Day: October 16, 2017

Mind Over Matter: Signs Your Brain Isn’t As Healthy As Your Body


Physically health is all the rage in 2017. What with chefs pushing healthy meals and the effects of the consumption of meat, people are aware of the dangers to their body. Sadly, the majority of us don’t have the first clue about mental health. The old school may think it is unimportant, but the mind is the key to a happy and healthy life. Once it starts to fail, it’s an uphill battle which is difficult to win. With that in mind, it’s essential to spot the signs when they appear.

Below is how to tell your mind is fit and healthy.

You Think You Have An Illness

In the past, there was one term for mental illness and it wasn’t nice. Nowadays, diseases range from schizophrenia to bipolar and depression. The key is to watch out for the warning signs and act as soon s possible. Anyone who is unsure where to start can read more about the symptoms of bipolar depression and other mental illnesses online. If the symptoms match what you feel, the next step is to see a doctor or a specialist. One thing you should never do is bottle it up inside. Over time, the feelings get worse and explode spectacularly.  

You Have Difficulty Managing Anger

You don’t have to suffer from an illness to be mentally unfit. Sometimes, struggling to deal with feelings of anger can be a sure-fire sign something is wrong. Again, it doesn’t mean you have to see a doctor or check into an institute. Usually, what it means is that there is an ailment which is causing the outbursts. Stress is a prime example. High cortisol levels tend to make it difficult to be patient or think about emotions rationally. As a result, you may lash out and have a short fuse. Meditating can reduce cortisol production and help control your temper.

You’re Experiencing Weight Loss

There are lots of reasons for weight loss, one being you are eating a balanced and healthy diet. But, dramatic weight loss is a problem which needs addressing as soon as possible. Usually, it has nothing to do with the physical form but the mental. Again, stress is a factor which can cause you to shed lots of weight because it prevents you from eating. Also, the way you view your body may be unhealthy. Young women suffer from this a lot due to peer pressure, but men have body issues too. Anyone who doesn’t eat to stay thin isn’t thinking logically.

You’re Fatigued

Don’t treat being tired and fatigued as the same thing because there are differences. Tiredness stems from a lack of sleep and can is easy to remedy. Fatigue is a mental problem which occurs as a result of the burden of responsibility. No matter how early you go to bed, the feeling won’t go away. The only way to negate it is to delegate your responsibilities and get your feelings off your chest. 

If you are happy-go-lucky, have patience and don’t suffer from stress, your mind is healthy.

Health Issues: Not Serious, But Seriously Annoying

There are certain health issues that just seem to happen. To an extent, we all see them as part and parcel of being a human. They’re not serious; they won’t compromise your life beyond irritation and mild discomfort; and they’re definitely not life-threatening. They’re just annoyances that most of us will find ourselves experiencing at least once in our lives.

As ‘normal’ as these maladies may be — in terms of the number of people they impact — they might have a genuine cause. Even if an issue is not particularly debilitating, if it happens to you frequently, then you don’t just have to shrug and dismiss it as a standard part of life. If you take the time to figure out what’s really going on with these oh-so-standard problems, you might just be able to cure them once and for all. Fixing aspects of your health that have been bothering you in a low-level-but-still-present way can make a huge difference to your overall health, and give you the confidence that you’re going to wake up feeling well every morning.

So, without further ado…


Okay, so it’s not the nicest subject to have to talk about, but hey, it happens to the best of us! Constipation is a symptom of a range of different health problems, so it’s always worth checking with a doctor if the issue becomes chronic.

For the most part, though, constipation is transitory– though that’s not to say it’s fun to deal with. One common solution is to try a magnesium supplement; a lack of magnesium has long been associated as a potential cause for constipation.


Glance through any pharmacy and you will see myriad options for treating dry eyes. It’s a symptom that many people experience, with too much computer usage and not enough sleep often the cause.

However, there is another potential cause you’re going to want to be aware of; dehydration. If you’ve not been drinking enough water, then you’ll feel the impact throughout your body— but particularly in your eyes and your lips. So if you have persistent problems with dry eyes — or chapped lips for that matter — then increase your water intake rather than reaching for an over-the-counter solution. It could make all the difference.


Sometimes, excessive daytime tiredness doesn’t have a cause beyond the basic explanation– you didn’t sleep well the night before. However, if you seem to be sleeping well, getting a decent night’s rest, and you still feel tired, then this is worthy of further investigation.

The most common cause is a disorder called sleep apnea, where you temporarily stop breathing at night. Don’t panic; your body recognizes this as an issue and rights itself immediately! You won’t remember these moments or feel any ill-effect from them, apart from tiredness the next day; sleep apnea sleep is not as restful as ‘standard’ sleep. See a doctor if your experience fits this description; sleep apnea is treatable, and you’ll sleep much better in future.

Just because a health complaint isn’t dominant and ruining your life doesn’t mean you just have to put up with it. Explore the possible causes, speak to your doctor, and you stand to improve your life exponentially!


Simple Steps To Get Glowing Skin From Head To Toe

Do you often wish your skin was more glowing? Sometimes it can seem like all the products and makeup in the world can’t help you to get that fresh, luminous look that you crave. The key to glowing skin doesn’t come from a miracle product – it’s the work of living a healthy lifestyle and making smart choices about your health. Discover the secrets behind glowing skin with these top tips.

Image: Pexels

Drink more water

So many people fail to drink their recommended daily water intake. It’s easy to do, especially if you’re always rushing around. However, water is one of the best things you can do to boost the appearance of your skin. Water helps keep your skin plumped and hydrated, while other benefits of drinking water include reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles and helping your body flush out toxins that can cause spots and blemishes.


Regular exfoliation can make a huge difference to your skin’s appearance. A good buff will help eliminate dead skin cells, work cleansing products deep into your skin as well as help it to absorb moisturizer better. Using exfoliating treatments and buffing sponges is one of the recommendations from to help improve the appearance of cellulite. If you’ve got sensitive skin, avoid harsh exfoliators that could leave your skin red and irritated.

Ease up on the caffeine

While you might need caffeine to function, your coffee habit could be doing more damage to your skin than you realize. Caffeine can have an affect your blood vessels, stopping vital nutrients that help it to produce collagen and therefore prevent aging. See if you can switch to herbal teas instead of your regular coffee to see if it can leave your skin glowing and healthy.


Many women forget to moisturize while others will focus on moisturizing their face and not their body. Moisturizing is important to help your skin lock in moisture and give it a smooth and even appearance. You don’t have to buy an expensive moisturizer to feel the benefits, as even the action of moisturizing helps to promote blood flow or ease aching muscles. If you’re really short on time, try a moisturizing spray or in-shower product that’s perfect for keeping your skin soft and smooth when you’re on the go.

Exercise regularly

Weight gain can affect the appearance of your skin, and an unhealthy diet could be causing your face to appear red and greasy. Taking steps to look after your health through a good diet and exercise will do wonders for your skin, as well as boost your mood and energy levels. Finding time to exercise isn’t always easy, but you could combine exercise and TV so that you can exercise at home without having to take the time to go to the gym. Regular exercise boosts your skin’s blood flow, helping it get what it needs to look healthy.

The secret to glowing skin is all down to you. Make sure you give your skincare routine the attention it deserves and enjoy youthful, luminous skin that makes you happy with what you see in the mirror.




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