Tag: Health

The Only Way To Keep Illness At Bay

None of us want to become ill, but of course this is often just a part of life. At some point or another, everyone suffers some kind of illness, whether mild or severe, and it is worth remembering that. However, that doesn’t mean you should just sit back and wait for it to happen. If you want to keep yourself as healthy as possible, then you are probably keen on ensuring that you keep illness at bay as much as you can. But wanting to do this and really managing it are two quite different beasts. In this post, we are going to take a look at some of the major changes you might want to make, or attitudes which are helpful to adopt, if you are serious about keeping illness at bay as much as possible.

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Regular Check-Ups

You can only really expect to keep illness away if you pay close attention to your body on a regular basis. A huge part of this, of course, is making sure that you go for regular check-ups as much as you can. Whether you go to your local doctor, or Our Urgent Care specialists, you will want to make sure that you do not avoid this particular step. Regular check-ups are the only way to be absolutely sure that you are remaining at the peak of your health, so it is vital to bear that in mind. The most important thing is that you feel fully able to trust the medical professionals carrying out the test. If you don’t, there is always the possibility that you will come away from it feeling slightly unsure about your health.

Sleep Is Your Best Friend

Some of the most powerful steps you can take towards better health are also the simplest, and sleep is the perfect example of this. Although it is something you do every night, are you certain that you are doing it properly? Knowing the true nature of the quality of your sleep is something which can be very hard to grasp, and it is vital that you do everything you can to improve your quality of sleep as much as possible. There are many things you can do to this end, fortunately. One of the most effective is to simply cut out caffeine after around midday every day. Caffeine is able to affect your ability to sleep well for up to twelve hours after consumption, so this is probably a vital change to make. You might also want to think seriously about reducing the amount of time you spend looking at screens. The light from screens can actively inhibit the production of melatonin in the brain, the chemical which informs your body clock that it is time to sleep. You should also go back to basics, and make sure that your bed is comfortable and that your bedroom is temperate and safe. Sleep affects every part of your biological functions, so make sure you are getting plenty of it, and that it is of decent quality.

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Knowing How To Manage Stress

If there is anything which causes your immune system particular trouble, it is stress. Any doctor in the world will tell you that stress makes pretty much any situation worse. It is therefore definitely in your interest to learn how to manage stress as well as possible. But to be able to do that, you first need to know how to properly recognise it. Most people are not actually all that skillful at noticing stress developing within them. This is really the whole problem. You lack awareness, so you allow small stresses to build and build without expression. This then ultimately culminates in a general background hum of anxiety, and before you know it stress is piling on you and negatively affecting everything you do. So the most important thing is to simply avoid allowing stress to develop at all. But how can you do this?

The answer lies in one of the oldest practices that human beings have: meditation. If you think you are not able to meditate, or you are unsure about what it really is, it is definitely worth reading up on if you are serious about your health. A regular meditation practice has been repeatedly proven to lower stress, reduce the build up of cortisol in your body, aid clear thinking, and even actively boost the immune system. Fortunately, it is such a simple practice, and it is relatively easy to pick up (although not necessarily to completely master). Mostly, it is just the simple practice of staying present with the breath, despite whatever distractions may occur. With time, you can develop this practice until you are keeping stress to a bare minimum. This will help your health hugely, and make illness a much less likely threat to your body or mind.

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The Goodness Of Whole Foods

It is clear to anyone who is serious about their health that diet is a hugely important aspect of it all. If you want to make illness a thing of the past, you will absolutely need to make sure that you are focusing on what you eat on a daily basis. In general, there is one change which most people can benefit from making, and it is quite simple: eat more whole foods. For those who don’t know, whole foods are essentially just unprocessed, real foods. If it came out of the ground or was an animal, then it is a whole food. The more you eat this kind of food, and the less you munch on artificial stuff, the more likely it is that your immune system will be able to help fight any potential diseases which come your way. This is simply because your body will have much more of the genuine vitamins and minerals which it needs to properly function.

