Tag: Lifestyle Blog

Sesa Onion Range of Hair Products- All You Need to Know!

I recently came across SESA’s range of hair products and their special onion range caught my attention. I have seen many people promote the use of onion juice for hair growth, but somehow using onions on my hair was never my idea of hair care. I could not imagine using onions of my hair and the sharp smell of it and yet I could never deny the various benefits it has. But SESA that woo of mine is well taken care of. 

4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Lose Weight Before Your Wedding

The obsession with body image is the most stressful part of wedding planning. Several brides tend to go overboard in attaining the perfect figure on their special day. However, this is unnecessary as it only indicates a deeply hidden insecurity about your looks. While 74% of plus-size women admit to feeling frustrated when shopping for wedding dresses, there is no need to worry anymore. If you want to know why, consider these points below.

Reasons why your Customers Aren’t Buying From You

If you are spending most of your time marketing your products but you don’t feel as though you are selling in the quantities you should be, then this can cause you huge problems. You may find that your profit margin is greatly impacted and that you are simply not able to reach the numbers you hoped you would. Either way, if this sounds like you then there are certainly some things that you can do to try and turn things around, but it all starts with knowing why your customers aren’t buying from you.

5 Simple Things You Can Do To Take Care Of Yourself

The idea of having to take better care of yourself might seem a little alien to you. It’s natural to want to take care of others and make sure that they are fit and healthy. But at the same time, in order for us to do a good job at that, we have to be fit and healthy ourselves. It’s the same idea as putting your own life jacket first.

Shopping Fabric Made Easy With Fabcurate!

I have always liked online shopping, but somehow shopping for clothes and fabrics never found place in my carts. I always felt that clothes and fabrics need to be touched, felt and tried (in case of ready made) and then bought. Recently I came across this website called Fabcurate, and it changed my opinion of buying fabric online completely.

My Daily Hair Care Regime With Kesh King!

“Life isn’t perfect but your hair can be” But this can be true only when you care well for your hair. Hair care for me is one of the most important daily regimes. Whether its the shampoos that I use or the hair oil, I do put in a lot of efforts for my hair care and also choose my products very carefully.

How To Be More Productive In Your Spare Time

Do you ever find yourself lying around on the sofa wasting away the day? Or, do you ever sit twiddling your thumbs waiting for something exciting to happen during your time off? If so, you clearly need more excitement and activities to do in your spare time. Spare time does not always have to be downtime. You can spend your spare time wisely and be more productive with these tips.

In Conversation With Manoj Bajpayee and Apurva Asrani!

All thanks to my blogging and journalism, I am often bestowed upon opportunities to experience things and meet different people and celebrities that I might not have been able to do as a regular person. One of the recent and most cherished opportunities was a lovely interaction with ace actor Manoj Bajpayee and an amazing writer Apurva Asrani.

Here’s How To Help A Loved One Cope With Loss

Losing someone you love is always going to be tremendously difficult. Even if it’s a part of life that we must all accept, we’re never quite ready for an event like this. Particularly, if someone is taken from us far too soon. You might be struggling to know how to help someone who is going through this. Here are the key points that you need to think about.

Induce Sound Sleep, 9 Tried and Tested Tips

COVID-19 has been hugely responsible to topple our sleeping routine upside down. Especially in the initial days, due to lack of work and sitting at home all day, late to bed and late to rise became the new normal. Even now, things haven’t really gone back to being totally normal, I see many of my friends online during late hours and even I started dragging my writing work till late at night. But a few weeks back I decided that it was enough and I have to come back to a reasonable routine. Playing with sleeping patterns can cause long term damage and lead to insomnia. But since it had become a newly formed habit, breaking it took some time and here are some tried and tested tips that helped to induce sleep

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