Tag: Health Blogger

What is the Right Time to Visit an Orthodontist?


An orthodontist uses tools similar to ones that your dentist would, such as braces, Invisalign, and retainers. However, orthodontics can help bring your teeth into physical alignment with the jaw. Getting them in the right alignment can affect how well you can chew, sleep, or talk. More importantly, if you want a perfect smile for yourself or someone you care about, you should have the number of a skilled and capable orthodontist on your phone!

Keep in mind though that only knowing a good orthodontist won’t be enough for the sake of your dental health. It is equally important to know the right time to visit them. Below we have gathered the recommendations from dentists for guidance:

Dentist Recommendation for Children

You should consider visiting an orthodontic clinic if your kid is experiencing any of the following problems:

  1. They have crowded or misplaced teeth or ones that protrude
  2. You have often caught them clenching/grinding their teeth
  3. The teeth enamel is in a bad condition
  4. Your kids suck their thumb or fingers or used to do so
  5. Biting, chewing, and/or speaking is problematic for your child
  6. They are missing some teeth
  7. Your child is losing their baby teeth earlier or later than they should
  8. They have an overbite, which means they end up biting their cheek or mouth palate. Not treating an overbite could result in other dental issues.


Benefits of early treatment

It is best to have your children visit the orthodontist as early as possible. There are many advantages to early treatment or as it is known as phase one. For instance, if their teeth are growing in a crowded manner, a skilled orthodontist could create space in your child’s mouth. When the remaining adult teeth come in, there would be ample space for them to grow.

Similarly, crooked teeth or an overbite may lead to low self-confidence children and young adults. The emotional trauma associated with poorly positioned teeth can be prevented with timely application of orthodontics. Early treatment could also reduce or prevent physical trauma associated with orthodontics later in life. Moreover, misaligned teeth could prevent your kid from brushing properly and affect their dental health. Finally, improperly positioned teeth are at a higher risk of injury on the playground. Keep your child safe from such an injury by getting them treated at the earliest.

If they are suffering from any of the problems mentioned above, then the orthodontist will follow phase one with further treatment, but only when your child is old enough.

Even though timely treatment is important, you might be wondering what that means regarding your child’s age. There is no right age for receiving orthodontic treatment. That applies to children, young adults, as well as adults. It is always better to visit an orthodontist and get a better idea about the timing of the treatment.


Dentist Recommendation for Adults

Think you are too old for braces? Chances are that you aren’t! The right time for adults or young adults to visit an orthodontist is once their teeth have been set. Since we regularly use our teeth, they can face wear and tear. Some areas of special wear though arise from incorrect teeth alignment. If that is the case with you, go see your dentist. They could recommend the orthodontic treatment you’d need.

The action you can take

The good thing about seeing an orthodontist is that you can do so whenever you feel the need. That’s because there isn’t a need for a referral. One problem solved, but other things might concern you. Only visit or let your child visit an orthodontist they are comfortable with. Look for a professional who will take the time to listen to your concerns and have satisfactory answers to them.

After you have found the right orthodontist for you – or your family – make an appointment to see them. During an initial appointment, you will receive a full examination and a discussion of any problems that might be present. Besides that, the orthodontist will also give you an estimate of the cost of the procedure that is best for your condition. Finally, they will also let you know how long it will take for the treatment to be completed.

If you’ve already started searching for Orthodontics Near Me, you know where to come for high-quality dental treatment. On the other hand, if you are still thinking about getting it, don’t waste time thinking about whether this is the right time to do so or not. When it comes to orthodontics, the answer to that question is whenever you are having alignment issues. Go visit your orthodontist if the quality of your bite could use some improvement as well. An orthodontist has the right skills and training for treating such issues. So, why not take advantage of their expert opinion?

