Long Flight Coming Up? Here’s How To Make Sure It’s a Breeze

With summer nearly upon us, we’re all (hopefully) about to jet off to new and exciting destinations, where we’ll relax, have fun, and broaden our horizons. First, though, there’s a flight to navigate. Some people are natural fliers, while others see it solely as a necessary evil. If you’re in the latter category, then take note, because we’re on hand to make that long journey more comfortable, and – whisper it – but maybe more fun too. Here are five tips to keep in mind before your next journey!

Source: Pexels.com

Wear the Right Clothing

Yes, you have to travel to the airport, and there’ll be a lot of people waiting to check in, so you can’t just wear whatever you want. But on the plane? It’s not a fashion show! You should wear whatever’s most comfortable for you. One neat trick is to have a pair of pajamas (or other comfortable clothing) in your carry-on bag, along with slippers. As soon as you’re on the plane, get changed. You’ll be able to switch back when you land, and no one will be any the wiser that you’ve been wearing some baggy old rags.

Staying Entertained

You’ll need to have all your devices charged and ready to go before the flight. A laptop is a bit much for a flight, but an iPad can make all the difference between boredom and not minding if you have to circle the landing site a couple of times. If possible, book with an airline that offers free (or at least paid) wifi: there’s nothing quite like playing a casino game or scrolling through your newsfeed when you’re high up in the sky. At the very least, a device that plays music (and of course a pair of headphones) can keep you entertained and your mind off the fact that you’re stuck on a plane.

Get Creative

How often do you get the chance to be locked away, with nothing but your mind to keep you company? If you’re of a creative bent, then this a golden opportunity that you need to make the most of. Once the plane has settled into its journey, take a look out at the setting sun as it falls over the earth, and get thinking. It’s an ample time to write, think of new ideas, or just enter a reflective state about your life.

Are You a Talker?

It would be great if you could have three seats to yourself, but in all likelihood, you won’t. There’ll be people next to you. Which gives you a chance to learn about someone new! Your lives will only overlap for a few hours, so get to them, have a nice time, share a drink, and then wave goodbye. There’s something interesting about everyone, if only you take your chance to ask them!

When All Else Fails

If you think there are no circumstances under which you’ll be a happy flier, you can also splash the cash and opt for first class. Trust us; you won’t mind a long flight when you’re traveling in style!


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