Tag: Traveler

Reasons To Finally Sell Your Timeshare

Whether you have just bought it recently or have had it for many years, it may be time to sell your timeshare. There are many reasons why people reach the point where they want to get their timeshare off their hands. Companies such as goawaytimeshare.com help owners get out of their contracts legally. It does not matter your reason for wondering how to “get rid of my timeshare,” you can find legal ways to do so. If you are still on the fence, below are some of the top reasons why other owners decide to finally give theirs up.

Lack Of Use

If you find yourself not using your timeshare each year when it is your time, you might be better off selling it. This is often the most common reason why timeshares get sold. If you don’t use it annually, it might be more cost efficient to sell it rather than keeping it. Even when you don’t use it, you will still have to keep it maintained and kept up.

Can’t Afford Upkeep

For those that are able to afford the upkeep to their timeshare and use it each year, it is a valuable asset to have. However, you may have reached a time in your life where that extra few thousand dollars necessary for the upkeep could be put to better use. If this is your case, selling it may be a more financially sound option.

Multiple Timeshares

While it is more common to find people owning one timeshare, there are some who own multiple timeshares. This is a great way to have options for where you want to vacation. Also, you may like to take more than one vacation each year. If you find you slowly begin using just one of your timeshares, it makes sense to sell the other one.

Timeshares can be a great vacation option for many people. For others, it may be an unnecessary expense that is not being used. When you stop enjoying owning your timeshare location, it is time to get rid of it and move on.

Holiday Nightmares: The Dangers Of Travelling Abroad

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Imagine the scene: you have saved up your money to go on holiday. Excitement is bubbling over, and you cannot wait to leave your home town and jet off abroad to whatever country you have chosen. Sun, sea, rest, and relaxation await. Oh, the fun you will have, the memories you will bring back with you, the stress you will feel slide away from your tired mind…unless you are caught up in one of the following holiday nightmares and those memories will be dark ones and the idea of fun will slip away, being replaced with the stress you thought you had left behind. Gulp!



Nightmare #1: You have an accident or injury


Your home may be a child-proofed fortress, but your health and safety know-how needs to be adapted for a holiday abroad. There are many dangers, from slipping over at the hotel poolside to hurting yourself on unsafe roads. Not every country adheres to the safety requirements you practice in your country, so you need to be prepared.


Tip: Pack a first-aid kit with you before you leave and carry it with you everywhere you go. From bee sting creams to a maritime tourniquet, carry something for every eventuality, keeping you and your travelling companions safe from added harm should an injury take place.


Nightmare #2: You have a stomach upset


We told you in a previous article that travelling is good for your health. It is, but when travelling in a foreign clime, you need to be careful. Stomach upsets are common, especially if you drink from contaminated water sources or eat foods that are unfamiliar to your delicate stomachs.


Tip: Bring plenty of bottled water with you, or buy store-bought water while abroad, rather than drinking from the tap or any other water source. Be careful what you eat too – while it’s good to be adventurous with your food options when abroad, be mindful of what your stomach can normally stand and only eat in reputable food eateries.


Nightmare #3: You get mugged


Tourists stand out like the proverbial sore thumb, taking snaps with their smartphones, and dressing in clothing that is clearly alien to local custom. The chances of a tourist getting pickpocketed (or worse) are high.


Tip: Stop looking like a tourist! Wear clothing that helps you blend into the country, and don’t do anything that gives your tourist credentials away – standing in the middle of the street with a giant map is a big no-no for starters. Try and travel in groups as well, and don’t go anywhere unpopulated alone at night. You need to keep yourself safe, as well as your precious belongings.


Nightmare #4: You end up in a war zone


This is the biggest nightmare of them all, and something we all need to be aware of. Every day we hear of terrorist attacks in foreign and neighbouring countries, and some countries are prone to political unrest. Your life could be on the line.


Tip: Keep an eye on the news. If you discover your holiday destination is potentially unsafe, don’t take the risk unless your holiday operator tells you otherwise. Check out this list of dangerous countries too – with the risk of terrorist attack and tourist kidnappings; these are definitely places to avoid, no matter how much of a risk taker you think you are.