Author Bio:

Evie Harrison is a blogger by choice.  She loves to discover the world around her. She likes to share her discoveries, experiences and express herself through her blogs. Find her on Twitter:@iamevieharrison


What To Do If You Suspect You Caught a Hospital Bug

We all end up in a hospital once or twice in our lives. Whether it is an accident that causes our hospitalization or we need a major operation, it is stressful enough to be stuck in bed and not seeing our family all day. If the inconvenience is topped by a bad infection or a bug, this can lengthen our stay and make us miss more of our lives. If you suspect that you got an infection at the hospital, you will need to act. Find out below what you can do.

Image via Wikipedia

Ask to See the Records

One of the rights of patients is that they can see the hygiene records of the hospital and ask the right questions. After all, your health insurance is paying for the treatment and your stay might cost hundreds of dollars each week. You need to find out whether there are enough risk prevention measures in place, so you can ensure that you are safe and cannot be a subject to infection.

Talk to Patient Liaison Officers

If your hospital is not willing to show you the records and give you more than general information, you will need to contact the patient liaison officers. This will help you negotiate the meetings and get more information. If you suspect that you caught a salmonella or e Coli bug while in hospital, it is your right to find out about the hygiene rating of the kitchen

Get to Know Your Rights

You also have to familiarize yourself with the health care law and regulations, so you know exactly what your rights are. Whether you decide to make a formal complaint or ask the department to investigate, maybe get in touch with your local politician, you will be able to find the right route to put things right and prevent the same thing happening to other patients. You might want to consult with personal injury lawyers to make sure that you are not missing out on compensation.

Talk to Other Patients

Image via Health.mil


To gather evidence, chances are that you will also need to talk to other patients, to see if anyone else has been affected. If it is a major outbreak, and the management is trying to silence you, it is important that you gather other people around you, as it will be harder for the hospital to ignore a dozen or so patients.

Find Out What You Can Do to Make a Change

Apart from holding people responsible for the infection, you will also have to get in touch with nonprofit organizations that can help you persuade the health care company to introduce new preventive measures and change their ways, so they get better at protecting patients in their care in the future.


If your hospitalization caused you an infection and made you stay out of work and away from your family for longer than your treatment required it, you should make sure that this doesn’t happen again to you or other patients.



You May Need Professional Help to Overcome Your Opiate Addiction

Opiate addiction has reached epidemic proportions in the United States and its deadly effects make this an especially tragic problem. Every day, there are 115 deaths attributed to opiate overdoses in this country and that number continues to rise. In 2016, Florida reported 2,798 deaths resulting from opiate-related overdoses. Put in other terms, there were 14.4 deaths per 100,000 people in Florida, while the rate for opiate overdose deaths across the country is at 13.3 deaths per 100,000. This indicates that opiate addiction is more widespread in Florida than in most other states in the U.S.

The reason that there are so many opiate-related deaths nationwide and in Florida is that these types of drugs are especially powerful. Even when addicts realize they need to get clean, they often find that they’re physically unable to quit by themselves. When they try, their cravings cause a severe relapse that puts the individual in danger of a fatal overdose. This is why addicts are urged to reach out to an opiate rehab center in Florida, when they’re ready to quit.

When you enter a rehab facility, your first step will be to get clean and you’ll receive the help you need through a medical detox. By using prescribed drugs to gradually wean you away from your opiate addiction, you’ll be better able to handle your cravings as well as the intense withdrawal symptoms you would otherwise experience. These symptoms can include any of the following:

  • Depression or anxiety
  • Muscle cramps
  • Nausea, which may be accompanied by vomiting
  • Agitation
  • Mood swings

Once you’re clean and no longer depend on medication to help you control your cravings, you can move forward. The next phase of your treatment will involve structured schedules designed to keep you occupied, while also helping you confront your addiction. You’ll attend one on one therapy sessions with a counselor to help you identify the triggers that led to your drug addiction. These sessions will give you an opportunity to discuss anything that’s troubling you, so you can identify areas of your life that need improvement.

You’ll also participate in group peer support meetings, which will cover a variety of topics. Together, you will discuss how to spot the signs of opiate addiction in others and how to help those in need. Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to mentor those who are newer to the program or you’ll be able to meet the mentor you may need. The goal of group support meetings is to help you build a supportive network of sober-minded people, so you won’t drift back into destructive practices.

