Tag: Wedding Blogger

Unforgettable, That’s What Your Wedding Should Be

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We’re sure that you want your wedding day to be remembered for years. Not just by you or even your partner but by everyone who was there to watch you say I do and start the next chapter of your life. Well, you’ll be pleased to learn that there are plenty of ways to make your wedding stand out, feel completely unique and be absolutely unforgettable. Here are a few of the best ideas.

Choose A Unique Location


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If you have a little imagination, there is no boundaries as to where you can get married and exchange vows. We think it’s only a matter of time before someone gets married in space! But for now, let’s keep our feet on the ground. What type of ground is a little more debatable. You might want to think about get married on a beach somewhere tropical such as a Greek island. If your guests don’t mind paying the airfare, this could be a wonderful choice. Just imagine, declaring your love just as the sun begins to set across the ocean, the waves lapping across the sandy shores.

If you want something a little less expensive, you could always get married on a hill top with a sweeping view of swirling green landscapes below. If you are interested in possibilities like this, you just need to get in touch with the private landowner or the local council. They should be able to tell you whether it’s a possibility and if it is help set it up.

Of course, you could be a Disney fanatic with money to burn. In Disney World, there is a private chapel where you can get married, and yes, we’re told it is possible to have the characters as your guests.

Styled To Stun

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You might want to think about what you’re going to wear on your wedding day too. You can have a professionally designed dress to make sure that you look completely unique on your wedding day. Wedding dresses can be bought off the rack, or they can be bought from an individual designers from bridal shops. If you want people to remember how you looked on your wedding day for years, make sure that you choose the latter option. You should look at all the classic designers such as Vera Wang, but sometimes you find a gem by seeking out an unknown name.

Find Your Song


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You might think that when you walk down the aisle towards the rest of your life, the wedding march needs to be playing. This isn’t the case at all. Instead, you can have any song you wish playing as you walk towards your future. Perhaps you have a favorite love song. If that’s the case, you might want to think about seeking out the instrumental version. Or, perhaps you could have a live band playing it as you walk towards the future. That would certainly make an impression on your guests.

If you take this advice, you can make sure that your wedding day is completely memorable.




Important Trinkets To Take Care Of For Your Wedding Day


At some point during your wedding planning, you’ll start to realize that there are so many more finer details that you have to cover off than you first thought. Because there’s always a lot more that you need to do to make your wedding day come together than you can first imagine. But that doesn’t mean you have to let your wedding planning process stress you out. Once you’ve got some of the bigger plans in place, you’re then going to want to think about some of the smaller things, like the important trinkets you need to have with you on your special day.

The Wedding Rings

Hopefully, this won’t be one of the things that you forget; it may even be at the top of your smaller things list, but you have to get your wedding bands sorted. You may even know what kind of rings you want to go for based on your engagement ring design. However, whether you go for something like the Tacori wedding bands at Whiteflash or even something you’ve designed yourself, you need to pick them out. Then, you should also make sure that you keep the safe until the big day.

The Bridesmaid Gifts

After your own rings, there are some other trinkets that you need to cover off for other people on the wedding day. Traditionally, during the speeches, the groom will give the bridesmaid their gifts. So, you may want to think about what you’re going to give yours. Whether it’s memento from the day or even a piece of jewelry, this is something that you’re going to keep in mind as a part of your trinket search.


Something For The Parents

Next, you may also want to think about gifts for the parents. Here, you’ll often find that traditionally flowers are given to the mother of the bride and the mother of the groom. But, you may also want to think about other gifts to give them that could be a bit more personal. Plus, if your parents have helped you out with the wedding planning or even the cost, you may want to think about a thank you gift that you could get for both sets of parents as a whole.

A Gift For Each Other

Then there’s also the gifts that you give to each other. Although you’re going to be spending a lot of money on your big day (yes, even when you have a small budget), it’s also beautiful to be able to give each other a gift. So, when it comes to the presents you choose for the bride and groom gift exchange, make sure that they are personal to you, and not what you feel like you should be giving each other.

Favors For The Guests

And, of course, you’ve also got the wedding favors that you give to the guests. Again, if you’re going to go with tradition, these will be sugared almonds. However, you could also tailor this choice based on your wedding theme or even something personal to you both.



