Search Results for: recovery

What You Need to Know About Back Pain Recovery

Back surgery is a delicate procedure that can be difficult to recover from. It’s important that you take care of your body and mind during this time to help speed up the recovery process. 

The Importance of Finding An Outlet in Recovery

The Importance of Finding An Outlet in Recovery


By Kevin Repass


As a former drug addict and alcoholic in recovery, I have found that it is extremely valuable to find some type of outlet or activities you can enjoy to relieve stress, focus or express yourself. Finding an outlet can help maintain sobriety and prevent relapse. My outlet is the gym and writing. Sticking with a gym routine makes me feel better about myself both mentally and physically. Another outlet I use is writing. If I find myself feeling stuck in my head or having a craving for substances, I have found writing poetry or lyrics clears my head. I can capture my feelings at the time and release it onto a piece of paper. Outlets can come in the form of anything- exercise, music, meditation, prayer, arts, and crafts- anything that can keep you in the moment, find inner peace and allow you to release whatever it is you’re feeling at the time. It can also pull your attention away from triggers and curb or prevent cravings.

Way Out

Finding an outlet isn’t just a form of release but also a replacement. In fact, finding a healthy outlet can replace your old, unhealthy habit of drinking and drug use. Finding an activity you can actually enjoy sober is vital. You must find activities and outlets that can help you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I highly suggest finding ones that you never tried sober. Try to avoid activities you enjoyed while drinking or using, as those can be potential triggers for relapse.

Way Forward

If you feel lost and don’t know where to begin when it comes to finding an outlet, the simple answer is an experiment. Step out of your comfort zone. Take advantage of everything and everyone around you. Don’t be afraid to explore new places and try new things, even if you don’t think you would enjoy it. You never know until you try. Who knows, maybe you had a hidden talent or niche that you otherwise wouldn’t have known existed. Finding an outlet can also help you connect with other people. Getting yourself out there can help you find other people who share similar interests which, in turn, can build a positive environment and social network valuable to your recovery. Finding an outlet can also help you rediscover, reinvent and find yourself again.

Kevin Repass is a recovering drug addict and alcoholic. He is a writer for a south Florida-based company dedicated to providing resources and information to all those struggling with drug and alcohol addiction.

How Stellar Data Recovery Saved My YouTube Channel Launch

My Passion for Photography

Both in my professional and personal life, traveling has played a very integral part. While traveling professionally, I have traveled the length and breadth of the country and even across the globe, from deep down rural to ultra-urban cities. And even in my personal life, I have shared some of the best moments, traveling with my family. Traveling has been a great teacher in my life and the different places and experiences have taught me a lot of aspects of life. It’s strange, how even over the years, memories of all trips remain so fresh in my mind. But I have to admit that photographs have played a big role in keeping those memories intact. Especially as a blogger, photographs became important not just as to keep memories, but also to maintain my blogging and Instagram on a regular basis. Over a period of time, these photos have become an imperative part of my life and my phone is always full of different photographs collected from different trips.

Storing Pictures

Earlier days, we used to keep our albums safely and securely locked away to ensure they don’t spoil away. But today, living in the digital world, albums have become a thing of past and its all about keeping the photos stored on digital platforms, whether it’s our phone, cloud memories or the hard drives.

But are the photos always safe, when stored digitally? No, while cloud memories are often expensive to buy, we end up storing our pictures on our phone and then maybe a back up in hard drives. But have you ever faced an issue with a hard drive? Well, I have and trust me it was devastating.

My Singapore Trip

At the beginning of the year, I visited Singapore with a friend of mine, and it was my first trip to Singapore. Also, this trip was very important to us, as we are launching women based travel channel, and this was our maiden trip for our channel. So you can very well understand the importance of this trip for us. First of all, it was an international trip and secondly, more of a business value for us than anything else. We clicked thousands of pictures because we not only had to keep our personal Instagram accounts filled with it, but also the new business venture needed those pictures. And since it was a YouTube channel that we were launching, we had over 200 videos in a 4-day trip, which were to be compiled into web series and first and foremost a launch video.