Your family members may also be asked to participate in your recovery on their visits with you. This will give you an opportunity to mend relationships and build a strong support system outside of the treatment center. Once you leave the facility, you’ll be able to rely on your family for the support you’ll need to move forward with your recovery. Building a strong network inside and outside the facility will increase your chances of continuing your recovery over time.

An opiate addiction treatment program isn’t just about counseling, though that is a big part of any successful program. You’ll also be able to participate in activities that teach you new ways of living healthy. Your physical and mental health will be benefited by learning meditation, yoga, and other relaxation techniques. These activities work to reduce the stress that plays a big role in the relapses that derail some recovering addicts.

You’ll also have an opportunity to take up physical activities and learn about healthy eating habits. By taking a more holistic approach to your life, you’ll be more focused on healthy habits and that will reduce your risk of a relapse. While these practices aren’t required in your rehab program, they do help many recovering addicts in learning to better cope with stress.

By the time you graduate from your recovery program, you’ll be better equipped to deal with the triggers that caused your addiction. You’ll have learned useful coping skills that will help you resist the urge of using again and you’ll be ready to start a new chapter in your life. This is an opportunity to chase dreams that your addiction caused you to forget or you may find that you have new interests. Either way, this is an opportunity for you to start your life fresh, clean, and healthier.

Self Care Tips We Forget About

Self-care is a big thing in the modern world, considering how much stress and tension is going around, and how the news rarely has good things to say to us. Because of this, more and more people are having to take a step back to recollect themselves, which is quite a healthy thing to do, when you actually know how to.


Self-care can be done in many different ways, and it’s something everyone has their own opinions on. But sometimes we can forget what activities are truly relaxing, or we can forget how much time we should truly dedicate to taking care of ourselves. And honestly? We could all do with a reintroduction on what we should do for ourselves! So here’s a couple of ideas to hopefully inspire you.

Even just taking a few deep breaths can relax you in moments. (Source)


You’re Allowed to Live in the Moment


A lot of people hear the term ‘mindfulness’ and immediately turn up their nose; it’s something quite a few don’t put stock in or don’t let themselves properly try or enjoy, and as a result, they can miss out on a lot of benefits. So if you’re trying to give yourself a break from very serious things like negotiating with debt collectors or dealing with the loss of a beloved pet, be sure to let yourself breathe and feel in the moment.


It really can knock the stress and tension of life away, and let you feel like nothing exists outside of this little bubble you’ve created for yourself. And that’s something that could work for everyone – if you live a fast-paced, high demanding job, or you haven’t had any free time this week and next week is shaping up to be the same way, use this as your sign to try out some mindfulness techniques.


There Are Good Things in the World


And you can and should indulge in them! If what other people think means a lot to you, now’s your chance to shed their influence in a little way that still matters! So no matter what a critic said about a recent movie, or what your friends think of that reality TV show you like to binge on – if you enjoy something in media, no matter how ‘trash’ it seems to other people, you’re allowed to indulge in it.


Never let yourself feel guilty for having fun in harmless ways like this. As humans, we like to think of ourselves as people of the world, who are very cultured and intelligent, and we trick ourselves into turning away from harmless pursuits we can very much enjoy. Don’t let yourself fall into this kind of trap!


Self-care is something we take for granted, or we push aside as a silly thing that won’t do anything real for us. But it can do a lot for both your mind and body, so be sure to give it a try if you’ve had a bad day. 

Can I Eat Fried Food After a Teeth Cleaning?

Most people understand the importance of brushing and flossing their teeth at home. However, many don’t realize just how vital regular teeth cleanings are for their oral health. By visiting a dentist every six months or so for teeth cleaning, you can protect your teeth and avoid serious complications down the road.

During teeth cleaning, a dental hygienist can remove the majority of the stains that lead to teeth discoloration so you can enjoy a brighter, whiter smile. Having your teeth professionally cleaned can also prevent gum disease, which can lead to premature tooth loss.

