Tag: Holiday

A Step-by-Step Guide to Planning a Walking Holiday

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Getting out into nature using only your own two legs as transportation is a romantic idea for many people. And there is no doubt that a walking holiday provides a sense of adventure that you simply don’t get from other trips. But you also need to make sure that you have done the proper planning and preparation. If not, what seemed like a dream to start off with could quickly turn into a nightmare! So, here are a few top tips when it comes to planning your walking adventure holiday.

Choose a Location and Type of Walk

The location you go for is really based on your personal desires and also your walking experience. You may be looking to get out into the wilderness without many people being around or you may want some clearly marked footpaths with plenty of other people for company. You should also think about how challenging you want the walks to be. Are you looking for something flat or would you prefer mountainous terrain?

Map a Route

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Once you have zeroed in on an area, you then need to start mapping a route. Think about a start point and a destination based on how much walking you want to do each day and plan your stopping points along the way. Use maps and guides to give you a helping hand. To make things easier, there are plenty of walks that have been already completed by other people and the information will already be clearly listed. If you are more adventurous and experienced, you may want to plan your own route entirely.

Arrange Accommodation

B&Bs, hostels, guesthouses, hotels and camping are all viable options when you are walking, so you just need to think about your budget and the level of comfort you are looking for. The internet has made information so much more readily accessible, so check out reviews online so you get a fuller picture of where you will be staying. Arrange your accommodation methodically so you book places as you go along.

Prepare Your Resources

There are a few things that you will need to make your walking holiday a success. First of all, a map and compass are important, and you should also look at downloading a maps app on your phone. Next up, you need clothing including waterproof walking shoes, jacket, thick socks, fleece, and anything else you can think of. And then you need your gear including a backpack, walking poles, water bottle, electronic devices and chargers.


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It is a good idea to get some walking done before your trip so you don’t find yourself completely exhausted before you have even really gotten going. If you can do a walk covering the longest distance you will be covering in a day, you will feel much more like you are fully prepared for what is in store.

A walking holiday is one of the most wonderful experiences you can have, and hopefully these suggestions have provided you with a helping hand to get started!



Need Some Me Time? Then A Camping Trip Should Be On The Cards


Do you ever feel like you need to step away from your normal life and just take some time out? Don’t worry, if your answer is yes, then you’re going to agree that you could do with some ‘me time’ sometime soon. It’s not always easy to know how you’re going to get that time to yourself and for a long enough period. But, one of the best ways to stay stress-free is to do something calming and enjoyable, like camping. And although you may feel like camping is a kind of vacation, it’s more than that. Camping is great for calming your lifestyle as well as a break away.

Get Away From The World

The first thing that should entice you about the idea of camping is the way that you can get away from the world in the process. When you go camping, you’re physically heading out into nature. It allows you to remove yourself from your stressful real world situation. And sometimes, that’s all you need. When you can spend a few days away from your real life, you’ll find that you’re able to keep calm and recharge your batteries.

Being Out In The Fresh Air

Then there’s also the fresh air. In today’s society, people just don’t get enough fresh air. We go from home to the office and back home again, then repeat. But, never underestimate the power of some fresh air. When you go out for a walk or head out into nature, you’ll find that fresh air can do you a world of good. So, be sure to take in as much as the outside as you can when you camp, you’ll feel a lot healthier for it.

Enjoy Being Active, Not Passive

We also find that we tend to be a lot more passive in life than generations before us. With TV and the internet, we do a lot less. We find that we’re just consuming information most of the time. But, when you go camping, you have to ‘do’. So, pack up everything you need to fend for yourself. With cooking equipment and survival kit, like this http://best-rechargeable-flashlight.cubereviews.com/, you’ll be able to enjoy being active. You’ll find that being active in nature is a great way to switch off and enjoy being out in the open.

Enjoy The Company Of Others

As well as being active, camping also gives you the opportunity to be social and enjoy the company of others. There are so many reasons why being social is good for you, like these https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/streams-of-consciousness/the-importance-of-being-social/, so now’s the time to reap the benefits. It will save you from being online and allow you to connect deeper with friends or family.

Step Back And Slow Down

And finally, you’re also going to want to enjoy the way that camping allows you to step back and forces you to slow down. You have nowhere to be, you have nothing to do (unless you want to read or explore or something), so just enjoy it. It will also teach you not to take the little things in life for granted and to appreciate what the world has to offer. And what kind of me time could be better than that?



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