Tag: Personal Care Tips

Don’t Turn A Blind Eye To Eye Wrinkles

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Are you starting to get wrinkles around the eyes? None of us want to have eye bags and crow’s feet – whilst they may be a natural sign of aging later on in life, many factors can cause us to develop these wrinkles earlier. Here are several ways to combat eye wrinkles.


Stop smoking


Smoking effects the skin in many ways – preventing the flow of oxygen to the surface and causing it to become pale and dry. Smoking also causes facial wrinkles due to the smoke and heat. Packing in your smoking habit could help to fight those eye-wrinkles. You could buy yourself an electronic cigarette from a site like Vapor Vanity and take up vaping instead. Alternatively, you could find another way of giving up smoking such as chewing gum or wearing patches.


Get more sleep


A lack of sleep causes bags to develop under the eyes. This is the result of trapped fluid – when we get enough sleep this fluid is flushed out. Taking steps to improve your sleep quality could help to prevent these bags turning into permanent wrinkles.




Stress can directly lead to a lack of sleep, helping to bring on bags under the eyes. By taking time to destress before you go to bed, you could get a better quality of sleep. This could include taking a hot bath or listening to music or reading a book. You should avoid activities involving bright screens such as watching TV or playing on your phone as these can trick our brains into thinking it’s still daytime, preventing the release of melatonin.


Wear shades in the sun


Squinting in the sun can cause eye wrinkles to develop known as crow’s feet. Wearing shades could help to stop you from squinting and prevent these wrinkles from developing. Not all sunglasses are tinted enough to make a difference, so try different pairs of shades to find that you can see through without squinting.


Stop squinting at the computer screen


If you find yourself squinting at your computer screen often, it could be because the light on your screen doesn’t match the light of your environment. This could include staring at a bright screen in the dark or having to deal with sun glare when working outside on a laptop. Programmes such as Flux can help to adjust the brightness of your screen to the time of day, preventing you from squinting and helping you to sleep better.




Wrinkling can often be caused by dry skin. Applying moisturiser to your face could help to combat wrinkles by providing the necessary oils into your skin. There are even products out there designed specifically to target eye wrinkles such as Skinceuticals A.G.E. Eye Complex. Experiment with these products and see if they make a difference.


Breaking Out: Controlling Sudden Facial Outbursts

You’re off to a party or going to meet your in-laws for the holidays, and you wake up to find something has happened to your face. Here you were ready to get going only to see you have some form of facial outburst. An outburst could be acne, eczema, infected eyes, dry eyebrows, swollen cheeks, toothache and even an inflamed nose cartilage. Our faces are very important as they are the most distinctive symbol of our identity. When something happens to us facially, we can’t hide it, and we have to bare the embarrassing situation. You may find that women put on makeup to hide flaws such as spots and blotchy skin, and men grow beards to hide from much the same thing. However running away from the concern isn’t going to make it go away indefinitely. You have to take charge of the situation right then, and there are perform measures that will alleviate the problem quickly and effectively.

Image by Kjerstin_Michaela 

Sudden acne or spot breakout

If you’re in your teenage years or just getting into your early twenties, your body is still producing a lot of hormones. Your skin is going to be more sensitive and easy to break than usual and thus more susceptible to infections. Firstly if you see you have lumps and white spots on your face in the morning, it’s time to throw your pillowcase in the laundry as bacteria has caused this flare up. Try and be prepared for this situation with the best aloe vera natural skin creams that you can buy. Don’t use chemical-based creams as your skin might not react to the compounds as the product might suggest. An acne face scrub is quite an effective way to dampen down the spots that are filled with pus. By exfoliating the skin, you’re rubbing away the dead skin cells and bacteria while also reaching deep into your pores to clean out the infection. Rub in circular motions and only with low to medium pressure. Flaring up of the muscles and glands due to prolonged compression forces will cause your face to swell if you do.

Photo by Free-Photos

Mouth inflammation

Waking up to a toothache can be at first confused with a normal headache. Since the sensory nerves live so close together, it’s easy to be misled by your own nerve endings. However, flaring of the gums is a painful experience as the inside of your mouth becomes red and raw. Again this is due to some kind of infection, and it could be due to a cavity and or even triggered by a loose filling. It’s hard to enough to get an appointment to see your local health services as it is which is why the market of an emergency dentist is alive and well. You can pop in the same day and get treated, no matter if you have a root canal, mere toothache, swollen jaw, issues with crowns and bridges, have a broken tooth that needs fixing and or needs a common extraction. The great thing about this kind of service is that it’s open seven days a week from 9 am all the way to 9 pm so getting an appointment quickly is easy.

Credit stux


Dry and cracked skin


One of the banes of all humanity is dry skin. The largest organ we possess is also one of the most sensitive. A sudden outburst of dry skin can be linked to many different things. It could be too little or too much moisture in the air which leads to skin secreting too many oils or it drying off the surface. It may also be due to miniature critters such as dust mites that eat dead skin cells and excrete out a substance that causes itching. It may just be because you haven’t been consuming enough water which your body needs not just to lubricate itself but also to maintain temperature. Either way, you need to act quickly but calmly. Firstly do not take a shower or bath as the water and soap will accelerate the drying of your skin. It’s wise to keep some form of moisturizer in ointment form in your room. Creams are mostly made out of the water and thus don’t stay on your skin for very long. Ointments are thicker, and although they take longer to penetrate your skin, they act as both the under and above layer of natural skin oil.

