Tag: Fitness Blog

Starting a New Workout Regime: How to Get It Right

You might start a new exercise regime for a number of reasons. Maybe you don’t exercise regularly and you want to start being more active. Or perhaps you do work out but you want to try something new. You could even be working toward a big goal, such as running a marathon. Whatever your reasons for starting a new routine, you need to be able to ease yourself into it to get started on the right foot. It’s not always easy to start doing something new, especially if it’s an activity that you have never done before and not just a slight change in what you usually do. If you want to get it right from the start, take a look at these tips to help you begin.

Tips for Staying Motivated When You Go to the Gym

If you go to the gym then you will understand more than anyone how much work you need to put in to try and get a good result out of your fitness. On top of this, you also have to make sure that you are consistent as well. If you are not consistent then this can cause you real issues and you may even find that you lose your motivation as a result. This won’t help you to achieve your goals at all, but there are things that you can do to stop this from happening.

Set Goals

The first thing that you need to do is start out with simple goals. You then need to use these goals to help you to progress to longer-term goals. One problem that a lot of people have is that they make their goals unrealistic and in some instances, they are unachievable as well. If you are too ambitious then this will knock your confidence every single time you don’t achieve your goal and this can cause real issues for you. For this reason, you have to know your body, what it is trying to tell you and even what you need to do in order to make the most out of the workouts you do.


Just Have Fun

It helps to have sporting activities that you love. This way you can find a routine that will help you to stay on your toes. If you have never considered trying a sport before then look into things like basketball, football, softball or even badminton. The options are limitless here, and if you don’t like the idea of a sport then you could even try out a martial arts class, yoga or even ballroom dancing. Anything that gets you up, out of the house and moving is surely going to benefit you and it can make all the difference to your routine.





Write Everything on Paper


Do you want to sleep better? Try and manage a chronic condition? Maybe you just want to try and be healthier. Either way, it helps to write down the goals that you have because when you are able to do this, you can then see how many things you are ticking off as you progress through your workouts. Of course, if you want to try and take things to that next level then you need to try and invest in Fitbit watches and Fitbit bands. This will give you the chance to write down achievable goals that are to do with your physical body. This could include your weight, your heart rate or anything else of the sort.


So there are so many things that you can do to try and get a better result out of your fitness and when you are able to put the work in, you will soon start to see that everything pays off. Of course, if you are not sure how to start then it may be worth you investing in a personal trainer or even looking up exercise programs at your local gym.



Best Fitness Apps for 2018

You can’t do anything better than improving the situation of your body by getting fit as a fiddle, remaining fit, and working out. It brings down the most unnecessary stuff of our body (cholesterol, circulatory strain, and so on) and uplifts all the good things that should be laid focused on (muscles, stamina, and so on). Owning an Android gadget won’t do these things for you however there are a lot of applications that can help you to get in shape. These applications have turned out to be stunning too. Sadly, they likewise tend to be shockingly costly. Here are the best Android wellness applications and exercise applications that you can download and start working for your fitness today.



A great deal of these Android wellness applications endeavor to take control of your life and enable you to get into shape. FitNotes by James Gay does the inverse by giving you a chance to do what you do and just offering to keep a log of it. It’s a free application that highlights no publicizing, incorporates an activity database to help you legitimately sort your exercises, an exercise log so you can monitor what you’re doing, and you can make custom schedules and exercises customized to yourself. It’s an absolute necessity to have this application in the event that you go to the recreational center or take an interest in DIY wellness classes.


Google Fit

Google Fit has been out for some time. It likewise gets visit increments to its element list. Presently, it’s a standout amongst other wellness applications out there. Its best element is its entire and aggregate incorporation with Android Wear which makes this an unquestionable requirement choice for the individuals who wear a smartwatch. Over that, you’ll get details to break down, objectives to vanquish, and different sorts of following. It covers all the fundamental highlights extremely well. That makes it extraordinary for tenderfoots and is free. One of the other reasons why you should have this app. If you are looking to buy some latest gadgets, check out our https://www.couponscurry.com/flipkart/. They have all the latest mobile phones and gadgets ready to be delivered at your doorstep.



Endomondo is viewed as truly outstanding of the best wellness applications with regards to wellness applications. With it you can track your wellness and execution, record energy talks for your companions (and the other way around), and an expansive rundown of different activities and access. The majority of the application is allowed to utilize. In any case, you can likewise pay for the membership benefit. With that you can make an individual preparing plan, break down heart rate, dispose of promotions, and a few more highlights. It’s to a great degree prevalent and individuals appear to like it.