In addition, a teeth cleaning can give your dentist the opportunity to uncover broken fillings and fractures as well as other problems early on. If you have dental insurance, rest assured that teeth cleanings are likely covered by your plan. By taking advantage of your insurance policy, you’ll be able to keep your teeth and gums in tip-top shape and save money on dental expenses down the road.


If you did not receive fluoride during your teeth cleaning, you can eat and drink as soon as your cleaning has been completed. However, if you did receive a fluoride treatment, it’s best to wait at least 30 minutes before eating and drinking.

You may be wondering if you can eat fried foods after teeth cleaning. While it may be tempting to stop by the McDonald’s drive-thru after your cleaning and reward yourself with some fresh french fries, doing so is not recommended.


Fried foods like fries contain refined carbohydrates and can get trapped in and between the teeth and feed the bacteria in the plaque. They can also erode your tooth enamel. If possible, stick to a healthy meal after your teeth cleaning. Your teeth and body will thank you. For further information on what you can and cannot eat after teeth cleaning, contact River Run Dental.

Tooth Extractions vs Dental Implants – What Is Best?

Most dentists try to preserve their patient’s teeth. However, sometimes, a tooth extraction is necessary. Extracting teeth may be necessary to eliminate overcrowding or after a serious accident like a car crash. A dentist may also recommend tooth extractions when teeth are impacted or the gums did not fully erupt. In addition, a tooth extraction may be a viable solution to gum disease.


Fortunately, tooth extractions are not as painful and complicated as they seem. If you need to get your tooth extracted, you’ll be given a local anesthetic to numb your mouth so that you don’t feel any discomfort during the procedure. Then, your tooth will be gently pulled. Gauze may be placed in the empty socket to stop bleeding and stitches may be used to close up the gum.

Dental implants are artificial teeth that look and feel like real teeth. They are an excellent, modern, and long-term solution for missing teeth and are typically preferred over dentures. Since they are permanently added to the mouth, you won’t have to worry about them slipping out. Most dental implants involve a screw, a connector that supports and holds the teeth, and a crown.

If you’re wondering whether a tooth extraction or dental implant is best, it’s a good idea to visit an experienced dentist at Wells Family Dental Group. Every situation is different. While some patients may benefit from getting their tooth pulled, others may be better off with an artificial tooth. Regardless of which solution a dentist recommends, you are sure to improve your oral health and self-confidence by undergoing an extraction or implant procedure.

Are All Orthodontists Now Invisalign Specialists?

Since it made its debut in 1997, Invisalign has become the ideal way for patients of various ages to straighten their teeth and achieve beautiful smiles. Unlike traditional metal braces, Invisalign aligners do not contain any metal brackets or wires. They are incredibly comfortable to wear and virtually invisible. Invisalign can be removed for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing.


As long as patients wear them for at least 22 hours a day, they can watch their teeth gradually move into their proper positions. If you are interested in undergoing Invisalign treatment to improve your smile and confidence, you may be wondering whether you can visit an orthodontist.


The truth is that most orthodontists are strong advocates of Invisalign and offer it to patients. However, not all orthodontists are Invisalign Diamond Providers. Invisalign Diamond Providers are among the top 1% of providers in the country. They treat the highest amount of Invisalign patients each year and are considered the most experienced orthodontists in the country.

Dr. Jason Gladwell of Gladwell Orthodontics was recently named an Invisalign Diamond Provider for 2018. He has treated countless patients through Invisalign and takes great pride in correcting smiles in a comfortable, discreet way.

While you don’t have to see an Invisalign Diamond Provider to get quality orthodontic care, opting for an Invisalign treatment plan from an orthodontist who has received this designation can give you some extra peace of mind. Contact Gladwell Orthodontics today to meet Dr. Gladwell and take advantage of a free Invisalign consultation.