If you want to eat more whole foods, then you should try introducing them gradually into your diet day by day. This way, you will not give your body too much of a shock from the sudden change.


Are You Doing Everything For Your Teeth?

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The teeth are among the most important parts of the body, and yet so many people fail to really look after them properly. The truth is that many people don’t understand fully what is involved in proper teeth care, and there are also a number of useful and little-known dental solutions which you might want to try. In this post, we are going to take a look at some of the most effective remedies and preventative treatments for your teeth, so that you can have the healthiest mouth possible in no time at all. Let’s have a look at some of the things you should be doing for your own mouth.

Oil Pulling

This first one is an old (ancient, even) method for improving your overall oral health. It helps to keep infection and bacteria away, keeps your teeth white and clean and also removes plaque. It can even reverse the damage caused by gum disease, which is the leading cause of tooth loss amongst adults. If you have never oil pulled before, it is incredibly simple to do – and yet surprisingly effective. You simply take around a tablespoon of oil (sesame or vegetable are best) and swill it around your mouth for twenty minutes. The timing is important here – this is enough time to remove the bacteria that you are trying to get rid of, but not enough that the harmful substances start being absorbed back into the body. After twenty minutes, simply spit away (don’t swallow!) and brush your teeth afterwards. This is incredibly effective – give it a go today.

Aloe Vera

One of the most common reasons that people need to go to the emergency dentist is because of sudden loose or lost teeth. By using aloe vera, however, you might be able to stop that from happening at all. Aloe vera is known for its many healing qualities, and this is true if you use it for your oral health as well. All you need to do here is take some aloe vera, ideally fresh, and rub it on your gums. Then you should wash it away with warm water. Doing this once a day for a fortnight will effectively reduce any gum swelling you might have, as well as keep diseases away more effectively. It is well worth the two minutes it takes to do.

Baking Soda

If you have any spare baking soda in the kitchen cupboard, you might want to grab hold of it for this next one. Although this doesn’t taste all that nice, it is incredibly effective, so it’s worth a go. Simply take a teaspoon of the soda, mix it with a little water into a paste, and rub it on your gums. Leave it for a couple of minutes, and then wash away. Doing this frequently will help to keep your entire mouth much cleaner, and you will be less likely to develop any serious dental problems. Give it a go and see what a difference it can make

Boosting Your Health – What More Can You Do?

You’re working out more, you’re indulging less. Your health and wellbeing have become more of a priority, and you’re already seeing results. So what more can you do? It’s true that fitness and good health go hand-in-hand. But to really reap the benefits of all that exercise, you need to make sure your diet is working just as hard. There are plenty of tweaks you can make, and there are plenty of other tricks and tips to give your health a boost too.

Teas And Other Hot Drinks

There are plenty of herbal teas available on the market now. Many are available on your supermarket shelves or your regular grocery store. Why drink herbal or fruit teas? Not only will the extra fluids help you to maintain good hydration, but they can provide a range of other benefits too. Some can boost your immune system, and others can help you to relax. You can find teas with infusions of lemon or honey to help with a sore throat. Did you know that a hot lemon water can help your body start the day?

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Most of us know to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables to ensure our bodies receive all the nutrients they need. But many of us still fall short on portion sizes when it comes to vegetables. And it’s quite difficult to eat quite the variety necessary for everything a healthy body might need. This is where supplements come in. According to this blog, you can find supportive nutrition to help with a range of problems like low energy or weakened immune system. As this kind of supplement is naturally sourced, it can help your body without the nasty side effects of chemicals.


The breathing techniques promoted in the different styles of Yoga can offer many health benefits. Some are described as cleansing breaths. These are thought to boost your immunity to colds and other common viruses. Other breathing techniques can boost your energy levels or provide deep relaxation. You don’t have to join a Yoga group to benefit. Many of these techniques can be found on YouTube or other websites so you can practice them at home.

