Month: December 2018

A Guide To Breaking Bad Health Habits

(Image: Pixabay / CC0 Licence)


There are certain things that we all do that we know we really shouldn’t. Whether it’s eating a little too much sugar, smoking cigarettes, or rarely exercising, we all have something that – in the harsh light of day – we know isn’t the wisest choice for our health.


Of course, a new year always heralds an opportunity to break these bad health habits – but, unfortunately, actually defeating these habits once and for all can be a tough ask. However, if you’re hoping that 2019 will be the year where you can kick one of your bad health habits for good, then the guide below may be able to help you achieve exactly that.


Focus on the ultimate goal


When seeking to conquer bad health habits, people often focus solely on the end itself; they will, for example, say that want to “quit smoking” or “eat less sugar”. However, it’s usually preferable to reshape your thinking a little, transforming your goal into something that sounds a lot more enticing. For example, rather than “quit smoking”, you could tell yourself you’re “reducing your risk of cancer” or “improving your lung function. This simple shift in thinking helps to emphasize the benefits of quitting your bad health habit, rather than focusing on the self-denial aspect.


Decide if you want to take a gradual or abrupt approach


  • A gradual approach would be cutting from 10 cigarettes to five in the first week, then moving to zero in the second; or exercising once a week for the first month, then twice a week for the second month.
  • An abrupt approach is the opposite; it means throwing yourself wholeheartedly into the change, quitting smoking entirely, or starting a three-sessions-per-week exercise regime right from the get-go.


There’s no right or wrong decision here, by the way – everyone responds differently, so it’s best to make the decision on what you think will work best for you. When you have established which approach you prefer, choose a date at which your approach will begin; if you’ve adopted a gradual approach, you’ll also need to plan the next few weeks or months to incorporate the next stages, too.


Research options to help make the transition easier


Even when focusing primarily on the benefits of changing your bad health habit, it’s still important to acknowledge the process is going to be tough. You may need a little help to make such a significant change easier to deal with. If you’re looking to quit smoking, you could look to purchase a few vape liquid sample packs and a vape pen; if you’re hoping to exercise more, a personal trainer might be a wise choice; or if you’re looking to cut sugar, you could explore sugar alternatives. Again, breaking a bad health habit shouldn’t feel like self-denial or even a challenge, so utilize whatever you can to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible.


Make it possible to monitor your progress


It’s always helpful to have hard data to affirm that breaking your bad health habit has benefited you. Returning to the examples discussed so far, this could mean taking an exhaled carbon monoxide test if you’re a smoker, take a blood sugar reading if you’re cutting sugar, or time yourself running 1k if you’re looking to exercise more. Whichever habit you’re trying to break, there should be a similar metric that you can establish as a starting point. You can then refer back to this baseline metric once you’ve broken your habit, allowing you to see how much good breaking your habit is doing.


Hopefully, the guide above should assist you in breaking your bad health habits once and for all in 2019 – good luck!



Perfectly Productive: Achieving Better Focus and Mental Clarity at Work

Work is a big part of our lives, and being able to get down to business and work hard is essential if you want to do well in life, earn money and live the way that you want. It’s important to set goals and to look to the future, but it’s the way you perform every day that will make a difference. Here are some of the ways you can boost productivity by improving mental clarity at work.

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Live a healthy lifestyle

Living a healthy lifestyle has so many benefits- but one that you might not have considered is a better focus at work. The wrong foods can make you feel sluggish, and others will cause cravings that can distract you from what you’re doing. Stay hydrated which can improve focus, eat foods that are good for your body and your mood will be elevated and you’ll be able to concentrate better. Some healthy eating plans have been shown to improve mental clarity, for example, one of the reasons why you should take Beta Hydroxybutyrate with a keto style diet is because it’s been shown to improve mental performance. If you don’t want to stick to a specific dietary plan, eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and dairy in the right quantities will benefit just about everyone.


Improve your office

Improving your workspace can make you more productive as well as feel less stressed. If you work as an employee, just clearing your desk and coming up with new storage solutions could be helpful. If you run your own business or work from home then you have it within your power to change your entire office space. Move the desk closer to the window as the natural daylight improves mood. Paint the walls a light, neutral shade to help space feel bigger and brighter. Add some decorative touches to make the office feel homely but without being cluttered or distracting.