[easy-image-collage id=9981]

The Panic Moment

Now imagine my plight, that when I took the hard drive to my editor, in which all our thousands of pictures and 200 videos were transferred, did not open. We checked to plug in the hard drive into different computers, but it did not read even in one. It was a moment to panic, as I realized that the hard drive had probably corrupted. All my dreams came shattering down, as I practically had no time left for my launch. I was just a fortnight away from the launch and these videos and images were so important to me. And obviously, Singapore was not a local place that I could go back and shoot again, so a chance had to be taken for data recovery. Checked with a couple of local service providers, but no one gave a guarantee of data recovery and rather scared me that the data won’t be recovered at all. I was in a total mess.

Stellar, To The Rescue

A friend of mine then told me about Stellar Data Recovery Services, she told me they were very professional and their recovery rate was very high. They provided services for all most all kinds of data recovery and they were my only recourse.
Before going to their branch, I checked and read about them online and a lot of information was available on their site itself. Their service advantages really caught my attention and I was convinced of their professionalism.


Kinds of Services Provided

Hard Drive Recovery
SSD Data Recovery
Server Data Recovery
Storage Box Data Recovery
RAID Data Recovery
Encrypted Data Recovery
iPhone Data Recovery
Android Data Recovery
CTB Locker Virus Recovery
Laptop/Desktop Data Recovery
Flash Data Recovery
MacBook Data Recovery
Pen Drive Recovery
SD Card Recovery
Ransomware Virus Recovery
CCTV/DVR Recovery
iPad Data Recovery
Removable Media Recovery
Email Recovery
Tally Data Recovery
Photo Recovery
File Recovery
Database Recovery
Disaster Data Recovery

Why Trust Stellar

They are the only ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 certified organization in India. Not the one who claim on papers to be ISO certified, but the ones who practice ISO guidelines inside their data recovery operations.

They are India’s first data recovery service company founded in 1993, and Stellar can proudly boast of experienced research & development team who have developed numerous data recovery software’s. This proprietary software and tools can recover data from different kind of storage devices in various conditions. So, in addition to the expected recovery of your data, they ensure your data is safe & secure within their organization. They have a success rate of 95% on data recoveries.

The best part is that their data recovery service comes with a 100% money back policy. They work on No Recovery- No charge policy*. Which means if they do not recover data specified by you, they don’t charge for it.
They even allow you to step into their lab and see the work getting done, being completely transparent about their processes. This is a Class 100 Cleanroom lab for Data Recovery, the only one of its kind in entire India.


They follow a simple process for data recovery

The Stellar Strength

2 Million+ Satisfied Customer
8000+ Partners Worldwide
In Lab Data Recovery Service Provider
Strong Presence in USA, Europe & Asia
350+ Employees
Microsoft Gold ISV Partner
ISO/IEC 27001 & ISO 9001 certified
80+ R&D Engineers
60+ Data Recovery Experts

Advantages for opting for Stellar

No Recovery, No Charge*
15 Locations Across India
Accurate Efficient and Reliable
35000+ Data Recovery Jobs Annually
World Class Infrastructure of Class 100 Clean Room Labs
Free Door Step Drive Pick Up
Risk-Free, Privacy Ensured

To Conclude

All I can say is I was really thankful to Stellar for the video and photos recovery from my hard drive that too with a quick turn around time. In fact, I also read about preventive measures for hard drive crash on their site and know at least I can be more future ready. I was able to get my video edited and the launch did happen timely without any delays and further panic.
So remember this name whenever you face such a situation. I can easily say that there is no one better than them.

Check Out My Launch Video Here

Building A Ladder To Your Recovery

Wikimedia Image 

Addiction can strike at any time. Life is hard, and we all struggle to cope sometimes. Many of us turn to addiction during those dark hours. But, while escape methods break the clouds for the short-term, they also stop the sun breaking through. And, if you start using on a regular basis, your drinking or drug use will become your biggest problem.

