Day: July 1, 2017

Been Let Down By Your Medical Care? Here Are Your Options

We live in a very fortunate time, in 2017. The quality of medical care in most western countries is very high, and whether you have public healthcare or rely on your insurance, you can usually find the help you need fast. We put our trust in those working in the healthcare profession, simply because we have few reasons not to. After all, these people are trained professionals, so most of us have no qualms putting our health in their hands. But what do you do when something goes wrong? Of course, all medical procedures go exactly as they should 99.9% of the time – however, if you are one of the rare few who experiences a fault with your procedure or service, this can be little consolation. Receiving a botched treatment, or having your time wasted with the wrong type of treatment or medication can be incredibly infuriating, not to mention potentially dangerous to your health. If any of these scenarios happen to you, here are a few options you will want to take into consideration.

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Try not to lash out

When something has gone wrong with your medical treatment, it is fairly likely that it happened either because of human error or because of a data mix-up (i.e. the electronic system that processes patient information failed in some way). Neither is excusable, but they DO happen – some medical professionals have even expressed concern that longer working hours are resulting in more slip ups from staff. Either way, a mistake that affects you can quickly leave you feeling angry, let down, and distrustful of the system. You may find yourself shouting down the phone at your hospital receptionist and writing angry posts on local forums. While making formal complaints is advisable, try and remain calm for the most part. Your complaints will be taken much more seriously if you do, and you will also put your health under much less strain too.

Find an alternative doctor

If you have suffered a botched surgery, going in for further surgery may be the last thing on your mind. But usually, it takes a subsequent surgical procedure to fix the mess created by the previous one. A common example of this is breast implant revision surgery, which many women go through each year. Paying for cheap cosmetic surgery overseas might seem more friendly to your budget initially, but remember, these types of surgeries can easily come back to bite you.

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Claim compensation

As the saying goes, when there’s blame, there’s a claim; and you may be entitled to a payout to compensate for any mistakes made by your doctor/surgeon. Check your health insurance policy to see what you are covered for. Normally, you should be able to (at the very least) claim for things like missed wages while you are in recovery. Or, depending on the situation, you could even have a potential medical negligence case on your hands, meaning that you could be owed a huge sum of money for the inconvenience.

Choosing A Wedding Venue: What Should You Ask?

So, you’ve officially begun planning your wedding, and you couldn’t be more excited to be finally viewing venues. For every couple, finding and booking the perfect venue is at the top of the to-do list, or at least, it should be. It’s vital to pick your wedding venue before anything else as it’s the venue that dictates the time, date, and size of your celebration, as well as the vendors that you are able to use and kinds of photos you can get. While you may have a list of venues that you are dying to see, that doesn’t mean that you know what to look out for and what to ask when you are viewing them. It can be a somewhat daunting process viewing venues and making sure that everything that needs to be asked is asked.

To help make ensuring that you are selecting the perfect venue easier, below is a list of questions that you should ask. (We’ve skipped the basic ones, like how many guests the venue holds, and focused on the things that you are more likely to forget!)

Does the venue suit your theme?

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This is one to ask yourself, not the venue manager, but it’s still worth taking note of. It’s easy to get so caught up in how beautiful a venue is that you fail to take your theme into account. Obviously, if you are yet to select a theme then this doesn’t matter, but if you have an idea of the type of theme that you would like to incorporate, it’s vital to take that into account. Ask yourself whether the venue can accommodate your theme and whether it will be everything that you hoped it would be.

Are there any rules & regulations regarding the vendors that you can hire?

If the venue allows you to hire your own vendors that’s great, but it’s important to ensure that you have completely free reign over who you hire. Some wedding venues have a list of vendors that their guests need to use to be able to use their venue. So it’s worth finding out about this before booking a venue, as the last thing you want is not to be able to use a vendor that you are keen to incorporate into your big day.

Are there any restrictions in terms of decorations and flowers?

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A lot of people presume that wedding venues have no restrictions in terms of decorations and flowers, but that isn’t always the case. Believe it or not, some wedding venues do have restrictions in place regarding decorations and flowers – some even stipulate what confetti can be used – so it’s best to ask about this beforehand. You want to be able to make your wedding venue your own, and the decorations and flowers are a big part of that.

Is there a wifi connection available?

You may not think that wifi is a deal breaker, but if you are hoping to utilise social media to share your big day, then it is. Today, more and more couples are choosing to incorporate Snapchat wedding filters, personalised Instagram hashtags, and music streaming into their big days, which is why having an internet connection is vital. So, before you book, make sure to ask whether there is free wifi available to you and your guests.

Will there be any other weddings/large parties at the venue on the same day?