Home Workout

Home Workout is one of the more straightforward exercise applications on Android. It requires no gear, no exercise center participations, or anything extravagant like that. A portion of the highlights incorporate different warm-up activities and exercise schedules, an outline to track advance, video and enlivened aides, and social highlights too. The designer, Leap Fitness Group, likewise has wellness applications particularly for arm exercises, stomach muscle exercises, and the sky is the limit from there. They additionally influence a drink update application and even a period tracker.


MyFitnessPal is a standout amongst the most mainstream exercise applications and wellness applications. It helps track calories with a database of more than six million distinct sustenance. Furthermore, it incorporates formulas, water following, weight reduction objectives, and significantly more. The application additionally logs your activity. You basically tell the application what you’ve done and it will recollect. Numerous applications coordinate with MyFitnessPal. That makes it awesome as a sidekick application for different wellness applications.



RunKeeper is another of those Android wellness applications that a virtual boatload of individuals have utilized. This one concentrates around being an execution tracker for you sprinters out there. You can make running courses, monitor your execution, make wellness designs, and you can incorporate different equipment to gauge your heart rate. It supports different sorts of exercises which is a decent touch and there are even plans in case you’re preparing for part of a marathon or an entire one. It is additionally incorporated into a pack of different wellness applications (some of them are on this very rundown) and wellness gadgets. Want to buy a brand new phone, why don’t you check out our amazon india coupons?


Runtastic Running and Fitness Tracker

Runtastic is another of the most prominent wellness and exercise applications. It incorporates a considerable measure of wellness including charts, adjustable dashboard so you just get the data you need, and it coordinates with various huge name music applications so you can tune in to blocks while you work out. You can get a portion of the usefulness for nothing. You’ll need to get the membership keeping in mind the end goal to get the majority of the highlights.

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Make your New Year Diet Plan more exciting with these Natural Sweeteners and Drinks!

Let’s see what Iram Zaidi, an eminent Nutritionist and Fitness trainer with an expertise in Sports Nutrition, Fat-Loss, General well being, Makeover and Transformation has to say. Her inspiring tale of overall transformation from an overweight girl to a fit and fab nutritionist is something that inspires people to take every word of her training as a mantra for fitness and weight loss.

We are all set to welcome the New Year with new pledges and resolutions to stay fit and tune in to a healthy lifestyle. To beat a big hurdle in your healthy resolution i.e. dieting boredom, one needs to keep the diet plan and healthy eating target as exciting and simple as possible. Nature has blessed us with few natural sweeteners which can best fit into our healthy diet.

Stevia-Plant based, zero calorie, easy to use and safe sweetener

Stevia is widely getting popular across the world as a natural sweetener. There were certain misconceptions with its bitter taste as a majority of products were based on traditional stevia sweeteners offered in the form of high purity Reb A molecule. A recently developed variety of Stevia called Star Leaf sweetener tastes exactly like sugar, so that our taste buds should not compromise. Given stevia can replace some unwanted sweetener calories, it can be one tool in the toolbox for cutting calories from your daily diet without affecting blood sugar or insulin levels.

Sugarcane juice-Natures Superfluid and a great sweetener

From thousands of years Sugarcane juice has been a part of Indian culture. Ayurveda acharyas prefer the juice to be extracted from healthy canes and consumed in hygienic form. A great energy drink, skin toner, body cleanser and loaded with a variety of medicinal properties to fight a majority of diseases, unfortunately Sugarcane juice was missing from our diet plans. One of the biggest reasons was the hygiene concern. Products like OMG (Oh My Ganna), a bottled sugarcane juice with 3 months of non refrigerated shelf life or Rawpressery’s cold pressed sugarcane juice are good pickups for a healthy start.

Honey- Nature’s best antibiotic and great sweetener

Natural honey is loaded with nutrients, and is an essential part of Indian home remedy solutions from ages. It has in the form of proteins, minerals, and vitamins. The plant enzyme amylase present in the raw honey is effective in breaking down and helping the predigestion of the starches and also helps to raise the level of antioxidants required in the body. One teaspoon of honey is only about 20 calories.

Coconut sugar- lower glycemic index and great nutritional value

Coconut sugar is also called Coconut Palm Sugar. It is a natural sugar made from sap, which is the sugary circulating fluid of the coconut plant. It is a good source of minerals like Iron, Zinc, Calcium and Potassium, along with some short chain fatty acids, polyphenols and antioxidants. Coconut sugar and coconut nectar contain a fiber known as inulin. This fiber may help slow glucose absorption, offering an alternative for those dealing with diabetic concerns.

