How are Swiggy Coupons helpful?

Swiggy offers online food ordering and delivering to your doorstep. In India, it is headquartered in Bengaluru. Swiggy was founded by Sriharsha Majety, Nandan Reddy, Rahul Jaimini in the year 2014. Bootstrapped till last January, the food tech startup was present in just a few neighbourhoods of Bengaluru, with Koramangala giving a major chunk of the business. Today, Swiggy has raised its business plan to eight cities and more than 9,000 restaurants that allows them to function with ease and deliver their orders in minimum time. Swiggy works as your food providing buddy and understands your cravings for food at odd hours. They do not question your food requirements and get you, your favorite meal within few taps on your smartphone. After all who can say no to a hungry stomach. You need not worry about your food longing when Swiggy is around the corner and of course on your smartphone! There are days when you reach home, tired and stressed and the last thing you wish to do is to cook food for yourself or your family. Such crisis calls for Swiggy! You can sit and relax in your recliner and wait for your order to arrive magically on your doorstep. All thanks to the delivery boys of Swiggy! They are fast and accurate with directions. They are there with your food at just the right time, even before your food gets cold. There are another innumerable benefits attached to this amazing online food company – Swiggy Offers the flexibility to its customers to order as per their requirement without any restrictions of “minimum order” policy. To make it more simple, you can order anything and everything as per your wish and you do not have to add anything extra just for the sake of completing the terms and conditions of “minimum order”.

With the kind of quality service provided by Swiggy, it has been completing around 2,000 orders a day with an average value of close to Rs. 300 per order. These figures are the true reflection of Swiggy’s reach and customer satisfaction. As their source of income, Swiggy charges around 15-25 percent commission from restaurant and hotel owners. Which means the users are safely kept at bay from extra charges. Although, happy customers somehow find the way to appreciate the service of Swiggy delivery boys by rewarding them with 15-20 rupees as a token of love. This kind of an arrangement has helped the users to get the maximum benefits out of their services and in return, Swiggy gets their feedback in the form of the money they receive from their customers. In addition to this, Swiggy also offers huge discounts to its customers if they order through their mobile application. You can choose your order and use Swiggy Coupons to avail various discounts on various restaurants and hotels. To not miss these amazing deals and discounts, you can get yourself registered on their website and get notified about these discounts and offers. This ensures that Swiggy’s customers make the best use of these benefits and save as much as possible. These offers can be availed either through Swiggy Coupons or by applying Swiggy promo codes which are available on their website as well as their mobile application.



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