The Key To Successful Wedding Planning: Divide and Conquer The Responsibilities

Once the butterflies and excitement have quieted down after your engagement, you’ll be hit by the sudden realisation that, oh gosh, there’s a wedding to plan – and boy oh boy, are there a lot of details to take care of! Like your eventual marriage, the planning will work best when things are equal, and when both bride and groom share the responsibilities of a day that will launch you into the rest of your life. Below, we take a look at how you can ensure this happens, all the while guaranteeing that your special day is just as magical as you hoped it would be.

Source: Pexels.com

The List

Before you start handing out assignments to your partner, it’s important that you both sit down and write a list to determine what exactly has to be arranged before the big day. It’ll hopefully be no shock that there is a lot to take care of, but even if you’re expecting a heavy workload, you’ll be surprised at just how many little things have to be sorted before you can start looking forward to the event.

Your Skills

With your list by your side, it’s time to take a look and see what tasks are naturally suitable for each person in the relationship. If you’re a queen of talking to people, then it’d make sense that you would be in charge of chatting with the florists, caterers, and so on. If your partner to be is a boffin at spreadsheets and organisation, then leave all the tasks with nitty gritty numbers and the like to them. Things will run much more smoothly if the person in charge of a specific task has the natural skills to organise them without a hitch.

…But What Do You Care About?

That being said, not every surrounding your wedding will be a chore. Some will be fun, and it’s understandable that you’d want to be involved in those details, even if your partner has m0re of a claim to be suited to it. If you really care about one aspect of the wedding, then pipe up – we’re sure your fiance will be happy to let you have it. If they’re not, it might be time to think twice whether you want the day to go ahead (just kidding…)!

What You Can Live Without

The wedding, again much like the marriage, will be a question of compromise. You can’t always get everything you want, and if something is vitally important to your partner, the best solution might be just to let them get their way, especially if it’s something that doesn’t overall concern you. There’s no point trying to agree on the wedding DJ if your fiance is a music fanatic and you’re happy dancing the night away regardless of what music is playing.

The All Important Wedding Guest List

There’s one area of the wedding that simply can’t be left to one person: the guest list. Of course, you can both a long list of the people you would like (or think you should) invite, but in reality,

there will be practical limitations, both spatially and financially, regarding how many people you can have at your wedding. This might be the real first test of the wedding, as it’s not easy telling your fiance they might have to cut their great uncle Joe because the budget is taking a beating. Handle this one carefully.

Joint Decisions

Some issues can be organised separately, and some can be organised through compromise. Others, however, should be made jointly. This is, after all, a day when you’ll become a union, so it makes sense that there’ll be aspects of the wedding that you both contributed to! You should pick your wedding invites together, as this will be the first thing that any of your guests see from the two of you. Also, the big factors, the ones that you couldn’t possibly be ambivalent about – the venue, date, and so on – need to be made together.

Source: Pexels.com

Travelling and Reporting Back

There’s a lot of decisions to be made, but actually, a large portion of organising a wedding will be deciding what you don’t want. You should both be doing to things like tasting the samples of various caterers, but other things, like meeting with photographers, florists, and transport companies can be done individually. As this can be a slog, it’s best not to overthink the approach: simply draw a line down the middle of the tasks that require travelling; one person takes one side, the other person takes the other.

Roping In Friends and Family

With all the will in the world, you won’t be able to organise every last detail just as a couple. You have regular lives as well, remember! However, if you ask nicely (and maybe buy them a beer for their efforts), then you might be able to rope in friends and family to help out where they can. All the big things will be taken care of, but stuff like picking up supplies, taking a tie to be cleaned, and other non-taxing but essential duties can be passed off.

A Helping Hand/Watchful Eye

Even if you’ve handed off some of the responsibilities to your partner, you’ll still want to make sure that you’re keeping a watchful eye on what they’re doing. This is your wedding day we’re talking about! As much as you’d like to think you can trust them to do everything, mistakes are always made, so it’s best to have four eyes on every task rather than just two. If they overlook a detail, you’ll be on hand to help them out.

What To Do When There’s Unequal Division

Everything sounds good in theory, but it can happen that one person is left with too much responsibility. If this happens to you, talk to your partner; it’ll be a good test of the communication skills you’ll need to have when you’re married.

