Tag: Healthy Eating Habits

Eat Delete Junior- Book Launch

Following the launch of her second book in Mumbai, Eat Delete Junior, Pooja Makhija, Celebrity Nutritionist and a mother of 2 herself, also unveiled her book in Delhi at Olive Bar & Kitchen recently. The book launch at Mumbai was attended by Mira Kapoor and Karan Johar, while Shweta Bachchan, Celebrity Mother and Jamal Sheikh, Editor of Brunch Magazine, Hindustan Times.

The book focuses on healthy eating habits for children ageing from 0 to 15 years and caters to almost all needs, whether as a parent or as a child, there is something for everyone. If a mother is breastfeeding, there are tips for her, if your child doesn’t eat veggies or is a fussy eater, the book tells you how to deal with it, what changes and amendments to bring in the diet and also interesting recipes to cater to specific needs.

Highlighting the issues of obesity in children, early puberty and unhealthy eating habits, Pooja said, that inculcating healthy eating habits in children is far easier than adults but also the fact that children tend to pick habits from their parents mostly, so one needs to be careful.

Adding to this Shweta also said that children do pick some peculiar habits from their parents and it depends whether those habits are good or bad. Like she said that her children are fond of potatoes just like her, which she though wasn’t too good, but then Pooja corrected her saying that even potatoes if taken in moderation and if not fried, are good for health. Shweta also highlighted a good habit that her children have adopted from her, which is having an early dinner. She said they usually dine by 6:30 in the evening.

Jamal also highlighted the benefits of a healthy diet, and how he himself became for fat to fab. Pooja also indulged in a fun quiz game with both Shweta and Jamal and it was fun to watch them unleashing their competitive spirits.

It was a great event and it was really insightful to listen to these amazing conversations between a nutritionist author and a mother and a fitness freak. Here is a sneak peek of the conversations.

Now I know how I have to tackle with my son’s eating tantrums and  if you too are a parent who deals with the fussy eating habits of your children, or if you want to know some interesting tiffin recipes, this book is for you. Also Pooja has written a book earlier for adults, which was called Eat Delete, so grab copies of both if you still haven’t, and make yourself and your child, both healthy.

Eat Delete Junior, available on Amazon for Rs 239

Happy Reading and Healthy Eating!


Eat Yourself Fit: Meal Tips That Will Help You Lose That Excess Weight

Most of us feel like we need to lose a little of that excess weight. But actually making it happen is never as easy as we would like it to be. Taking a sustainable approach to eating is the best way to go. This is not about following fad diets or pushing yourself too far at the gym. Instead, it’s about putting the right things in your body and losing weight safely and properly. You can learn more below.

Create a Solid Meal Plan

The very first thing you should do when you’re trying to eat yourself fit is create a solid meal plan for yourself. When you have this kind of a plan in place, you can be 100% sure that you know where you’re heading and what you need to eat. If you take a more relaxed approach, you will be more likely to give into the temptations that could be less healthy. There are no reasons why you should let that happen, though. It’s very easy and straightforward to come up with a few recipes that you can make a plan out of. These meal plans will help with weight loss, so start using them. You can tweak and change them as you want.

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Eat a Healthy Breakfast, But Don’t Skip It

It’s a big mistake to skip breakfast. All those people that tell you over and over again that breakfast is the most important meal of the day are correct. Eating a healthy breakfast is the perfect way to start the day, and it’s something that you really need to focus on if you want to do well and lose that excess weight. You can get your day off to the right start, and you shouldn’t fall into the trap of skipping it. This is what lots of people do, and it can actually make it harder for you to lose weight.

Cut Down Starchy Carbohydrates 

Carbohydrates can be pretty damaging for your health if you eat them too much. Those starchy carbs are full of all the things that your body doesn’t really need. Of course, you can’t cut out carbs altogether because they are an important part of any diet. But that doesn’t mean that you should rely on them too heavily. Far too many people see carbs as the biggest part of their diet. It doesn’t have to be that way, though. Find other healthy foods that are less starchy to form your diet 

Swap Meat for Fish More Often

Meat can be a good part of your diet. But too much red meat in your diet can be damaging in the long-term. One of the smartest things you can do is replace some of that meat with fish. Fish is very healthy, it’s great for your body and mind, and you can do lots of great things with fish-based recipes. If you don’t have much fish in your diet right now, this is something that you should try to change. It could be the best dietary change you make.