Take regular breaks

There’s nothing worse than being faced with a problem that you just can’t solve. After a while, you can get tunnel vision towards it and it becomes impossible to overcome. Taking even a short break and returning can allow you to spot the solution right away. Regular breaks help to prevent eye strain and also decrease restless energy. If you can get active and do some exercise, even a brisk walk around your office building it will give your brain a boost of happy hormones and can wake up too! Of course, you won’t want to be taking breaks so often that you’re disrupting your workflow and breaking concentration when you’re on a roll. But if you’re struggling, don’t feel like you need to sit and give yourself a headache over what you’re doing. Have a couple of minutes away, drink a cup of tea or some water and move around a little. When you return back to your desk, chances are you’ll be ready to get right back into it.




Halt Hackers In Their Tracks

You just never know when you’re going to be the victim of a crime, that’s one of the worst things about it: that surprise element. But if you own a PC, laptop or smartphone you could be putting yourself at risk from any number of cyber attacks if you’re not putting into place adequate protection.


So many of us use our phones and devices to access our bank accounts, payment platforms and store our personal details in files in our documents folders, notes, and emails.


It’s no wonder that hackers have an easy time finding what they need to steal our identities and wreak havoc.


But, you don’t have to make it easy for them, in fact, there are several easy, smart measures you can take to ensure that your laptop and phone stay safe from prying eyes and stop the advances of a would-be cyber criminal.


We’ve rounded up, from top bloggers and experts, some of the best ways to keep yourself safe:


Laptops and PCs


The most effective way to prevent anyone gaining access to your computer files is to install effective anti-virus software. Not just install it but update it regularly and run check-ups on a weekly basis.


While free software is available, the most effective type will probably come with a price tag but since you’re buying peace of mind, it’s usually a worthwhile investment.


If you use windows 10 pro iso, make sure you install updates regularly and switch on that firewall for extra protection against malware.


Always back-up your files and keep your desktop clean, if you’re a Mac user get on Setapp to tidy away anything that contains your personal details. A tidy desktop makes it harder for hackers to go straight for what they need.

Image courtesy of Pexels




More of us are finding that our phones are being hacked but again there are ways to remedy this and make yourself less vulnerable. As with computers, make sure your software updates are carried out regularly, they shore up any holes that might make it easy for someone to sneak into your personal data.


If you’re downloading an App, make sure it’s verified and well reviewed before you install it. Android phones are not quite as strict at the vetting process as Apple, so be vigilant.

Be vigilant too with open WiFi networks and avoid wherever possible, they are often used to mine your phone for data and rarely work.


If your phone is physically stolen make it a challenge to access your data. Always have a passcode in place with a six-figure number. On many smartphones, you can erase data remotely after your phone disappears so make sure you know how this works and get it done as quickly as you can. Use any tracking features to try and locate it before reporting to the police.


By putting in a few simple measures to protect yourself and your data, you’ll be in a great position to fend off any cyber attacks. Be wise, back up your data and make sure to stay vigilant.









Here’s What To Do For A Wedding In Italy

Italy is known all around the world for it’s romantic cities, beautiful coasts and artwork that defies all standards. So it makes perfect sense for you to get married in this location because of the history the country has with the concept of life and love itself. The world famous operas of bittersweet love affairs between men and women have almost all come from this nation. The delving into the heart of lovers has been something of a unique pastime for Italy. No wonder then that many couples all around the world choose to get married in Italy. However there are a few locations in Italy that simply are above and beyond anywhere else. Places like Rome are of course some of the hottest and most popular. On the other hand you have the hills of Tuscany to contest with and of course the Amalfi Coast which is one of the most iconic and recognizable places for weddings in the world. But if you’re having a wedding in Italy, there are some things you should do to make it more authentic.



Always include red


As per the Italian flag, the color red is a very important symbol of Italy and love. So for your wedding you should include the color red somewhere that is noticable. This could be in your flower arrangements on people’s dining tables. You could also use red roses in the flower archway you both walk under upon leaving the church. You may want to use red rose petals for guests to shower you both when leaving also. Hiring a red car would also be something that is iconic for Italian weddings. Red lamps for the tables at the after party is something to consider also as the shine of the candles or light bulbs will have a blooming effect on the room.



