Tag: Weight Loss

5 ways to lose excess hip fat at home!

The lockdown has left a lot of us with bulging bellies and heavy hips. Blame that on sitting at home, binge eating, sleeping disorders etc. but whatever may be the reason, we have to admit that losing all this fat is not that easy. The excess fat on hips is usually even tougher to get rid of.

5 Success Tips for Your First HCG Diet Program

Losing weight can be difficult if you don’t love dieting all that much and are not habitual of vigorous exercise. Both eating a well-balanced diet and exercising regularly are essential for gradual and sustainable weight loss. Unfortunately, most people give up on a healthy lifestyle too fast and too soon, way before it can become a habit.

A key reason for this is the lack of information on how a particular diet program really works and what it would take to keep going until you reach your goal weight. Once you understand the fundamental principles of a diet plan and the supporting physical activity, it will be easier to maintain the rigor and complete your weight-loss program successfully.

HCG Diet, a popular diet program followed by millions, is a special weight-loss regime that helps in rapid weight loss, provided you follow the guidelines related to food, exercise, and lifestyle.

HCG diet has three phases, each of which plays an important role in helping you lose fat and maintain the weight when the program is over. Each phase has a comprehensive diet plan with detailed meal plans that list the ingredients, cooking methods as well as seasoning suggestions. Here is a quick overview of all three.

HCG Diet Phase 1: the Loading Phase

This two-day phase marks the beginning of your HCG diet. It is called the loading phase as during this time you are expected to eat copious amounts of food, including fattening foods such as cakes, cookies, sodas and ice cream. You eat all you want, to your heart’s content, and prepare yourself for the next few weeks of the controlled diet.

Inevitably, some people feel they have gained weight once the loading period is over. But that is normal. The purpose of this deliberate overeating is to satiate your cravings for sweet and fatty foods and energize your body systems for the upcoming low-calorie diet.

HCG Diet Phase 2: the Burning Phase

The third day of your HCG diet plan is the day you get into weight-loss mode. A diet of no more than 500/800/1200 calories per day is prescribed, along with daily intake of HCG drops. The burning or weight-loss phase lasts between three and six weeks based on an individual’s weight-loss needs. It, however, should not exceed six weeks.

As you stick with a controlled diet and follow the instructions regarding food types, portion size, foods to avoid exercise and sleep, you will experience gradual weight loss along with visible changes in your waist size and other body stats.

HCG Diet Phase 3: the Maintenance Phase

As the name indicates, the maintenance phase is where you learn to maintain your hard-earned weight loss and steer clear of falling into a cycle of rapid weight gain after successfully completing the burning phase.

There are strict guidelines for this last phase as well, such as avoiding sugar and carbs and learning to eat a normal diet of 1,500 calories a day. The maintenance phase is crucial as it helps your body systems to stabilize after the grueling burning phase. As your body gets accustomed to your new weight and eating habits, you will feel renewed, rejuvenated and energized.

If you’re planning to go on HCG diet, the following five tips will help you make the most of your experience.

Brace your body and mind

Preparing yourself physically and mentally is essential for the success of any diet program. The more committed you are to the plan, the higher the chances of your success. However, commitment alone will not get you there. Before you go on any diet program, it is important to understand what it can do for you and what could be the repercussions of not following the rules of the said plan.

This will help you prepare yourself for the various ups and downs and keep you sane while you chase your fitness goals.

Don’t starve yourself

Starving only leads to overeating. While 500 calories a day may sound too less to satiate your appetite, the HCG diet program comes with plenty of information to help you choose the right foods that align with such a low-calorie diet.

By choosing to eat low-cal foods that will make you feel full, you will be able to stick to the diet plan day on day. To save yourself from starving while you prepare your meals, don’t wait until you’re hungry and make something well in advance to avoid falling for the pack of chips that you’ve stashed away out of sight.

For once, be strict with yourself

The HCG diet has certain do’s and don’ts, which not everyone is able to follow. As said previously, this HCG regimen demands a lot out of you and only those who follow the guidelines are able to experience substantial weight loss.