All going well, you’re planning will be a breeze – as well as fun – and you’ll have a day to remember!



Throwing The World’s Best Bachelorette Party

Whether you’re a bridesmaid or the maid of honor, we all know that the most important part of any wedding is what happens before the wedding: the bachelorette party. Much like bachelor parties, the bachelorette party is meant to be a wild and unforgettable night that marks the transition from one era of life into another. It doesn’t have to be risque, of course (but it definitely can be, depending on the requests of the bride-to-be). Still, there are a million different ways to throw a brilliant bachelorette party. If your goal is to throw the best the world has ever seen, however, then here are some tips to help you get started.

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This is the boring part. You just want to plan all the fun parts of the party, and that’s understandable, but, as suggested at bridebox.com, you first need to have a budget to work with. The bride and groom might have set aside some money for this, but it’s just important that you know how much you have to spare before you get to work on planning the big do. After you have a rough figure, you need to make a list of things you want for the party and how much it’ll all cost. You just need to know that you can afford everything you want. Of course, if you’re not sure what you want for the party yet then here are some ideas…

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The venue is obviously one of the most important aspects of the party. Maybe you’ll be throwing a crazy event in somebody’s garden, maybe you’ll all be heading to your local club, or maybe you’ll be jetting off to another country. Wherever you choose to go, it’s important that you know your friend, as explained over at huffingtonpost.com. You want to surprise them, but it’s important that you know the surprise is something they’ll love. Perhaps a lot of the other bridesmaids want to go to a club, but if you know a beautiful city that your friend has always wanted to visit then that’s where you should go.

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Stay safe.

Drink to your heart’s content, but make sure that you have a safety net in place so that all of you have a good time. As suggested over at bridalguide.com, you could arrange a limo or some other ride if you’re all going to be drinking. Perhaps one of you will designate themselves as the driver and the sober, caring friend of the evening, but there are other ways to make sure everybody gets home safe; you could pay the driver to come and pick you up from the same club later on in the evening, for example.

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We saved the best for last. You need some entertainment for the evening if you want to put together a truly special bachelorette party. Let’s get the “normal” suggestions out of the way, first of all. You could hire a live band to perform a show. Dancing the night away whilst you’re a little bit worse for wear is always fun, of course, but there are always other options for music if you’d rather go a little more wild in terms of entertaining the bride-to-be. There are shows around the country from HunksTheShow.com if you’re interested in a real “hunk” putting on a performance for you and the other ladies. Let’s be honest; that’s the way everybody really wants to be entertained on such a crazy night.

Still, the most important thing, whatever you do for this party, is that it’s all done in the interests of the bachelorette. You need to think about what she likes and build a party designed to be her perfect night, so don’t make plans around what everyone attending the party wants to see or do. This is your friend’s last night of “freedom”, so make it count.

Expressing Your Personality Through Color At Your Wedding

Congratulations; your big day is going to happen, and you’ll be able to enjoy one of the most exciting times of your life with the one you love. Weddings are a celebration of two individual’s love for one another, so they should reflect the character and personality that both parties bring to the relationship. Color is the perfect way to add style and individual preference to a wedding day and will ensure that it’s as unique as the bride and groom. However bright or muted you choose your wedding ceremony to be; the following are some areas to consider when you’re infusing the big day with your favorite shades.

Image found here: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-a-bouquet-of-flower-72634/

The Decor

Whether it’s balloons, flowers, or ribbons (or all of the above) you’re choosing to adorn your wedding day with; these are the first place to start regarding your color choices. You can easily mix together your favorite shades with an array of floral and foliage decorations, for a beautiful and natural palette. However, if you’re feeling like bringing the loud and bright colors into your ceremony; use bunting, streamers, and inflatables to express your personality and show off your fun side as a couple. Take a look here: https://www.everafterguide.net/rainbow-wedding-decoration for some ideas on a colorful wedding and start making a list of what you might like to introduce into the theme on the day.

If you prefer a subtle use of color; consider introducing metallic shades that will complement your chosen hue, Perhaps you could use silver along with your shades of pink and sage green, or a copper ribbon would look great against pops of blue and teal. Creating a moodboard will help you to find what works well together and you can begin mentally decorating the venue.