Use the Mediterranean


If you can at all help it, utilize the beautiful Mediterranean waters for your wedding. The Amalfi Coast is one of the most desired places for this because not only do you get a great shot of the Mediterranean Sea but the beautiful village also. Consider an Amalfi coast photoshoot for your wedding day as many people who get married along the coast will want to have the backdrop of the twinkling village and sun setting across the light blue water. With the photographer, you’ll get more of a choice where you can both be and pose for your photo album. Certain sections might be difficult to get to and know if they exist without the knowledge of an expert that is native to the country. So using their knowledge will help your wedding photos look far more amazing.


Be classical


Italy is a very ancient country, with many sculptures, statues, and buildings that have been around for thousands of years. If you are going to get married here, utilize some of the classical works of art that are still standing.



A wedding in Italy is going to always include the color red somewhere. It’s part of the flag so you should be using it in your weddings such as in the flowers or candleholders. Put the Mediterranean Sea in the backdrop when taking your memorable wedding photos also.





























The 5 E’s To Consider When Upgrading Your New Business

When you’re running a new business on the block, trying to be heard over the competition can be a frustrating battle. You just don’t have the same brand recognition as some of the bigger players in the game, but that’s okay. Good things come in time. Still, in the business world, simply waiting for good things to come isn’t enough. If you’re not happy about the snail-like progress of your company then it’s time to do something about it. You have to be unique to stand out. These are the 5 E’s to consider when upgrading your new business.

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The first ‘E’ is efficiency. An efficient business is a successful business. If you can improve your use of both time and money then you’ll reduce overhead costs and boost profit margins. In turn, you’ll have more money to invest in your business, but we’ll discuss that more in the next point. You’ll also be able to reach a wider customer base if you improve productivity because you’ll have an increased daily output. Again, we’ll talk about expansion more in the next point. For now, let’s discuss ways in which to make your business more efficient. This will help to give your business stronger foundations as it starts to grow.


For starters, you might want to start automating certain operations in your business. No, this doesn’t mean you have to make workers redundant. In fact, we’re talking about making your workers more productive. If repetitive and time-consuming tasks are automated (e.g. admin work) then your employees will be able to focus their energy on the more technical aspects of their job roles. Additionally, you might want to look into time clocks to help keep track of work hours and ensure everybody is paid fairly. It’ll make your business more efficient because you’ll know that you’re never underpaying or overpaying employees. This will keep the team happy and protect your finances.



The expansion is essential to the evolution of your company and the growth of your reputation. If you want to upgrade your new business then you should keep thinking of ways to expand it. Now, you might not be able to achieve your biggest goals within the early days of opening your company. Growth has to be gradual if it’s going to be steady and long-lasting. But it’s about making investments that will bring in increased profits. For example, you might want to increase your product or service output so that you can meet the needs of a larger customer base. Instead of investing in several new employees, however, you might want to outsource certain services to meet the increased workload. It’ll help you to achieve the same level of expansion but cost you far less money than hiring some new full-time workers. If your business is going to really upgrade itself to the next level then you need to expand in time-effective and cost-effective ways. That’s the smart way to create a bigger presence in your respective marketplace.



The environment in which your employees’ work has such a big impact on their productivity. We’ve already talked about automating operations for efficiency, but another way to optimize business operations is to focus directly on the mindset of your workers. And this all starts by creating a nice workspace for your team. How do you feel when your home or your office is messy? Distracted? Uncomfortable? Well, think about how your entire workforce will feel if their work environment is cluttered or aesthetically unappealing. Improving the office is a worthwhile investment. Even simply repainting the walls with a white coat of paint to reflect light and brighten the work environment could make a big difference. You might want to put a ping pong table and some couches in the break room too. Give your employees a way to unwind.

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This is one of the biggest E’s to consider if you want to ensure that your business is successful in the long-term. Start thinking about customer expectations and the ways in which you can exceed them. That’s how you’ll upgrade your business. Your goal should be to solve problems before they even become problems. To clarify, you need to show your customers that no issue is too small or too insignificant. Most people will understand that mistakes are made in life – we’re all human, after all. But they won’t understand a business that fails to remedy the problem quickly and professionally. Invite customers to send in questions and complaints on social media. Have a team ready to respond to customers as soon as they contact you; that’ll show you care.


