Month: December 2021

4 Healthy Habits to Practice as a Family

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy for families to fall into unhealthy habits. For example, you know that exercise is essential, but what about medical checkups? Or getting enough sleep each night? Here are four healthy habits that will bring your family closer together and improve your health as a whole.

Simple and Easy Tips to Host a New Years Party

o start the year off right than with a fun party? We all know that throwing a successful party can be tough. There are so many different things to consider: from invitations, food, entertainment and more! In this blog post, we will discuss some of our favourite tips for hosting an amazing New Years Party!

Getting Ready To Buy Your First Home

Buying your first home is a big decision. Not only is it a big financial commitment, but it’s also a lot of work to buy a property. If you think you’re ready, it’s a good idea to do your research, so you can go into the buying process with a better idea of what to expect. 

How to Look Amazing On Your Wedding Day

Your wedding day is going to be one of the most memorable days of your life. And fortunately, in this day and age, you don’t just need to rely on your memory. Not at all! Instead, you can call upon all those photos and videos that were taken on your big day. Of course, when you have so much photographic evidence, you’ll hope that you look your absolute best. Fortunately, this is something that’s very much within your control. In this blog, we’re going to look at some tried and tested ways for looking amazing on your wedding day.

The world’s first Indo-Japanese Gin Launches in Goa

DOJA is the world’s First In(do-Ja)panese Craft Gin. It’s the first craft spirit launched by East Side Distillery, a new and
innovative Indian spirits company with global aspirations.

How To Make Working On Your Smartphone So Much Easier

es when it comes to working for others and even making money for ourselves. There are people out there who have quit their jobs in order to start their own businesses from home. They work remotely on their laptops and their smartphones while raking in lots and lots of legitimate cash. You can use your smartphone to take care of your money securely, but you can also do it to make your life so much more esteemed and prosperous. 

Why Women Need Regular Eye Checks as They Get Older

There is no denying that regular eye testing can be massively beneficial to your health. Especially as you get older, your eyes need just as much care, and attention as the rest of your body and undergoing regular eye testing for women as you get older can help you to understand your overall health a little bit more and keep on top of any sight and optical you might be experiencing.

How To Create A Welcoming Atmosphere In Your Home

be. Sometimes, though, it can be quite challenging to decide on elements that can create the type of ambiance you desire. It is probably why many households in India use lots of flowers, aromatic candles, and essential oils to complement the desired décor in the home. India’s essential oils market is predicted to grow steadily at 4% from now to 2030. Below are some pointers here on creating a welcoming atmosphere in your home.

How To Help Someone Who’s Struggling With Their Mental Health

The social stigma associated with poor mental health does not appear to be as prevalent as it formerly was. However, this does not rule out the possibility that we will still have a long way to go before we are all comfortable discussing our mental health publicly. It might be difficult to know how to best support someone who is going through a difficult period in their life. Knowing what to do and say can make a great difference, so if you know someone who is battling with their mental health, here are some suggestions on how you can assist them.

It’s Time To Start Taking Care Of Your Money!

It’s fair to say that money is one of the most important things in many of our lives. As much as many of us really don’t want to admit it, money makes the world go round and there’s not much we can do about it. However, what you can do is to make sure that you’re always taking the best possible care of your money at all times. Far too many people don’t bother to keep their finances in mind and end up making life harder for themselves as a result. With that in mind, here are some ways to start taking care of your money.

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Goa, India