To avoid going off track out of frustration, educate yourself by finding out more about HCG-friendly foods and prepare a list of your personal favorites. Stock up on these goodies well in advance so that you always have the raw ingredients to cook up a meal. And, most importantly, don’t allow yourself to cheat.

Make friends with water

The best thing about water is that it can make you feel full minus any calories. Water is a zero-calorie drink, and in fact, the HCG diet calls for drinking plenty of water every day. This will keep your body hydrated and your stomach feeling full.

For more information on the HCG weight-loss program, do check out https://hcgdiet.com/, a leading and trusted resource for credible information regarding the HCG diet.

Take up supporting activities

While most of the advice on HCG diet revolves around food, the importance of your lifestyle during the three phases is often ignored. There is plenty you can do to keep yourself calm and motivated through the program. For instance, explore meditation and yoga to ward off feelings of anxiety. Go cycling or running or hang out with a friend who is trying to lose weight to keep your mind off food.





A Few Ideas on How to Lose Weight

If you are overweight, the chances are that you would like to lose some of that weight. You don’t have to be told that being overweight is unhealthy, and you don’t have to be a doctor to understand the benefits of losing weight. The problem is how do you go about it. Most people who lose weight seem to gain it back.

 Depending on how much weight you have to lose and your health, then you may consider bariatric surgery or tackle your weight loss with lifestyle changes. 

The following are a few ideas on how to lose weight and keep it off.

Burn off calories with exercise
This will work. The problem is that it can take a lot of exercise to burn off the extra fat, and unlike the commercials you see on television selling exercise equipment, the amount of exercise you need to do to burn off a significant amount of fat can be tremendous. If you truly want to lose a significant amount of fat with exercise, you really need to adopt a specific form of exercise as a way of life. One example would be to take up jogging.

Reduce your food intake
A lack of exercise is not what caused your weight gain. It was eating too much. Most people understand this and that is why they choose various diets in order to lose weight. Of course, many people do lose weight, but they often do not lose a significant amount. The reason for this is hunger. When you reduce the amount of calories you eat at a meal and during the day, you will feel hungry.
Everyone knows this, but other than suffering, what else can be done? One solution is to restrict your intake of foods high in carbohydrates. Also known as starches, they are known to create feelings of hunger when your body needs food. Less carbohydrates means less hunger, but this doesn’t work for everyone. Another possible solution is to use diet products formulated to suppress your appetite. This will mean you eat less because you are not as hungry. Many weight loss pills are designed to suppress your appetite.

Keeping your weight off
The key to staying slim is a lifestyle change. Whatever you do to lose weight must become permanent in your life. This is the biggest issue for people who have been successful at losing weight. Whatever method they chose to lose weight, simply was not something they could sustain for a long period of time. They drift back into their old habits, and they gain their weight back. Sometimes they end up gaining more weight, so they end up even heavier than before. The lesson here is that you must choose a method of weight loss that is something you can do for the rest of your life.

Research every weight loss method you can. You want to find something that fits your life and who you are, so you can keep the weight off and make it a part of your life. Also, remember that more than one method can be used in combination to solve your weight problem.

Depending on how much weight you have to lose and your health, then you may consider bariatric surgery or tackle your weight loss with lifestyle changes. 

Bored Of The Gym? Alternative Ways To Have A Workout

Exercise is a great way to keep in shape. It isn’t specifically all to do with losing weight, although it can play a helping in hand in that. But exercising regularly can help in other areas such as boosting your mood, giving you more energy and feeling more positive. It can even improve the quality of sleep you get, which let’s face it, all of us would like a little more of. However, heading to the gym and using the same equipment day in day out can be very boring and repetitive. Which is why I thought I would suggest some alternative ways to have a decent workout.


Working out at home

Working out at home can be a great alternative to heading to the gym. You may have some space available in your home to house a treadmill or cross trainer, but if you are wanting to shy away completely from the equipment, then YouTube has a fantastic array of workouts you can do from the comfort of your own living room. Perhaps you want to try out a workout that is quick and specific on cardio, or maybe you want to focus on a specific area of your body. Youtube will have a bank of workouts specific to your needs, requirements, and experience levels. You just have to take a look.

