All thanks for Pandemic, our lives have gone for a total toss. Nothing is same as before and we aren’t sure if things will ever go back to normal or not.
If you are a woman facing irregular periods since the lockdown days, you are not alone. Reports confirm that there has been a 25% increase in women visiting doctors with complaints connected to their periods. Irregular and heavy periods being the most common one.

But have you wondered how this worldwide phenomena responsible for your period health?
Lifestyle changes are hugely responsible for bringing about this change in your menstruation cycle. Over the past few months, all thanks to lockdown and COVID-19, our bodies have experienced extreme lifestyle changes by default. Many women have suffered from irregular and painful periods and other menstrual problems as well.
A drastic change including increased stress levels, diet and sleeping habits change, pressure of kids being at home, working from home, and household chores, have all led to alteration in menstrual cycles.

Unfortunately even if the Coronavirus issues have now eased down, these symptoms cease to go away in most women. The stress has settled in and overall the women are far more stressed than they were before the lockdown. The stress hormone called cortisol starts reducing the level of chemicals that help in regulation of periods, during such high stressful times which results in irregular periods. This chemical is known to bring changes in the ovulation and the occurrence of menstrual cycle. A delayed period, also known as oligomenorrhea is thus experienced by many women.
This long exposure to stress has also resulted in other issues like acne, weight gain, hair loss etc. in many women. Also the symptoms related to periods like heavy bleeding, tender and painful breasts, irritability, binge eating etc. have been observed by most women. Women who had borderline cases of PCOS and PCOD have been unfortunately pushed on to the other side and those who already suffered with these have experienced aggravated suffering.
But what can we do to bring our periods back to normal and how to care for them? That’s a question that probably every woman has, and here are the answers-
- Change in Sleep Routine– Late nights became a common thing during the lockdown, and now even when most people have started going back to work, this bad habit formed during those days, still persists. But sleeping on time is imperative for period health. So make a proper routine, sleep on time and get adequate rest.
- Eat Healthy– Yes, you will also need to give up on the binge eating habit formed during the pandemic days. Eat healthy food, avoid eating in irregular patterns, give up on junk and eat a balanced diet on regular times.
- Exercise– A physical workout, even if it means a brisk walk, can help great deal in regulating your period health. It can also help in managing your weight which in turn can solve a lot of your health related issues.
- Supplements– Use of Namyaa Period Care Kit. Namyaa Period Care Kit that includes products like Namyaa Anartava -For Delayed and Irregular Periods, Namyaa Aarthava Kshaya- For PCOD and PCOS and Namyaa ShwetKanika -For White Discharge can be of great help in managing and regulating your period health.
Namyaa Anartava is an ayurvedic syrup that helps in treating Anartava (Amenorrhea) as part of the Ayurvedic principles of Stree Roga Chikitsa. It makes for a long-lasting solution for delayed periods and helps regularise the period cycle and flow every month while pacifying Vata and Kapha. It is free from any kind of dangerous chemicals, harsh metals, fertilizers, pesticides, artificial fragrance and any kind of added synthetics or other additives, making it extremely safe to use. It not only helps restore the natural menstrual cycle to 28-31 days, but also helps promote timely ovulation, treats hormonal imbalance, removes toxins as it helps provide for blood purification.
Namyaa Aarthava Kshaya helps treat the root cause of PCOD and PCOS as part of the Ayurvedic principles of Stree Roga Chikitsa. It helps in restoring hormonal balance, and also restores doshas imbalance, purifies the blood, improves fertility and immunity. It promotes timely ovulation which regulates delayed and irregular periods and helps improve the metabolism by eliminating the toxins (Ama) that are known to reduce the rate of metabolism.
While Namyaa ShwetKanika treats the root cause of smelly white discharge and provides relief from vaginal itching and burning sensations and eliminates the unwanted odour.
All these tips can help you take charge of your period health and work towards a better and healthier version of yourself this New Year. So say goodbye to the period woes of 2020 forever with Namyaa Period Care Kit and some discipline in your lifestyle.
I’m glad there is something that can help. I hate when I get bad cramps.
I am sure we all hate cramps, and these supplements can really help.
I like that there are natural supplements to help with this. Stress is a huge factor in irregular cycles.
Oh yes, these supplements help great deal in managing periods.
This would be one reason I wanted to be a guy growing up. So, I wouldn’t have to deal with the periods and the cramps. Luckily the bad cramps have subsided after having kids. This is a great share to help.
Hehehe I like that thought.. but being a woman has many advantages and we all are strong enough to handle periods too 🙂
It is very hard for a woman to juggle so many things. We are in a lockdown at the moment and schools are closed. So it has been very stressful. Changes in the period cycle is one very important indicator of a stressful lifestyle. I try doing surya namaskar or meditation whenever I can to deal with this stress.
Yes yoga and meditation can surely help.
I’m so glad I don’t have periods anymore however, menopause is NO walk in the park!
I needed this inspiring post filled with great tips to help me start the year.