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Diabetics have a reason to rejoice.. Diabetic Food Trail is here..!!

After receiving tremendous response and enormous success from its first edition, The Diabetic Food Trail® is all set, once again, to offer Diabetics, Pre-Diabetics and Health conscious individuals, a wonderful culinary experience at over 200 restaurants across Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore & Pune. The Diabetic Food Trail is presented by Britannia Nutrichoice Essentials in association with Biocon, the largest Indian Insulins Company. Britannia and Biocon have once again partnered with DFT, this year along with Fitternity.com, Health & Nutrition and Burrp!By extending their support, Britannia Nutrichoice Essentials and Bioconunderline their belief, in this ground-breaking health initiative with a profound social objective of triggering the food industry on the needs of healthy diabetic friendly cuisine.


Keeping in mind, the hectic lifestyle of today’s youth and adults, it has become extremely difficult to maintain one’s health. Upon seeing this, they will be introducing two main attractions to this edition’s Diabetic Food Trail- 1) Diabetic Masterclasses 2) Diabetic Fitness Bootcamps. The Diabetic Masterclasses will help individuals understand the ingredients, nutritional values, read packaging labels, learn exciting recipes which will help elevate the eating habits of diabetics without compromising on taste. These masterclasses will be held by renowned nutritionists and chefs across the 5 cities. With special focus on getting fit, the Diabetic Fitness Bootcamps tailored for diabetics will be conducted by fitternity.com

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Held at the Hyatt Place, Gurugram the first Diabetic Masterclass event saw their executive chef Gautam share some interesting recipes incorporating the new range of Nutrichoice biscuits launched by Britania, keeping in mind the diabetic consumer.
The focus was to introduce you the diabetic or health conscious consumer to different recipes to fulfill their craving for sweets without running the risk of consuming sugar.
It was a really innovative and commendable effort by the chef, and I think overall its a great initiative.



As Seema PintoDirector, Semora Entertainment Works and the brain behind this initiative said, “The focus of the second edition is on Diet and Fitness in effective Diabetes management. For a person with diabetes, eating nutritious and well-balanced meals with a regular fitness routine is vital in managing diabetes. This applies to pre-diabetics and the health conscious too”



Really a very  thoughtful idea. The Masterclass held by Executive Chef Gautam was a treat to watch and a great learning curve for the ignorant as he touched upon various myths associated with consumption of sugar based sweets and it’s general intake in day to day life. All in all a nice learning experience specially for those associated with this dreaded ailment.

Neha Motwani, Founder – Fitternity.com, seemed very happy about partnering with the Diabetic Food Trail, this year. She said, “DFT is a great platform that enables users to experience healthy eating and manage diabetes in a fun and sustainable manner. It resonates with Fitternity’s philosophy of holistic fitness and helping users start & sustain their wellbeing journey through both aspects of ‘working out’ and ‘eating right’. We are excited to partner with the Semora team to introduce a never-experienced-before initiative that combines fun, food, fitness into one trail!”

The Diabetic Food Trail will continue to showcase special diabetic friendly menus across participating restaurants. The menus are engineered to be under a specific calorific meter with the help of chefs and acclaimed nutritionists from the country. Some of the restaurant favourites will also make it to these menus and these dishes will be reengineered to suit the requirements of diabetics.

Also for those who miss their sugar dose, the Diabetic Food Trail will also introduce a special Diabetic Dessert Trail which will allow diabetic patrons to sinfully indulge in a guilt free manner in their favourite dessert. The dessert found on this trail will use no processed sugars. I am already looking forward to be a part of this and I hope this initiative a kind thought reaches new heights sooner so that even the diabetic people can enjoy regular food and desserts guilt free.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Copyright @ikreatepassions 2024
Goa, India