Go ahead with these natural sweeteners as there is no need to put extra efforts to fight your sweet tooth by eliminating sugar from your meals.

You can reach Iram Zaidi on [email protected] for any diet/nutrition related query

How to get rid of Wrinkles!

How to get rid of Wrinkles!

As soon as we think we are ageing, the appearance of wrinkles start bothering us.As we age, fine lines and wrinkles will start to appear. But there’s plenty of ways to get rid of wrinkles such as avoiding too much sun exposure, making a few lifestyle changes, and creating a proper skincare routine.

Here’s some natural ways you can do to help reduce and combat wrinkle issues:


1. Avoid too much sun exposure

Direct sun exposure will eventually hurt our skin and is one of the leading causes of wrinkles because of the sun’s drying rays. You should always keep yourself protected by applying sunscreen of at least SPF 30. Not only does it help reduce getting fine lines, it also decreases the chance of skin diseases such as sunburn, and can even prevent skin cancer.


2. Eat healthy

You are what you eat. What your body intakes will eventually reflect your physical appearance. Select foods that are rich in omega-4 fatty acids and vitamin E. Eat your way to fabulous skin by adding foods such as fish, sunflower seeds, fruits and vegetables to your meal plan.


3. Keep hydrated

“You must drink at least 8 glasses of water each day.” is a cliché. But it is a must.

Many of us doesn’t drink enough water our body needs. And many of us are not aware of the benefits of keeping ourselves hydrated even during cold, winter days.

Water is essential in giving our skin the right moisture and distributing essential nutrients on the skin cells. It also delays the appearance of fine lines as it increases our skin’s elasticity.

Keeping ourselves hydrated doesn’t only benefit the appearance of our skin but it also helps in keeping us healthy overall as it flushes out toxins in our body. Lastly, it is a great alternative for hunger as we sometimes think we are hungry only to realize we just need a glass of water to satisfy our thirst.


4. Get plenty of sleep

Lack of sleep accelerates the human aging process. It causes wrinkles to appear under the eyes, neck, and forehead. Getting enough hours of sleep is advisable if you want to maintain a healthy glowing skin. And while you’re at it, try sleeping on your back or on of your sides so there won’t be constant pressure on your face. You might also want to consider changing your pillow cover to fabric and silk. Deep sleep can eventually repair skin tissues so create a relaxing bedtime routine and selecting essential oils like lavender.


5. It’s Time to Move that Body

Exercising is something that most of us our too lazy to do. But moving our bodies actually makes us younger looking as it clears the skin of toxins through sweat. It also helps regulate the circulation of the blood. We just have to be careful in selecting the kind of exercise we should be doing as some says that specific exercises such as weightlifting causes more wrinkles to appear.


Are Spin Bikes Really Effective for Toning Body..

Bicycling can be beneficial when adding it to your normal workout routine. However stationary bikes can only tone up your body. If you want both the benefit of a cardio workout and the ability to tone muscles then you should consider looking into Spin Bikes.

Some people have a misconception when it comes to biking. Many believe that biking solely focuses on endurance, that however is not the case. Recumbent and spin bikes work to both increase endurance and build lower and core muscles simultaneously, making it the perfect pick for people who want to double up on their workouts.

What are spin bikes?

Spinning bikes are built different than traditional stationary bikes. Instead of sitting upright, its build is slightly angled, putting your body in a position that has to use its muscles to support you while cycling.

Other stationary bikes position your body to sit upright, hence leading to less effectiveness on toning muscles. The slightly bent angle will help tighten your core, leading to an increased workout for your core muscles including your abdominal muscles.

Spin bikes will usually be less comfortable than stationary bikes because their main focus isn’t to let you leisurely stroll along, it’s to build muscle while also focusing on endurance training.

Why should I choose a spin bike?

Traditionally stationary/recumbent bikes don’t tone your body and can lead to lower back pain. The support built into normal bikes don’t give you the best form when cycling. If you’re looking for a great cardio workout that maximizes its effectiveness while also fitting in the ability to tone your core muscles, then a spin bike is going to be a good fit for your individual needs.

Spin bikes will help you tone a handful of different muscle groups. Because of the angle of the seating, spin bikes will help you tone your core, upper and lower back, and all of your leg muscles. Pumping up the resistance on your bike can also lead to more muscle gain in your lower body, providing you with maximization of both lower and upper body strengthening.

