4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Lose Weight Before Your Wedding

The obsession with body image is the most stressful part of wedding planning. Several brides tend to go overboard in attaining the perfect figure on their special day. However, this is unnecessary as it only indicates a deeply hidden insecurity about your looks. While 74% of plus-size women admit to feeling frustrated when shopping for wedding dresses, there is no need to worry anymore. If you want to know why, consider these points below.

Your dress fittings can become a nightmare

Your dressmaker would not mind a few alterations to your wedding gown to make it the perfect fit. However, it can be problematic when these alterations are more than twice in the period leading up to your wedding. Multiple alterations can weaken the fabric, especially at the seams. Moreover, you will likely end up with tiny holes along the seams due to multiple stitches.

Ideally, your wedding dress fitting addresses areas to be worked on to enhance your look on that day. However, when you keep losing weight, you will need several fittings to get it right. Fortunately, there are exquisite plus size wedding dresses made in varied cuts and designs to suit your preferences. Additionally, they are made to enhance your full figure, and you will find them in various colors.

Looking thinner doesn’t necessarily enhance your look

If you got engaged while at your original weight, why do you feel losing a few pounds will make you look better? Meanwhile, did you know that most brides who embark on weight loss fall back on a crash diet? Unfortunately, crash diets cause rapid weight loss, affecting your body’s regular metabolism. Moreover, they trigger heart palpitations and dehydration, which are harmful to the body. Therefore, avoid making shedding pounds your entire focus as your wedding day approaches.

It will mess with your menstrual cycle

Aunt Flo is not a welcome guest for any bride on her special day but can appear suddenly due to your weight-loss obsession. Every bride will tell you that their monthly salary is vital when planning for the perfect wedding date. However, if you think your period will appear a month after the wedding because you did your checks, you’re in for a surprise. Dabbling in extreme weight loss can alter the normal functioning of your hormones. As a woman, your cycle is influenced by hormone fluctuations, which can mess with your day. You do not want your sparkling white dress to become the canvass for a big red blot behind you.

You’ll be drunk quicker

If your alcohol tolerance was impressive before your weight loss, don’t count on it remaining the same on your wedding day when you’ve lost weight. If not, you’ll be that drunk bride that guests will talk about for months. You’ll be surprised to know that a glass (or half) of champagne can get you intoxicated after losing more than 3kg of your original weight. If this doesn’t scare you off, then nothing else will. You are better off losing weight slowly than aiming for that quick fix.

Indeed, losing unhealthy weight is beneficial to your overall well-being, but the advice is not to do it five months before your wedding. Negative body image is an emotional and mental issue, making it imperative to deal with it on these levels first.

Checkout some amazing RAKHI gifts before treading on to the next post.

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9 thoughts on “4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Lose Weight Before Your Wedding

  1. These are fair enough reasons. Personally, though, I lost a lot of weight before our wedding because of the stress of balancing work and preparations.

  2. I was skinnier back then so losing weight wasn’t even a concern for me when we got married. These rationales for not losing weight are reasonable considerations though.

  3. Make sense, well, I didn’t know about being drunk. I don’t think either of us(my gf and I) want because we stay fit. Informative post!

  4. This is an interesting post and i completely agree with you… I dont know why people try to look thin on wedding.

  5. So true, i remember from my wedding when i had the final fitting a week before the wedding. – total shock that i still loose some weight. Imagine the scare back then knowing my gown wont fit perfectly to me

  6. Lovely sharing & absolutely encouraging for all new wedding couples to enjoy wedding prep instead of a stress losing weight. Cheers, Siennylovesdrawing

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