Exceeding expectations can go a long way to boost your business’ brand. In turn, you’ll gain a reputation as a caring and reliable company. You’re trying to build loyal relationships with your customers. That’s how you’ll start to build up a lasting client base. Obviously, you want to chase new leads, but you also want your existing customers to stick around. This is how your new business will grow into something impressive from small and humble beginnings. It’s all about the customers, at the end of the day.



Always reinvent the business plan. That should be the main piece of advice you’ve taken away from the points raised in this article. You might not have to change your end-goals but simply restate them. Repackaging a brand can sometimes be the best way to start turning heads in an industry once more. If you’ve been struggling to make an impact on the target market then it makes sense to try a new approach. Simply saying something in a different way can make a big difference. After all, if your competitors are successful then the problem might not be your products or services but the way in which you’re selling them. Hold onto your end-goals but keep finding new ways to reach them if you want to upgrade your business and take the next step up the entrepreneurial ladder.

What is the Right Time to Visit an Orthodontist?


An orthodontist uses tools similar to ones that your dentist would, such as braces, Invisalign, and retainers. However, orthodontics can help bring your teeth into physical alignment with the jaw. Getting them in the right alignment can affect how well you can chew, sleep, or talk. More importantly, if you want a perfect smile for yourself or someone you care about, you should have the number of a skilled and capable orthodontist on your phone!

Keep in mind though that only knowing a good orthodontist won’t be enough for the sake of your dental health. It is equally important to know the right time to visit them. Below we have gathered the recommendations from dentists for guidance:

Dentist Recommendation for Children

You should consider visiting an orthodontic clinic if your kid is experiencing any of the following problems:

  1. They have crowded or misplaced teeth or ones that protrude
  2. You have often caught them clenching/grinding their teeth
  3. The teeth enamel is in a bad condition
  4. Your kids suck their thumb or fingers or used to do so
  5. Biting, chewing, and/or speaking is problematic for your child
  6. They are missing some teeth
  7. Your child is losing their baby teeth earlier or later than they should
  8. They have an overbite, which means they end up biting their cheek or mouth palate. Not treating an overbite could result in other dental issues.


Benefits of early treatment

It is best to have your children visit the orthodontist as early as possible. There are many advantages to early treatment or as it is known as phase one. For instance, if their teeth are growing in a crowded manner, a skilled orthodontist could create space in your child’s mouth. When the remaining adult teeth come in, there would be ample space for them to grow.

Similarly, crooked teeth or an overbite may lead to low self-confidence children and young adults. The emotional trauma associated with poorly positioned teeth can be prevented with timely application of orthodontics. Early treatment could also reduce or prevent physical trauma associated with orthodontics later in life. Moreover, misaligned teeth could prevent your kid from brushing properly and affect their dental health. Finally, improperly positioned teeth are at a higher risk of injury on the playground. Keep your child safe from such an injury by getting them treated at the earliest.

If they are suffering from any of the problems mentioned above, then the orthodontist will follow phase one with further treatment, but only when your child is old enough.

Even though timely treatment is important, you might be wondering what that means regarding your child’s age. There is no right age for receiving orthodontic treatment. That applies to children, young adults, as well as adults. It is always better to visit an orthodontist and get a better idea about the timing of the treatment.


Dentist Recommendation for Adults

Think you are too old for braces? Chances are that you aren’t! The right time for adults or young adults to visit an orthodontist is once their teeth have been set. Since we regularly use our teeth, they can face wear and tear. Some areas of special wear though arise from incorrect teeth alignment. If that is the case with you, go see your dentist. They could recommend the orthodontic treatment you’d need.

The action you can take

The good thing about seeing an orthodontist is that you can do so whenever you feel the need. That’s because there isn’t a need for a referral. One problem solved, but other things might concern you. Only visit or let your child visit an orthodontist they are comfortable with. Look for a professional who will take the time to listen to your concerns and have satisfactory answers to them.

After you have found the right orthodontist for you – or your family – make an appointment to see them. During an initial appointment, you will receive a full examination and a discussion of any problems that might be present. Besides that, the orthodontist will also give you an estimate of the cost of the procedure that is best for your condition. Finally, they will also let you know how long it will take for the treatment to be completed.