Questions to Ask Before You Select a Rehab Facility

12 Keys Rehabs have helped many people to permanently quit their destructive drug or alcohol habit. There are many rehab facilities. Choosing the right one for your particular needs is very important. That is why the selection process should not be rushed. Taking your time and carefully analyzing all of your options will definitely benefit you in the long run. You need to know the right questions to ask the representatives of each rehab facility you talk to. This will make it easier for you to ascertain if that particular facility will be able to provide you with the quality of treatment you are looking for. Here are some of the key questions that you should ask.

1. Can you provide me with a list of credentials for your entire staff?

The most important thing that you need to determine when you are selecting a rehab facility is the qualifications of the people who work there. Yo need to be absolutely certain that the people who are treating you have many years of experience and know what they are doing. You also need to verify that they are properly licensed and have passed all required tests for the state they are working in. Therefore, you should request a list of all the rehab facility employees and their credentials. All reputable rehab facilities will not hesitate to provide you with such a list if you request it. This info might even be found on the website of the rehab facility. Avoid any facility that refuses to give you this info.

2. What does your treatment program consist of?

Basically, you need to find out exactly how the treatment program at that particular rehab facility is set up. Do not wait until you check in to a facility to find this out. Any rehab facility you talk to should not have a problem explaining to you in great detail about every aspect of their treatment program. This will allow you to find out what to expect. It will also help you to compare the various types of addiction treatment programs offered by different rehab facilities.

3. How many staff members and patients does the rehab facility have at any given time?

This is very important for you to know because some rehab facilities are severely understaffed. Needless to say, you want to avoid checking yourself into a rehab facility that does not have enough staff members to adequately care for all of the patients. Some facilities will purposely check in more patients than they can handle simply to make more money. This is why you need to be sure you are not putting yourself in that type of situation. You are paying for a certain level of treatment. Be sure the rehab facility you go to will have enough staff members to provide the treatment you are expecting.

4. Will I be able to stay in my own room?

This is something that you should never assume. There are many rehab facilities that make it mandatory for all patients to have a roommate. However, there are also facilities that allow patients to have their own room. It is better to find out the policy of the facility on this matter long before you decide to get treatment there.

5. Will I be allowed to bring my phone, tablet or laptop into the facility with me?

Many rehab facilities want to keep all of their patients in complete isolation from the outside world. This means that no devices that can connect to the Internet are permitted in the facility. All phone calls are made on a phone that is monitored by the facility at specified times of the day.

6. Will you be able to serve me the foods that I want to eat?

You might have very specific dietary needs. If so, you should check with the rehab facility to be sure they will be able to meet them. This should not be a problem as long as you give the facility plenty of notice regarding the specific foods that you require. You must remember that you will not be allowed to leave the facility during treatment to buy your own food.

7. What are the details regarding your aftercare program?

You will still have treatment after you leave the facility and resume your normal activities. Find out what sort of aftercare program the rehab facility has set up for all of their patients. In most cases, it involves calling your counselor.

5 Success Tips for Your First HCG Diet Program

Losing weight can be difficult if you don’t love dieting all that much and are not habitual of vigorous exercise. Both eating a well-balanced diet and exercising regularly are essential for gradual and sustainable weight loss. Unfortunately, most people give up on a healthy lifestyle too fast and too soon, way before it can become a habit.

A key reason for this is the lack of information on how a particular diet program really works and what it would take to keep going until you reach your goal weight. Once you understand the fundamental principles of a diet plan and the supporting physical activity, it will be easier to maintain the rigor and complete your weight-loss program successfully.

HCG Diet, a popular diet program followed by millions, is a special weight-loss regime that helps in rapid weight loss, provided you follow the guidelines related to food, exercise, and lifestyle.

HCG diet has three phases, each of which plays an important role in helping you lose fat and maintain the weight when the program is over. Each phase has a comprehensive diet plan with detailed meal plans that list the ingredients, cooking methods as well as seasoning suggestions. Here is a quick overview of all three.

HCG Diet Phase 1: the Loading Phase

This two-day phase marks the beginning of your HCG diet. It is called the loading phase as during this time you are expected to eat copious amounts of food, including fattening foods such as cakes, cookies, sodas and ice cream. You eat all you want, to your heart’s content, and prepare yourself for the next few weeks of the controlled diet.