The Details

Alongside the larger decorations; the smaller details can create a big impact on the look and feel of your wedding. Therefore it’s worth considering the shades of your confetti, table decorations, and investing in colored wedding sand so you can combine the bride and groom’s character and personality. Sprinkling the table tops with colored paper shapes and glitter is another way to bring the color scheme into the wedding meal, and why not swap the traditional white candles for an orange to match the flowers or even black for a chic formal affair.

The Venue

The venue itself can play a huge part in the overall color and theme of your wedding, so bear in mind what surroundings you’ll be in as you say “I do.” If you’re married outside in nature, you could carry the palette of the plants and flora inside and onto the tables and chairs. You could pick out colors from stained glass windows in old churches and buildings, and infuse them into your bouquet, pocket squares, and wherever could use a colorful addition. Remember; it’s your big day, and you’re only doing this once, so be creative and be yourselves, so that you’ll have some beautiful photographs and memories of your special, colorful wedding.










Don’t Forget The Little Details That Will Make Your Wedding Special!

There are a lot of things to think about when you’re planning a wedding. In fact, the sheer number of things that you have to think about can often be pretty overwhelming. Because of this, a lot of people, rather understandably, tend to focus on the big picture elements of their wedding. Things like the venue, the guest lists, the dress, and the rings take up huge amounts of space in their minds. However, as important as all of these things are, it’s crucial that you remember that there are more aspects to making your wedding really wonderful than just the big stuff. Here are a few smaller details that you really don’t want to forget about when planning your wedding. 


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Since your wedding is pretty likely to be one of the most important and special days of your life, it only makes sense that you’re going to want to immortalise it with some beautiful pictures. However, if you want your wedding memories to be as beautiful as the day itself, then you need to hire a really great photographer. Leaving it too late and hiring someone who isn’t very good, or simply relying on friends to take pictures for you, is just going to leave you with pictures that don’t do your perfect day the justice that it deserves.  

Seating arrangements

You’ve probably got a pretty good idea of who it is that you want to invite to your wedding. But one thing that many people forget about is where those people are actually going to sit. The seating arrangements might seem incredibly simple, but the reality is it can make a lot of difference. You don’t want to create a divide among the guests, with one side of the family separated from another, but you also need to be diplomatic about it. Not everyone is going to get along, and if you’ve got a lot of guests, there are going to be people who won’t agree with each other. The last thing you want is your big day getting disrupted by a shouting match on table five!


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The venue is one of the most important parts of any wedding, and it is often one of the very first things that people pick out. However, you need to remember that the venue is only half the battle when it comes to creating the perfect wedding atmosphere. You need to think about the decor as well. The decor that you choose will depend heavily on what kind of theme you’re going for. Do you want something homemade? Something Traditional? These kinds of questions are not only important when deciding what style you prefer but also which styles work best with the venue that you’ve chosen.

It can often be pretty tricky to keep track of all of these things, so it’s worth making a very clear plan of everything that you need to deal with well in advance of the big day. Trying to wing it is almost certainly going to leave you feeling pretty stressed out!

It’s Your Wedding Too: Handling The Responsibilities Of The Groom

When planning the wedding, contrary to popular belief, it’s a two-way street. As the groom, it’s your responsibility, to make sure the budget is set and stuck to. You’ll be in charge of the photography as is the modern trend to get future husbands more involved. You’ll also be in charge of picking out the attire for your groomsmen, best man, and the immediate family. You’ll also have the pleasure of buying small gifts and writing thank you letters to the guests that came to your wedding. There’s a long list of responsibilities in each of those categories and carrying them out; you’re going to need some help from your family and friends. However, the traditions of the wedding will give you the outline you need to perform these tasks as many men have gone before you. Experience is on your side because wisdom is readily imparted on those who need it for being the best groom they can be.

