Day: September 24, 2017

Love Minnions, a visit to The Minnions Cafe is a must!

These cute little adorable Minnion characters have been loved by all age groups since long now. From stuff toys, to balloons, we even try to make them a part of our day to day life and if you love Minnions, The Minnion Cafe is just the place for you, and if you don’t love them, visit this cafe, and I am sure you will fall in love with both Minnions and the cafe.

Minnion cafe situated in the by lanes of Laxmi Nagar Market is like an underdog for cafes. It just opened a few months back and has been on a hype and to-visit list of many food enthusiasts. This hype is mostly due to the edge given to it by its owners, regarding the theme.

The ambience is quite innovative, with posters, paintings as well as a special wall portion for Minnions language dictionary. It gives a happy go lucky feel around the cafe which will appeal to children, youth and even elderly people. The vibes, the music, is all peppy and alive. The walls have been specially painted by hand and that rawness has its own appeal. They even have an area dedicated for playstation games which can be accessed for a very nominal amount. In fact the place is perfect to host private parties/birthday celebrations etc whether you have a small group of friends or a full-blown guest list.

Coming to food, the innovation has been kept in mind while developing the menu, simple things made with a twist are the highlight of the cafe.

For example, we tried the Nachos Pizza, Jalapeno Cheesy Poppers, Dhaba Maggi and Baked Paneer Tikka and each and every item was simply delicious. I highly recommend the Dhaba Maggi and Jalapeno Cheesy Poppers, they are not to be missed for sure. Try their amazing shakes to go along and I am sure you will enjoy this foodie experience to the core. Nutella Shake, Oreo Shake and Paan Mojito were the best and highly recommended.

Over all, I would not rate this place, rather visit it again. Which will tell you, how wonderful my experience was, that I am already planning my second delightful visit.

The Minnions Cafe Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

What Are The Differences Between Hosted Websites And Personal?

When making a website about a business or simply as a matter of your own pleasure, it should be an extension of your personality and what you believe in. Unfortunately, not everyone is a tech junky, who knows the latest and greatest ways of achieving exactly what they want out of a website. Often, we’re lead by the nose, and we simply try to put convenience before total customization. We want to be able to make the website feel personal and somehow connected to us, so the brand and or image is properly projected. It’s also fun to build something from scratch and be able to say that your website is utterly of your own making. There are definite benefits to both options but how do they relay out into the real world?

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A fully customized website

Branching out the responsibility to people with the relevant expertise to create your website is the route that most people choose to go down. However, there is always another way than palming this off to somebody else. HTML is still in use, and contrary to what many people thought a few years ago, is far from dying out. In fact, many people are learning how to make basic and advanced coding using this method by using various companies like Training Connection. Here you’ll learn how to make build a website, how to lay down the foundations and fill the structure in with different and completely customizable options. You can also make your website completely compatible with the latest smartphones as well as make it fast, reliable and responsive for people on the commute. CSS3 is the platform you’ll be learning, which will help you to create complex page layouts as well as add interactive features your viewers will like.,

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Hosted websites


Hosting websites are big business nowadays. The main platforms that are available to the public for free as well as in a charged advanced package are brands like Wix and WordPress. You are locked into their mainframe, and you function as an independent website, but you’re still technically connected to the web host. So, its always better to get the general understading of pros and cons of each available platform in order to avoid future issues. For example, you can find useful information about features and pricing in this Wix review.You can contact a plethora of web designers either from companies or freelancers, to use these platforms to make you a website. Together with this, they may teach you how to use the various functions, buttons, keys, and links so that you can do basic editing by yourself. This route is very easy but more expensive than going it alone on HTML. However, it’s also much less time consuming and the web hosts are a great way to boost your social media rating as they have integrated systems that will launch your website on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Going it alone and doing everything on your own gives you absolute autonomy. However, the learning curve is sometimes too steep for some people, so keep the option of getting a website made for you open. Web hosting is a hot topic, and many people use them for their website because it’s simply easier, more accessible, but you must be willing to have it cost more. Learning to code will help you in the future, and you’ll be able to understand how to correct and modify certain elements of your website whenever you wish