Inevitably, some people feel they have gained weight once the loading period is over. But that is normal. The purpose of this deliberate overeating is to satiate your cravings for sweet and fatty foods and energize your body systems for the upcoming low-calorie diet.

HCG Diet Phase 2: the Burning Phase

The third day of your HCG diet plan is the day you get into weight-loss mode. A diet of no more than 500/800/1200 calories per day is prescribed, along with daily intake of HCG drops. The burning or weight-loss phase lasts between three and six weeks based on an individual’s weight-loss needs. It, however, should not exceed six weeks.

As you stick with a controlled diet and follow the instructions regarding food types, portion size, foods to avoid exercise and sleep, you will experience gradual weight loss along with visible changes in your waist size and other body stats.

HCG Diet Phase 3: the Maintenance Phase

As the name indicates, the maintenance phase is where you learn to maintain your hard-earned weight loss and steer clear of falling into a cycle of rapid weight gain after successfully completing the burning phase.

There are strict guidelines for this last phase as well, such as avoiding sugar and carbs and learning to eat a normal diet of 1,500 calories a day. The maintenance phase is crucial as it helps your body systems to stabilize after the grueling burning phase. As your body gets accustomed to your new weight and eating habits, you will feel renewed, rejuvenated and energized.

If you’re planning to go on HCG diet, the following five tips will help you make the most of your experience.

Brace your body and mind

Preparing yourself physically and mentally is essential for the success of any diet program. The more committed you are to the plan, the higher the chances of your success. However, commitment alone will not get you there. Before you go on any diet program, it is important to understand what it can do for you and what could be the repercussions of not following the rules of the said plan.

This will help you prepare yourself for the various ups and downs and keep you sane while you chase your fitness goals.

Don’t starve yourself

Starving only leads to overeating. While 500 calories a day may sound too less to satiate your appetite, the HCG diet program comes with plenty of information to help you choose the right foods that align with such a low-calorie diet.

By choosing to eat low-cal foods that will make you feel full, you will be able to stick to the diet plan day on day. To save yourself from starving while you prepare your meals, don’t wait until you’re hungry and make something well in advance to avoid falling for the pack of chips that you’ve stashed away out of sight.

For once, be strict with yourself

The HCG diet has certain do’s and don’ts, which not everyone is able to follow. As said previously, this HCG regimen demands a lot out of you and only those who follow the guidelines are able to experience substantial weight loss.

To avoid going off track out of frustration, educate yourself by finding out more about HCG-friendly foods and prepare a list of your personal favorites. Stock up on these goodies well in advance so that you always have the raw ingredients to cook up a meal. And, most importantly, don’t allow yourself to cheat.

Make friends with water

The best thing about water is that it can make you feel full minus any calories. Water is a zero-calorie drink, and in fact, the HCG diet calls for drinking plenty of water every day. This will keep your body hydrated and your stomach feeling full.

For more information on the HCG weight-loss program, do check out https://hcgdiet.com/, a leading and trusted resource for credible information regarding the HCG diet.

Take up supporting activities

While most of the advice on HCG diet revolves around food, the importance of your lifestyle during the three phases is often ignored. There is plenty you can do to keep yourself calm and motivated through the program. For instance, explore meditation and yoga to ward off feelings of anxiety. Go cycling or running or hang out with a friend who is trying to lose weight to keep your mind off food.





Understanding parasites and the importance of cleansing

Parasites are present inside the human body and a parasite cleanse is a dietary supplement regimen which helps the body detoxify and get rid of the parasitic infections. The purpose of the cleanse is to achieve the results without any prescription medications or drugs. There is an effective way to treat a parasitic infection and although it might seem difficult initially, it is the best way for the long term.


What are parasites?


The organisms which infect the body of a living being and lives of their hosts are known as parasites. There are some parasites which create no symptoms in their hosts and there are many others which can lead to severe illness. Infections occur when the parasites grow, reproduce and then invade the organs which make you ill.




