The Key To Helping Others: Taking Care Of Yourself First

Everyone knows that they need to be taking care of themselves, but sometimes, that’s much easier said than done. If you’re one of those people who is always looking after other people, then you might find that your own needs aren’t being met. And while that would be just fine for a while, if it carries on unchecked then, sooner or later, you will find that it’s something you should have corrected much earlier. Here are a few ideas to ensure all your needs are met.


The Essential Ingredients

While it’s nice to daydream of going on a long travel trip, or taking a couple of months just to do whatever you want to do, sometimes simply just taking care of the essentials in life is enough to give us a solid platform on which to be our best. Before you’ve even begun thinking about the needs of others, make sure you’re eating well, getting enough sleep and exercise, and that your health is in check. You’ll find it much easier to be there for others if you’ve been there for yourself first.

Getting Help From Others

It might sometimes feel like that, but you’re really not in this all on your own. You will have people who are willing to help you, and if you don’t – or they’re not available – then there will be professional options. If you’re overworking yourself trying to take care of an elderly relative who needs support, then look at getting some respite care in the home. It’ll give you a break, during which you can refresh and re-energise. For things like children, then you’ll have siblings, parents, and other friends with their own children to give you a break for the evening.


If you’re a person who always thinks of the needs of others first, then you probably can’t even remember the last time that you treated yourself to something nice. Moving forward, make a promise to yourself to do something that’s only for your benefit will help ease the burden of looking after others.

It could be buying a new dress, taking a day to do something that you love doing, catching up with your new favorite reality game show like Biggest Liar in Ghana, or simply spending the evening with relaxing music and a good book.

Be Wary of Overdoing It

Some people don’t know how to say no. Whenever something is asked of them, they’ll volunteer their time and move it straight to the top of the priority list. While this may, on the face of it, look like a good characteristic, it can only be considered as such if it’s not negatively impacting the person’s life. If you find yourself overwhelmed with tasks, then learn to say no. It might just help people understand that you’re doing a lot for them without asking anything in return.

Learn to Laugh

Finally, remember that our attitude is everything. If we’re positive, then the battle has already been half-won. Learn to laugh at life, and you’ll prevent too much stress from building up. Positivity will take you a long way!

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