Try your hand at a HIIT workout

A specific workout that is taking the gym world by storm is HIIT. More specifically high-intensity interval training. Often these workouts can be smaller in length, but certainly, deliver in the action you take during those twenty or thirty-minute workouts. Again these sorts of workouts can be done in groups at organised sessions, or you can do them from home or by yourself. Whatever works for you.


Swimming is definitely a workout that is completely underrated but enables you to work muscles in your body you never thought you had. It can also be exercise that doesn’t require too much commitment on the activewear. A costume or shorts and even a swim cap for your hair. Thankfully websites like swimcapz.com have a great selection to choose. Even if you have longer or shorter hair.

Heading out for a walk

Walking is a great form of exercise and something anyone of us can do at anytime we have free. You simply put on your trainers and clothes and head out of the door. While it may not be the most intensive way to exercise, regular walking will still increase your heartrate and help towards a more active lifestyle.

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Going out for a run

Many people swear by running and see it as a great alternative to heading to the gym. However, it isn’t just as simple as heading out the door and running. You still need to build up your stamina, so thinking about where you run might be a good starting point. But doing this sort of exercise regularly will help you to build up your fitness levels and ultimately ensure that you can run further and for longer. It is also a great way to help clear your mind after a stressful day in the office.


Yoga is definitely a workout that is underrated and is something many of us should try to do a little more of. It can really help with postures and muscle tone, as well as encouraging you to clear your mind and focus on your breath. It might not be for everyone, but combining yoga with other forms of exercise throughout the week will give your body the all over workout it really needs. If you are hoping for some tips to get started with yoga, then websites like verywell.com could help.

Try an aerobics class

Finally, you may want to try alternative ways to exercise at the gym, and an aerobics class is an excellent place to start. It gives you a set workout that you do in the company of other individuals, as well as having an instructor on hand to help you out with moves, etc. Thankfully, many gyms offer an array of styles of classes ideal for all stages of your experience to help you get started. If you still don’t like the idea of going to the gym, then social media like Facebook.com could help find local classes. Giving you the chance to meet local people as well as workout.

I hope this has offered some alternative ideas to help you get a full workout.

How To Get More Out Of Your Workouts, All The Time

(Pexels: http://bit.ly/2tweQpd)

Working out is a fantastic way to remain healthy and improve your fitness. However, many of us are left feeling a little shortchanged after each exercise session. We don’t see the desired results quick enough, and we feel like we’re not getting a lot out of each workout.

Today, these problems will be put to rest as I’ll show you how you can get more out of every workout from now on!

Up The Intensity

One of the main reasons you do not see great results is because you’re not working out intensely. You’re very lacklustre in your approach, and everything is very much chilled. This is why you don’t finish each workout on your back dripping with sweat.

If you improve the intensity with which you attack each workout, you’ll soon see better results. The easiest way to up your intensity is to re-energize yourself. A lot of us feel lethargic when we work out, so we can’t find that right level of intensity. There are loads of organic and natural supplements such as Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 that can give you a vitamin boost to increase your energy levels. You’ll feel more energetic and have the ability to hit your workouts harder and with added intensity to get more out of them.

Push Yourself To The Limit

As well as upping the intensity you should also start pushing yourself more and more. It’s amazing how many people seem to care more about sets and reps rather than actually pushing yourself. If you have a workout where it tells you to squat for 12 reps, and you get to that 12th rep, and you feel fine, then you’re not pushing yourself. You should crank out a few more reps until you start to struggle. Then, on the next set, you should increase the weight to make it harder.


Rep goals aren’t strict, they’re just there to help guide you and show you around about how many reps you should aim for. Ideally, you should be getting to your final rep of every set and almost fail. That shows you’ve pushed yourself to the limit, and your muscles will take a good beating. This is how you see better results, as you’re really testing your body and getting it to improve.

Switch Them Up

If your workouts become repetitive, then they’ll stop yielding proper results. Your body will start to adjust to what you’re doing, and you’ll plateau. Too many people do this as they get comfortable with their workouts and like doing them.