We have given you a whistle-stop tour of some of the holiday nightmares that await you. Still, we aren’t trying to put you off travelling abroad. Most of you will have a fantastic time. However, it pays to take precautions, so whatever you do this year, take care of yourself and those around you when making your holiday plans.







Why Travelling Is Good For Health

Though it might look a bit unique and even new, we are sharing few reasons as to why travelling could be a great way by which we could keep our body in the best of health and condition. These reasons are proven and scientifically researched and therefore it is quite obvious that they have stood the test of time. They help in invigorating different parts of the body including our brains, our metabolism, our vital organs like liver, heart, kidney and lungs. Therefore it would be worth trying to take a break from your mundane routine because it could help in overcoming many body and mind related ailments.




Use Solar Backpacks: Alternative Energy Source for Eco-friendly Living


Backpacks are one of the essential items for students, professionals or anyone who need carry multiple items at the same time. It is a great thing because it keeps all your things in one place and the chances that you miss out on something or lose something reduces immensely. What if these backpacks come with solar a little solar panel? The utility of these backpacks would increase substantially.

So, let us learn about these backpacks in detail!

What Are Solar Backpacks?

A solar backpack is essentially a backpack that consists of batteries and thin film solar cells. They are the energy efficient equivalent of power banks, and that converts sunlight energy into electricity that can be saved and stored in the batteries and then used to power several electronic devices like mp3 players and mobile phones, etc. They come with light bulbs, battery, plugs, solar panels, cords, charge controller, etc.




Uses of Solar Backpacks

A solar backpack can be used to charge devices like smartphones, power banks, digital cameras or any other small and useful devices. When a solar backpack is exposed to the sun, the solar panels that are fixed on the backpack starts charging the photovoltaic cells, and it starts storing the energy. With the help of a connector, you can charge your devices anywhere and everywhere.


Benefits of Using a Solar Backpack


There are several benefits of solar backpacks that prompt us to go the energy efficient route. Let’s dive right in and check what they are!


Energy Efficient

Solar backpacks consist of energy-efficient solar panels that are waterproof, portable and super light. They are perfect because they save all the energy that they receive from the sun that can be optimally utilized whenever needed.


Easy to Carry

Solar backpacks are lightweight in nature which is why they are extremely easy to carry. So, you don’t have to worry about extra weight on your back if a small solar panel is added to it.



They are a green energy source that is super energy saving for the environment. If you use solar energy, you will actually end up saving electricity as well. In fact, it is a great way to charge all your small devices.


Saves money

They help in saving up on the electricity bills. If you shift to solar energy instead of electricity, you would not even realize and save up a lot of money on the electricity bills.


Good for Emergencies

It is an excellent source of energy and power during emergencies. In case of power shortage or while you are traveling, these backpacks can be a lifesaver by charging your phones and other important devices.


Applications of Solar Backpacks

The applications of solar backpacks are plenty!


  • Laptops can be charged by solar backpacks with a life of up to 3 hours before they exhaust.
  • It has the capacity to power up a light for up to 14 hours after being exposed to light for about 6 hours.
  • You can even power any kinds of medical equipment with solar backpacks.
  • If you are in a remote region and wish to power your camera, that can also be easily done through solar backpacks.
  • They are super lightweight so they can be carried around easily without any hassle. This makes it ideal to use these solar backpacks as an energy efficient alternative to power banks or chargers so that no matter where you are, you can easily charge up any of your devices with the stored energy in the solar backpacks.

Bottom Line

Solar backpacks are the trendy eco-friendly alternative to saving up on those massive electricity bills and energy. If you want to make a difference in the world while at the same time, lower your electricity expenses, going green via these incredible solar backpacks are the best way to go!

Author Bio Section:

Yogi and Suchna believe in taking the road less travelled and stumbling upon some hidden gems along the way! For over a decade, they’ve mapped their way across various continents, sniffed out unusual routes, discovered new flavors and stayed at quirky hostels. TheBackpackerCo is their expression of soul travel. You can catch up with them at TheBackpackerCo – The Backpack Around Europe Trip Experts.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Planning a Walking Holiday

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Getting out into nature using only your own two legs as transportation is a romantic idea for many people. And there is no doubt that a walking holiday provides a sense of adventure that you simply don’t get from other trips. But you also need to make sure that you have done the proper planning and preparation. If not, what seemed like a dream to start off with could quickly turn into a nightmare! So, here are a few top tips when it comes to planning your walking adventure holiday.