If you’ve already started searching for Orthodontics Near Me, you know where to come for high-quality dental treatment. On the other hand, if you are still thinking about getting it, don’t waste time thinking about whether this is the right time to do so or not. When it comes to orthodontics, the answer to that question is whenever you are having alignment issues. Go visit your orthodontist if the quality of your bite could use some improvement as well. An orthodontist has the right skills and training for treating such issues. So, why not take advantage of their expert opinion?

Author Bio:

Evie Harrison is a blogger by choice.  She loves to discover the world around her. She likes to share her discoveries, experiences and express herself through her blogs. Find her on Twitter:@iamevieharrison


Barbie initiates Project Udaan to enable girls live their dreams

In a bid to fulfill the dreams of young girls, Mattel India has joined hands with the NGO, Masoom, to launch ‘Project Udaan’. The project has come into the existence with an understanding that there are numerous girls who are locked by boundaries of social and economic status. While these girls have grown up admiring Barbie, Mattel believes every girl, like Barbie, has the right to be themselves i.e. smart, successful, ambitious, poised and confident. Project Udaan aims to give these girls the wings to fly with their dreams.

Project Udaan

Project Udaan is a comprehensive three-fold programme that focuses on leadership skills, feminine hygiene program, and vocational training basis participants’ interest mapping. It is a year-long program which will be actively volunteered by the ‘Barbie’ team, designed to equip over 100 girls aged between 14-18 years. The project is aimed to build confidence, self-expression and enable effective learning and development that can present the girls with a chance for a better life.


As a part of this initiative, Barbie created an exposure for young and enthusiastic kids of the city. The girls from Masoom were taken to KidZania where they could not only explore but live and experience 90+ role-playing activities. These little girls were shown that their dreams could fly free at KidZania through 90+ career opportunities. The trip enabled a roadmap, guiding these tiny feet towards a realistic and achievable goal to fulfill their dreams. It was also an eye-opener for many, as most of the activities showcased were unique and attractive for many of them, thus further enlightening their vision.

Brand Speak

Commenting on the initiative, Ishmeet Singh, Country Manager, Mattel India, said, “Every girl is talented and has the potential to reach for the stars. But where society tries to pull them down, Barbie supports them to help them to live their dreams.”


“Project Udaan has enabled us see the spark on so many faces and we are highly motivated by their overwhelming response.Through our initial activity at KidZania, children got a chance to experience the world of multiple career options. They cherished the life of becoming a Chef, an RJ, a Pilot, a Teacher, an Actor, and so on”, he added.


About Mattel

Mattel is a creations company that inspires the wonder of childhood. Our mission is to be the recognized leader in play, learning, and development worldwide. Mattel’s portfolio of global consumer brands includes American Girl®, Barbie®, Fisher-Price®, Hot Wheels®, Monster High®, and Thomas & Friends®, among many others. Mattel also creates a wealth of lines and products made in collaboration with leading entertainment and technology companies. With a global workforce of approximately 31,000 people, Mattel operates in 40 countries and territories and sells products in more than 150 nations. Visit us online at


What To Do If You Suspect You Caught a Hospital Bug

We all end up in a hospital once or twice in our lives. Whether it is an accident that causes our hospitalization or we need a major operation, it is stressful enough to be stuck in bed and not seeing our family all day. If the inconvenience is topped by a bad infection or a bug, this can lengthen our stay and make us miss more of our lives. If you suspect that you got an infection at the hospital, you will need to act. Find out below what you can do.

Image via Wikipedia

Ask to See the Records

One of the rights of patients is that they can see the hygiene records of the hospital and ask the right questions. After all, your health insurance is paying for the treatment and your stay might cost hundreds of dollars each week. You need to find out whether there are enough risk prevention measures in place, so you can ensure that you are safe and cannot be a subject to infection.

Talk to Patient Liaison Officers

If your hospital is not willing to show you the records and give you more than general information, you will need to contact the patient liaison officers. This will help you negotiate the meetings and get more information. If you suspect that you caught a salmonella or e Coli bug while in hospital, it is your right to find out about the hygiene rating of the kitchen

Get to Know Your Rights

You also have to familiarize yourself with the health care law and regulations, so you know exactly what your rights are. Whether you decide to make a formal complaint or ask the department to investigate, maybe get in touch with your local politician, you will be able to find the right route to put things right and prevent the same thing happening to other patients. You might want to consult with personal injury lawyers to make sure that you are not missing out on compensation.

