that you can download to help you. A yoga routine could help to firm up your arms for your party dress, for instance, or a six-pack abs workout could help you to feel more comfortable in your chosen outfit. You don’t have to exercise for hours on end; even walking more regularly can make a difference.

  • Avoid Fizz

If you want to avoid being bloated, then as has been described, salt is a good thing to avoid. Another great thing to watch out for are fizzy drinks. If you regularly have soda pop, then looking to reduce your intake can reduce the bloat. Even when you’re out at your parties or events, stick to alternatives like red or white wine, rather than champagne or prosecco. The bubbles can fill you up, which is why many people drink them. But they can lead to you feeling bloated, and that probably isn’t how you want to feel in party season.

  • Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleep is important at any time of year. But it is even more important when you want to stay up later some nights and enjoy yourself. You’re not going to get very far if you’re exhausted and can hardly keep your eyes open. Instead of reaching for an unnatural solution like energy drinks, energy pills, or caffeine, simply make sure that you are getting enough sleep each night. Most adults know what sleep they need to get and what works best for them. But around seven or eight each night is a good guide.

  • Juice Cleanse

After all of the partying has been and gone, then you might want to consider something like a juice cleanse. It can restore your system and give it a bit of tender loving care that it might need. A juice cleanse will fill you with vitamins and minerals to help your body feel at it’s best, as well as give it a boost to help repair and restore. There are plenty of recipes online that you could aim to replicate, as well as buying some from stores. Just look for ones that are cold-pressed, rather than pasteurized. Then you know that no heat has been added and all of their goodness is still in there.


What have you got planned this party and festive season? Would love to hear about your plans and what you are planning. Do you have plenty of parties to go to in the coming weeks? Just remember to stay safe, follow these tips, and you’ll be in for a season of fun and frolics, and not sickness and sadness. Happy holidays!



Yerba Mate Tea Comes to India…!!

The Instituto Nacional de la Yerba Mate (INYM) has come to India with the agenda of opening its route to the Indian tea market by means of popularizing the benefits and scientific significance of the Argentine tea. The Residence of the Embassy of Argentina, Delhi recently hosted a high tea event  in the honorary presence of Instituto Nacional de la Yerba Mate (INYM) along with the esteemed participation of tea sommeliers, Tea Trails, Food Halls and distributors.

INYM recognizes the fact that like the people in Argentina, households in India have immense love for Tea and endorsesthe therapeutic effects of the tea, also dubbed as the drink of the Guarani Indians. Describing the beneficial qualities of Yerba Mate, ‘Jerónimo Lagier, Director, INYM said, “With a higher count of antioxidants, it is a greener version of the healthy Green Tea, which increases one’s immunity and also satisfies the taste buds – with the Indian blends such as Ginger, Cardamom, Tulsi, Ginger, Honey and Green Tea. Our purpose in India is to cement our relationship through this drink as we know that India also consists of a large demographic of tea drinkers.

The event marked the launch of Argentina’s National drink ‘Yerba Mate Tea’ in India. It was organized in a bid to commemorate Indian herbs and Yerba Mate Tea for its health-giving effects. Yerba Mate Tea is not only a delicious drink but also has ingredients that boost the body’s defences. The main event was followed by an elaborate tango performance and interaction session between the launch team and guests. Distributors and manufacturers of various other tea brands graced the event with their presence in obligation to partner with the Argentinian tea manufacturers.

The guest list for the evening tea included renowned food bloggers from Delhi , who imparted their expert advice on global tea culture and variety of teas as well as shared their valuable feedback on Yerba Mate Tea.  Ace tea sommelier, Anamika Singh, enriched the occasion with her special blends followed by a session on the world of brewing. The event had a bright attendance of tea enthusiasts who collectively praised the tea for its taste and nourishing effects.

