Tag: Stay Fit

Health & Fitness Have To Be Holistic: Here’s Why


The quest for perfect health and fitness is not a simple one. If it was, there wouldn’t be a huge industry worth billions worldwide trying to bring solutions to the variety of concerns we have about our bodies.

One of the major reasons that overall wellness is such a problem is because we don’t treat it as overall wellness. Instead, we break down our issues into separate groups, usually along the lines of:

  • Weight concerns, primarily wanting to lose weight. Surveys have shown that at any one time, over 50% of women want to lose weight. Whether or not they are actively trying to do so is another story, but that’s still an overwhelming number of people who are fixated on weight loss.
  • We know that we should be fit due to the way it can control our health not just in the now, but in the future too. Sometimes weight concerns and fitness are grouped together, but not always.
  • Whether it’s for weight loss or just because you’re focused on consuming the right nutrients, diet is an important consideration for many of us.
  • Mental health. Depression and anxiety disorders are commonly diagnosed these days, with around one in three people having a direct experience of mental illness. In an ever-busier world, taking care of our mental health needs has become a priority.
  • Emotional health. This tends to encompass things like the need for meditation, self-care, and ensuring we’re thriving in life rather than just surviving.

Compartmentalizing Health Is A Problem

A big problem.

Our bodies are a living organism; our very own ecosystem. Like any ecosystem, how one part of the system is doing has a direct impact on how everything else is able to function.

This is why looking at health and fitness as an overwhelming singular entity – rather than splitting it down into groups – is an essential.

An Example

If you suffer from depression, then you have a chemical imbalance in your brain. That’s what medication and therapies try to correct. For you, your focus would be on mental health – and that’s fine.

However, the other areas influence your depression too. For example, exercise has been shown to be able to alleviate the symptoms of depression. There are also foods you can eat that can help ease depressive symptoms.

If you were just focusing on mental health, you’d never know about the exercise and food changes you could make that would also help your mental health. This is a fundamental reason why health and fitness should be approached as an overall, holistic concern. You don’t know what you could be missing out on if you choose to focus on one area selectively.

What Happens With Single Focus

If you do just choose to focus on one area, then the chances of success are slim. Let’s investigate another example to learn how focusing on a single area can be ineffective, and potentially even harm your progress.

If you make the decision to lose weight, you can throw yourself into a diet plan, count calories, and all those other activities. However, when you have a bad day at work, you forget all your good motivations and head right for the chocolate. Emotional eating is a real problem – but you wouldn’t know it, because you have only been focusing on losing weight. By not examining issues regarding how your emotions impact your appetite, you’re always going to be at risk of stymying your own progress.

So when you just drill down into a single area, it’s actually an inherently bad thing. The only way you can ever fix or improve your mind and body is by treating them as part of the same system – which, of course, they are: they’re all you.

How To Do It

There are numerous programs such as Thrive by Le-Vel that focus on bringing together all aspects of health. This can be extremely useful if you’re entirely new to holistic methods and need some guidance.

You can also self-manage holistic treatments. Start by taking an issue that you have and then looking for a solution in every one of the categories listed above. You can then tackle whatever your concern is from a multi-pronged stance, giving you far more chance of success.

This might take a little work, especially if you have previously been only focusing in one area. However, it might just be the key you need to finally solve issues that have plagued you for a number of years. So why not do something different, and give the holistic approach a try?


4 Awesome Tips About Enjoying Long Term Health And Happiness From Celebrities

Long-term health and happiness isn’t always something we automatically have. Taking care of your health is especially important as you age, and finding happiness outside of material things is so important. The amount of people suffering due to a poor diet, or trying to find happiness in buying ‘stuff’ or getting followers on social media is ridiculous. Even celebrities aren’t immune with all of their fans and money. Celebrities fall ill all the time, and even end up with depression. That being said, certain celebrities do have great advice for people who want it. Here are 10 tips from celebrities who know what they’re talking about!