Spinning bikes also give high impact training. When you’re focused on pedaling at faster rates you’re going to find that your abdomen will automatically contract and expand. Hence making it perfect for toning your abs.

Another extra feature that individuals tend to overlook is that you can use spin bikes to workout your upper body as well. You can do this by switching the position of your arms and practice with using one hand at a time.

What features should I expect?

Most spinning bikes are going to have a few core features different from traditional bikes or stationary bikes. Spin bikes tend to offer higher resistance than most other bikes, making it more ideal for muscle training. They will also usually have more extensive and physically challenging training programs, however they still offer beginner options.

The resistance will usually end up ranging from minimal to expert, giving you many options to either tone down or drive your workout to be even more intense. Extra features can be included in some spinning bikes, however these are not necessary. The main features you want on your spin bike is a good pedaling system, right size for your body (as some spin bikes do not support shorter or taller people), and a decent range in customization (personal profile input, program settings, etc).

As mentioned above, other bikes tend to force you to sit upright and will allow you to more leisurely workout. Spin bikes however do not give you the opportunity to slack and sit back, instead they will help force you to keep your own body supported.

Most of the good spin bikes fall under $500. You need not to consider any high-end bikes, provided if you are not planning for intense cycling and training for cycling leagues.

In conclusion

Spin bikes may slightly start to sound scary, as these features tend to seem like they are more suited for experts, that is not the case. These bikes are great for experts and beginners as well.

The extra benefit of muscle toning will also seem to frighten individuals away. You should not let the seemingly “lack of support” scare you. Because of how these bikes are built you will automatically be strengthening your core muscles, thus leading your body to become stronger and lead to more muscle growth. The extra force will also help you have better posture, more stability, and help balance.


This post is written by Paul Schoff from FitnessAbout.com. He is a vegan bodybuilder and a passionate blogger. He believes in holistic development and cuts the BS promoted my media about health.

Maximize Each Workout With These Top Tips


Working out can be a lot of fun when you get it right. But ensuring that a workout is right for you doesn’t always have to involve technicalities or trends. Instead, you need to ensure that any efforts you make to improve your fitness, get healthier, and generally push yourself when it comes to exercise, are maximized. And although there are some set ways that you can do this, you have to be able to work out how you can make tweaks to your own workout plans to make them more effective. So let’s take a look at some of the things that can help you to do that.

Get Some Sleep

Never underestimate the power of sleep. It’s so easy to let yourself back into unhealthy habits, and not prioritizing your sleep is definitely one of those. Sleep is so essential to everyday life, but also to your workouts. When we sleep, our bodies heal and repair. So if you want to make sure that your body is able to handle your workouts as best as possible, you need to be thinking about getting as much high-quality sleep as possible. And eight hours as a minimum.

Warm Up

When you’re excited to get your workout in, or desperate to fit in what you can in the time you have, it’s tempting to rush through things. But in reality, you need to take it slow if you want your workout to be as effective as possible. And a huge portion of that is going to be down to your warm up. Because when you warm up properly, you can not only ensure that your workout is going to be more effective, but you can get your body ready to perform at its best.


Stay Hydrated

On the flip side of ensuring that your workouts are as maximized as possible, if them being a bit more of a disaster. And injuries are definitely a huge part of that. However, when you’re able to stay hydrated during your workout, and start off hydrated to, you will be able to not only perform at your best levels, but minimize the risk of injury too.


Next, you also need to be super smart with your nutrition. Because what you eat before, during and after your workout is essential to its success. So you need to do your research. Here, you’ll find that Element Fitness recommends what to eat after a workout, but you should also think about what to eat to fuel the workout too. Because what you eat can really influence how well your workout will be.

Stretch It Out

And finally, you’re definitely going to want to think about what you can do before, during, and after your workout to keep your body at its best. And stretching is always great for that. Not only can your body get stronger and avoid injuries, you’ll find that you can recover a lot quicker, especially with post-workout stretches. In turn, your workouts will start to become more effective.



Secret Useful Features of Yoga Mats and Activity Trackers

Here are two illustrative and beautiful infographics which explain us the useful features of yoga mats and also the activity trackers. Hope you like them, these have been exclusively designed for ikreate by Reviews Bee.


Reviews Bee was established after the founder and CEO, Roman Sahakov, started to do his own product research.  He became easily frustrated sorting and organizing the data he collected from visiting product websites and reading a multitude of reviews, both from experts and consumers.