Often considered as a ‘Greener Green Tea’, Yerba Mateis traced back to the late 14th century and is known as ‘The Gift of the Gods.’Yerba mate contains life sustaining vitamins, minerals, and chlorophyll that is directly assimilated by the human body which, when combined provides with essential elements for good nutrition and shields againstailments such as Cancer, Diabetes and High Blood Pressures. Launch concluded on a high note with the traditional ‘Gourds’ which involves drinking Yerba Mate through a Bombilla Straw as customarily used by Argentine people.

I tried a variety of blends, Paradise and Beauty were the ones I liked the most. Yerba Mate is surely gonna be one of my preferred beverages now as I loved the aroma and taste.


Painless Laser Treatment at ISAAC Wellness!

ISSAC was established in 2010 by Dr. Geetika Mittal Gupta, in New Delhi as international Skin and Anti-Ageing Centre providing services in the field of Cosmetic Dermatology, Anti-ageing, body Shaping and Hair Transplant. Their clinics are located in

**Chattarpur, Gurgaon ( Levo Spalon)

** Vasant Kunj

** Shanti Niketan

** Friends Colony (Hotel Manor)

** Mayur Vihar (Hotel Crown Plaza)

** And DLF Emprio (Worship Salon).

ISAAC provides world class non-invasive services in revealing the beauty concealed within them through advanced aesthetic methods with no down time. They customise the treatment to meet the specific skin care demands of each client and not compromising on their safety and comfort.

I recently indulged in a laser hair removal sitting, and I have to admit that the technology that ISAAC has brought in is really commendable. This laser hair removal experience was totally painless and my skin felt so smooth just after one session only.

Hair Removal is often a painful, time-consuming daily routine for many people. While traditional methods such as waxing, tweezing and shaving are effective for removing the hair, they do not provide long-term solutions for hair removal – never mind all those bumps, nicks and ingrown hairs.

Laser hair removal is a quick and cost-effective solution for preventing unwanted hair growth. It can be performed virtually anywhere on the body – face, legs, arms, underarms, chest, bikini line and works just as well on any skin type, colour and thickness of hair.

Just before the procedure, your hair, undergoing treatment, will be trimmed to a few millimeters above the skin surface. A numbing gel is applied on the surface and the laser beams work on the hair follicles that are in the active growth zone. There is no pain involved in the procedure and doesn’t cause any redness or irritation to the skin. Another attractive advantage to this treatment is that you don’t have to wait for hair to grow, you can shave between your appointments.

At ISAAC, they first analyse your hair growth pattern and devise a plan to eliminate the hair from its root. There is absolutely no down time or side-effect for this procedure, and you can resume daily activities as soon as the treatment is over.

Dr. Geetika Mittal Gupta, DPD-Cardiff University, Board Certified by American Academy of Aesthetics, is a well experienced celebrity cosmetic dermatologist and one of the pioneers of Cosmetic Dermatology in Delhi-NCR. With over 10 years of experience in the field of Cosmetic Dermatology, she is the Medical Director of ISAAC ( International Skin and Anti-Ageing Centre), a centre which amalgamates the three tier approach to long term beauty with treatments for treatment, prevention and maintenance. The flagship centre is located at Chattarpur and other boutique centre are located in Gurgaon, Vasant Kunj, Shanti Niketan and Mayur Vihar. At ISAAC along with her team she routinely consults, counsels and performs Lasers, Botox, Fillers, Non-surgical face lift, Body Contouring and other aesthetic procedures.

Over the years she has actively promoted the specialty of Cosmetic Dermatology in the medical community. Dr. Geetika is known to be a prolific orator and has delivered many lectures and chaired numerous session at National Cosmetology and Aesthetic Dermatology Conferences and CME programs. She has been a Cosmetology Consultant to many premier events.


Dr. Geetika believes in the concept of low impact cosmetic procedures which cause minimal pain and discomfort to the person. These procedures now have globally proven efficacy in helping people to look their best and confident by non-invasive and non-surgical treatments. In the past she has been associated with Adiva and Nova hospitals as a consultant dermatologist.