What you need to do is switch up your workouts and keep your body guessing. If you do one selection of workouts one week, do another the next week. Or, try training in one specific fashion for a month, then change it up and shock your system with a new style of training. No matter what, you don’t want to fall into the trap of doing the same workouts for years on end as it won’t show good results.

If you take this advice onboard, you’ll soon get a lot more from every workout. As a result, get ready to see the fittest you you’ve ever encountered!



Fat Burning Workouts for Women

Its a fact that women bodies are more prone to gaining fat and also it takes longer for them to lose fat. Given the current scenarios where we are always struggling for time, working out usually takes a back seat. Even when we try and work out on our own, most of the times we don’t know whats right for our body and whats not.

I came across a great and a detailed article on Fat Burning Workouts for Women, so enjoy reading and start implementing.

image source- Pexels

In this article, we have compiled a list of fat burning workouts for women which are known for the quick results and ease of practice. But these workouts, for sure, ask for consistency. Make a habit of following these workouts at least 5 times a week and you would start noticing the results yourself. We know how desperate you are to know how to lose belly fat for women, which is why we have compiled a list of fat burning workouts for women that help to burn belly fat and to get you in shape both at home and at a gym.

Read More

Foods To Include In A Diet Made To Accelerate Your Metabolism

There aren’t any shortcuts to losing weight, the body is too complex and by its design, has not evolved to take on massive changes so suddenly. As we get older, although in our youth we may have been spritely and full of energy, a more mature body slows down. Metabolism is the process in the body which breaks down chemicals in order for life to be sustained. Exercising regularly and getting plenty of sleep, are ways which control your energy consumption needs at a molecular level. However, not everyone can lead an active lifestyle and have the time to workout to keep those extra pounds off. But there are certain foods which speed up metabolism, thus accelerating the breaking down of the food you eat, making the energy more viable to be used than be stored; these foods support the mechanisms that will aid in burning fat.

Source – Steve Johnson


Hot peppers such as jalapeno, green Indian chillies, cayenne and spicy Italian red chillies directly tell your metabolism to speed its circulation. The spicy nature of these vegetables also reduces cravings, for sugar and fatty foods. It’s because the compound capsaicin stimulates the body’s pain receptors and the body reacts to this by increasing blood circulation and the metabolic rate. Some studies have shown that if you eat a chilli dish, that makes you profusely sweat to the point you get a runny nose, it boosts your metabolism by nearly 20% and can last for 2 hours.

Softly softly approach

If you would really not go down the no pain no gain route, whole grains can act just as effectively but in different ways. Oatmeal and brown rice complex carbohydrates which force the body to speed up metabolism by stabilizing your insulin levels. Because, of their slow burn nature, they’re great ingredients for a meal to have with supplements such as HCG Triumph. The body’s natural processes of burning fat are combined with a low-calorie intake diet, that spikes your consumption rate. This the two methods balance each other out by the complex carbohydrates releasing slowly, yet the supplement hastening digestion.

Acidic fruits

Knowledge coming out of the State University of Rio de Janeiro has found that women who eat three small apples, pears, tomatoes and oranges lost more weight than those who did not. The obvious reason is because of the acidity of the fruit, reacts with the stomach’s own acid, creating a calm but turbulent metabolic rate. Whipping into action are enzymes which break food down, and the faster that happens, the quicker the nutrients enter into your intestines. Organic apples are one of the most available fruits in any shopping market, so you can’t complain about not have access to a simple solution to burning fat.

Credit – Robert Judge

Broccoli soup

Rich in calcium

Wacky Ways to Lose Belly Fat!


If there is one thing we all want in life it’s to lose a little weight. Sometimes, we just enjoy food too much and let go of our inhibitions. Although it’s delicious, it’s also unhealthy, especially if you’re carrying a little more timber than necessary.

Of course, you’re reading this thinking ‘this isn’t my first rodeo, pal,’ and you’re right. Lots of people try to lose weight on a daily basis, so what makes this post any different? Well, aside from the fact that these tips work, they are also weird and wonderful. When you spend a lifetime following the rules, sometimes it’s good to cut loose.