Christie Brinkley – Start The Day Off Right

We all want to know Christie Brinkley’s health secrets. She looks absolutely incredible for her age. She says she always starts the day with hot water and the juice of a whole lemon, and sometimes adds cayenne pepper and honey. Rihanna is also a fan of hot water and lemon to start the day!


Rosie Huntington-Whiteley – Cut Out Red Meat

Jason Statham’s other half and baby-momma to be Rosie is a world renowned model. As well as being absolutely stunning, she’s also super healthy. She explains that she loves food, so she doesn’t restrict herself. However, she has cut out red meat. Since doing so, she says she feels so much lighter and healthier. Some studies suggest that red meat can have many negative health effects, so even if you don’t cut meat out altogether and go ‘plant based’, it’s a good move.

Russell Brand – Stop Caring About What Others Think

Russell Brand has been through a lot. A recovered drug addict, he’s been married, divorced, said some pretty controversial things, and now has his first child with his girlfriend. Russell says that it’s imperative you don’t care what other people think of you. In his words, it’s ‘irrelevant’. This is definitely a key to long term happiness. Doing things for others and being kind is great, but caring too much about how you look, what others think of how you’re living and so on, will only cause problems in the future. If Russell cared what other people thought, he likely wouldn’t have gone to rehab for heroin and methadone treatment. He’s been clean and sober for 10 years now!

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson – Do Your Bit To Help Others In Need

Dwayne Johnson is famous first and foremost for being ‘The Rock’, one of the most well known wrestlers of all time. Then he turned to acting in films, and he can sing a bit too. While he may look a little scary, he’s actually really, really nice. Not only is he healthy and loves to work out (that much is obvious) he’s also a huge advocate of helping those in need. In 2006 he started a charity that works with terminally ill children. He just loves having pictures with his fans too!

Try these things for yourself and see how you feel. Do it one at a time so you don’t feel overwhelmed!

Tips For Prolonging Your 20s

For the majority of us, it feels like our health peaked in our 20s and 30s, but then time started to take its toll on our bodies. Wrinkles began appearing, our energy levels decreased, and it become harder to maintain our peak physical condition. Suddenly we all wished we could go back in time and undo all the hard partying we did in our younger years. You can’t delay the inevitable; we will all age, and we will no longer look like young 20 or 30-somethings. But that doesn’t mean you can’t prolong your youthful health and appearance until you are well past retirement.

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Defy ageing

People aren’t far off the mark when they say that younger people have glowing skin; smooth, plump skin reflects light more uniformly, granting the individual with a radiant shine. You can preserve your own youthful glow with a basic skincare routine that includes proper hydration and regular exfoliation. When you exfoliate your skin you are basically removing all the dead skin cells, oil, dirt, and germs to instantly reveal your younger looking face. Removing these dead cells also makes it easier for your skin to absorb any moisturizer and boosts collagen production, which gives your skin strength and elasticity.

Take care of your senses

Many years in your future, your eyes and your ears won’t be as effective as they used to be. If you’re genetically inclined towards partial deafness and short-sightedness, there might not be much you can do to prevent it, but you can keep your need for glasses and hearing aids at bay for a few years. It is good to remember that earwax is a natural protector of the ear and unless its amount is excessive, thickened and causing problems, it should not be removed, especially with the help of cotton buds that may damage the ear canal or eardrum. Make sure you get your hearing checked at least once a year, even if you’re not experiencing any problems.Your eyes should be checked every two years, and protected from harmful UV light. It’s also worth noting that regular exercise – such as walking – can reduce the risk of age-related eye degeneration by up to 70 percent.

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Regular workouts help to circulate more nutrients and oxygen to your skin to make you look more radiant, and it also boosts the essential production of collagen. Your muscle mass will be preserved, thanks to exercise, and your posture will improve. All these effects will make you look and feel younger for many years to come. Even if you don’t look exactly like you did at 20, you’ll still have the confidence of a much younger person.