Image credit – PublicDomainPictures


The one who captures the moment is the responsibility of the groom. Look for high-quality work, by searching for the regional wedding photographers rather than local. Because they cover a large area, they’ll have the experience to back them up. Don’t book your best mate who you know does a bit of photography on the side, get somebody who is or has, forged a career out the profession. You need to build a rapport with the wedding photographer you choose, so you can advise them about what kind of lighting you want. Just in case they fall through or take pictures that aren’t up to scratch, you could book a wedding insurance policy that covers photography, such as from www.wedinsure.co.uk. It’s also great to have this kind of safety net if you’re going to be recording video. The lighting and the angles of the pictures are going to set the mood, so make a schedule of when pictures and video will be taken. Don’t leave it too late in the afternoon to take pictures as the natural light will begin to die down.

Image source – vargazs

Your men’s attire

This is your chance to show a little style because it’s your responsibility to pick the attire of your groomsmen and best man. Don’t wear a tuxedo or even a gentry suit, because although both look good, they’re not traditionally worn at weddings. Book yourself into a meeting with a Victorian Era fashion specialist. They will fit you for the proper kind of suit that will have tails to it which aren’t too long but go down to the back of your knees. Most wedding fashion for men has evolved from the Georgian Period, where the coat would hang on the floor, but has since evolved to become more practical. The same with the three-piece suit; your waist coast will be slightly longer than normal. You must choose contrasting colours to those of the bridesmaids and of course the bride herself. Therefore, dark blues and greys, perhaps even silver, would be a surefire way to not compete with their tones.

As the groom, you must get involved more than you might have been taught to believe. It’s your wedding too, and booking the right photographer to take the pictures, will determine if your memories are secured throughout the rest of your lives, in the highest quality. The attire should both reflect your style, but stick to the customs of past centuries of tradition.






Choosing A Wedding Venue: What Should You Ask?

So, you’ve officially begun planning your wedding, and you couldn’t be more excited to be finally viewing venues. For every couple, finding and booking the perfect venue is at the top of the to-do list, or at least, it should be. It’s vital to pick your wedding venue before anything else as it’s the venue that dictates the time, date, and size of your celebration, as well as the vendors that you are able to use and kinds of photos you can get. While you may have a list of venues that you are dying to see, that doesn’t mean that you know what to look out for and what to ask when you are viewing them. It can be a somewhat daunting process viewing venues and making sure that everything that needs to be asked is asked.

To help make ensuring that you are selecting the perfect venue easier, below is a list of questions that you should ask. (We’ve skipped the basic ones, like how many guests the venue holds, and focused on the things that you are more likely to forget!)

Does the venue suit your theme?

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This is one to ask yourself, not the venue manager, but it’s still worth taking note of. It’s easy to get so caught up in how beautiful a venue is that you fail to take your theme into account. Obviously, if you are yet to select a theme then this doesn’t matter, but if you have an idea of the type of theme that you would like to incorporate, it’s vital to take that into account. Ask yourself whether the venue can accommodate your theme and whether it will be everything that you hoped it would be.

Are there any rules & regulations regarding the vendors that you can hire?

If the venue allows you to hire your own vendors that’s great, but it’s important to ensure that you have completely free reign over who you hire. Some wedding venues have a list of vendors that their guests need to use to be able to use their venue. So it’s worth finding out about this before booking a venue, as the last thing you want is not to be able to use a vendor that you are keen to incorporate into your big day.

Are there any restrictions in terms of decorations and flowers?

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A lot of people presume that wedding venues have no restrictions in terms of decorations and flowers, but that isn’t always the case. Believe it or not, some wedding venues do have restrictions in place regarding decorations and flowers – some even stipulate what confetti can be used – so it’s best to ask about this beforehand. You want to be able to make your wedding venue your own, and the decorations and flowers are a big part of that.

Is there a wifi connection available?

You may not think that wifi is a deal breaker, but if you are hoping to utilise social media to share your big day, then it is. Today, more and more couples are choosing to incorporate Snapchat wedding filters, personalised Instagram hashtags, and music streaming into their big days, which is why having an internet connection is vital. So, before you book, make sure to ask whether there is free wifi available to you and your guests.

Will there be any other weddings/large parties at the venue on the same day?

Do you want to have to share your wedding venue with another large party? Do you want to have to plan your photos around them? Do you want to have to stress about not making too much noise because of the other party that’s in attendance? If the answer is no to all of the above, then it’s a good idea to find out if it will only be your party at the venue. This is important as you don’t want to share your wedding day with strangers, do you?