Do you want to have to share your wedding venue with another large party? Do you want to have to plan your photos around them? Do you want to have to stress about not making too much noise because of the other party that’s in attendance? If the answer is no to all of the above, then it’s a good idea to find out if it will only be your party at the venue. This is important as you don’t want to share your wedding day with strangers, do you?

There you have it, a guide to the questions that you should ask when viewing any wedding venue.










Entertain New Friends At Home The Right Way With These 4 Simple Tips


Moving to a new location or starting a job is never easy in the first place, but one of the more challenging aspects of this is making new friends in your area. You might have met them at your new working area, in your apartment complex or when experiencing a random and strange event occur at a supermarket. No matter how you came together, what is important is that you did.

You might like to cement the budding friendship by inviting them and their significant other to your place for a simple meal and entertainment. This can be nerve-wracking. How are you supposed to make the right impression on people? How can you seem relaxed without coming across as too relaxed? How can you look interested in them without seeming

desperate for friends?

Not everyone is a social butterfly, and for some people, these questions pose genuine and significant worries. First impressions matter, and being rejected by someone after a first meeting is a real and justifiable fear people hold. You shouldn’t fear, though. With the following tips, any person worth knowing will react well to these post-dinner entertainments.

Don’t Be Afraid Of Conversation

Deep conversation is maybe to be discouraged with new guests, but it isn’t to be prevented entirely. If the topic heads that way, let it. People who hold naturally opposing viewpoints should be able to discuss them with grace and decorum. If the person you’re hosting can’t do this alongside you, then that person isn’t worth knowing in the first place. Often the unlikeliest couplings form the strongest friendships, so don’t be afraid to disagree with your guests. Just be respectful of their opinion.

Introduce A Little Liquor

Alcohol can help you overcome the initial social inhibitions and allow the conversation to move freely. It can also allow a vast majority of people to feel comfortable in their skin in a new situation. You needn’t spend too much on overpriced liquor, finding alcoholic local store promotions or the best kikori whiskey price can allow you to host cheaply, but with quality drinks worth drinking.

Video Games

For the uninitiated, this might seem silly. Surely board games or party games are more sociable? It all depends on what game you play. There are many party games available for groups of people, and you might just have a more fun and reactive experience this way. How else could you get in a competitive game of bowling, a boxing match and a quiz all in one room?

Ambient Music

Music allows you to set the tone of the evening, even if this is in more of a subtle way. Slow, gentle music promotes unwinding, while happy, upbeat music brings an energetic vibe to your entertaining. It all depends on the hour of your relaxing with your new friends, and how you assess their temperament.

Include everyone, ask questions, and be sure to hold a genuine interest in your new potential friends, and you might just make reliable contacts for the years to come.



Giving Yourself The Summer Glow

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Now that we’re officially in summer, the time has come to up our makeup game. Say goodbye to the dark lipsticks that have taken up the the past six months, and embrace the neutrals that are coming out.The best thing about the summer sun beating down on us is that the majority of us get a nice, healthy glow to boot – but doing a little extra to our faces to keep us looking dazzlingly beautiful doesn’t hurt, and only adds to the seasonal magic.


The one product that has been up-and-coming over the past couple of years has been highlighters. Whether it’s strobe, shimmer, glow or any one of the other host of different types that you can go for, it’s there to do a job – and that job is to make you look as brilliant as you can. The great thing about highlighter is that you can use it to pinpoint features on your face that you really want to stand out; it’s one of the best beauty supplies that you can invest in at the moment for giving yourself a unique glow. The different shades that you can purchase mean that no matter what skin tone you have, you will be able to really rock a sun kissed look without having to put much effort into looking specifically for what you need. 


A lot of people nowadays are getting this confused with highlight, but it’s not the same at all. Bronzers tone whilst highlighters, well, highlight. There is a lot of depth that you can get from using a bronzer, but you need to be careful not to overdo it – or else you risk looking like you are going for a completely different look than the one that you were originally aiming for. There are different brushes and applicators that you can use to apply this handy makeup tool, and it’s not just your face that you need to stick to with it, either; it can be used on your arms, chest, anywhere that you can think of that needs a bit of warmth adding to the skin.

Gradual Tan

Rather than going straight in for a darker shade, which can look unnatural if you have never fake-tanned before, it is best to get a moisturising gradual tan from your local drugstore. That way you can build up on just how tanned you want to be, as well as keeping a dewy, moisturised and glowing look to your skin. There are many different companies that have their gradual tans on the market, but you need to be looking for one will suit your skin tone well.

The Sun  

Let’s not forget that the best way of getting that summer glow is to go out and bask under the sun’s warm rays itself – but safely. You can still give yourself a sun kissed look by using a sunscreen that’s SPF15+; it’s your safety that is of the utmost importance here rather than your looks, so don’t compromise it.

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Goa, India