With that in mind, here are four wacky ways to lose weight that you won’t find on a conventional dieting blog.

The Sniff Test

 According to a study by the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, sniffing food works. In fact, their research shows that people lost nearly two stones. The method behind the madness is that the aroma of the food tricks the brain into thinking you’re eating. As a result, the brain tells the stomach you’re full, and the hunger pains cease. Sure, you’ll feel like an idiot the first time, but persist and you’ll look like a skinny idiot!

Testosterone Replacement

As you know, testosterone is a hormone found in the human body. What you might not know is that it is prominent in both males and females, and it’s responsible for burning fat. In fact, experts believe it’s the main hormone in charge and advocate supplements like Elite Testosterone Replacement. The stats do add up too. For starters, low testosterone can affect energy levels, which in turn make you less likely to exercise. Plus, low hormone levels also make you more tired. Fatigue is a killer when it comes to health because it lowers the body’s overall efficiency.

Bigger Breakfast

Because we don’t feel like eating in the morning, breakfast is usually quick and easy. Although it’s a good way to start the day, it isn’t the best way to lose weight. Simply put, eating more calories in the morning gives you more time to burn them off. Plus, it should provide you with more energy to workout. Shifting the balance so that your lunch and dinner have fewer calories can help you lose a ton. Okay, it won’t be a ton, but it’ll be a lot! In fact, try and avoid eating at night altogether because the body doesn’t have the time to digest the intake.

Packaged Snacks

The fact is that you will still snack even if you are on a health kick. It’s just an occupational hazard of being a human being. The good news is that you can curb it by sticking to wrapped products. Studies show that people that have to unwrap junk food cut their intake by up to thirty percent. It seems that the hassle of fiddling with packaging makes snacking less desirable. What a result!

See, you don’t have to stick to the tried and tested methods to reach your goals.

Unique Ways To Drop Those Extra Pounds

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If you’re struggling to lose weight, perhaps while you’re trying to get beach body ready, you’re probably just not making the workout interesting enough. It’s hard to encourage yourself to get fit when it simply involves doing sit ups and press ups. Or, perhaps heading to the gym to run for an hour on a treadmill, going nowhere. It takes a special kind of person to get invested in these types of monotonous activities. Although, the payoff might ultimately make it worth it.

One possibility you could try is simply wild running. Rather than heading to the gym, you can drive to a forest or country track and go for a run there. You’ll be amazed by the effect the fresh air has on your performance, and the scenery will ensure it is a more fulfilling experience. Here are a few other ways to get fit that are a tad more unique than the typical gym workout session.

Wild Swimming

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Since we mentioned wild running, we might as well talk about wild swimming. Wild swimming is all about going for a dip in outdoor areas like rivers, streams, or even lakes. If you’re going to do this, you need to be aware of the dangers. First, you must make sure that the water is warm enough or that you wear a wetsuit. If the outdoor temperature is anything less than around nineteen degrees, it’s probably not.

Also, you have to watch out for fast underwater currents. These can drag you down, particularly if you are not a strong swimmer and make this activity very dangerous indeed.

That said, wild swimming can still be great fun and a fantastic workout. You can find tips online about where to swim in your local area.

Coaching A Team

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Perhaps you might want to volunteer coaching a sports team. Particularly, if your kid is a member. You might think that coaching is mainly an inactive sport but that’s not true. You’ll have to show them how to hit the ball, tackle, or complete plays. All this can be very active. Of course, you will need to take on other responsibilities such as arranging rewards if the team wins. Luckily, you can find football, rugby, basketball, and cricket trophies by Premier Trophies online. And if in doubt, you can always just take the players for ice cream after the match. Though, this does somewhat defeat the original intention behind the activity.

Shocking, Isn’t It

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Finally, if you are just can’t muster the energy to work out, you might want to try shock muscle therapy. Doing this, you send low electric pulses through your muscles, and this stimulates them in the same way as exercise. After a few months or even just weeks, you might find you’ve dropped the pounds while your body can even look more toned. It’s definitely a unique idea, and it does depend on the tech you use as to whether or not you see results.

You see, there’s lots of unique ways to workout before you rush off to the gym.

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