Choose a Location and Type of Walk

The location you go for is really based on your personal desires and also your walking experience. You may be looking to get out into the wilderness without many people being around or you may want some clearly marked footpaths with plenty of other people for company. You should also think about how challenging you want the walks to be. Are you looking for something flat or would you prefer mountainous terrain?

Map a Route

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Once you have zeroed in on an area, you then need to start mapping a route. Think about a start point and a destination based on how much walking you want to do each day and plan your stopping points along the way. Use maps and guides to give you a helping hand. To make things easier, there are plenty of walks that have been already completed by other people and the information will already be clearly listed. If you are more adventurous and experienced, you may want to plan your own route entirely.

Arrange Accommodation

B&Bs, hostels, guesthouses, hotels and camping are all viable options when you are walking, so you just need to think about your budget and the level of comfort you are looking for. The internet has made information so much more readily accessible, so check out reviews online so you get a fuller picture of where you will be staying. Arrange your accommodation methodically so you book places as you go along.

Prepare Your Resources

There are a few things that you will need to make your walking holiday a success. First of all, a map and compass are important, and you should also look at downloading a maps app on your phone. Next up, you need clothing including waterproof walking shoes, jacket, thick socks, fleece, and anything else you can think of. And then you need your gear including a backpack, walking poles, water bottle, electronic devices and chargers.


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It is a good idea to get some walking done before your trip so you don’t find yourself completely exhausted before you have even really gotten going. If you can do a walk covering the longest distance you will be covering in a day, you will feel much more like you are fully prepared for what is in store.

A walking holiday is one of the most wonderful experiences you can have, and hopefully these suggestions have provided you with a helping hand to get started!



The Heartland: Seeing The Real America!


If you really want to know what America is about, it can’t be done by going to Disney World and spending two weeks with Mickey Mouse and his friends! You need to see the heartland, and get the sights, sounds and smells of a vast and plentiful land. If you have the time to explore what America has to offer them it’s time to saddle up and take a journey through some wholesome all-American activities. Here we go!

Go to a ball game

This is probably the first thing you need to tick off on your list of activities. The best time to catch a game would be during a warm summer’s night, where the rustic snacks of hot dogs and beer scent the stadium with its intoxicating aromas. You can either choose to go to a Major League Baseball game or opt for one of the minor league teams where the local ambience is far more infectious.

View the mountains… from the sky!

There are many ways to get some fantastic views of the mountains and rolling rocks of America’s heartland. But one of the most relaxing ways to do it is by hot air balloon, and if you time it right, you can pick a journey where you get to see the sun coming up over the horizon, which is an awe-inspiring sight to behold. If you check out the hot air balloon price and options available you could do it in style and have a champagne breakfast, or just relax and take in that amazing view!

Cruise down the open road

It’s more than essential that you need to see small town America by hitting the open road via the Pacific Coast Highway or Route 66 while the wind is blowing in your hair and you’ve got some traditional country music on the stereo. If you have the time, or if you are just on a short journey, there are plenty of road trips to take via the heartland of this country. One simple, time-saving option is to go from Las Vegas to Los Angeles via the Mojave Desert, which is home to one of the greatest landmarks in American history, as well as one of the most beautiful natural wonders of the world, the Grand Canyon.

Pay a visit to The King’s home!

Even if you aren’t a fan of Elvis Presley, you need to see the home of the man who personified rock and roll and brought it to millions. Graceland, the museum/home of The King, boasts a collection of his most iconic jumpsuits, as well as his classic cars and even his two private planes, called Lisa Marie and, of course, Hounddog II.

Witness a rodeo

You couldn’t escape America’s heartlands without catching a glimpse of real cowboys at the traditional all-American rodeo. Get a cowboy hat on and get in the stands to look at, quite possibly, one of the most dangerous sports the world has ever seen, and have a great time while you’re at it!

