Tag: Parenting

Life Lessons You Need To Impart On Your Kids

As a parent, it’s always going to be your responsibility to impart certain life lessons onto your child. You might think that they will learn everything that they need to know in life in school. This isn’t the case. School misses out certain key lessons which your child should take on board. So, let’s explore some of the key elements here which you might want to discuss and why they could provide benefits to your child as they pass through the different stages of life. 

4 Healthy Habits to Practice as a Family

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy for families to fall into unhealthy habits. For example, you know that exercise is essential, but what about medical checkups? Or getting enough sleep each night? Here are four healthy habits that will bring your family closer together and improve your health as a whole.

4 Practical Ways to Prepare For Your New Baby

, especially if this is your first time being pregnant. Preparing to welcome a new life into the world can herald the start of changes in your life and is a big responsibility.

3 Unique Reading Area Ideas For Kids

Reading is such a vital skill and getting kids interested in books from a young age will help them improve their education in the future. Unfortunately, a lot of parents struggle to get kids excited about books. There are a lot of distractions out there and kids often find books boring.

Resources to Make Teaching Your Kids at Home a Lot Easier

Homeschooling isn’t as uncommon as it used to be. Today, it’s used in conjunction with regular schooling to help reinforce difficult concepts and also to give your children a better understanding of the subjects they’re learning and why they’re important. However, most parents simply don’t have time to teach their kids at home given their own work responsibilities.

Preparing Your Nearly-Grown Child For Life Success

Many parents have a skewed understanding of what it takes to be a success in life, especially if they came into adulthood in the seventies, eighties, and nineties. Back then, jobs were plentiful and secure, housing was affordable, and there were less “global issues” to think about. There’s a reason why many teenagers are suffering from mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. If you have a child who will soon be in adulthood, then one of the best things you can do for them is to prepare them real-world success. We take a look at a number of ways you can do this below.

Source: Pexels.com


Stop Babying Them


In the olden days, children were the employees of their parents. Now, they’re the bosses. However, it’s just a fact of life that out there in the real world, there are no bosses, and if there are, it’s unlikely to be your son or daughter. As such, it’s a good idea to prepare them for life by nudging them towards adulthood in your own way. You can give them more responsibilities, and make sure they’re accountable for their actions. It’s what they’ll have to face when they’re out there trying to make it. There won’t be anyone to clean up after them when they’re living on their own.


Put Away Funds


As we said at the beginning of the article, it’s not easy for young people out there. There aren’t that many jobs, and for the ones that are, competition can be fierce. People are often forced into taking unpaid internships if they want to have any hope of making it in the most desirable industries. To ensure your child doesn’t need to turn down these opportunities due to money issues, look at putting a little bit of cash away each month. If the time comes when they need to take an internship – or pursue another option that requires startup cash – then you’ll be on hand to help them out. It’s not a gift though; they can pay you back when they finally land that job.


Setting Them Up


Many young people have to deal with debt, be it because of education or the high cost of living. As such, many young aren’t thriving and being the best version of themselves: they’re just trying to get by. And that means that the basics of life, such as property or a case, can be impossible to come by. Here’s where you come in. Consider buying a piece of real estate, and letting your child live there rent-free (or they can pay a discounted rent). If you have a car that you were thinking of replacing, hand the keys down to your son or daughter when you buy your new vehicle. Both of these will make a dramatic difference to your child’s life and will have a minimal impact on your own. You were going to buy a new car anyway, and the property will still be in your name and part of your financial portfolio.


Handling Finances


The most common grievance people have about school is that they learned a lot about useless topics, and not enough about the things that really matter, such as how to handle finances. But schools can’t be responsible for everything. As such, look at filling in the blanks, and educating your child about the best approach to money. It’s much easier to avoid debt altogether rather than try to get out of later on down the line. Learning good practices as early as possible will set them up for a financially healthy life.


Set Expectations


There’s no such thing as a self-driven person. Those entrepreneurs who pushed through their dreams weren’t self-driven; they were simply responding to the expectations that were set for them. Humans have a phenomenal capacity, every single one of us, but sometimes we need to be nudged in the right direction to reach our full potential. If you maintain high standards in your personal life and let your child know what you expect of them, then you’ll be setting a bar for them to reach. The people who are a success often look back at the discipline and atmosphere of hard work in their family as the reason why they were successful.


…But No Pressure


It’s worth remembering, however, that there’s a fine line between expectations and pressure. Expectations reflect a standard of output (as in “if you’re going to do something, do it well”). Pressure pushes people into doing something that they don’t really want to do. Your son or daughter will be more likely to be successful (also happier) if they feel the freedom to go in any direction they want (within reason, of course). We’re all different, including your child, so let them find their own path.


Helping with the Career


Because competition is so fierce for jobs, it usually takes more than just a cover letter and resumes to land a position. Indeed, somewhere in the region of 80% of jobs aren’t even advertised. When your child is just reaching adulthood, they won’t have any of the contacts that can help grease the wheels when it comes to finding employment. But you might. Talk to your friends, colleagues, and so on to see if anybody knows of a job that’s available. You’d be surprised just how many jobs are filled this way.


