Day: November 15, 2018

Preparing Your Nearly-Grown Child For Life Success

Many parents have a skewed understanding of what it takes to be a success in life, especially if they came into adulthood in the seventies, eighties, and nineties. Back then, jobs were plentiful and secure, housing was affordable, and there were less “global issues” to think about. There’s a reason why many teenagers are suffering from mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. If you have a child who will soon be in adulthood, then one of the best things you can do for them is to prepare them real-world success. We take a look at a number of ways you can do this below.



Stop Babying Them


In the olden days, children were the employees of their parents. Now, they’re the bosses. However, it’s just a fact of life that out there in the real world, there are no bosses, and if there are, it’s unlikely to be your son or daughter. As such, it’s a good idea to prepare them for life by nudging them towards adulthood in your own way. You can give them more responsibilities, and make sure they’re accountable for their actions. It’s what they’ll have to face when they’re out there trying to make it. There won’t be anyone to clean up after them when they’re living on their own.


Put Away Funds


As we said at the beginning of the article, it’s not easy for young people out there. There aren’t that many jobs, and for the ones that are, competition can be fierce. People are often forced into taking unpaid internships if they want to have any hope of making it in the most desirable industries. To ensure your child doesn’t need to turn down these opportunities due to money issues, look at putting a little bit of cash away each month. If the time comes when they need to take an internship – or pursue another option that requires startup cash – then you’ll be on hand to help them out. It’s not a gift though; they can pay you back when they finally land that job.


Setting Them Up


Many young people have to deal with debt, be it because of education or the high cost of living. As such, many young aren’t thriving and being the best version of themselves: they’re just trying to get by. And that means that the basics of life, such as property or a case, can be impossible to come by. Here’s where you come in. Consider buying a piece of real estate, and letting your child live there rent-free (or they can pay a discounted rent). If you have a car that you were thinking of replacing, hand the keys down to your son or daughter when you buy your new vehicle. Both of these will make a dramatic difference to your child’s life and will have a minimal impact on your own. You were going to buy a new car anyway, and the property will still be in your name and part of your financial portfolio.


Handling Finances


The most common grievance people have about school is that they learned a lot about useless topics, and not enough about the things that really matter, such as how to handle finances. But schools can’t be responsible for everything. As such, look at filling in the blanks, and educating your child about the best approach to money. It’s much easier to avoid debt altogether rather than try to get out of later on down the line. Learning good practices as early as possible will set them up for a financially healthy life.


Set Expectations


There’s no such thing as a self-driven person. Those entrepreneurs who pushed through their dreams weren’t self-driven; they were simply responding to the expectations that were set for them. Humans have a phenomenal capacity, every single one of us, but sometimes we need to be nudged in the right direction to reach our full potential. If you maintain high standards in your personal life and let your child know what you expect of them, then you’ll be setting a bar for them to reach. The people who are a success often look back at the discipline and atmosphere of hard work in their family as the reason why they were successful.


…But No Pressure


It’s worth remembering, however, that there’s a fine line between expectations and pressure. Expectations reflect a standard of output (as in “if you’re going to do something, do it well”). Pressure pushes people into doing something that they don’t really want to do. Your son or daughter will be more likely to be successful (also happier) if they feel the freedom to go in any direction they want (within reason, of course). We’re all different, including your child, so let them find their own path.


Helping with the Career


Because competition is so fierce for jobs, it usually takes more than just a cover letter and resumes to land a position. Indeed, somewhere in the region of 80% of jobs aren’t even advertised. When your child is just reaching adulthood, they won’t have any of the contacts that can help grease the wheels when it comes to finding employment. But you might. Talk to your friends, colleagues, and so on to see if anybody knows of a job that’s available. You’d be surprised just how many jobs are filled this way.


Dealing with Setbacks


Life isn’t easy, no matter what circumstances we’re in. Even if everything seems like it’s going swimmingly, it can all become undone pretty quickly! It’s not what happens to us that matters, however, but how we respond. Teach your children the art of resilience and overcoming setbacks. It’ll be one of the best tools in their arsenal as they navigate their way through life.


Be Open


Finally, remember to be open. If they feel like they can talk with you about what’s going on in their life, you’ll be providing a mightily useful service in their life. Just because they’re an adult, you’re still their parent!



Saroj Khan’s Journey In Bollywood

In its Endeavour to provide high-quality 21st-century education, Rishihood aims to continuously create and recreate its curriculum under the guidance and support of the experts from diverse fields. The inputs and insights from seasoned professionals direct the team to make specifically tailored courses and programs.

Big Shots, Rishihood’s flagship event, is a series of conversations with inspiring doers, creators, entrepreneurs, and big shots to learn from their wisdom, life journeys, and ideas. It is a manifestation of the University’s idea of associating with the best to deliver the best.

The recent event of Big Shots witnessed an enriching conversation with the choreography maestro, Ms. Saroj Khan.  Hosted at the Indian International Center, Max Mueller Marg, Mrs. Saumya Aggarwal, a Board Member of Rishihood Varsity and the moderator for the evening welcomed the chief guest and the audience. Mr. Mahesh Agarwal, radiologist, and a Board Member thanked Ms. Khan and congratulated the team for the association with her.

Saroj Khan shared about her humble beginning in Bollywood 61 years ago when industry and especially dancing was male-centric. With the responsibility of running the family, she started as a child artist in the movie Nazrana and became an assistant dance choreographer at the tender age of 12. She retraces her journey with ‘Geeta Mera Naam’ when director Sadhana offered her the first break.  She gratefully recalls Subhash Ghai who was impressed by her commitment to work offered her work in the movie Hero.

She fondly retells about the making of the super hit number ‘ek do teen..’ with Madhuri Dixit which remains very close to her heart and vivid in her memories. Her relentless dedicated work pushed the Filmfare awards to include Choreography as a separate category for nominations. She not only bagged the first one but completed a hat-trick.

She asserts that the time she joined was a golden period for the industry because everyone worked for the love of art and not the business. She also expresses her hopes of Indian style of dancing to remain on the screens for a long run as she puts ‘our art never dies’. She proudly tells how the next gen actresses have expressed interest to learn Indian dance form from her in the recent times. Choreography, she believes, manifests craving for creation. She keeps her creative process simple where she visualizes the situation of the song in the narrative, considers the dancing ability of the artists and then follows her heart to create the magic.

She has formally entered into a partnership with the School of Creativity, Rishihood to guide the team for School of Creativity. The Varsity seeks to reach exemplary heights in creativity and service society with this partnership. She appreciated Rishihood for initiating the much-needed effort of bringing the novel course of formalizing dance education in India. She also expressed the concern that the path would not be easy enough as a visual performing art like dance is difficult to be taught through traditional means but with concerted efforts of the team, it would be great service for the art and the artists.

The event was witnessed by eminent Entrepreneurs, Journalists, Industry experts, and academicians.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Copyright @ikreatepassions 2024
Goa, India