ISAAC aims to deliver the best results in the most relaxed and professional environment possible, ensuring you have peace of mind every step of the way. That’s what makes them the best of what they do. For them, confidentiality is key and they always provide a flexible, personal service. Most importantly, their clients know their treatments are highly effective and that they always do what is right for customers. They recognise that every individual is unique and requires a personalised treatment plan. They strive to combine the best of the art of medicine with the latest advances in research and technology in formulating individualised treatment plans to achieve an exclusive, desired and aesthetically-pleasing result.

They set the bar in exemplary client care as all of their expert doctors are qualified in a specialist field and they train their aestheticians in-house with the latest procedures and techniques. Their customer services is unrivalled, and they’re proud to provide only the best in order to be the best. They are committed to ensuring that we receive the highest quality, in the most beautiful setting, at the lowest possible price.

Mission of ISAAC –

“Providing the most suitable treatments to our clients with our experienced doctors and increasing the life quality of them with professional procedures”

For me the entire session was not just interesting, but also very informative. There are a lot of treatments available with ISAAC which I would personally like to go in for.

Kingdom of Dream Launches New Shows…!!

Kingdom of Dreams, the first to introduce a unique, Broadway style theatre in the country are now taking it a step ahead. KoD has now added four new shows to their schedule, which are performed on ice. Called ‘Theatre on Ice’, the first performance is on the childhood fantasy tale, Alice in Wonderland. Ice Vision, a troupe from St. Petersburg, Russia, is bringing the theatrical extravaganza to life. Ice Vision is famous for their unique style of performance and has worked with leading music composers like Gennadiy Gladkov and Alexsey Rybinkov. The troupe consists of more than 25 actors and stars, known world-wide like Alexey Urmanov, Irina Slutskaya etc.

We caught a preview of this musical extravaganza, and have to say that the performances, the choreography, the graphics and the way entire show was put up demands an applause. The hardworking that has gone into making it a success is evident when you see the show. The entire show is performed on ice where in the artists are wearing ice skates. Wearing ice skates, and gliding on the snow as they act and dance in itself is a treat to watch.With a healthy mix of projections and props, the performers told us the tale of Alice and her adventures in Wonderland.

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Speaking about the new shows, Mr. Anumod Sharma, MD, Kingdom of Dreams said, “We are proud to bring such unique art form to India. Performance on Ice needs a lot of practice and precision and the ICE Vision does it brilliantly. Such story telling is being performed for the first time and we can’t wait for the audiences to come and experience this grand performance. It is something the audiences will never forget.”

The troupe will also perform 3 other stories namely, ‘Dracula – The story of eternal love’ , ‘Arabian Nights’ and ‘Nutcracker and lord of the darkness’.

“We always give our audiences something unique and artistic. The Theatre on Ice is another one of our attempts to live up to our reputation off being pioneers in promoting Broadway style shows,” Sharma added.

Speaking about the performance, a member of Ice Vision said ‘ We are excited and thrilled to perform in India and looking forward to an amazing experience. We have performed in a lot of countries but never in India before. We hope we get a great response from the audience and look forward to receiving some great Indian hospitality”.

These shows will be added to the current schedule of Kingdom of Dreams. Zangoora and Jumbo will continue to be performed. The Theatre on Ice shows will be performed only for a limited period at the Nautanki Mahal. So please make the most of it while it snows.. don’t forget to watch these timeless tales in a new avatar and enjoy these moments with family and friends.

Passionate About Business? 3 Ways To Give Yours A Boost

If you have a business of your own which you are keen to do as well as possible, there are many different approaches which you might find necessary. The truth is that running a business can be a surprisingly difficult venture, and it is always important to ensure that you know what you are doing. Something you will almost certainly always want to do is to be sure that you are finding ways to boost your business. This in itself can be tough, but it’s one of the most important things to try and do in any business, and as such it is worth remembering. Let’s look at three powerful ways to boost your business fast.

