Tag: Wedding Planners

Here’s What To Do For A Wedding In Italy

Italy is known all around the world for it’s romantic cities, beautiful coasts and artwork that defies all standards. So it makes perfect sense for you to get married in this location because of the history the country has with the concept of life and love itself. The world famous operas of bittersweet love affairs between men and women have almost all come from this nation. The delving into the heart of lovers has been something of a unique pastime for Italy. No wonder then that many couples all around the world choose to get married in Italy. However there are a few locations in Italy that simply are above and beyond anywhere else. Places like Rome are of course some of the hottest and most popular. On the other hand you have the hills of Tuscany to contest with and of course the Amalfi Coast which is one of the most iconic and recognizable places for weddings in the world. But if you’re having a wedding in Italy, there are some things you should do to make it more authentic.



Always include red


As per the Italian flag, the color red is a very important symbol of Italy and love. So for your wedding you should include the color red somewhere that is noticable. This could be in your flower arrangements on people’s dining tables. You could also use red roses in the flower archway you both walk under upon leaving the church. You may want to use red rose petals for guests to shower you both when leaving also. Hiring a red car would also be something that is iconic for Italian weddings. Red lamps for the tables at the after party is something to consider also as the shine of the candles or light bulbs will have a blooming effect on the room.



Use the Mediterranean


If you can at all help it, utilize the beautiful Mediterranean waters for your wedding. The Amalfi Coast is one of the most desired places for this because not only do you get a great shot of the Mediterranean Sea but the beautiful village also. Consider an Amalfi coast photoshoot for your wedding day as many people who get married along the coast will want to have the backdrop of the twinkling village and sun setting across the light blue water. With the photographer, you’ll get more of a choice where you can both be and pose for your photo album. Certain sections might be difficult to get to and know if they exist without the knowledge of an expert that is native to the country. So using their knowledge will help your wedding photos look far more amazing.


Be classical


Italy is a very ancient country, with many sculptures, statues, and buildings that have been around for thousands of years. If you are going to get married here, utilize some of the classical works of art that are still standing.



A wedding in Italy is going to always include the color red somewhere. It’s part of the flag so you should be using it in your weddings such as in the flowers or candleholders. Put the Mediterranean Sea in the backdrop when taking your memorable wedding photos also.





























Important Trinkets To Take Care Of For Your Wedding Day


At some point during your wedding planning, you’ll start to realize that there are so many more finer details that you have to cover off than you first thought. Because there’s always a lot more that you need to do to make your wedding day come together than you can first imagine. But that doesn’t mean you have to let your wedding planning process stress you out. Once you’ve got some of the bigger plans in place, you’re then going to want to think about some of the smaller things, like the important trinkets you need to have with you on your special day.

The Wedding Rings

Hopefully, this won’t be one of the things that you forget; it may even be at the top of your smaller things list, but you have to get your wedding bands sorted. You may even know what kind of rings you want to go for based on your engagement ring design. However, whether you go for something like the Tacori wedding bands at Whiteflash or even something you’ve designed yourself, you need to pick them out. Then, you should also make sure that you keep the safe until the big day.

The Bridesmaid Gifts

After your own rings, there are some other trinkets that you need to cover off for other people on the wedding day. Traditionally, during the speeches, the groom will give the bridesmaid their gifts. So, you may want to think about what you’re going to give yours. Whether it’s memento from the day or even a piece of jewelry, this is something that you’re going to keep in mind as a part of your trinket search.


Something For The Parents

Next, you may also want to think about gifts for the parents. Here, you’ll often find that traditionally flowers are given to the mother of the bride and the mother of the groom. But, you may also want to think about other gifts to give them that could be a bit more personal. Plus, if your parents have helped you out with the wedding planning or even the cost, you may want to think about a thank you gift that you could get for both sets of parents as a whole.

A Gift For Each Other

Then there’s also the gifts that you give to each other. Although you’re going to be spending a lot of money on your big day (yes, even when you have a small budget), it’s also beautiful to be able to give each other a gift. So, when it comes to the presents you choose for the bride and groom gift exchange, make sure that they are personal to you, and not what you feel like you should be giving each other.

Favors For The Guests

And, of course, you’ve also got the wedding favors that you give to the guests. Again, if you’re going to go with tradition, these will be sugared almonds. However, you could also tailor this choice based on your wedding theme or even something personal to you both.