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Sleep may be more important to your overall health than you think. It is especially important for your mental health. All of the experiences of the day are carefully sorted and filed away when we sleep well. Without that quality sleep, you might find you become more confused and forgetful. Sleep is also thought to play a part in resetting hormonal cycles. No wonder we become emotional when we’re tired from a lack of sleep!


It is thought that socialising is essential for good mental health. It is also considered to be essential for boosting your immune system. Frequent interactions (in person, not online) trigger different chemical reactions in the brain that in turn provide happy feelings, and better physical responses. So don’t stay in watching TV alone. Get out there and reap the health benefits of a fun night out with friends.


The Health Checks You Can’t Afford To Miss Out On

Keeping tabs on our family’s health can feel like lot’s of appointments that span over the year. It can be easy to forget where you have been, and what needs to be booked. It’s understandable, after all, we only want to do the best by our family and to make sure everyone is healthy and happy. Keeping yourself organized is the key to success. So I thought I would share with you some of the family health checks that need to happen. If you aren’t on top of any of them, then get them booked in as soon as possible.

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Our dental hygiene is important. We only get one set of adult teeth in our lifetime. So it’s important that we encourage good dental health in our children from an early age. Even though they dislike cleaning their teeth so much. Regular checks with the dentist will keep those teeth in check. It’s vital you book in with a dentist as soon as your child’s teeth come through so that you start the regular check ups going forward. While it may not be a pleasant experience for all when you attend, you will be happy you did as time goes on and you have good dental hygiene.

Eye Checks

Our sight is one of the greatest senses we will regret losing if we don’t take care of it. Some of us see better than others, but without having them checked, we wouldn’t know. We may struggle to read small print or see long distance. These things can affect our reaction times when it comes to playing sports and even driving a car. So it’s vital we keep tabs on their condition. However, it isn’t just about general eye care, but sometimes we can struggle with issues with our eyes. This is when Ophthalmologists could identify issues that you may not have known you were struggling with. Thankfully, there are locations all over that can ensure that you take better care of your eyes.

Hearing tests

Our hearing is another important part of the body that we need to keep track of. It can get affected mostly if, as adults, you work or have worked in a place with loud noises. Children can also be prone to problems if they have been around sharp noises and even ear infections. Keeping tabs on your ear and hearing health will make sure that you have perfect use of them as time goes on. Some adults and children won’t even realise they may have a problem until they get checked. Things like hearing aids can transform your lives without you even realising you needed them.

General health checks

Keeping on top of our general health is important. Attending a general health check will mean your weight and body mass index are checked. Alongside things like blood pressure. You could even have blood tests to make sure that cholesterol levels are normal, and you have good iron levels. All things that can cause you problems as time goes on. It’s still very important to make sure that they are not overweight. Obesity is a real problem in the world at the moment.

I hope this helps you get on track when it comes to your family’s health.

How To Get More Out Of Your Workouts, All The Time

(Pexels: http://bit.ly/2tweQpd)

Working out is a fantastic way to remain healthy and improve your fitness. However, many of us are left feeling a little shortchanged after each exercise session. We don’t see the desired results quick enough, and we feel like we’re not getting a lot out of each workout.

Today, these problems will be put to rest as I’ll show you how you can get more out of every workout from now on!

Up The Intensity

One of the main reasons you do not see great results is because you’re not working out intensely. You’re very lacklustre in your approach, and everything is very much chilled. This is why you don’t finish each workout on your back dripping with sweat.

If you improve the intensity with which you attack each workout, you’ll soon see better results. The easiest way to up your intensity is to re-energize yourself. A lot of us feel lethargic when we work out, so we can’t find that right level of intensity. There are loads of organic and natural supplements such as Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 that can give you a vitamin boost to increase your energy levels. You’ll feel more energetic and have the ability to hit your workouts harder and with added intensity to get more out of them.