Dealing with Setbacks


Life isn’t easy, no matter what circumstances we’re in. Even if everything seems like it’s going swimmingly, it can all become undone pretty quickly! It’s not what happens to us that matters, however, but how we respond. Teach your children the art of resilience and overcoming setbacks. It’ll be one of the best tools in their arsenal as they navigate their way through life.


Be Open


Finally, remember to be open. If they feel like they can talk with you about what’s going on in their life, you’ll be providing a mightily useful service in their life. Just because they’re an adult, you’re still their parent!



Mother Sparsh Water Based Wipes; Proving The Mildness With Flame Test

Baby Skin Care

When it comes to Baby’s Skin Care, no mother wants to take chance with her choice of products she uses on the baby. Nothing but only the best and the most gentle products are used for the children. Their skin is so sensitive that taking a chance could sometimes lead to a big skin problem. Rashes and allergies are especially common when it comes to using skin care products. One has to be very particular and also try and use only trusted brands.


Trusting a Brand

How to gain trust in a brand is also a challenge these days, a lot of brands may claim their gentleness but in the true sense, they are not. They end up hiding the list of chemicals they use and do not disclose the details of the elements used in making those products. But then there are some brands that go out of the way to not just claim but also challenge you enough to see the proof with your own eyes.


Mother Sparsh Wet Wipes

Mother Sparsh Wet Wipes is one such brand/product that is 100% true to its claims. They claim 98% water in the water wipes, unlike the other competing brands that have more lotion content that is made of chemicals and preservatives.

But this kind of claim is not easy to believe, 98% water obviously means that the product is extremely safe for baby use, but to prove such mildness is another thing. Also claiming that the wipes are made from 100% biodegradable material and are not synthetic is a very important claim.

I have been using these wipes for quite some time and I am extremely satisfied with the same, but recently a friend of mine almost challenged me on the quality of the product and I really took it personally to prove her with a simple ‘flame test’

Also Read- Mother Sparsh Wipes- The Next Best Thing To A Mother’s Touch

Flame Test

In this extremely simple flame test that you can conduct at the comfort of your home, if you burn a wipe and it burns like paper, turning into ashes and the whole wipe getting disposed of with fumes, it proves that it is made of biodegradable material.

Other Brand Wet Wipe
Mother Sparsh Wet Wipe

If at all the wipe is synthetic and made of polyester, it won’t burn fully and its corners will remain hard. It won’t completely turn to ashes and this test is a proof enough to confidentially say that Mother Sparsh Wipes are extremely safe for the baby’s skin.

Mother Sparsh Wet Wipe Burns with Ashes
Other Brand Wet Wipe- Burns Like Plastic with Hard Corners
Flame Test Comparison


I conducted this test in front of my friend using Mother Sparsh Wet Wipe and other well know baby care brand that my friend was using. While the Mother Sparsh Wipes burnt completely to ashes, the other one left a lot of residues behind. Hence my trust in the brand was multiplied and also the brand found a new customer in my friend.

They are easily available online, you can buy it on Amazon


#CHOOSEgentle With The New Johnson’s !

Yes, our favorite brand, who was always gentle, got gentler. Keeping up with the changing times and changing needs of both the children and mothers, Johnson’s revamped their products and made them even better and safer to be used on kids. They understand that, with atmospheric changes like pollution, dirt and the otherwise stressful life, it’s important to bring about some changes in the products too. With this thought as the main motto, on the 8th of August, Johnson’s launched its new range of products and emphasized on #CHOOSEgentle.

Being a mommy blogger I was privileged enough to be called for this launch, and to our surprise, the best part was that we mommy bloggers were the first ones to not just see but also experience the products. Leaving the traditional way of ATL launch before anything else, in Deepali Agarwal’s (Head Baby Care, J&J) own words, she literally had to fight the senior management to leave that conventional route and chose a soft launch between the influencers community of mothers, who also happen to be the primary TG of the brand, because only a mother knows whats best for her child.

A few selected mommy bloggers from across the country gathered at the ITC Maratha in Mumbai for this grand launch. The brand had quite a few revelations to be made about the new products, primary being that the products would have the following

  • No Dyes
  • No Parabens
  • No Sulfates
  • No Phthalates
  • Highest IFRA Fragrance Standard
  • Each Product Tested For 12 Months

Along with these chemical changes that are brought in the products to make them even gentler for the kids, the brand has kept a special focus on ease of using the products.

  • Tear Drop Shape for Easy Holding
  • Safety Locks on the Bottles
  • One Hand Press for Opening the Bottles


The products have no been made so safe that they can easily be used on the baby from day 1. Have been tested with 5.5 lakh people globally and recommended by doctors.


