Tag: Lifestyle Tips

Easy Ways To Let That Self-Esteem Grow Back

We all have to look after our mental and physical sides as best we can. If we let things go a little, it can have a huge effect on ourselves which can literally last for years. The two go hand in hand, but we’re going to be focusing mainly on the mental side of life for now. More specifically, we’re going to be focusing on self-esteem and overall confidence. 

Simple and Easy Tips to Host a New Years Party

o start the year off right than with a fun party? We all know that throwing a successful party can be tough. There are so many different things to consider: from invitations, food, entertainment and more! In this blog post, we will discuss some of our favourite tips for hosting an amazing New Years Party!

Getting Ready To Buy Your First Home

Buying your first home is a big decision. Not only is it a big financial commitment, but it’s also a lot of work to buy a property. If you think you’re ready, it’s a good idea to do your research, so you can go into the buying process with a better idea of what to expect. 

Simple Ways To Improve Your Personal Branding

There are many reasons why you might be focusing on your personal branding. You might be keen to become an influencer, and you are aware that this brand is the most centrally important thing that you need to have. Or you might be running a business, and you want people to know that there is someone behind that business who they can get on board with. Maybe you are just keen to boost a freelancing career. Whatever your reason, there are many things you can do to boost your personal branding.

Every Day Confidence Boosters

Feeling confident in ourselves is an ongoing challenge for some of us, and we deal with it every day. It’s all too easy to tear ourselves down and forget how amazing each and every one of us is. There are things you can do every day to make yourself feel more secure in your own skin, even if it seems difficult or impossible at times.

Tips For Embracing A More Active Lifestyle

ifestyle and get your body moving, here are some top tips.

What about the after quarantine?

It’s hard to imagine life could go back to normal during the quarantine. But, the truth is that at some point in the near future we will be allowed to travel the world and hug our friends again. As for now, you focus your efforts on managing day after day. Staying indoors can be challenging for a lot of people, especially if you’re used to leading a busy and active social life outside your home.

Increase Your Chances In The Dating World

If you are keen to get back on dating again, you might well also find yourself a little overwhelmed by the whole prospect. If you have been single for a long time, it might be that you feel you have forgotten the rules or what you need to do, or just that you don’t feel sure as to what is going to happen. Regardless of how you feel, there are many things you can do to increase your chances when you get back into dating, and which can also ensure that you enjoy the process all the more as well. In this article, we are going to look at just some of the things you can do to make sure that you drastically increase your chances of success when you go dating.

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Be Real


One of the worst crimes you can commit here is to pretend to be something that you are not. Although we are all guilty of this sometimes, it is a good idea to try and keep it down to a minimum. If you fail to do this, it will only mean that you are going to struggle with dating, as people will generally sense when you are approaching them with anything other than absolute honesty and integrity. If you feel that it is hard or even frightening to be yourself and be real, you might want to look into why that should be. You should find that there is some underlying reason which has caused you to feel that way, and uprooting that in particular will help you to be more real when you are engaging with other people.



Use Networks


One of the best ways to ensure that you are going to have much more luck in dating is if you try and find and use networks designed for exactly that. Using these networks will ensure that you can find the kind of people you are likely to want to be with, and that is something which can be particularly useful if you worry about struggling with the dating scene. You might even want to consider using specialized services which match up with your own beliefs or lifestyle – whether that is Muslim dating, age-based dating, or whatever else might be relevant to you. This is a great way to use these networks more effectively.


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It’s a good idea to try and bring as much logic to the process of dating as possible if you are going to be able to succeed. The truth is that the majority of people do not match up with the majority of people, so it makes sense mathematically that you should find it a challenge to find someone right for you, or at least that it will take some time. It is important to allow yourself to persist, as it is only in your persistence that you will really be able to ensure you see the results you are looking for.


Self Love: How To Feel Good In The Skin You’re In


As women, it’s not always easy to feel good about yourself. In fact, more often than not, most of us feel quite bad. It’s just so much easier to be tough on yourself than it is to try and be kind to yourself. But sometimes, you have to be able to say enough is enough, and start being a bit nicer to yourself. However, if you’re not too happy in your body at the moment, this could be something that you actually find quite hard. So, you’re going to want to work on things that will help you to shake the negativity off.

And although this is easier said than done, being happy as you are doesn’t have to be a pipe dream. In fact, it doesn’t even have to be out of reach. You just need to know how to make it happen. Whether you’ve always felt self-conscious, or you’ve recently been through a rough patch, and you’re looking to move forward in a positive manner, each of these seven points should help you. So if you are ready to change the way you feel, let’s take a look at some of the things that could help you to feel great in the skin you were born into.

Think Positive

As hard as it can often seem, you’re going to want to make sure that you change your thought processes. When you’re so used to being negative about yourself, it’s not the easiest to suddenly be positive, but you should try to work on that if you want to feel good. By having a positive mindset, you should find that it’s easier for you to feel better about yourself. When you start to manage this, you should find everything that little bit better.

Compliment Yourself

As you start to get a little more positive about yourself, you’re going to want to start complimenting yourself. It might feel a bit strange at first, but you need to make sure that you’re happier in yourself. It might feel good to say to yourself that you look good in a certain dress, or that a lipstick color suits your skin tone. It might all seem a little strange at first, but before long you’ll definitely notice that you feel so much more confident in yourself.

Work Out

When you’re feeling down, you don’t always want to do this, but one thing’s for sure, working out is a great way to feel good in your skin. So think about getting in shape. Because when you start to work out a bit more, you will find that you get an endorphin rush, and it’s always hard not to feel amazing in your own skin when you’ve got endorphins rushing around your body.