Push Yourself To The Limit

As well as upping the intensity you should also start pushing yourself more and more. It’s amazing how many people seem to care more about sets and reps rather than actually pushing yourself. If you have a workout where it tells you to squat for 12 reps, and you get to that 12th rep, and you feel fine, then you’re not pushing yourself. You should crank out a few more reps until you start to struggle. Then, on the next set, you should increase the weight to make it harder.


Rep goals aren’t strict, they’re just there to help guide you and show you around about how many reps you should aim for. Ideally, you should be getting to your final rep of every set and almost fail. That shows you’ve pushed yourself to the limit, and your muscles will take a good beating. This is how you see better results, as you’re really testing your body and getting it to improve.

Switch Them Up

If your workouts become repetitive, then they’ll stop yielding proper results. Your body will start to adjust to what you’re doing, and you’ll plateau. Too many people do this as they get comfortable with their workouts and like doing them.

What you need to do is switch up your workouts and keep your body guessing. If you do one selection of workouts one week, do another the next week. Or, try training in one specific fashion for a month, then change it up and shock your system with a new style of training. No matter what, you don’t want to fall into the trap of doing the same workouts for years on end as it won’t show good results.

If you take this advice onboard, you’ll soon get a lot more from every workout. As a result, get ready to see the fittest you you’ve ever encountered!



The Nuisance Of Having Flat Feet & What You Can Do About It


Pes planus, otherwise known as flat foot syndrome, is a difficult condition that can be difficult to cope with among those afflicted. When the ligaments and tendons in a foot collapse and unfortunately are unable to contribute to their share of the load-bearing function of the foot, flat footed syndrome can be defined and diagnosed. This can be a real nuisance on the part of those afflicted, to say the least.

Usually, young children have flat feet, but as the foot grows and develops, a natural arch will arise. In those with flat feet, either these arches haven’t developed as it should have or they’ve failed due to an injury, obesity problem or other consideration that is unfortunate to experience. For some people, having flat feet doesn’t pose any other problem than strange stance and gait issues, but for some, it can lead to recurring pain that is difficult to contend with, and can be annoying to experience. It can also affect how comfortably these people are able to walk and maneuver around their environment.

If this is you, or you know someone afflicted with flat feet, consider utilizing or suggesting the following ways to mitigate the negative effects. If you believe that your child is experiencing flat footed syndrome, you might not have reason to worry. See your healthcare professional first and foremost before you take any affirmative action to fix an issue that might not exist.


If you have flat feet, you need footwear that contributes to the normal way your foot arch is supposed to work. Normal is supportive, and this means that you might need to wear shoes with a more pronounced heel raise than other people, or maybe even asymmetrical shoes that allow for the nuance of your foot positioning to be best catered for. To understand what shoes work the best, you should check this article here, which can also help you understand and gain some insight into this condition.

Lose Weight

Losing weight has an innumerable amount of benefits, but if you are flat footed, it can be of massive benefit. Losing weight helps take off the load on your feet when moving, and this can help reduce the feelings of pain to a tenfold degree. It can also help your body provide much better blood flow to the affected areas, and this is a benefit in itself. Many obese people tend to mitigate the effects of their weight by walking with ankles turned out too far in front, and this can wreak havoc on your foot arches.

To lose the weight effectively, consider using a simple diet such as intermittent fasting, as well as getting at least 3 hours of exercise a week, at whatever challenging pace is normal for you. Remember, it doesn’t matter how slow you go, what matters is how consistent you are with the practice and diet considerations.

Of course, if you have flat feet as a result of your weight, it’s not advisable to begin a running routine. Search for the exercise that you’d feel most comfortable with performing multiple times a week, and switch it up if possible. Exercises like swimming, ground yoga, and some bodyweight exercises require very little stress be placed on your feet. Tailor your exercise regime around these necessities, and you’re sure to find yourself feeling better about your situation in no time at all.

However, before you begin any form of new stress-adaptive training or nutrition plan when obese, you must ALWAYS consult your medical professional. This is a great guiding principle no matter how many articles like this you read and want to take advice from.


