Day: July 28, 2017

Why Every Woman Needs A Gynecologist

Ladies, it’s time to tackle the issue you’ve been avoiding. That’s right; we’re talking gynecology. None of us like the idea of a doctor poking around below, and as such, we often avoid that dreaded visit to the gyno. Some women don’t even realize that regular visits are necessary. Instead, they wait until there’s a problem.

If a problem arises, it’s obviously important not to hesitate. Sure signs you need to book an appointment include:


  • Increase in discharge
  • Unexplained cramps
  • Abnormal bleeding
  • Unidentified lumps


But, you shouldn’t wait for symptoms like those mentioned above. ‘Having a gynecologist’ may seem like something from the movies, but it’s a step every woman should take. Even if you’re worried about the exposure of your private parts, you’ll soon overcome the fear. In no time, you’ll feel the same going to the gyno as you do visiting the dentist. It may not be pleasant, but it’s necessary. If you aren’t convinced, we’re going to look at the two main benefits regular gynecology visits offer.

Peace Of Mind

One significant benefit of regular appointments is the peace of mind that comes with them. Often, we’re unsure of our bodies, especially when it comes to down there. As such, the smallest symptoms send us into a panic. Instantly, we head online and diagnose ourselves with the worst option possible. But still, embarrassment stops us getting the issue checked. As a result, we live out each day convinced it might be our last. Who wants to live like that?

When you have a regular gynecologist, you can rest easy in the knowledge that you can book up at any. And, you won’t have to get embarrassed. You’ll have formed a trusting relationship with the gynecologist you see. They’ll know the ins and outs of your body, and will be in a much better position to spot an issue if there is one. So, there won’t be any need to head online. You can get a diagnosis, or a clean bill of health before you get the chance to worry.

Gynecologists also deal with birth control and can put your mind at ease there, too. Together, you can work on finding a contraceptive which suits your lifestyle. Regular visits also ensure your gyno can spot changes, and adjust contraception accordingly.

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Gynecologists, like Max Izbicki, also specialize in pregnancy planning. So, they can help when the time comes to start a family. Having a plan in place, devised by someone who knows your lifestyle, is sure to help you relax.

Catch It Instead Of Cure It

The second benefit is the opportunity to spot issues before they escalate. Here, it’s worth returning to the dental comparison. We visit dentists to get on top of small holes and problems. Well, the same can be said for your gynecologist. Through breast and pelvic examinations, they’ll spot lumps, bumps, and worries as soon as they arise. Health checks like these will put your mind at ease, and could even save your life.


Are You Doing Everything For Your Teeth?

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The teeth are among the most important parts of the body, and yet so many people fail to really look after them properly. The truth is that many people don’t understand fully what is involved in proper teeth care, and there are also a number of useful and little-known dental solutions which you might want to try. In this post, we are going to take a look at some of the most effective remedies and preventative treatments for your teeth, so that you can have the healthiest mouth possible in no time at all. Let’s have a look at some of the things you should be doing for your own mouth.

Oil Pulling

This first one is an old (ancient, even) method for improving your overall oral health. It helps to keep infection and bacteria away, keeps your teeth white and clean and also removes plaque. It can even reverse the damage caused by gum disease, which is the leading cause of tooth loss amongst adults. If you have never oil pulled before, it is incredibly simple to do – and yet surprisingly effective. You simply take around a tablespoon of oil (sesame or vegetable are best) and swill it around your mouth for twenty minutes. The timing is important here – this is enough time to remove the bacteria that you are trying to get rid of, but not enough that the harmful substances start being absorbed back into the body. After twenty minutes, simply spit away (don’t swallow!) and brush your teeth afterwards. This is incredibly effective – give it a go today.

Aloe Vera

One of the most common reasons that people need to go to the emergency dentist is because of sudden loose or lost teeth. By using aloe vera, however, you might be able to stop that from happening at all. Aloe vera is known for its many healing qualities, and this is true if you use it for your oral health as well. All you need to do here is take some aloe vera, ideally fresh, and rub it on your gums. Then you should wash it away with warm water. Doing this once a day for a fortnight will effectively reduce any gum swelling you might have, as well as keep diseases away more effectively. It is well worth the two minutes it takes to do.

Baking Soda

If you have any spare baking soda in the kitchen cupboard, you might want to grab hold of it for this next one. Although this doesn’t taste all that nice, it is incredibly effective, so it’s worth a go. Simply take a teaspoon of the soda, mix it with a little water into a paste, and rub it on your gums. Leave it for a couple of minutes, and then wash away. Doing this frequently will help to keep your entire mouth much cleaner, and you will be less likely to develop any serious dental problems. Give it a go and see what a difference it can make

Boosting Your Health – What More Can You Do?

You’re working out more, you’re indulging less. Your health and wellbeing have become more of a priority, and you’re already seeing results. So what more can you do? It’s true that fitness and good health go hand-in-hand. But to really reap the benefits of all that exercise, you need to make sure your diet is working just as hard. There are plenty of tweaks you can make, and there are plenty of other tricks and tips to give your health a boost too.

Teas And Other Hot Drinks

There are plenty of herbal teas available on the market now. Many are available on your supermarket shelves or your regular grocery store. Why drink herbal or fruit teas? Not only will the extra fluids help you to maintain good hydration, but they can provide a range of other benefits too. Some can boost your immune system, and others can help you to relax. You can find teas with infusions of lemon or honey to help with a sore throat. Did you know that a hot lemon water can help your body start the day?

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Most of us know to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables to ensure our bodies receive all the nutrients they need. But many of us still fall short on portion sizes when it comes to vegetables. And it’s quite difficult to eat quite the variety necessary for everything a healthy body might need. This is where supplements come in. According to this blog, you can find supportive nutrition to help with a range of problems like low energy or weakened immune system. As this kind of supplement is naturally sourced, it can help your body without the nasty side effects of chemicals.


The breathing techniques promoted in the different styles of Yoga can offer many health benefits. Some are described as cleansing breaths. These are thought to boost your immunity to colds and other common viruses. Other breathing techniques can boost your energy levels or provide deep relaxation. You don’t have to join a Yoga group to benefit. Many of these techniques can be found on YouTube or other websites so you can practice them at home.

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Sleep may be more important to your overall health than you think. It is especially important for your mental health. All of the experiences of the day are carefully sorted and filed away when we sleep well. Without that quality sleep, you might find you become more confused and forgetful. Sleep is also thought to play a part in resetting hormonal cycles. No wonder we become emotional when we’re tired from a lack of sleep!


It is thought that socialising is essential for good mental health. It is also considered to be essential for boosting your immune system. Frequent interactions (in person, not online) trigger different chemical reactions in the brain that in turn provide happy feelings, and better physical responses. So don’t stay in watching TV alone. Get out there and reap the health benefits of a fun night out with friends.


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