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Sometimes a business just becomes a little stagnant, for no particular reason. This can be the hardest of all, because it means that you are probably going to struggle to find a solution for the problem. However, you’re still open to being able to make other kinds of changes in business, the kind that are a good idea no matter what is going on. A great example is to simply relocate your business, either just across town or to another country altogether. Getting the help of Bekins Moving Solutions and relocating to another spot can be a surprisingly powerful way to give your business something of an immediate boost. However, be prepared to encounter a short period of upheaval, as moving your business can also take its toll.


Moving is not the only thing you can do to ensure your business remains in the limelight. Another hugely effective means of achieving the same ends is to rebrand your business in some way or another. The brand hugely affects the business, and it is necessary to find a brand image that really works. If you find yours is no longer that suitable, you might want to try and find a new way to display your business to the public and to the marketplace. With the right kind of branding, you can expect your business to suddenly improve hugely, so this is likely to be a highly important next step for you to take.

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Your business needs to have some kind of a mission if it is to succeed, and as it turns out restating that mission can be a great way to boost the company fast. If you are finding that your business is not quite achieving its aims, the problem might in part be that you need to look at those aims. Consider going back to the drawing board and figuring out how you can restate your mission. If you manage to do this in the right way, it can easily mean that you end up with a much more successful business on your hands in no time.

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The three above options are all useful if you need a sudden boost in business. But remember to also work on improving the way your business functions in the long term if you want to see real lasting success.


Qualities That Any Wannabe Entrepreneur Needs


Many of us wonder if we have what it takes to run our own business. We think about what life would be like without a commute, without a boss hanging over our shoulder; a life where any profits we generate for the company go directly into our own pockets.

There is no magic recipe as to what makes a good entrepreneur; no guarantees. There are educated, intelligent people who on paper appear to be the best possible entrepreneur imaginable… and then they try, and fail. What tends to unite entrepreneurs isn’t background, history, education, or status– it’s more of a state of mind, a drive to succeed.

If you have ever wondered if you have the requisite qualities, then it’s worth perusing the list below to see if you think you have what it takes. Running a business can be wonderful, so if you recognise the qualities below in your personality, then you might just be able to run your own enterprise one day.

Entrepreneurs Are… Determined

If there is one quality that entrepreneurs have more than any other, it’s determination. The path of business does not always run smooth, so you need to have a huge amount of determination to ensure that you can overcome any issues and keep going in the face of adversity.

The source of your determination should be the idea you have; the promise of the business you want to run. If you truly believe in it, then you will be able to overcome all the obstacles, keep going even when times are rough, and work through any issues until you find a solution.

Entrepreneurs Are… Compassionate 

A good entrepreneur needs to think of others, especially when it comes to their employees. Few entrepreneurs manage to achieve true success without cultivating a positive business culture; if no one wants to work for a company, then that company isn’t going to succeed.

Compassion is often overlooked as a business requirement, but it can make all the difference in the world to your chances of success. Your compassion should always guide you to make the right decisions for your employees, from making the choice to get a group medical insurance policy so you can ensure everyone has their healthcare needs covered, right through to how you deal with employees who are suffering through a stressful time. A clever, compassionate entrepreneur will be able to inspire others to want to do something positive for the business, meaning the overall chances of success are far greater.

Entrepreneurs Are… Clear-Minded 

The one thing that an entrepreneur cannot afford to do is lose their cool. You have to be able to handle stressful situations and make big decisions without breaking a sweat, all the while continually focusing on the bigger picture. If you are prone to stress and fret when under pressure, you may struggle to make the clear-minded decisions that all good entrepreneurs need to be able to make.

In Conclusion

If you have the above three attributes, you may find that your dreams of business ownership are more achievable than you ever thought possible.

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Goa, India