Talk to Other Patients

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To gather evidence, chances are that you will also need to talk to other patients, to see if anyone else has been affected. If it is a major outbreak, and the management is trying to silence you, it is important that you gather other people around you, as it will be harder for the hospital to ignore a dozen or so patients.

Find Out What You Can Do to Make a Change

Apart from holding people responsible for the infection, you will also have to get in touch with nonprofit organizations that can help you persuade the health care company to introduce new preventive measures and change their ways, so they get better at protecting patients in their care in the future.


If your hospitalization caused you an infection and made you stay out of work and away from your family for longer than your treatment required it, you should make sure that this doesn’t happen again to you or other patients.



Kerala Kitchen At Cafe On 3, Holiday Inn, Mayur Vihar

I visited Holiday Inn New Delhi Mayur Vihar Noida yesterday to experience Kerala Kitchen – Melange of flavors from God’s own country, a 9-day long food promotion at its all-day dining eatery, Cafe on 3. The ambiance, the decor, and the music, all resonated well with the vibes that Kerala has to offer.


Master Chef Rejimon, specially flown from Kerala, curated the food promotion offering various signature delicacies from Kochi, Malabar, and Travancore to cover the different elements of authentic food from Kerela. There were interactive stations with themed decor creating a memorable experience for the guests. The entire promotion has 3 cycling menus, which have been prepared to keep in mind the palettes of both vegetarians and non-vegetarians.


Every place has its own culture, tradition, and food and so does Kerala. Few of Chef Rejimon’s signature delicacies include – 

Idiyappam Chemmeen Biryani, a dish prepared using Malabar style masalas and has an aromatic flavor

Murniga Kanthari, a tribal chicken dish from central Kerala

Prawn Urulakizhangu Dosa, prawn patties topped with chef’s special masala

Chemmeen  Kakka Roti, prawn and rice dumpling

Attirachi Vendakka, lamb cooked with okra

Pidi Kozhi, a traditional home-style chicken dish and many more creations from his repertoire.


The dishes that were the part of the menu on the launch day of the event is what I got to savor and they were as follows:


Shredded Raw Mango with onions & tomatoes


Pineapple and Green Chili


Fried Chicken with tempered mustard


Curry leaves marinade mix seafood with onions and lime


Pickle – Raw Mango Pickle, Bitter Gourd Pickle, Pineapple Pickle, Beetroot Pickle, Inji Puli

Pachadi – Beetroot Pachadi, Bitter Gourd Pachadi, Pineapple Pachadi

Chutneys – Raw Mango Chammanthy, Coconut Chutney, Inji Chammanthy


Green chili infused pineapple soup


Mix Seafood Broth with coconut milk


Banana Flower with mashed potatoes patties



Red onion fritter



Deep fried ladyfish infused with spices


Seafood dumpling tossed with onion tomato masala












Tempered Raw  Banana and Mushroom


Raw Mango and white pumpkin curry



Potato and lentil dumpling curry



spiced fish curry with fish tamarind


Syrian Christian style chicken & rice dumpling curry



Mutton with black pepper masala


Malabar style aromatic biryani with seafood


Coriander Scented Rice with grated coconut


Tender coconut and Banana flower cooked with jaggery and coconut milk


Layered steamed cake with eggs and nut


Caramelized banana with coconut and nuts


Rice flakes cooked with cardamom infused sweetened milk


The dishes that I have marked in bold made for my favorites, the spices, and the flavors were just right. I had tried some of these dishes on my trip to Kerala and I can easily say that there was no difference in the authenticity of the taste. Kudos to chef Rejimon and Cafe on 3 team for recreating the flavors without any compromise.


The carefully crafted menu comprised of traditional food, succulently created from fresh ingredients and deftly spiced by the culinary expertThe festival is a celebration of Chef Rejimon’s culinary journey covering the state of Kerala from North to South and offers the guests an opportunity to treat themselves to authentic Kerala delicacies.  


The festival is indeed a rare treat for food lovers and shouldn’t be given a miss. I have been privileged to experience it on day 1 and also meet Chef Rejimon in person.

Date: 30th November – 8th December 2018 | Time: 1900 hours to 2300 hours | Venue: Café on 3, a full-service buffet restaurant at Holiday Inn New Delhi Mayur Vihar Noida

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Copyright @ikreatepassions 2024
Goa, India