Self Care Tips We Forget About

Self-care is a big thing in the modern world, considering how much stress and tension is going around, and how the news rarely has good things to say to us. Because of this, more and more people are having to take a step back to recollect themselves, which is quite a healthy thing to do, when you actually know how to.


Self-care can be done in many different ways, and it’s something everyone has their own opinions on. But sometimes we can forget what activities are truly relaxing, or we can forget how much time we should truly dedicate to taking care of ourselves. And honestly? We could all do with a reintroduction on what we should do for ourselves! So here’s a couple of ideas to hopefully inspire you.

Even just taking a few deep breaths can relax you in moments. (Source)


You’re Allowed to Live in the Moment


A lot of people hear the term ‘mindfulness’ and immediately turn up their nose; it’s something quite a few don’t put stock in or don’t let themselves properly try or enjoy, and as a result, they can miss out on a lot of benefits. So if you’re trying to give yourself a break from very serious things like negotiating with debt collectors or dealing with the loss of a beloved pet, be sure to let yourself breathe and feel in the moment.


It really can knock the stress and tension of life away, and let you feel like nothing exists outside of this little bubble you’ve created for yourself. And that’s something that could work for everyone – if you live a fast-paced, high demanding job, or you haven’t had any free time this week and next week is shaping up to be the same way, use this as your sign to try out some mindfulness techniques.


There Are Good Things in the World


And you can and should indulge in them! If what other people think means a lot to you, now’s your chance to shed their influence in a little way that still matters! So no matter what a critic said about a recent movie, or what your friends think of that reality TV show you like to binge on – if you enjoy something in media, no matter how ‘trash’ it seems to other people, you’re allowed to indulge in it.


Never let yourself feel guilty for having fun in harmless ways like this. As humans, we like to think of ourselves as people of the world, who are very cultured and intelligent, and we trick ourselves into turning away from harmless pursuits we can very much enjoy. Don’t let yourself fall into this kind of trap!


Self-care is something we take for granted, or we push aside as a silly thing that won’t do anything real for us. But it can do a lot for both your mind and body, so be sure to give it a try if you’ve had a bad day. 

7 thoughts on “Self Care Tips We Forget About

  1. Yes, it is easy to forget about these simple things or to think we shouldn’t do what seems silly or harmless. But let loose and do what you like, right?

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