The Key To Successful Wedding Planning: Divide and Conquer The Responsibilities

Once the butterflies and excitement have quieted down after your engagement, you’ll be hit by the sudden realisation that, oh gosh, there’s a wedding to plan – and boy oh boy, are there a lot of details to take care of! Like your eventual marriage, the planning will work best when things are equal, and when both bride and groom share the responsibilities of a day that will launch you into the rest of your life. Below, we take a look at how you can ensure this happens, all the while guaranteeing that your special day is just as magical as you hoped it would be.

Source: Pexels.com

The List

Before you start handing out assignments to your partner, it’s important that you both sit down and write a list to determine what exactly has to be arranged before the big day. It’ll hopefully be no shock that there is a lot to take care of, but even if you’re expecting a heavy workload, you’ll be surprised at just how many little things have to be sorted before you can start looking forward to the event.

Your Skills

With your list by your side, it’s time to take a look and see what tasks are naturally suitable for each person in the relationship. If you’re a queen of talking to people, then it’d make sense that you would be in charge of chatting with the florists, caterers, and so on. If your partner to be is a boffin at spreadsheets and organisation, then leave all the tasks with nitty gritty numbers and the like to them. Things will run much more smoothly if the person in charge of a specific task has the natural skills to organise them without a hitch.

…But What Do You Care About?

That being said, not every surrounding your wedding will be a chore. Some will be fun, and it’s understandable that you’d want to be involved in those details, even if your partner has m0re of a claim to be suited to it. If you really care about one aspect of the wedding, then pipe up – we’re sure your fiance will be happy to let you have it. If they’re not, it might be time to think twice whether you want the day to go ahead (just kidding…)!

What You Can Live Without

The wedding, again much like the marriage, will be a question of compromise. You can’t always get everything you want, and if something is vitally important to your partner, the best solution might be just to let them get their way, especially if it’s something that doesn’t overall concern you. There’s no point trying to agree on the wedding DJ if your fiance is a music fanatic and you’re happy dancing the night away regardless of what music is playing.

The All Important Wedding Guest List

There’s one area of the wedding that simply can’t be left to one person: the guest list. Of course, you can both a long list of the people you would like (or think you should) invite, but in reality,

there will be practical limitations, both spatially and financially, regarding how many people you can have at your wedding. This might be the real first test of the wedding, as it’s not easy telling your fiance they might have to cut their great uncle Joe because the budget is taking a beating. Handle this one carefully.

Joint Decisions

Some issues can be organised separately, and some can be organised through compromise. Others, however, should be made jointly. This is, after all, a day when you’ll become a union, so it makes sense that there’ll be aspects of the wedding that you both contributed to! You should pick your wedding invites together, as this will be the first thing that any of your guests see from the two of you. Also, the big factors, the ones that you couldn’t possibly be ambivalent about – the venue, date, and so on – need to be made together.

Source: Pexels.com

Travelling and Reporting Back

There’s a lot of decisions to be made, but actually, a large portion of organising a wedding will be deciding what you don’t want. You should both be doing to things like tasting the samples of various caterers, but other things, like meeting with photographers, florists, and transport companies can be done individually. As this can be a slog, it’s best not to overthink the approach: simply draw a line down the middle of the tasks that require travelling; one person takes one side, the other person takes the other.

Roping In Friends and Family

With all the will in the world, you won’t be able to organise every last detail just as a couple. You have regular lives as well, remember! However, if you ask nicely (and maybe buy them a beer for their efforts), then you might be able to rope in friends and family to help out where they can. All the big things will be taken care of, but stuff like picking up supplies, taking a tie to be cleaned, and other non-taxing but essential duties can be passed off.

A Helping Hand/Watchful Eye

Even if you’ve handed off some of the responsibilities to your partner, you’ll still want to make sure that you’re keeping a watchful eye on what they’re doing. This is your wedding day we’re talking about! As much as you’d like to think you can trust them to do everything, mistakes are always made, so it’s best to have four eyes on every task rather than just two. If they overlook a detail, you’ll be on hand to help them out.

What To Do When There’s Unequal Division

Everything sounds good in theory, but it can happen that one person is left with too much responsibility. If this happens to you, talk to your partner; it’ll be a good test of the communication skills you’ll need to have when you’re married.

All going well, you’re planning will be a breeze – as well as fun – and you’ll have a day to remember!