As a mother, I have personally been very loyal to the brand, my mum used Johnson’s on me and then I blindly followed it for my son. Even now, some of the products are in regular use, not just by my kid but the entire family. The mildness which has been proven for years and that special Johnson’s fragrance is something I find difficult to get over myself.

Well, Johnson’s once again proved that there could be no brand better than them, who understands baby skin care as well. Not just going by the theory, but we also did some practical demos, which instilled the faith even more. The baby shampoo having the perfect pH balance is something I myself tested practically. We were given an apparatus which included litmus strips, and 3 different kinds of shampoos, one Johnson’s, one regular family shampoo and one herbal shampoo. We had to take one spoon of each shampoo in different beakers, add 60ml water and mix them. We dipped the litmus strips in each solution and the results were astonishing. The litmus strip which was dipped in family shampoo turned literally black, which denoted its pH balance was on the higher side, making it extremely harsh even for adults, forget children. The herbal shampoo was less in comparison to the family shampoo, but when it came to Johnson’s shampoo, the litmus did not change color at all, hence proving that its pH was less than 4.5 which was perfectly balanced and very mild, gentle and safe to be used on children.

It was a day filled with a lot of fun activities and of course knowledge shared by the experts about the brand. Loved meeting all fellow mommy bloggers and enjoyed each moment spent at the event. I have already used the products and simply love them, they are really gentle.

So a big shout out to all you mothers who want nothing but the best for your children, trust Johnson’s and #CHOOSEgentle!


Mother Sparsh Baby Wipes, the next best thing to a mother’s touch!

When I say this that the mother’s touch is something that can never be replaced with anything, I truly mean it. A mother’s touch is an incomparable gesture for both the mother and the child and the mother always wants the best for her child. Whatever a mother chooses for her child, she wants that particular thing to take care of her child the way she personally would. Its a feeling that cannot be explained in words and only a mum can understand. Hence when buying baby care products, a mother is so cautious that, she would never take a chance. This is one reason that I always believe in a product which a mother recommends when I come across reviews, I know that if a mother has raved about a product it has to be genuinely good. I am a mother myself, and I would never mislead my readers about any product unless I believe in it completely and can confidently recommend it.

One such product that I recently came across was the Mother Sparsh Baby Wipes and as the name suggests, it truly feels like a mother’s sparsh. Sparsh in Hindi means ‘touch’ and yes these wipes are as gentle on the baby’s skin as a mother’s touch.

Highlights of the product:

  • 98% Water Wipes- mostly wipes have more lotion content, which has preservatives and chemicals and can leave the baby’s skin prone to rashes or other allergies. These contain 98% water and hence are completely safe.
  • Alcohol-Free
  • Parabens Free
  • pH Balanced
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Extra Moisture
  • Non-Woven Spunlace Fabric and Biodegradable- Made up of 100% plant fabric which makes it totally nature-friendly
  • Proven for Mildness
  • Suitable to be used right from birth.
  • Natural Care with Aloe Vera
  • Enriched with Vitamin E
  • Cost Effective- pick up on discounted price from First Cry and it works up to just Rs. 1.53 per wipe

I have tried and tested this product and that gives me a reason to recommend it to all mothers. Be rest assured of the quality and go ahead with it.

Is A Care Home Right For Your Parents?

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Watching your parents get older is one of the hardest things in the world. After all, you’ve probably spent your entire life looking up to them and having to come to terms with the fact that they’re not able to do things that they used to do or that they are struggling to take care of themselves can be incredibly painful. However, it’s not something that you, or they, can afford to ignore and it often involves a lot of tough choices. One of the toughest choices of all is whether or not it’s best for your parents to live full time in a care home. It’s something that a lot of people are hesitant to think about but it can often be the best thing for everyone involved. Here are some things that you need to do if you’re considering suggesting a care home for your parents.


Discuss it with them


The first thing that you need to do is to discussthe prospect of moving into a care home with your parents. After all, they’re not going to respond particularly well to the idea that you’re trying to push them into it. Sure, if they’re suffering from any kind of memory loss or other age-related conditions then you may have to make the tough choice but most of the time it’s best to make sure that it’s their own decision.


Be honest about what you’re capable of


You might not want to end up putting your parents in a home and you assume that you’ll be able to take care of themyourself. However, there’s a good chance that that’s not going to be the case. The truth is that if you have things that you need to take care of in your own life, you simply might not be able to look after them. If you already have a family and a career then you might not be able to provide the full-time care that your parent’s need.


Find the right place

Of course, not all care homes are created equal. There are plenty of wonderful places where your parents would be extremely happy but there is also the possibility that they’re not being treated well. There’s plenty of advice online for what to do if you suspect nursing home abuse. But the best thing is to do your research in advance. Make sure that you visit any prospective homes and that you do thorough background checks on all of them. After all, if it’s the kind of place where your parents are going to be living then you want them to get the very best care possible.


More than anything else, you have to remember that moving into a care home must be your parent’s decision. You might think that it’s for the best but you can’t be the one to make that choice for them. In the end, all that you can do is to support them in whatever choice they make or that

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