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What Are The Best Ways To Tone And Build Your Muscles For Sculpting?

Most of us know that lots of aerobic exercises are good for heart health and weight loss. You might enjoy walking a lot, and perhaps you even go jogging occasionally. Did you know that combining these exercises with some weight work can help you to sculpt your body shape more easily? Of course, standing around with dumbbells doesn’t sound like fun, so here are some of the best ways to enjoy toning and building up your muscles:


All you need for this one is a workout mat and enough space to put it down. You can find lots of really good Yoga poses online, or even join a class to get more from it. Yoga builds strength in most of your muscle groups. It particularly works the core muscle and can help to improve your posture. Did you know that Yoga can be used for relaxation as well as energizing? Best of all, it serves as the perfect warm-up to stretch all those muscles out well. Low impact stuff that’s fun and good for toning!

Photo source


This is the exercise that’s taking America by storm right now. Kettlebells are relatively cheap to buy and you only really need one. Start with just a couple of kilos, especially if you’re coming back to exercise. If you’re asking what muscles do kettlebell swings work, then you’re not alone. After all, it’s just one weight with one handle. How effective can it be? The trick is to use kettlebell swings to work your shoulders, back, and hips. If you don’t want bulky legs, this is perfect because it tones rather than adding mass.


There are so many different kinds of dancing, but all of them demand a strong core and good posture. This immediately lifts your entire frame. As you’re up on your ball joints a lot, your legs, ankles, and glutes will enjoy a lot of toning. Best of all, the music motivates you to keep going. There are lots of dance exercise classes, but a standard ballroom, jazz, street, or ballet class will work wonders. Plus it’s social and lots of fun!

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Do you remember those pregnancy exercise in the water classes? Some people love them, others hate them. Now you’re back to basics, and it’s time to get in the water and start swimming! The movements you ‘enjoyed’ before are actually pretty good warm-ups. But it is the breaststroke and front crawl that is going to help you tone up your shoulders, arms, and back.

Laying on the sofa?

Yes, laying on the sofa can help you tone and even build up your leg muscles. This can be ideal for anyone with a weakened back. For squishier couch seat cushions, add a pillow or two under your lower back as you lay on the sofa. Now raise your legs in the air, one at a time. From here you can start to explore the range of movement in your hips that are comfortable. Leg pushes, splits and kicks can help push the excess fluid away from ankles and knees. And you’ll get some great toning if you perform these during your favorite soap opera each night!




Building Muscle The Right Way

Whether you want to build up your muscles to become built up, or you’re just looking to improve your general health and wellbeing you should take a look at this article before planning out your workout routines. Today I’m going to be giving you some advice on how you can build up muscle more easily than you thought.

I’m not saying that it’s going to be a walk in the park, you will obviously have to put a lot of work into your body to get the results you desire. If it’s done correctly, it can save you time, energy and money.

The gym is an obvious road to go down because there is access to the latest equipment and you could even hire yourself a personal trainer. If you’re a newbie to the gym this is a good idea. You can tell your trainer what your ultimate goals are and then they can talk through with you what the plan of action is. If you’ve got some experience within the gym and you know how to use all of the equipment, then do some research on how to best achieve the results you want. You might be looking on improving your arm muscle definition and be happy with how your legs and torso look, so you’d want to look for exercises to build up your arms.

Most avid gym goers like to increase their performance by taking in the right nutrients and supplements that their bodies need to endure through the workout. Aretheyonsteroids.com blog has loads of information that you could apply to your routine to increase your workout results.

If the gym isn’t really your scene, or you’d rather do it alone without spending lots of money on a gym membership, then there are other alternative ways of working out. Doing this will also save you becoming bored of the same routine, especially if you change your activities up regularly.

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What you’re putting into your body is important too. You can’t expect to become ripped with a six pack if you’re still bingeing on greasy, calorific foods. Change your diet to one with plenty of protein, as this is good for building muscle. Eating smaller but more regular meals will keep your energy levels up and give your body a chance to burn off the energy between meals.

Ensuring that you’re getting plenty of water is important too. When you’re working out, you sweat out a lot of the moisture in your body and it’s easy to become dehydrated. Being dehydrated while you’re working out is dangerous and can lead to you becoming overly exhausted, passing out and many other terrible ailments, so make sure you’re getting enough water.

As you can see, building muscle isn’t all about the workout, it’s about what you’re putting into your body too. Remember to eat well, drink plenty of water and get enough rest and your workouts will be easier. You will soon start to see results and you can begin enjoying your new and improved body.


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