There you have it, a guide to the questions that you should ask when viewing any wedding venue.










I Do: Important Wedding Dos and Don’ts

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Planning your special day? Whilst a wedding shouldn’t have to come with rules, there are a few important dos and don’ts that could be worth considering to help your wedding go smoothly.

Do make a checklist

There’s nothing worse than getting to the wedding day and realising you forgot something. A checklist can help you to keep on track of organising your wedding. Make a list of everyone you wish to invite. Then make a list of everyone you need to hire. Will there be live music? Do you need a photographer? On top of this list out all other expenses such as venue, dress, rings etc. You may be able to save the stress by hiring a wedding planner.

Do have a budget

It’s easy to let costs spiral out of control in pursuit of the perfect wedding. Have a tight budget and keep to it to avoid overspending. This will allow you to negotiate prices and shop around more effectively. If you’re taking out a loan, make sure that it’s a loan that the two of you can comfortably afford to pay back – you don’t want to be resenting your wedding afterwards.

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Don’t drink too much too early

You’re likely to drink a lot on your wedding day, but be careful of drinking too much early on. You want to remember the day after all. People will buy you drinks throughout the night but don’t feel you have to drink them all. Be careful of having drinks before the ceremony to calm the nerves and go easy during the toasts.

Don’t be afraid to put a time limit on speeches

Talking of toasts, nobody wants the speeches to drag on. If you’ve got the type of family that will all want to contribute, don’t be afraid to put a time limit on this section of the day. Speeches that trail on for hours will eat into your party time. You may have guests that you haven’t invited to the meal, but who you’ve invited to the reception party and you don’t want them to be waiting around for you to finish your meal.


You Said Yes But You Don’t Like The Ring: What Next?

You’ve dreamt of this moment since you were a small girl: your engagement. The love of your life getting down on one knee, and asking you to spend the rest of your lives together. And it’s a beautiful moment, one that you’ll treasure forever. But what happens if you don’t like the ring? It’s a tough one. You don’t want to offend your beloved, as he or she has put a lot of effort into choosing it for you. But if you really don’t like it, how can you be expected to wear it for the next seven or eight decades?

Well, here’s your guide to coping with a ring you don’t want to wear.

Try being honest

Image by https://www.flickr.com/photos/jdickert/2372131488/

You probably feel awful about having to say that you don’t like the ring, but it’s better to be honest than to pretend you love it. You’re going to have to show it off to lots of people, and you don’t want to lie or look fake. However, this doesn’t apply if your partner has proposed with an antique family heirloom – in this case, you might just have to put up with it, and love it for the fact it’s been in your soon-to-be family’s history for centuries.

Approach the subject when you’re both relaxed and happy. You know your partner well enough to know how well he’ll take it, so choose your time and and place carefully. It’s a good idea to write down what you want to say first, so you don’t end up stumbling over your words later on.

Give valid reasons

Image credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/manikrathee/8523125189/

Not liking how big the diamond is, or wanting a different precious stone isn’t good enough. It’s time to explain the real reason behind not wanting to wear it. Perhaps the stone sticks out, and you’re worried about catching it and breaking it? Or what about the ethical reasons. You might have wanted a stone that’s guaranteed not to be a blood diamond. Some brands, like Brilliant Earth, promise that they sell ethical rocks, but it’s worth reading this Brilliant Earth review before buying. Giving well justified reasons should be enough to help change your partner’s mind. They won’t mind practical reasons – but if you’re being a snob about how expensive it is, it might be time to reconsider your priorities.

Change how you wear 

Image source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/atkinson000/5287129852/

If you don’t want to tell your partner that you don’t like it, but you don’t want to wear it because of practical reasons, why not try hanging it on a chain and wearing it around your neck? That way you can still show off your ring, but you don’t need to worry about the rocks snapping off or it slipping off. Some people have different shaped fingers, and it might be that the ring design is just always going to be slightly too big or too small. If this is the case, then wearing it on a chain during your day to day business is a safe way to ensure that you don’t lose it. Then, when you’re at home or going out, you can put it back on.


Theme: Overlay by Kaira Copyright @ikreatepassions 2024
Goa, India