Take care of your body in the first place, and these sudden outbursts will be rare. Even still, reacting to the outburst effectively and quickly is the best form of defense. Dry skin is easy to handle if you have the right kind of treatment so plan ahead. Acne is more circumstantial but vividly a more urgent issue but can be solved with a good natural scrub. Inflammation and or aches in your mouth can be solved with same-day dentistry if you need convenience right away.









Look Your Best This Party Season: Your Nine Step Plan

The holiday season is upon us, so it is natural to want to look our best. From an office party to family reunions, there will be a lot of people that we will be seeing, some not for a while. So it is only natural to want to look our best and wow them as much as we can. Being able to dance the night away in your little black dress and feel comfortable is what it is all about. So what and you do to prepare and make sure that you’re looking good? Here are a few tips and tricks to help you, as well as the areas that you should be focusing on.

One of the first things to look at is your skin. Winter can cause problems for your skin, as it can really dry it out. When you’re constantly exposing your skin to vary temperatures (the cold from outside and the warmth from indoors), it can sap some of the natural oils from your skin. So focusing on your skin first and foremost is a good way to go. Here are some of the things you can do to make sure skin is looking its best.


  • Prepare

Skin peels have been around for a long time, and they are still here. Why? Because they have been able to stand the test of time and show just how good they are, as well as how versatile. So it could be worth looking at getting having one done. It can peel away the dead skin to reveal glowing and fresh lovely skin. This can make your look instantly better, as well as reduce the number of spots that you get.

  • Reduce Blemishes

Speaking of which, blemishes can be on the rise when you aren’t taking good enough care of yourself and your skin. But it is important to not get confused as to what is a spot or a blackhead and what isn’t. If you start to squeeze a sebaceous filament, for example, it can lead to swelling, which is never a good look before a party. They aren’t spots, but can often get confused as blackheads. So sebaceous filaments vs blackheads: what is the difference? To make sure that you’re not trying to squeeze the wrong thing on your face, you need to know what they look like.

A sebaceous filament is typically light grey or a hue of tan in color. They feel smooth to the touch and are naturally on our faces. Blackheads, however, are the result of a clogged pore from things like dead skin cells, dirt or impurities. They are slightly raised and are darker in color. So before you squeeze, double check what you’re looking at; don’t end up with a lumpy face from putting pressure on the wrong thing!

  • Protect

Winter is a time when your skin needs a lot of protection. If you think that sunscreen, for example, is only needed when it is sunny, then it is time to think again. Use a sunscreen all year round to reduce sun damage to your skin. Many brands are upping their game when it comes to sunscreen too. There are brands out there that help to fight against free-radicals, and ones that can give your skin an antioxidant boost.

  • Hydrate

For your skin and your body, you need to stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water, and avoiding too much caffeine is a great way to make sure that your body is taken care of. Drinking plenty of water can help to flush toxins out of your body, which will help to rejuvenate you, as well a reduce things like dark circles under your eyes. Our bodies are made up of a lot of water, so when they have enough, it helps them to work as they should.

  • Reduce Salt Intake

There is no getting away from some salt in our diets. But if you’re wanting to get into your little party dress and want to reduce the bloated feeling, then reducing your salt intake is a good idea. Don’t get me wrong, some salt on a steak can go a long way and transform the flavor. So just avoid a big bag of salty chips or fries the day before an event, for example. Stick to whole foods, rather than processed foods as a rule, and you’ll be able to control your salt intake much more easily as you will know what you’re adding, rather than what is hidden.


  • Exercise and Move More

We are getting into the full swing of party season. But there is no time like the present to move more and exercise more. Even if you’re not looking to lose weight, it can be a good way to help you to feel happier over winter, as well as firm and tone up your body. If you have a gym to get to, then great. If not, there are many apps that you can download to help you. A yoga routine could help to firm up your arms for your party dress, for instance, or a six-pack abs workout could help you to feel more comfortable in your chosen outfit. You don’t have to exercise for hours on end; even walking more regularly can make a difference.

  • Avoid Fizz

If you want to avoid being bloated, then as has been described, salt is a good thing to avoid. Another great thing to watch out for are fizzy drinks. If you regularly have soda pop, then looking to reduce your intake can reduce the bloat. Even when you’re out at your parties or events, stick to alternatives like red or white wine, rather than champagne or prosecco. The bubbles can fill you up, which is why many people drink them. But they can lead to you feeling bloated, and that probably isn’t how you want to feel in party season.

  • Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleep is important at any time of year. But it is even more important when you want to stay up later some nights and enjoy yourself. You’re not going to get very far if you’re exhausted and can hardly keep your eyes open. Instead of reaching for an unnatural solution like energy drinks, energy pills, or caffeine, simply make sure that you are getting enough sleep each night. Most adults know what sleep they need to get and what works best for them. But around seven or eight each night is a good guide.

  • Juice Cleanse

After all of the partying has been and gone, then you might want to consider something like a juice cleanse. It can restore your system and give it a bit of tender loving care that it might need. A juice cleanse will fill you with vitamins and minerals to help your body feel at it’s best, as well as give it a boost to help repair and restore. There are plenty of recipes online that you could aim to replicate, as well as buying some from stores. Just look for ones that are cold-pressed, rather than pasteurized. Then you know that no heat has been added and all of their goodness is still in there.


What have you got planned this party and festive season? Would love to hear about your plans and what you are planning. Do you have plenty of parties to go to in the coming weeks? Just remember to stay safe, follow these tips, and you’ll be in for a season of fun and frolics, and not sickness and sadness. Happy holidays!



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