Planning Your Great American Road Trip

A traditional American holiday that more people need to try is the famous road trip. Even if you’re not from America, there are countless reasons why you should do this at least once in your life. Be it a solo adventure or a trip with your friends and family, travelling across this massive country and passing through dozens of states is something that few people have experienced, but everyone that does it comes home with fond memories, plenty of souvenirs, and countless photo albums. But what makes the great American road trip such an attractive holiday, and what does it take to plan one? Read on to find out.


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Prepare documentation for your group

If you don’t live in the United States, then get yourself a passport and a visa. Instead of getting a regular visa to enter the United States, you can choose to get an ESTA instead. This is essentially a visa waiver that people can apply for if they come from certain countries. You can use this ESTA application checker to monitor the status of your application if you’re eagerly waiting for it to come. In addition to a visa, you might need to carry your driving license with you if you plan to be the driver. When you rent a vehicle, you might also need further documentation, so be sure to check online because it heavily depends on the state you start your road trip on. It’s preferable if you can connect with Americans to make this step a lot easier since they can rent the car and drive it instead of you jumping through legal issues to rent a vehicle.

Plan a route

Road trips are all about the journey, not the destination. If possible, try and plan your route so that it crosses as many iconic destinations as possible. For instance, the famous Route 66 is one that plenty of road trip enthusiasts have travelled at least once in their lives. It crosses through several different states including Chicago, Texas and California, giving you plenty of varied scenery. Make sure you also plan ahead when it comes to accommodation. Although sleeping in your vehicle is a valid way to spend the night, you only get the full experience if you stay at the various bed & breakfast and motel establishments along the route. You also get to experience classic American dining as you stop off at each city. Just make sure to carry a GPS device with you so you don’t get lost!

Carry essentials

Something that is often forgotten during the road trip is that you pass by countless stores. You don’t really need to carry many things with you. Just a bit of luggage, travel documents and medication is usually enough. You can buy plenty of snacks along the route, there are places to sleep so there’s no need to camp, and there’s plenty of entertainment along the way as well. The most important devices to carry are a GPS unit and a camera to take pictures. Don’t carry too many things. Lighten the car, carry just the essentials, and remember to bring money for gas!

Planning A Long-Haul Vacation

Planning a vacation is one thing, but going for a long-haul vacation is an entirely separate set of challenges. To be in the position to choose a destination on a far-flung side of the world is a blessed one. Deciding to go on an adventure and trek the foothills of the mountains or ski down the slopes covered in fresh, powdered snow instead of lounging on a beach an hour away is a big decision.


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Before you do anything, though, you have to plan. For some, planning is hard and boring and for others, the excitement of an adventure is in the planning. Proper planning is an absolute essential when you have only a week or two to play with for your vacation. You not only have to ensure you have all the right travel documents – including any visas for the place you are going. There are so many websites that can tell you what you will need to have alongside your passport and you can check out FAQs here to see if you will need authorization to travel through Europe. You also need to look up the right insurance cover for your vacation; long haul destinations tend to need better coverage so ensure you look into that.

The absolute first thing you need to decide is what you want from your holiday. Are you looking for lush jungle treks or lounging on the white sandy beaches? Are you aiming to city hop your way around a country or scale to the summit of a mountain? Whatever your tastes, you have to check the local advice with the Foreign Office for travelling to ensure you’re covered for any visas you need and health requirements. Some places require you to have injections before you go to protect against certain diseases, and you don’t want to be turned away at the airport because you didn’t check!


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Next, you need to decide if you want to create a package holiday, or if you want to book everything separately. Sometimes, it’s cheaper to book a holiday as a package but for others, it makes more sense to book flights separate from hotel. All-inclusive breaks are easier to come by if you book a full package, and if you want less hassle, a package break is an easy option. There are plenty of travel agencies that offer vacations that are quite specialist, including specific skiing holidays and mountain hikes. Wanderlust is infectious and you should think carefully about exactly what it is you want out of your holiday before you book it.

Be practical about your holiday. We’ve talked about travel documents and the possible need for vaccinations for a holiday. Being practical about timelines before you go on holiday is important, because if certain travel authorizations and visas take a little time, you need to plan ahead so that you don’t lose out on a great holiday deal. There is nothing better than planning a break away, so doing it carefully will get you memories to last a lifetime!


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