Most parasites come from the consumption of food and water which is contaminated. Additionally, when you travel abroad, you expose yourself to tropical parasites. Based on the type of parasites you have and the way it affects your body, there are certain symptoms which include stomach pain, nausea, stomach cramps, weight loss, vomiting, dehydration, gas, fever, constipation, diarrhea, upset stomach, itching, swollen lymph nodes, flu like symptoms, aches and pains, redness and irritation.



An infection is typically diagnosed by a stool sample and the doctor may ask for the sample more than once before you test positive for the same.



Depending on the type of infection you have, you can decide how you want to treat it. Some infections tend to disappear on their own if you eat healthily and maintain a balanced diet. In cases when it does not go away on its own, the doctor might prescribe oral medication which is effective and has worked well in the past. Many also choose natural remedies to cleanse their body off the parasites instead of undergoing medication or treatments.


Home remedies for a parasite cleanse

It is highly recommended for everyone to go for a parasite cleanse at least once in a year. There are a lot of natural health practitioners who recommend cleansing the human parasite infections with various herbal supplements like barberry, anise, clove oil, black walnut berberine, goldthread, curled mint, goldenseal, propolis, oregon grape, grapefruit seed extract, oregano oil, and wormwood.


There are plant-derived, natural medicines that claim to cleanse the parasites from your body including the liver, intestines and other parts of the digestive tract. There are also homeopathic treatments available for the elimination of specific parasites from the body. You need to choose gentle herbs for your detox otherwise it could have a side effect on your body. Before you begin any supplemental detox program, you need to ask the doctor or the health practitioner about the same.


There are some herbal detox programs which last two weeks on and two weeks off. There are others which can last for up to one month. Hence, it is important that you contact your health practitioner regarding the duration of the supplements and how long should your program last. A lot of remedies interact with medications, hence, it is important to contact the doctor.


Parasite cleansing diet

In a parasite cleanse, it is very important to follow a balanced diet which is high in nutrients and is very low on refined sugars as well as processed foods. Fiber is important for your body and it will keep the bowel movement regular when you cleanse. Additionally, you need to have a nutrition rich diet in order to strengthen the immune system as the parasites will be flushed out of your body.


You can include pumpkin seeds, garlic, honey and papaya seeds in your diet because they are considered to be anti-parasitic food. A lot of health practitioners recommend a sugar-free and grain free diet. Many also recommend limiting the fruit intake so as to reduce the dietary sugars from the body. However, when you try to limit the intake of sugar, your body will crave for it and these are the common symptoms that you will notice once you start the cleansing program. The symptoms have a cure and are easy to handle. You should also avoid eating raw meat and seafood. If you are traveling, you need to ensure that you do not consume water that is not purified, do not consume ice and fruits that you cannot peal.


Side effects and their solutions

There are a number of side effects of a parasite cleanse and these include flu-like symptoms, headache, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and stomach cramps. All supplements are not safe to take and they may interact with the current prescription medicines that you might be consuming. Some supplements also cause problems for pregnant women and children. Parasite cleansing could worsen the autoimmune symptoms or other chronic health conditions. Hence, the supplements should be avoided by those who are anemic. If you are constipated, you need to avoid the process of parasite cleanses. Get plenty of fiber in the diet before you begin taking the supplements and ensure that you are having regular bowel movements. In an intestinal cleanse, it is important to have a regular bowel movement because the parasites inside your intestine need to be removed over the course of the cleanse.


If you think you have a parasite infection, you need to consult the doctor for a testing and then start a cleanse program. Talk to the doctor about different options. You will be able to find the right parasite therapy under the doctor’s care and it will also help you fight the die off symptoms. You will be able to take the right precautions and cure the symptoms in an efficient manner. Lastly, you need to find out if you have parasites and what kind they are before you begin with a cleanse. When you gain information about the types of parasites and its impact on the human body, you will be able to cleanse your body in the right manner.



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