Eat Delete Junior- Book Launch

Following the launch of her second book in Mumbai, Eat Delete Junior, Pooja Makhija, Celebrity Nutritionist and a mother of 2 herself, also unveiled her book in Delhi at Olive Bar & Kitchen recently. The book launch at Mumbai was attended by Mira Kapoor and Karan Johar, while Shweta Bachchan, Celebrity Mother and Jamal Sheikh, Editor of Brunch Magazine, Hindustan Times.

The book focuses on healthy eating habits for children ageing from 0 to 15 years and caters to almost all needs, whether as a parent or as a child, there is something for everyone. If a mother is breastfeeding, there are tips for her, if your child doesn’t eat veggies or is a fussy eater, the book tells you how to deal with it, what changes and amendments to bring in the diet and also interesting recipes to cater to specific needs.

Highlighting the issues of obesity in children, early puberty and unhealthy eating habits, Pooja said, that inculcating healthy eating habits in children is far easier than adults but also the fact that children tend to pick habits from their parents mostly, so one needs to be careful.

Adding to this Shweta also said that children do pick some peculiar habits from their parents and it depends whether those habits are good or bad. Like she said that her children are fond of potatoes just like her, which she though wasn’t too good, but then Pooja corrected her saying that even potatoes if taken in moderation and if not fried, are good for health. Shweta also highlighted a good habit that her children have adopted from her, which is having an early dinner. She said they usually dine by 6:30 in the evening.

Jamal also highlighted the benefits of a healthy diet, and how he himself became for fat to fab. Pooja also indulged in a fun quiz game with both Shweta and Jamal and it was fun to watch them unleashing their competitive spirits.

It was a great event and it was really insightful to listen to these amazing conversations between a nutritionist author and a mother and a fitness freak. Here is a sneak peek of the conversations.

Now I know how I have to tackle with my son’s eating tantrums and  if you too are a parent who deals with the fussy eating habits of your children, or if you want to know some interesting tiffin recipes, this book is for you. Also Pooja has written a book earlier for adults, which was called Eat Delete, so grab copies of both if you still haven’t, and make yourself and your child, both healthy.

Eat Delete Junior, available on Amazon for Rs 239

Happy Reading and Healthy Eating!


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