Drink water

There is evidence that not drinking enough water may be associated with falls and fractures, heat stroke, heart disease, lung disorders, kidney disease, and decreased immune function. Water gives you energy, aids in digestion, keeps your organs working properly, keeps your mind sharp, and flushes out toxins. As a result, you also get clearer, younger-looking skin.

How To Get More Out Of Your Workouts, All The Time

(Pexels: http://bit.ly/2tweQpd)

Working out is a fantastic way to remain healthy and improve your fitness. However, many of us are left feeling a little shortchanged after each exercise session. We don’t see the desired results quick enough, and we feel like we’re not getting a lot out of each workout.

Today, these problems will be put to rest as I’ll show you how you can get more out of every workout from now on!

Up The Intensity

One of the main reasons you do not see great results is because you’re not working out intensely. You’re very lacklustre in your approach, and everything is very much chilled. This is why you don’t finish each workout on your back dripping with sweat.

If you improve the intensity with which you attack each workout, you’ll soon see better results. The easiest way to up your intensity is to re-energize yourself. A lot of us feel lethargic when we work out, so we can’t find that right level of intensity. There are loads of organic and natural supplements such as Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 that can give you a vitamin boost to increase your energy levels. You’ll feel more energetic and have the ability to hit your workouts harder and with added intensity to get more out of them.

Push Yourself To The Limit

As well as upping the intensity you should also start pushing yourself more and more. It’s amazing how many people seem to care more about sets and reps rather than actually pushing yourself. If you have a workout where it tells you to squat for 12 reps, and you get to that 12th rep, and you feel fine, then you’re not pushing yourself. You should crank out a few more reps until you start to struggle. Then, on the next set, you should increase the weight to make it harder.


Rep goals aren’t strict, they’re just there to help guide you and show you around about how many reps you should aim for. Ideally, you should be getting to your final rep of every set and almost fail. That shows you’ve pushed yourself to the limit, and your muscles will take a good beating. This is how you see better results, as you’re really testing your body and getting it to improve.

Switch Them Up

If your workouts become repetitive, then they’ll stop yielding proper results. Your body will start to adjust to what you’re doing, and you’ll plateau. Too many people do this as they get comfortable with their workouts and like doing them.

What you need to do is switch up your workouts and keep your body guessing. If you do one selection of workouts one week, do another the next week. Or, try training in one specific fashion for a month, then change it up and shock your system with a new style of training. No matter what, you don’t want to fall into the trap of doing the same workouts for years on end as it won’t show good results.

If you take this advice onboard, you’ll soon get a lot more from every workout. As a result, get ready to see the fittest you you’ve ever encountered!



Get On Your Bike: 5 Reasons To Take Up Cycling

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Don’t let that bike rust away in the shed. There are plenty of pros to cycling that can make it the ideal way of getting around. Here are just a few reasons to get on your bike.

It will keep you fit

Cycling has all kinds of health benefits from building muscle to helping joint stiffness to helping circulation and breathing. It’s the perfect aerobic workout and one of the best ways to lose weight. Cycling however is not only healthy for the body, but the mind. Whilst cycling, you totally replenish your body’s supply of oxygen, providing fresh oxygen to the brain which helps with concentration and work productivity. Health.harvard.edu lists some of the major health benefits.

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It’s faster than walking

When it comes to getting around locally, cycling can be twice to three times as fast. If you usually walk to work, cycling could allow you to leave the house later, which could in turn allow you to wake up later.

And it’s more eco-friendly than driving

Meanwhile, for those that drive short distances to work, taking your bike instead could be a much greener way to get to work. Bicycles don’t use up fuel and don’t damage roads as much as cars leading, leading to less repairs. Meanwhile, whilst there are some fossil fuels burnt up during the manufacture of a bicycle, it’s nothing compared to the manufacture of a car. For helping you to feel happier about your carbon footprint, taking the bike to work instead of a car could be worthwhile.