Throwing The World’s Best Bachelorette Party

Whether you’re a bridesmaid or the maid of honor, we all know that the most important part of any wedding is what happens before the wedding: the bachelorette party. Much like bachelor parties, the bachelorette party is meant to be a wild and unforgettable night that marks the transition from one era of life into another. It doesn’t have to be risque, of course (but it definitely can be, depending on the requests of the bride-to-be). Still, there are a million different ways to throw a brilliant bachelorette party. If your goal is to throw the best the world has ever seen, however, then here are some tips to help you get started.

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This is the boring part. You just want to plan all the fun parts of the party, and that’s understandable, but, as suggested at bridebox.com, you first need to have a budget to work with. The bride and groom might have set aside some money for this, but it’s just important that you know how much you have to spare before you get to work on planning the big do. After you have a rough figure, you need to make a list of things you want for the party and how much it’ll all cost. You just need to know that you can afford everything you want. Of course, if you’re not sure what you want for the party yet then here are some ideas…

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The venue is obviously one of the most important aspects of the party. Maybe you’ll be throwing a crazy event in somebody’s garden, maybe you’ll all be heading to your local club, or maybe you’ll be jetting off to another country. Wherever you choose to go, it’s important that you know your friend, as explained over at huffingtonpost.com. You want to surprise them, but it’s important that you know the surprise is something they’ll love. Perhaps a lot of the other bridesmaids want to go to a club, but if you know a beautiful city that your friend has always wanted to visit then that’s where you should go.

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Stay safe.

Drink to your heart’s content, but make sure that you have a safety net in place so that all of you have a good time. As suggested over at bridalguide.com, you could arrange a limo or some other ride if you’re all going to be drinking. Perhaps one of you will designate themselves as the driver and the sober, caring friend of the evening, but there are other ways to make sure everybody gets home safe; you could pay the driver to come and pick you up from the same club later on in the evening, for example.

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We saved the best for last. You need some entertainment for the evening if you want to put together a truly special bachelorette party. Let’s get the “normal” suggestions out of the way, first of all. You could hire a live band to perform a show. Dancing the night away whilst you’re a little bit worse for wear is always fun, of course, but there are always other options for music if you’d rather go a little more wild in terms of entertaining the bride-to-be. There are shows around the country from HunksTheShow.com if you’re interested in a real “hunk” putting on a performance for you and the other ladies. Let’s be honest; that’s the way everybody really wants to be entertained on such a crazy night.

Still, the most important thing, whatever you do for this party, is that it’s all done in the interests of the bachelorette. You need to think about what she likes and build a party designed to be her perfect night, so don’t make plans around what everyone attending the party wants to see or do. This is your friend’s last night of “freedom”, so make it count.

Wedding Season Is Here! Are You Ready?

It’s that time of year again when everyone decides to get hitched. After all, it’s the best weather during this season. And brides to be want glorious weather so they can get beautiful photos on their big day! Not only this but they want great weather so that guests can enjoy the day. And now that wedding season is upon us, it’s time to get ready to see your beloved friends and family members get hitched. It takes much more planning than just picking out an outfit on the big day! After all, you want to ensure you stand out from the crowd when it comes to the pictures. And you need to ensure you have a great gift which will wow the newlyweds. Therefore, you need to ensure you start putting your planning head on at least a couple of weeks before the weddings arrive. In fact, here are some ways you can ensure you are ready for wedding season!

Take a look at trends for wedding guest outfits

It’s always tricky picking out an outfit to wear as a wedding guest. After all, you want to stand out against other guests attending the wedding. You don’t want to fall into the shadows when it comes to your outfit. And you don’t want to make a fashion mistake. After all, you might be surprised how many people look back with horror at the outfit they wore to their friend or family member’s wedding. They either chose something in a color which just didn’t suit them, or they pick something which was too inappropriate for the big day. Therefore, to help you pick out a good wedding guest outfit, the first thing you should do is look at the current trends. After all, it can help you ensure you pick something on-trend for the big day. As you can see on http://www.elle.com/fashion/, floaty dresses with a floral print are definitely on trend this season. In fact, the longer, the better to ensure you look fabulous at your friend or family member’s big day. Also, another popular trend for wedding guest outfits this year is off the shoulder dresses. They are perfect for helping you to show off your beautiful arms and teamed up with a gorgeous necklace, you will certainly look the part. Also, summer dresses are not the only option if you want to be bang on trend. Suits for women are also popular and will make a breathtaking choice at a wedding! You can even go short sleeved to ensure you stay cool at the weddings this season!