It’s a horrible situation that an estimated 23.5 million Americans have fallen into. But, despite its common nature, addiction is one of the loneliest human experiences. Addicts are cast to the outskirts, and often disowned by loved ones. In the depths of addiction, it can feel as though you’re at the bottom, with no way to climb out. Many addicts wait for someone to hand them a ladder, without realizing that only they can create their escape. But, how do you build a ladder with no tools? In short, the answer is one rung at a time. And, we’re going to look at each one in more depth here.

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The first rung is the hardest to build – admitting you have a problem. It may sound simple, but we often deny our addictions to ourselves. Admitting you’re struggling is never easy, particularly in something like this. But, until you accept the problem, you’ll have no desire to move on from it.

The second rung involves determining the cause. Most of the time, addiction has a start point. While that may have become irrelevant, it’s important to determine what it was. Addicts often use for escape. Until you face up to what you’re escaping, you’ll continue to medicate yourself.

The third rung won’t get built until you accept that you’re worth something. Addiction often leads to low self-esteem, not helped by the way society treats the issue. It’s important to regain your self-esteem. Otherwise, you’ll struggle to consider yourself worth helping. You need to believe you deserve to get better. The chances are that you’ll also have to do so alone. But, when it comes down to it, your belief in yourself is all that matters.

The fourth rung is when other people come into play. While this may sound like it’ll be a relief, this will be a hard one to build.This is the stage in your recovery when you need to turn to something like Lyric Recovery Services to see you through. Here, professionals will be able to help you through the rest of your recovery. While the support is essential, you’ll still need to rely on yourself during this step. The professionals can give you the building blocks, but the rung won’t be made unless you step up.

The sixth rung comes after the recovery itself and involves moving forward. If you live in the mistakes of your addiction, you’ll never forgive yourself. As such, you’re at risk of slipping into those old avoidance techniques. Put what happened behind you. Build bridges with loved ones where you can. Then, set about living the life you deserve.

How To Stay Fit When Injured Or Sick

Did you know that exercising can enhance recovery after an injury? If you’re a workout enthusiast, anything that causes an extended hiatus from staying fit is a nightmare, especially when it’s an injury or ill health. Of course, you already know what regular exercise can do for your health. But what do you do when health conditions such as back pain, asthma, or heart disease limit you? Injury or sickness should not be the reason why you lose your health. Here are some things you can do to stay fit when injured or sick.

The Importance Of Daily Exercise

Daily exercise is one of the most important things you can do for your health. It helps to keep your body in shape, prevents disease, and makes you feel better mentally and emotionally. Exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous or time-consuming – even a moderate amount of activity each day can make a big difference. The following blog will discuss the many benefits of daily exercise and how you can get started today!

Immunity and Sore Throat Issues Sorted With KOFOL!

Monsoon season is home to infections, especially cold and cough. If not treated for, this cold and cough continues through the winter and becomes even worse. But did you know, that these seemingly small time infections also impact one’s immunity in a big way.

What To Do When You Pull A Muscle?

Pulling a muscle is one of the most common injuries you can suffer while exercising. It usually happens when you push yourself too hard, and your muscle overstretches. This can also be referred to as a muscle strain – or even a muscle tear in extreme circumstances. With a pulled muscle, you’re in a fair bit of pain and are unable to do certain activities that require the use of your muscle.

Finding Motivation To Exercise When You Have Busy Family Life

We all know that it’s important to exercise, but when you have a busy family life, it’s hard to find the motivation sometimes. When you are already exhausted, exercise is the last thing on your mind and it’s tough to stick to a good routine. But if you want to stay healthy, you need to find ways to boost your motivation and get into the habit of exercising on a regular basis. These are some of the best ways to motivate yourself to exercise.

Fund Raising With Liv-Ing Fashion Show!

Fashion, glamour and vivacity came together to raise financial support for children with cancer through Sabrcare at the LIV-ING fundraiser at the gorgeous Acron Waterfront Resort in Baga on Friday, February 21, 2020.

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