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It’s family friendly

Cycling can be a great family bonding experience. Whether you go a bike trip along roads or simply cycle around the park, the kids will love it and you’ll all improve your fitness from it. Even for kids that are two young to cycle, there’s the option of trailers as available at sites such as BikeTrailerHub.com. You can also pursue cycling as a holiday activity – there are plenty of vacation hotspots around the world that specialise in cycling.

It’s also cheap

Riding a bike is also remarkably cheap. Your biggest cost is going to be the purchase of the bike itself, which may be a few hundred if you’re looking for a professional model. However, after this, you won’t have common driving costs to worry about such as insurance or fuel or parking or road tax.

Bike repairs are generally cheap as you can go DIY on most of them. Even if you do visit a professional to get your bike fixed, it’s unlikely to set you back as much as a regular car repair. Few people would ever swap out a car for a bike, however you could lower your driving costs by taking the car less and a bike more. Cycling may even save you on extra costs in the long run. For one, it will keep you healthier longer, which could lead to fewer medical bills in the future.



Stay Fit Fridays- How to get rid of thunder thighs in 5 simple ways by Dr. Anjali Hooda

Ever wondered about the stubborn cheesy bulky thighs.

Not fair, most men don’t have it why should we women suffer?

My own story is that I kept aside a sum of money and decided to get some surgery to get rid of those thighs but then I found this solution after researching and trying everything available about this topic on internet/books/journals (not much out there)/blogs/videos, machines also using help of friends who struggled like me and achieved success.

Most of the times I also blamed hormones but then worked on them religiously diet wise and workout wise. I never became skinny but I found a way to manage to satisfy myself with even tone and got rid of side bags. As a result my thighs are way smaller now than few years ago. Here are 5 simple ways that you can add to your daily regime and become fat to fab..

  1. Walk at least 30 minutes using whole foot and thighs (no running) not just feet.
  2. One should increase vegetable intake (raw mainly) 1-2 quarter plate of salad daily, with added fruits.
  3. Drink a gallon of water daily and never sat for longer than 30 minutes, move after every half hour
  4. Do squats/lunges (get the technique right please) in pluses when in shower, restroom, kitchen, 10, 10, 10. While watching TV, just sit 1 inch above the chair/sofa for a few minutes. Trampoline is awesome too for weaker knees.
  5. Stretch and squeeze those long muscles of legs whenever you can.

Dr. Anjali Hooda Sangwan, MBBS, MD (INTERNAL MEDICINE) (USA) is a veteran Obesity, Metabolic Medicine and Clinical Nutrition Consultant. She has an experience of, Hypertension, Cardiovascular Heart disease & PCOD. She is trained in Pre and Post Bariatric Management of Obese patients with and without complex Medical Issues like Thyroid Disorders, Diabetes Mellitus Surgery Care. She provides an advice on nutrition and offers people an opportunity to improve their health. She helps her patients achieving healthy weight loss goals with alteration of life style and pharmacotherapy and micronutrient usage.


Apart from designing the food plans, Dr. Anjali Hooda also teaches the residents about obesity and nutrition and its application in assessing the nutritional status of a patient and how to manage it. She also indulge herself into the development and teaching of medical students and house staff on the hospital consult service, reviewing common and uncommon diseases affecting nutrition and their effect on patient recovery in postoperative period and treatment of malnutrition including pharmacology.

She has developed an App for Preventive Health and Weight Loss – www.livenutrifit.com. She did her MD in Internal Medicine, Lincoln Medical Center an affiliate of Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, USA and also trained in Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT). She is a member of The Obesity Society, American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) and American Society of Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN), American College of Physician (ACP).

Despite designing food plans for several celebrities and other eminent personalities, Dr. Anjali Hooda Sangwan ensures she is accessible to all her patients and provides the best course of action to each one of them.


  • Medical Weight Loss
  • Age Management
  • Clinical Nutrition Support
  • Childhood Obesity Management
  • Metabolic Syndrome Treatment
  • Bariatric Surgery Services