Now it’s time to buy the outfit

Now you have had a good look at what’s on trend this season for weddings, it’s time to hit the shops to find the perfect outfit. You should aim to go at least a month before the big day, so you have plenty of choice to find the best wedding guest outfit. After all, you might need to try on a few dresses before you find something perfect for the big day. And take a fashion conscious friend or family member with you shopping to help find the perfect outfit. After all, it will be much easier to hunt down an outfit with another person helping you. If you need some extra advice, it might be worth spending time with a personal shopper at your favorite store. After all, they can help guide you to dresses which will not only be perfect for the big day but will also look good on your figure. After all, you want to be comfortable during the long wedding day! And don’t forget to look online for great wedding guest outfits too. After all, you can see the full range a store has if you look on a site. And you might be able to get a discount voucher from a site like CouponSherpa.com if you head online. After all, weddings are expensive enough without having to spend a ton of money on a wedding guest outfit. Therefore, get a coupon and then you can reduce the cost of your beautiful new wedding guest outfit. And once you have bought your outfit, you can then work on helping finding your partner and your kid’s clothes. After all, they can take even longer than you picking out a new outfit!


Have you sorted out a gift?

Another thing which can take a while when it comes to getting ready for weddings is picking a gift. After all, you want to ensure you find something that the newlyweds will love for their big day. But it can be difficult to find a gift that stands out when there will be dozens of other guests picking similar items. Therefore, you should make sure you think of a unique gift which the bride and groom will love. It might be the case you decide to make something by hand which will be a unique present they can keep forever. For example, you might want to create an ornament they could put in their humble abode. Or you might want to bake them something they can consume after the wedding day. After all, it will show them how much effort you have gone to if you provide them with a creative present. And if you want to buy them a useful gift, don’t just go for another toaster. Ask the bride and groom if there is anything they could do with for their new humble abode. And it will stop you buying another item that the bride and groom already have! Remember to always keep the receipt for whatever gift you choose for the wedding. That way, they can take it back if they don’t like the present.

You need to consider your hair

A lot of people sort out their clothes for the wedding day, but they forget about their hair. But if your hair is not looking fantastic, it can bring down your outfit. In fact, it can take your glamorous outfit down to a shabby look. Therefore, you need to consider what you are planning to do with your hair now wedding season is upon us. It might be the case you might want to book in for a hair appointment a week before the wedding. After all, they will ensure any dead hair is cut away before the big day. And it can ensure you get a cute style before the wedding. Just make sure you don’t go for anything outrageous. After all, you might struggle to get it back to its original state before the wedding day arrives. And if you would rather not go for a cut, you might want to just curl or straighten your hair on the big day. After all, it can ensure your hair looks fabulous, despite the condition of your locks. And whatever you do, make sure you put some hairspray on before you leave the house. After all, as soon as there is a bit of wind, it could send your hair out of control if you have put on no spray. And remember to cover up your hair, you could always go for a fascinator. These can give your whole outfit some instant glam. And it’s great if your hair isn’t looking it’s best on the big day!

What will you do about makeup?

You also need to make sure you work on your beauty before the big day arrives. After all, you will want to pull off a great look on the big day. And makeup can make all the difference when it comes to how you look at the wedding. Therefore, you should work out which makeup you plan to use on the big day. You might want to practice with different looks a week or so before the wedding. After all, you might have a brilliant idea in your head which just doesn’t look right when you get it on your skin. And you don’t want to end up finding this out on the wedding day when you are meant to be leaving for the ceremony! Therefore, try out different looks before the big day so you can find out what will suit your look. Remember it’s best to go quite natural with your makeup at the wedding. After all, you don’t want something that is too OTT compared to everyone else’s look. And if you are a crier at ceremonies, make sure you opt for waterproof makeup. After all, you don’t want to spend ages in the toilet sorting out your makeup due to crying at the ceremony! And if you have space in your bag, put your lipstick and concealer so you can keep applying the makeup throughout the day.


A lot of people buy new shoes for wedding season. But they often make an error of not trying them on before the big day. But this can lead them to feel uncomfortable when walking around at the wedding. And it might lead to blisters aplenty by the end of the day. Therefore, make sure you get some practice in before the wedding. Wearing them in will ensure they are much more comfortable on the big day!

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