Tag: Health & Fitness Blog

Don’t Let Dental Anxiety Get In The Way Of A Healthy Smile!

To keep our teeth in tip-top condition, regular visits to the dentist are vital. However, some of us have had a bad experience in the past, and this can make us avoid the dentist getting in the way of keeping up our oral health! The good news is some tactics can significantly reduce dental anxiety. Keep reading to find out what they are.

Starting a New Workout Regime: How to Get It Right

You might start a new exercise regime for a number of reasons. Maybe you don’t exercise regularly and you want to start being more active. Or perhaps you do work out but you want to try something new. You could even be working toward a big goal, such as running a marathon. Whatever your reasons for starting a new routine, you need to be able to ease yourself into it to get started on the right foot. It’s not always easy to start doing something new, especially if it’s an activity that you have never done before and not just a slight change in what you usually do. If you want to get it right from the start, take a look at these tips to help you begin.

7 Simple and Effective Exercises That Will Help You Lose Belly Fat

The belly is one of the main parts that your body uses to deposit fat when one does not put any effort into getting rid of unnecessary fat. It is effortless to gain belly fat, but at the same time, it can be quite a task to reduce it. Belly fat is very prominent, which makes the slightest fluctuations very noticeable. Cutting back on unnecessary complex carbohydrates and focusing on belly fat reduction exercises are the main steps you need to take to keep your belly toned.

3 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Body

Every day is an opportunity to know more about your body. The human body is a complex makeup of muscles, bones, organs, nerves, etc., and each part plays a specific role in maintaining your well-being. However, there are some peculiar occurrences that you didn’t know can have an impact on how you feel or look. For example, have you considered why your blood makes up 8% of your total body weight? Or better yet, why does the human nose detect one trillion different smells? Learn more about other things you didn’t know about your body.

Home Gym vs. a Gym: Which One Works Best?

Are you trying to decide where to work out? Or do you have fitness goals that you’re simply unsure if you should do it alone or not? Whatever your puzzle may be, one thing is for sure – you have fitness and health goals to achieve. With that in mind, where you choose to achieve your fitness goals is just as essential as your choice of diet. So, by the end of this article, you’ll have all the pros and cons of a home gym and a gym membership to help you make the best choice.

Top Health Benefits of Playing Badminton!

Badminton has been one sport that I have been fond of since my childhood days. Still, remember when we didn’t have TV or mobile phones to keep us busy, we indulged in a lot of playing. After school and study hours, we looked forward to going out in the playgrounds or even streets to play badminton with friends.

Four Signs You Need To Go To The Dentist

When it comes to your health, your teeth are an area of your body that you certainly want to look after. If you’re not careful, it can end up being problematic for you if you’re dismissing your teeth’s health and letting them gradually get worse. Here are four signs that you need to go to a dentist.

How to Stick to Your Fitness Goals

Having trouble sticking to your fitness goals? Finding it difficult to lose weight, tone up or maybe improve your running distance? Here are a few tricks that might help.

4 Awesome Tips About Enjoying Long Term Health And Happiness From Celebrities

Long-term health and happiness isn’t always something we automatically have. Taking care of your health is especially important as you age, and finding happiness outside of material things is so important. The amount of people suffering due to a poor diet, or trying to find happiness in buying ‘stuff’ or getting followers on social media is ridiculous. Even celebrities aren’t immune with all of their fans and money. Celebrities fall ill all the time, and even end up with depression. That being said, certain celebrities do have great advice for people who want it. Here are 10 tips from celebrities who know what they’re talking about!

Christie Brinkley – Start The Day Off Right

We all want to know Christie Brinkley’s health secrets. She looks absolutely incredible for her age. She says she always starts the day with hot water and the juice of a whole lemon, and sometimes adds cayenne pepper and honey. Rihanna is also a fan of hot water and lemon to start the day!


Rosie Huntington-Whiteley – Cut Out Red Meat

Jason Statham’s other half and baby-momma to be Rosie is a world renowned model. As well as being absolutely stunning, she’s also super healthy. She explains that she loves food, so she doesn’t restrict herself. However, she has cut out red meat. Since doing so, she says she feels so much lighter and healthier. Some studies suggest that red meat can have many negative health effects, so even if you don’t cut meat out altogether and go ‘plant based’, it’s a good move.

Russell Brand – Stop Caring About What Others Think

Russell Brand has been through a lot. A recovered drug addict, he’s been married, divorced, said some pretty controversial things, and now has his first child with his girlfriend. Russell says that it’s imperative you don’t care what other people think of you. In his words, it’s ‘irrelevant’. This is definitely a key to long term happiness. Doing things for others and being kind is great, but caring too much about how you look, what others think of how you’re living and so on, will only cause problems in the future. If Russell cared what other people thought, he likely wouldn’t have gone to rehab for heroin and methadone treatment. He’s been clean and sober for 10 years now!

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson – Do Your Bit To Help Others In Need

Dwayne Johnson is famous first and foremost for being ‘The Rock’, one of the most well known wrestlers of all time. Then he turned to acting in films, and he can sing a bit too. While he may look a little scary, he’s actually really, really nice. Not only is he healthy and loves to work out (that much is obvious) he’s also a huge advocate of helping those in need. In 2006 he started a charity that works with terminally ill children. He just loves having pictures with his fans too!

Try these things for yourself and see how you feel. Do it one at a time so you don’t feel overwhelmed!

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