Can I Eat Fried Food After a Teeth Cleaning?

Most people understand the importance of brushing and flossing their teeth at home. However, many don’t realize just how vital regular teeth cleanings are for their oral health. By visiting a dentist every six months or so for teeth cleaning, you can protect your teeth and avoid serious complications down the road.

During teeth cleaning, a dental hygienist can remove the majority of the stains that lead to teeth discoloration so you can enjoy a brighter, whiter smile. Having your teeth professionally cleaned can also prevent gum disease, which can lead to premature tooth loss.

In addition, a teeth cleaning can give your dentist the opportunity to uncover broken fillings and fractures as well as other problems early on. If you have dental insurance, rest assured that teeth cleanings are likely covered by your plan. By taking advantage of your insurance policy, you’ll be able to keep your teeth and gums in tip-top shape and save money on dental expenses down the road.


If you did not receive fluoride during your teeth cleaning, you can eat and drink as soon as your cleaning has been completed. However, if you did receive a fluoride treatment, it’s best to wait at least 30 minutes before eating and drinking.

You may be wondering if you can eat fried foods after teeth cleaning. While it may be tempting to stop by the McDonald’s drive-thru after your cleaning and reward yourself with some fresh french fries, doing so is not recommended.


Fried foods like fries contain refined carbohydrates and can get trapped in and between the teeth and feed the bacteria in the plaque. They can also erode your tooth enamel. If possible, stick to a healthy meal after your teeth cleaning. Your teeth and body will thank you. For further information on what you can and cannot eat after teeth cleaning, contact River Run Dental.

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