Improving Your Health As You Get Older

Aging is the one thing that nobody can avoid. No matter how physically or mentally healthy you may be, we all get old at some point. The best way to make sure you can still enjoy life when you’re old is to work harder to look after yourself as you get older. An aging body already comes with its aches, pains, and more medical issues than you faced when you were younger. You don’t want to make things harder on yourself by doing a poor job of looking after your body. 

It’s best to adopt a healthy lifestyle whilst you’re still young, but it’s never ‘too late’ to start making changes to your life so that you can live a little more healthily. If you’re alive and kicking then you still owe it to yourself to look after your body and mind. Here are some pieces of advice to help you improve your standard of health as you get older.

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Physical health.

‘Physical activity’ is just another way of saying exercise, I know. But don’t be too dismissive when it comes to keeping your body active. You don’t want to lift weights at the gym or run marathons and that’s absolutely fine. There aren’t too extremes of the spectrum when it comes to exercising or not exercising. You don’t need to spend hours and hours exercising every day if you don’t want to be incredibly muscular or athletic. The key is just to keep your body physically active on a daily basis.

Moving your body doesn’t just reduce fat surrounding your organs (which is a great health benefit) but it also helps to boost your immune system and help to fight off illnesses; this is something which becomes very important as you get older and your body weakens. Just 30 minutes of light exercise or a brisk 10-minute walk could make a huge difference to the health of your heart, your digestive system, and your ability to sleep well.

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Everything deteriorates slightly as you get older. The vast majority of people notice a gradual decline in their hearing as they age, so you’re not alone if you’ve noticed that you’re frequently asking people to repeat themselves because you misheard what they said. Of course, in the modern age, hearing loss doesn’t have to be a permanent state of affairs. Hearing aids and other modern technology have improved the lives of people both old and young who experience auditory difficulties.

Maybe you’ve been to see a specialist before, but you might want to reconsider your audiologist if you think your hearing still isn’t as good as it could be. There are so many options out there that you shouldn’t “make do” with bad hearing. In fact, it can be dangerous to do so. Many people might counteract the fact that they can’t hear the TV by turning up the volume but, much as it would for people with good hearing, high volumes can do just as much damage to the eardrums of somebody with poor hearing. Don’t try to battle with your ears, and make sure you look into appropriate medical solutions.

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Bad habits.

There are countless studies which indicate that curbing bad health habits can have a huge influence later on in life; in other words, you’ll live longer. Addictions such as smoking or drinking are very hard to kick but it’s much easier to do so when you consider the long-term damage. Perhaps you’re still relatively young and the effects stemming from excessive intake of these drugs have yet to really take hold, but the decline of your health is often something which takes place internally before you really start to see the effects externally. Exercise becomes far easier once you stop smoking or drinking excessively, so a healthy lifestyle becomes far more manageable once you’ve stopped these bad habits. It’s about breaking out of that damaging and unhealthy cycle.

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Mental health.

Finally, let’s talk about the mind. When it comes to living longer, people often say the key is to be happy. Not only is this a nice sentiment, but there’s actually some science behind it. The mind and body are interlinked, so it’s completely accurate to say that a good state of mental health can vastly improve your physical health. Think about the ways in which stress, anxiety, and depression all take hold of the body; you might get blemishes on the skin from stress (even young people get that in the form of acne), you might start greying or balding far more quickly, and you might notice a fluctuation in weight.

These things are just a few of the effects of a poor mental state. That’s why it’s so important to work on a healthy mind if you want to keep your body healthy. Breathing exercises and meditation techniques can really help to center yourself if stress is a big part of your life. It’s about becoming more in tune with your mind and finding ways to switch off now and then.

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