Treat Yourself

You should also think about the things you can do to feel better about yourself too. When you’re wearing old clothes that no longer fit you, it’s going to affect your confidence. So, you need to think about investing in pieces that will make you feel good. Whether it’s something like dresses from Anthony’s, or an entire new outfit from one of your favorite local boutiques, go ahead. Because you need to feel good about yourself, and clothes can help with that.

Get Some Sleep

Another thing you should aim to do is to get enough sleep. Because when you’re not sleeping well, it will affect your frame of mind. However, when you’re able to sleep well, and get enough high quality of sleep at that, you should find that you can take on a more positive mindset so much more easily. And you should have more energy too – which will always make you feel good.

Don’t’ Make Comparisons

It’s so easy to compare yourself to others. But this isn’t always great for your self-esteem. Instead of making comparisons with celebrities or your friends, you need to feel good in yourself. So stop putting yourself down. Focus on the things you do like about yourself, and work on the things you don’t. Because comparisons don’t make changes, actions do!

Eat Well

Finally, you might also want to think about trying to eat a little better too. Again, this isn’t always something you feel like doing when you’re down. But it will make you feel better in the long run. There are certain foods that can help you feel better. And although you may be craving junk right now, it’s only going to make you feel worse about yourself. So try to avoid rubbish when you’re feeling rubbish and you should be okay.


Trying to Get Pregnant? Do These Things

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If you’re trying to get pregnant, apart from doing lots of the obvious, there are a number of things, which although they’re fairly simple, might just help you to accomplish your mission and get that positive result a little quicker. They may also help you have a happier, healthy birth too….

Get Checked Out

Both you and your spouse, when you decide that the time is right to start trying for a baby, would do well to head off to your doctor, or even better a fertility specialist, to have yourselves checked out. This is particularly important if you have existing medical issues because knowing how they could affect the process will help you to do things the right way and maximize your chances. It’ll also give you a good opportunity to ask a professional any questions you might have about pregnancy and fertility in general.

Monitor Your Cycle

Did you know there’s a brief window each month when you are way more fertile? Surprisingly, a lot of women don’t realize that this is the case, and that means that they don’t focus their efforts on trying for a baby during their most fertile period, resulting in another month of disappointment.

If you want to get pregnant fast, then it makes sense to monitor your cycle, so that you know exactly when you’re ovulating and should get to work trying to make that baby! Remember, you’ll be super fertile for 36 hours after you start ovulating, so make the most of that time!

Start Taking Supplements

Taking supplements, specifically folic acid, but a multivitamin couldn’t hurt, is a must for any woman who wants to get pregnant in the near future because it can actually increase your body’s chance of conceiving. Not only that but if you do get pregnant, it will help to protect your unborn baby from birth defects.

Eat a Healthy Diet

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If you’re a junk food queen or you tend to avoid eating too many vegetables. Now is the time to make some positive changes to your diet. The healthier you eat now, the better equipped your body will be to deal with a pregnancy, and the more likely things will happen to you. So, start stocking your cupboards with lean meats, fruits, veggies, legumes and whole grains, and keep the junk to a minimum. It’ll make a huge difference.


If there’s one thing that will stop an otherwise healthy woman from getting pregnant when she really wants to more than anything else, it’s stressing about the situation. If you stress when you don’t get pregnant, and you stress about your life, in general, more than necessary, you are only going to hurt your chances. Why?When you’re stressed your body releases cortisol, which fights off progesterone, preventing any eggs that do get fertilized from progressing into a pregnancy. So, take it easy, try some relaxing acupuncture for fertility or learn to meditate. It will not only increase your chances, but it’ll help you stay happy while you try to conceive.

Give Up Smoking

If you’re a smoker, you know that it’s bad for you and you know that it will be extremely bad for any baby that comes along, but if you’re thinking you can wait to give up until you actually get pregnant, it’s time to think again. Why? Because smoking is not only an unhealthy habit, but it really hurts your chances of getting pregnant. Many of the toxins found in cigarettes; the ones that cause cancer and heart disease, can also have a negative impact on fertility, in some cases damaging the fallopian tubes and decreasing the mobility of sperm to such an extent that you might have to try for years before having any success. Luckily, if you give up smoking, things can improve pretty fast, so do it now. There are lots of organizations and health professionals who will help you quit, so don’t be scared. Also, don’t beat yourself up if you fall off the wagon occasionally – quitting isn’t easy, but if you do your very best to try, it will help you to get pregnant more quickly.

Lose Weight

We all know that being more than a few pounds overweight is really bad for us, but many of us don’t realize that being overweight can make it pretty difficult to conceive. There are a few reasons why this is the case, but the main one os that being overweight is more likely to lead to female menstrual problems because of the excess level of estrogen released into the body by fat cells. This can make tracking your cycle and getting pregnant much more difficult. When you’re overweight, the cervix often tends to be deeper-set, and that can make it more difficult for sperm to get where they need to be for conception to take place.

Although, if you need to, you should definitely make a real effort to lose weight, you shouldn’t start starving yourself or exercising excessively because that can cause problems i the fertility department all of its own. What you’re looking to do is strike a balance.

Sleep More

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If you aren’t getting your full quota of sleep each night, then you’re more likely to have irregularities with your periods, which again could make it more difficult for you to get pregnant. Not only that, but the pineal gland can be detrimentally affected by a lack of sleep and since it is responsible for producing several hormones that are involved in fertility, this can be quite damaging to your chances. Then, there’s the fact that if you’re fatigued, you’re less likely to want to have lots of sex, which is kind of vital for making a baby.

Getting pregnant is one of those things where it’s so easy for some people and seems to take forever for others, but as long as you’re both healthy, if you relax, take your time and tray as many of the things above as possible, chances are it will happen for you sooner or later (hopefully sooner).

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