A podiatrist is a specialist foot doctor that can help you overcome all manner of foot difficulties relating to stress, exercise, and most importantly, overcoming the issues of flat foot syndrome. Here they can provide you with X-Rays, potential physical therapy as well as simply care techniques such as ice baths or recommending foot sports massages.

In the worst possible case, they may even suggest you undergo surgery via an orthopedic surgeon and will be able to refer you with their medical authority to the best places in which to undergo this. This can help sort out any underlying issues that might have caused the foot issues, but you shouldn’t expect the surgery to completely reconstruct your foot arches.

Be sure to take care of all of these considerations, and you’re likely to overcome the issue of flat-foot syndrome, or at least mitigate its effects.



The Hidden Health Benefits To Tea

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Although water is the most widely-consumed drink in the world, tea follows at a close second. It is a beverage that has been drank for thousands of years, with at least 158 million Americans getting a taste of it every single day – and in a number of forms. There are fruit teas, green teas, breakfast teas, sleeping teas; if you can think of a type that should be up there, it’s probably already been covered. But what’s all the fuss about? Why should we be incorporating it into our diet, and what can it do for us?

It’s Good For Your Heart

 Not only is it delicious in your favourite form, but a good cup of tea can also be brilliant at preventing buildup of cholesterol in the arteries. There will need to be diet changes made if you want to fully lower your cholesterol levels; you can’t just rely on one cup of tea to completely sort you out. Not only this, but introducing a good amount of tea into your diet can help reduce the chance of a heart attack quite dramatically. The temperature that you drink your tea can also help get your heart beating at a sound pace in the morning; a hot cup of the good stuff out of the best teapot available to you will get you set on the right track. Don’t worry if you’re not into warm drinks; this is a beverage that can be consumed cold as well.

It Helps Your With Exercise

This is more green tea than anything else. Your muscle endurance heightens once you have consumed this antioxidant. It helps your body to burn the fat that you already have, using it as fuel for your workout. While your body already does this, the boost that it gets from green tea – as well as the increase of the workload and what is happening – quickens the process and may help you to lose weight in the long run. There are many different types of tea which will help you to reach your target weight, so don’t worry if you don’t like the current one that you’re trying – there are thousands more for you to take your pick from.

It’s Great For The Brain 

Despite the caffeine that lurks within, tea is actually one of the most hydrating drinks that you can have. It’s not a diuretic, as many would lead you to believe, and helps you to retain water within the body. This is great news for your brain. Your brain needs fluids in order to help you focus and concentrate on the tasks at hand, and so tea is a brilliant remedy for this. Not only that, but there are degenerative conditions to do with the function of your brain such as Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease which a cup of tea a day is cited to be able to help prevent. Start introducing it into your diet and see if you can feel any benefits to it all.

Ouch! How To Identify The Source Of Your Headache


There are few things worse than having to deal with a persistent headache. It can leave you unable to concentrate on anything, it can make your irritable, and it can put a serious downer on any otherwise perfectly pleasant day. Sure, there are plenty of treatments for headaches out there, but the problem is if you want to deal with one that really persists, you’ve got to know what the cause is, which can often be kind of tricky. In order to help you avoid having to putting up a piercing pain in your skull for long periods of time, here are some of the most common causes of headaches and what you can do about them.


A tension headache is perhaps the most common kind there is with a surprisingly large percentage of the population suffering from them. While the exact causes of tension headaches are widely unknown, they are commonly caused by severe stress and muscle tension, especially in your neck. One of the best ways to alleviate these kinds of headaches is to reduce the causes of stress in your life (something that’s rather a good idea anyway) as well as trying out some exercises to loosen the muscles in your neck.

Eye strain

The vast majority of people spend almost all of our time staring at screens these days. We stare at computer screens at work, then we go home and stare and the TV screen, then we go to bed and stare at our phones. Spending so much time staring at screens is guaranteed to put a lot of strain on your eyes which can often lead to some pretty serious headaches. Of course, computer screens aren’t the only reason that you could end up with a headache caused by eye strain. A lot of people find that conditions like Lao Hua Yan which can cause your eyesight to suffer quite severely can cause you to try and strain harder to see which can cause headaches. The best way to deal with this is to seek medical help either through glasses or something like laser surgery. That way you’ll no longer be spending all of your time straining just to be able to see.


There’s a serious issue among the vast majority of the population that we’re simply not staying hydrated enough. There are hundreds of health reasons why dehydration is incredibly dangerous, but it’s certainly one of the more common reasons why people end up suffering from headaches that they can’t get rid off. When your body is dehydrated then your brain actually shrink from fluid loss. This causes it to pull away from the skull causing a lot of pain. Your body needs the right amount of fluids and electrolytes in order to function properly, and without them, you’re going to end up feeling seriously ill. If you’re dehydrated, then there’s a good chance that a headache could well be the least of your worries but it’s important to keep an eye out for it as a sign that you might need to hydrate yourself pretty urgently.

Cheap and Fun Workout Ideas

Working out at the gym isn’t for everybody. While some people love the atmosphere in there, it can get a bit boring doing the same workout day after day but that doesn’t mean you have to give up on exercising completely. There are all sorts of brilliant ways to keep in shape and improve your health without having to brave the gym every time you want to do a bit of exercise. If you find that the gym is getting dull, try out some these alternatives.



Going for a swim is one of the best workouts that you can do. It works every single part of your body at the same time and it’s also very relaxing. It should be easy to find a local pool where you can swim regularly and it’ll also be cheaper than the gym most likely. Swimming is the perfect exercise for anybody that is just getting into exercise or recovering from an injury because it is very low-impact while still giving your muscles an intense workout. If you hate the gym because it’s too busy then swimming at a public pool might not be the best place for you.



Gardening isn’t something that you would normally think of when it comes to exercise but it’s actually far more intensive than you realize. You’ll strengthen your legs and abs from all of the constant bending down and standing up and heavy digging is great cardio. By gardening regularly, you can workout without even realizing it. It won’t be difficult to get motivated anymore because you’ll be doing something fun while you burn those calories.

Dance Classes


Dance classes are one of the most fun ways to get some exercise and they’re probably as intensive as most other cardio like spinning or running on a treadmill. In the last few years,           Zumba exercise and workout classes have become very popular because they are heavy-duty workouts that have also been designed to be great fun. Going to these classes is a brilliant way to get a fun workout and meet lots of new people.

Hula Hooping


The hula hoop isn’t just a popular kids toy of the nineties, it’s a great workout tool as well. It doesn’t matter if you’re no good at keeping the hoop going, you’ll get better with time. You can burn over two hundred calories in just half an hour of hula hooping. Start off with the basic spin and when you get better you can start learning some cool tricks that will impress.




Cleaning is always a bit of a pain so why not make it a bit more exciting, and burn some calories at the same time by turning it into a workout. Set a timer and put some upbeat music on and then see how quickly you can clean the entire house. Running around and cleaning like mad will burn lots of calories and you can try to beat your record every time.


Hopefully, these suggestions will help you to keep up your workout routine without having to go to the gym.

Fat Burning Workouts for Women

Its a fact that women bodies are more prone to gaining fat and also it takes longer for them to lose fat. Given the current scenarios where we are always struggling for time, working out usually takes a back seat. Even when we try and work out on our own, most of the times we don’t know whats right for our body and whats not.

I came across a great and a detailed article on Fat Burning Workouts for Women, so enjoy reading and start implementing.

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In this article, we have compiled a list of fat burning workouts for women which are known for the quick results and ease of practice. But these workouts, for sure, ask for consistency. Make a habit of following these workouts at least 5 times a week and you would start noticing the results yourself. We know how desperate you are to know how to lose belly fat for women, which is why we have compiled a list of fat burning workouts for women that help to burn belly fat and to get you in shape both at home and at a gym.

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